Moultrie Mobile
Photo editing help
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Tony 12-Sep-24
JohnMC 12-Sep-24
sticksender 12-Sep-24
JohnMC 12-Sep-24
JohnMC 12-Sep-24
JohnMC 12-Sep-24
Tony 12-Sep-24
sitO 12-Sep-24
drycreek 12-Sep-24
t-roy 12-Sep-24
Scoot 12-Sep-24
JohnMC 12-Sep-24
drycreek 12-Sep-24
Zbone 12-Sep-24
JohnMC 12-Sep-24
Tony 12-Sep-24
Zbone 12-Sep-24
BlacktailBob 12-Sep-24
From: Tony

Tony 's embedded Photo
Tony 's embedded Photo
Was going through photos from a few year back and was wondering if any of you skilled techy guys would be able to clean up this photo for me? Not sure why I left the bow in the background, and never noticed the tongue hanging out. Was wondering if these parts could be taken out?

From: JohnMC
Sent you a PM I should be able to handle that.

From: sticksender

sticksender's embedded Photo
sticksender's embedded Photo
John can probably do you a better job, but here's a try with the posted version. Took a little shadow off your face and removed some weeds too.

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
Forgot the grass in front of face. Also add a little warmth to grass, adjusted shadows, made face a little more see able

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
Still F'ing around. Preferences? thoughts?

From: Tony
Thanks guys. Looks way better

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
What a buck! I'm not sure you need the grass on the left?

From: drycreek
John, if I send you a pic, can you put a buck in it better than those that t-roy shot ? It’s the only way an ole Texas boy will ever best him ! ;-))

From: t-roy
I was gonna see if John could put my face in front of Tony’s!! I always wanted to kill a big typical muley, plus I could lose a bunch of weight in the process!

Heck of a deer. Congrats, Tony!

From: Scoot
Drycreek, I was consider hiring Jeff Gilooly to kneecap him just before the rut. Figured it was my only shot at besting him.

From: JohnMC
Don and Troy the problem with both of your requests is I got to look at picture when editing it and I don't think I could handle starring at either or your mugs. ;)

From: drycreek
Well, hell…….not only was I caught red handed, me and Troy were both ratted out ! ,-))

From: Zbone
What software program you guy using? Thanks...

From: JohnMC
Z I used Lightroom and photoshop. Lightroom to add some warm, reduce shadows, contrast, exposure and such. Photoshop for the tongue, and bow removal.

From: Tony
Thanks guys for the edits. Looks so much better. I carry a better camera these days and put in more effort, but that particular buck I was in a massive hurry. Was mid day, a 1.5 mile pack out, 6 hr drive, and a early day shift the next morning. He is still my best deer 191 inches. Would have been so close to 200 if he hadn't busted the beam

From: Zbone
Thanks John...

From: BlacktailBob
Nice buck. Congratulations. Photo now looks awesome too.

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