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Amaranth in Brassica?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Hunt98 15-Sep-24
t-roy 22-Sep-24
SD 22-Sep-24
Violetwholt43 03-Oct-24
From: Hunt98
Amaranth is taking over my brassica plot.

Is there a herbicide that will kill the Amaranth but not the Brassica?

From: t-roy
Non that I’m aware for post emergent brassicas. Some guys are using Stinger on their post emerged brassicas, but I’ve read that it doesn’t control pigweed or amaranth very well, unless it very young. It will smoke thistles, though. I’ve used Treflan a few times with decent success in controlling PW and amaranth in my brassicas plots, but it is a pre-emerge herbicide and needs to be incorporated into the soil ASAP after spraying (within 1-4 hrs), plus it is less effective if there is a lot trash/debris on the surface. Direct soil contact is ideal for Treflan to be the most effective.

From: SD
Even herbicides that target Palmer amaranth don't do a whole lot to a mature plant. Needs to be less than 6" to get a good kill.

I don't know if you can find anything rated for brassicas. You might look into Liberty beans (or a generic like Enlist) for that plot in the future to gain a little on it.

I had it pop up a few yrs ago but through TnM and regenerative practices got it under control without special herbicides. A few plants still pop up but they are wide spread and the deer love them anyway.

Good luck!

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