Sitka Gear
tire- buck mares urine
Contributors to this thread:
Hunter's Granddad 11-Sep-24
Bou'bound 12-Sep-24
olddogrib 12-Sep-24
Zbone 12-Sep-24
Ambush 12-Sep-24
olddogrib 12-Sep-24
Zbone 13-Sep-24
Ambush 13-Sep-24
Zbone 13-Sep-24
Ambush 13-Sep-24
olddogrib 13-Sep-24
Ambush 13-Sep-24
scentman 13-Sep-24
Kannuck 17-Sep-24
Tao 18-Sep-24
midwest 18-Sep-24
WhattheFOC 18-Sep-24
Corax_latrans 18-Sep-24
olddogrib 18-Sep-24
Where can I buy Tire- Buck mares urine in US or get it shipped to US?

From: Bou'bound
Try tractor supply store

From: olddogrib
Is this a craft beer? Inquiring minds want to know!

From: Zbone
"Is this a craft beer? Inquiring minds want to know!"

8^))) Yeah, me too...8^)))

From: Ambush

Ambush's embedded Photo
Ambush's embedded Photo
Never heard of Tire-Buck mare’s urine. But I just picked up a small jug for an up coming moose hunt, but that’s in BC. This stuff flat out works when deployed properly.

From: olddogrib
If my high school foreign language hasn't left me, that looks like French. If it were a guide service, I'd be afraid they'd set me up on somebody's horse! Is there such a thing as "mare tags"?

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
I thought a female moose was called a "Cow", never heard of one called a "Mare", must be a Canadian thing...8^)

From: Ambush
"I thought a female moose was called a "Cow", never heard of one called a "Mare", must be a Canadian thing...8^)"

Zbone, the urine is from a mare (horse) in heat and bull moose love it. That may be why they can still sell it as it doesn't come from an ungulate, which is now illegal here for disease concerns.

I've been using this brand name for years and it works.

And your pic is a fake :)

From: Zbone
Oh, didn't know a mare would turn them on...8^)

That photo I saved years ago, I think it was taken in the Yukon, early 1900s but don't really know if it was real or not... I think there is a picture of Teddy Roosevelt saddled on a bull moose out there too, but think it's fake... BULLY...

From: Ambush
“That photo I saved years ago, I think it was taken in the Yukon, early 1900s...”

May be, but it’s still fake.

And yes, estrous mare piss turns a bull on.

From: olddogrib
There hasn't been this much "scuttlebutt" since the Wensel Bros. made hanging a used tampon on a tree limb popular for whitetails....and millionaires out of divorce lawyers in the process!

From: Ambush
olddogrib, non scented tampons are the best and cheapest wicks going. Tie it to a limb, take the lid off the bottle and dip the tampon into it. And please, just buy new ones.

But no matter how careful you are, after a couple of days everything smells vaguely of horse piss. And it lingers!!

From: scentman
Fresh tampon, ask walz he's got a couple to spare... dip in hunter specialties doe in heat and you Golden!


From: Kannuck
Yup, I've used the Buck Expert Mare's Urine. It absolutely works.

From: Tao
I just picked up a new bottle. Been using it since the 1990's....leaving for another season of guiding tomorrow. Season opens this Saturday

From: midwest
Tampons have been relegated to the Nontypical forum.

From: WhattheFOC
In Canada we don’t call female mooses mares. We call them mama mooses. We are not allowed to shoot mama mooses, but sometimes we shoot baby mooses.

You guys DO realize that a “used” tampon would smell exactly Wrong, in terms of the estrous cycle, don’t you?? It might provoke curiosity, but certainly wouldn’t smell like a doe which is going to be receptive…

But give her two weeks…..

With all the miles I’ve been doing in the past couple weeks, maybe I should put some estrous Elk scent pads on my boots…. but I really want to be able to keep them inside the house when I get home…..

From: olddogrib
Doesn't Justin Trudeau require you to find out what they identify as? Don't feel bad, America has no problem killing babies, either.

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