Happy 9/11
Contributors to this thread:
spike78 11-Sep-24
4nolz@work 11-Sep-24
scentman 11-Sep-24
spike78 11-Sep-24
itshot 11-Sep-24
spike78 11-Sep-24
spike78 11-Sep-24
spike78 11-Sep-24
Recurve Man 11-Sep-24
spike78 12-Sep-24
spike78 12-Sep-24
spike78 12-Sep-24
spike78 12-Sep-24
spike78 12-Sep-24
Grey Ghost 12-Sep-24
sundowner 12-Sep-24
From: spike78

spike78's Link
Wow I can’t believe this has been forgotten. Up to you if you want to watch my link but if you do let it rip. Funny how Bush was stuttering. OK edited because people took me out of context. Happy 9/11 is Satire and not me happy about 9/11. I guess I need to explain this.

From: 4nolz@work
Nothing funny about it.How old were you when it happened?

From: scentman
Happy 911? Your an idiot. scentman

From: spike78

spike78's Link
Guys I made that title for two reasons 1 it wasn’t posted here which I was surprised and 2 happy to the participants of the inside job. You all should know my stance by now. Here’s another link.

From: itshot
next we'll hear how the temps weren't hot enough to "melt" the steel!

I was in flight a few miles from WTC the morning they were hit, you can theorize all you want about that day, i'll remember it each year as yet another chance God gave me and my fellow passengers and many others

your topic title is, if nothing else, disrespectful as fuck to the dead and their loved ones

From: spike78
The title was basically satire my first sentence was I can’t believe this was forgotten.

From: spike78
Itshot when you light a campfire do you light it at the base or the top?

From: spike78
4nolz I was 23 and remember it like it was yesterday. I was in my work truck listening on the radio not realizing that our good ole government would be capable of it and being ok with starting a war in the Middle East.

From: Recurve Man
Well at least we have open boarders again. WTF. I wish one of the family members would’ve mentioned that today as they poured their hearts out 23 yrs later. People need that wake up to this Government lies they use their media to deceive people with.

Protect your own is now my family philosophy. Today you neighbors may be your enemy.

God Bless those who lost their lives over our ignorant government.


A few days ago Pat asked for “category suggestions” for the new Nontypical Forum.

How about a category just for spike called “FaCTs”. (Fantasy and Conspiracy Theory stuff”


From: spike78
Itshot when you light a campfire do you light it at the base or the top?

From: spike78
Itshot when you light a campfire do you light it at the base or the top?

From: spike78
Itshot when you light a campfire do you light it at the base or the top?

A few days ago Pat asked for “category suggestions” for the new Nontypical Forum.

How about a category just for spike called “FaCTs”. (Fantasy and Conspiracy Theory stuff”


From: spike78
Wtf is up with these double and triple posts driving me nuts. Ricky not a bad idea!

only click on the "submit message" button once...even if it doesnt respond immediately. every time you click it...it submits again.

either that...or theres a good possibility that big brother has taken over your computer and they are spying on every one of your key strokes. lol

From: spike78
I’m thinking it’s number 2 ha

From: Grey Ghost
Spike, I think Ricky is correct. There's often a delay after you hit the Submit Message button, especially when I post from my phone. If you hit the button multiple times during that delay, you will have multiple posts. Just hit the button once, and wait for it to go thru.

From: sundowner
Biden said he was gonna watch the debate, then go "do 9/11". He was gonna "do" 9/11! That's how these traitors think. Remembering the Americans who died on 9/11 was something he had to go "do".

Biden is a despicable old anti American tyrant.

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