Sitka Gear
A Sasky Mule Deer Hunt
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
WhattheFOC 10-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 10-Sep-24
Insheart 10-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 10-Sep-24
WV Mountaineer 10-Sep-24
Buckeye 10-Sep-24
APauls 10-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 10-Sep-24
t-roy 10-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 10-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 10-Sep-24
Bwhnt 10-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
Bigfoot 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
JohnMC 11-Sep-24
Treeline 11-Sep-24
No Mercy 11-Sep-24
Supernaut 11-Sep-24
VAMtns 11-Sep-24
t-roy 11-Sep-24
Stoneman 11-Sep-24
Ambush 11-Sep-24
grape 11-Sep-24
Bwhnt 11-Sep-24
bohuntr 11-Sep-24
SBH 11-Sep-24
BC 11-Sep-24
Shug 11-Sep-24
Buckeye 11-Sep-24
redneck hunter 11-Sep-24
EmbryOklahoma 11-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 11-Sep-24
JB 11-Sep-24
Insheart 11-Sep-24
Bowfinatic 12-Sep-24
BillyD 12-Sep-24
pav 12-Sep-24
Beav 12-Sep-24
erict 12-Sep-24
Paul@thefort 13-Sep-24
carcus 13-Sep-24
Empty Freezer 13-Sep-24
In2dmtns 13-Sep-24
njbuck 13-Sep-24
3bears 13-Sep-24
bghunter 13-Sep-24
HUNT MAN 13-Sep-24
Hancock West 13-Sep-24
Drop tine 13-Sep-24
Kurt 14-Sep-24
BOHNTR 15-Sep-24
Hunts_with_stick 25-Sep-24
Scoot 26-Sep-24
Marty 26-Sep-24
goyt 26-Sep-24
APauls 27-Sep-24
beemann 27-Sep-24
From: WhattheFOC
Thought I would do my part to fill the void left by the removal of the political threads … I’ll do my best.

I was supposed to go to BC on an archery elk hunt. Permit was approved, and plans were in place, but forest fires had my unit all but locked down just a week before the season. My BC buddies decided to change plans and quickly planned a northern fly-in sheep hunt. This left me with the first two weeks of September off and no plans. We are pretty fortunate in Saskatchewan- with the opportunities we have - especially for bowhunters. Archery mule deer is an otc tag for us, so Plan B was pretty good - a solo mule deer hunt in southern Saskatchewan. 5 hour drive from home. Let’s go!!

The way I bowhunt there is to glass first thing in the morning and try to see where a good one beds down - then stalk in mid-day when the winds pick up. I am batting about .500 on putting a decent buck to bed - but haven’t been able to seal the deal just yet. Several blown stalks and a couple shots that I’d like to leave off my resume - that’s all I’ve got to show. In the evenings, I’ll sit in ground blinds set up near alfalfa. Day one I tiptoed out to my usual glassing point at first light. After about an hour of nothing exciting, I saw a decent buck jump the fence below me. He was in the next draw over, maybe 200 yards away. I immediately dropped down behind the ridge between us and cut the distance in half. Carefully, I peeked over the edge looking for antler tips, picking the scrubby bush apart with my binos as I slowly advanced. Then, to my left, I saw a second deer. This one was big - and he already had me pegged. Rookie mistake. In super slo-mo, I ducked down, hoping he would give me a pass after a few minutes. I waited 10-15 minutes before carefully peeking again, but no deer. They had both vanished. An hour into the hunt and I had already blown out the biggest deer I’ve seen in 3 years on that property. Super.

I am sure that I have history with this deer. 2 years ago, sitting near the same spot, I was glassing on the last morning of the hunt. By 10am or so, I decided to pack up and head for home, but took a quick peek over the backside of the hill. There, bedded in the wide open, was a nice buck - not very wide, but tall, kinda stickhorned with nice deep forks. I got as close as I could with only the hill to use as cover. My rangefinder said 70m - I adjusted my sight, settled on his chest and touched off the downhill shot. The arrow sailed just over his back, making a perfect kill on a chokecherry bush below him. He had no idea what had happened - but not liking the sound of the arrow crashing in to the bush, he got up and trotted away. Santa got me an angle compensating rangefinder for Christmas that year … the one positive out of that story. Fairly sure that buck was a two years younger version of the deer I saw last Sunday.

The evening of day one was uneventful … mule deer does and fawns all over the hayfield, but not a buck to be seen.

The mission for Day 2 is obvious - relocate the big 5pt.

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo

From: Insheart
Sounds like fun. We have a goose camp up in Laverna, is that anywhere nere you?

From: WhattheFOC
I had to Google Loverna. It’s not in the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from there.

Ok yeah!!!

From: Buckeye
That looks like great country to sneak up on a mule deer, let's hear more!

From: APauls
Oh no - not a Sasky neighbour making me jealous again!!! This has all the makings of a good time don't slow down now!

From: WhattheFOC
Bomber fans not welcome here. Take your banjo and leave. :)

From: t-roy
Glad that you’re doing your part in making Bowsite great again. Keep it coming. Looking forward to following along!

From: WhattheFOC
Day 2 was clear, calm and hot. We peaked at 32C - not sure how many furlongs that is, but definitely warm enough to get the gotch gravy flowing.

I am fairly new to spot and stalk mule deer hunting. What I lack in experience I make up for in clumsiness and impatience. :) Started my search first thing in the am … the dry grass crunched so loud underfoot - I was seeing deer running far out in front of me. It seemed impossible that I was spooking them at that distance, but apparently so. After a few hours of this, I decided this might be a better day for fishing. After a quick bit of breakfast, the landowner and I walked in to a nearby creek. I couldn’t get one to take a fly, but Phil hooked one on a small spoon. 18” brown trout!! Hard to believe that a creek just a few feet wide would hold trout like that, but it does. Should have taken a picture, but my phone was charging back at camp. Beautiful fish. After a nap back at camp, I decided to sit in my ‘harrows blind’ for the evening. It is a set of folded up harrows that I’ve hung some camo netting on. The wind was supposed to be from the nw in the evening, and the deer come to this alfalfa from the south. Perfect.

As the sun hit the horizon, deer began to pop up on the hillsides surrounding me. A few does and fawns filtered by, just outside of bow range. Then a small buck appeared to the south of me - he was on a course that should bring him close …

I decided that shot opportunities being so hard to come by, I would take this shot if he offered. The buck stopped about 50 yards out, motionless - staring out on to the hayfield for signs of danger. After what had to be 15 minutes, the buck continued up the worn cattle track, closing in on me. Just as the deer got to 10 yards a bird landed on the harrows above my head. The deer stopped and stood - staring my way. Not that it was the time for any movement anyway, but I had no shot - the buck had to take a few more steps before entering my shooting window. Right then I felt a light puff of wind on the back of my neck - it took a couple seconds for the smell of gotch gravy to make it to the deer, but when it did, he took off like his tail was on fire. He disappeared up the draw, stopping to blow as he went. I heard other deer chiming in as well - blowing even though they had no idea what they were blowing about.

As I was walking out, I quickly rationalized that this must have happened for a reason - and bigger/better things would come as a result. (fyi - this is called foreshadowing).

During the off-season I decided to build a lighter arrow for this spot and stalk hunting. I love my 600g w/fixed blade for treestand hunting around home. Known 20 yard shots, and pass thru every time. However, I can see the advantage of a flatter arrow for these longer, open country shots. Also, despite being opposed to mechanical heads, I can’t deny there are some guys with impressive resumes that use them religiously. So - in the spirit of keeping an open mind … I built a 450g arrow tipped with a 100g Sevr150. My goal was to leave the bow exactly as it is - tuned for my 600g arrow. I adopted a Ranch Fairy approach on the light arrow, trying different tip weights until I found the one that flew the best. This arrow like 100g the best, so that’s what is on there. All I have to do when I switch arrows is to pop off my yardage wheel and put on the other one. I made sure to practice at home whenever the wind was blowing hard - the amount of wind drift is noticeably less than with my 600g.

On my way back to the camper, I popped in on the landowner for a visit. He said that just before dark, on the way home from the neighbours, they had seen the typical 5pt. He was still with his buddy and on the same hillside where I had seen them the day before. I checked the wind, and it was going to be from the se in the am - good for sneaking in on his hideout….

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
This is the home range …

The 3D deer is at my preferred distance.

The far bag target is at a muley’s preferred distance. :)

From: Bwhnt
Lovin this!

From: WhattheFOC
Day 3 began as advertised, with a light but steady breeze out of the NE. I snuck carefully along the ridge, being careful not to skyline myself. I peeked over the crest of the hill in a couple spots - then there he was! I could see the velvet antler tips of the big typical as he browsed down in the same draw as I saw them on the first morning. Big difference is that this time I saw him first. I spied on him for a few minutes, then he bedded down in the brush, right beside the barbed wire fence. I was only about 120m from him, but the wind was good, so I sat down on the other side of the hill to look at satellite maps and make my plan. Wind was supposed to die down to nothing by noon, but then pick up mid-afternoon from the NW. I decided to let him be while the wind switched, then approach from the east, along the fence when the wind peaked mid-afternoon. Feeling good about the plan, I got up and took one last peek before I left - and surprise - he was gone. He had left his first bed, and I couldn’t find him. I picked apart the small bluff of tress, but couldn’t see any part of him. By this time the wind was slowing down and beginning to swirl - I knew it was time to leave.

From: WhattheFOC
On the walk back to the truck, I decided that even though I never confirmed the second bed, I’d carry thru with the plan assuming he was still in that same spot.

After a bit of breakfast, I tried to have a nap, but couldn’t nod off. Did the WORDLE and a few other puzzles, forcing myself to wait until 2pm when the wind was supposed to peak.

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
2pm - go time!! When I got to my parking spot, I saw 3 bucks bedded way out on the stubble. After checking thru the binos, I was happy to see that none of them were the deer I was after.

From: WhattheFOC
I had about 400 yards to get to the spot I wanted. My plan was to follow the fence to the west, and set up on the last little hill before the draw the deer was (hopefully) in. About halfway in, I took my boots off, slid under the fence and did the last couple hundred yards in my socks - trying to avoid all the cactus. In past failed stalks, I think my mistake was that I tried to move too quickly - this one would be different. Advancing only when the wind gusted, it took me a couple hours to cover the last couple hundred yards. I put an arrow on the string, ranged a few key spots … I had estimated that I’d leave myself a 30-40 metre shot, but it turned out to be more like 50 - which is pretty much as far as I should shoot. With about 2-1/2 hours til dark, nothing left to do but wait for him to stand.

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo

From: WhattheFOC

From: WhattheFOC

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo

From: Bigfoot
Following along and enjoying the story. Cactus berries - very tasty!

From: WhattheFOC
Just as the sun hit the horizon, I heard something that sounded like a sneeze, kinda like blowing a bug out of your nose. A couple minutes later, I heard the barbed wire groan as if something had leaned against it. I still hadn’t seen the buck, but anticipation was off the scale. I didn’t see him stand up, but all of a sudden there he was - facing away, browsing lazily. The velvet that had been perfect that morning now hung in shreds. I ranged him at 61.5m - which made me chuckle. Back home, I shoot from just inside my garage at a bag target that is exactly 61.5m away. Not 61.4m … 61.5!! I’m not a superstitious man, but I thought - someone, somewhere wants me to take this shot. I rose to my knees (one leg fully asleep), clipped on and waited for the deer to turn broadside. Eventually he exposed his left side, I drew my bow and picked a spot. The deer actually turned too far leaving me a quartering to, slightly downhill shot. In retrospect, I probably should have waited for a better angle, but I was at full draw and had lit the fuse already - this arrow is about to leave! I aimed in front of the scap, just over the point of the shoulder and squeezed it off. The buck did a big leg kick and took off down the hill. He jumped the fence and disappeared behind a small hill. When he did not reappear out the other side, I ran down to crest the small hill, praying to miss the frequent cactus along the way - but no deer. I glassed the area in front of me and picked out a bit of horizontal antler peeking thru the tall grass. He’s down!

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
Just before the whole thing went down
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
Just before the whole thing went down

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
They say even a blind chicken finds the odd kernel.
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
They say even a blind chicken finds the odd kernel.

From: JohnMC
Great buck! Congrats! Y'all must not have squirrels up yonder, because it is a even blind squirrel finds an acorn ;) He looks better with the stripped velvet

From: Treeline
Congratulations! Great buck and fabulous recap! You definitely earned him! Hopefully you didn’t catch too many cactus berries along the way!

From: No Mercy
Congrats! Great buck!

From: Supernaut
Congrats on a great buck! Nice shooting!

From: VAMtns
WTG Congrats

From: t-roy
Wow! Beautiful buck, Trevor! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your hunt with us. Enjoyed the write up, too.

From: Stoneman
Another great buck and recap! Thanks for sharing.

From: Ambush
Classic, rolling prairie deer hunt!! Congrats on a great buck, good planning and excellent shooting!

From: grape
Congrats. Thanks for sharing.

From: Bwhnt
Jeez what way to kick off the hunting season! Thanks for sharing the hunt

From: bohuntr
Great buck and hunt recap, congratulations!

From: SBH
Way cool man! Congrats

From: BC
Very nice. Great recap and pic.

From: Shug

From: Buckeye
Awesome deer buddy! Thanks for the story.

Awesome buck and story. Beauty country also. Thanks for the ride along.

Beautiful! Congratulations on a hard trophy!

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
I’m not much for scores, but for you guys who are … this just in: green score of 183 2/8 typ.

From: JB
Congrats on a great buck! Awesome recap too!!

From: Insheart
Very nice pretty deep looking forks.

Cool story and beautiful buck! Well done and congrats

From: BillyD
Awesome, Trevor! Sweet buck - thanks for sharing.

From: pav

From: Beav
Thanks for a great recap! One hell of a buck, and congratulations.

From: erict
I enjoyed the little stories leading up to the payoff of a nice hunt. Congrats on a beautiful and very unique buck (with velvet hanging off).

From: Paul@thefort
I have been busy as of late. Just read your story. Nicely done for sure on the hunt. Paul

From: carcus

Beauty of a buck.. Congrats

From: In2dmtns
Congrats great deer

From: njbuck
Great buck, congrats!

From: 3bears
Great deer congrats

From: bghunter
Congrats on a great deer.

I have only been on one Mule deer rifle hunt and shot a small one, but man hunting them gets in your blood.

Thanks for taking us along!! Great hunt

From: Hancock West
Congratulations. Great buck!

From: Drop tine
Great buck, great story and pictures, congratulations!

From: Kurt
Congratulations FOC! Dang nice consolation hunt buck! Good job!

That’s awesome…..congratulations!

Great story! Well done! Ty for sharing

More impressive than the deer is knowing your setup. And knowing you can make that shot at that angle. Many don’t have the confidence to take that shot.

Quartering too is a very deadly shot

Congrats on the plan and execution of the hunt. I wouldn’t want you after me :>)))

From: Scoot
Many congrats!!!

From: Marty
Great buck and thanks for writing up the story!

From: goyt
Great buck and story! Congratulations

From: APauls
Absolutely LOVED finishing the story Trevor!!! Was out of town for a while so lost sight of it. It may appear your gift as a writer is equal your hunting prowess!! Congrats on both and let's do that again!

From: beemann
Fantastic congrats...

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