Sitka Gear
Wy elk area 38 enormous fire
Contributors to this thread:
Muleysareking 05-Oct-24
Robear 05-Oct-24
Chief23 05-Oct-24
Stoneman 05-Oct-24
Bowboy 05-Oct-24
Muleysareking 05-Oct-24
BOWUNTR 05-Oct-24
Muleysareking 05-Oct-24
BOHNTR 05-Oct-24
Mule Power 06-Oct-24
wildwilderness 06-Oct-24
Tracker 06-Oct-24
Goelk 06-Oct-24
Mule Power 07-Oct-24
Rock 07-Oct-24
Muleysareking 07-Oct-24
midwest 07-Oct-24
elkocd 08-Oct-24
KHNC 08-Oct-24
Muleysareking 08-Oct-24
KHNC 10-Oct-24
wyobullshooter 10-Oct-24
Live2Hunt 10-Oct-24
Groundhunter 10-Oct-24
wytex 10-Oct-24
Buckdeer 10-Oct-24
WYelkhunter 10-Oct-24
Bob H in NH 11-Oct-24
Wymuley 13-Oct-24
Muleysareking 15-Oct-24
Muleysareking 18-Oct-24
Wy elk area 38 has an enormous fire going that is going to change the northern Bighorn mountains for the rest of our lives. Since I don't know how to attach the "Wyoming Fire Tracker" to this one of you can. Both big game winter ranges have taken enormous hits an the fire is all along the face of the mtn having burned it completely, and I mean all of it. It is currently about 28 miles long. Eatons dude ranch apparently is gone in last nights 40 mph winds. Here in Dayton we were told to be ready to go quickly. Almost 600 firefighters on the fire now with more probably on the way. More high winds today. The fire isn't too far from Burgess Jct......Mike

From: Robear
I was out there with a friend who had an elk tag when the Crater Ridge fire was going. I thought that was big! That is such wonderful country, I hate to see it burn.

From: Chief23
Bighorn Mountains Facebook page seems to have the best updated information. Those Division Chiefs give a pretty precise overview of the operations. Have an elk and deer tag for the western bighorns. Just hope they can somehow start to get a hold on it.

From: Stoneman
Been wondering how close this was getting to you Mike?

Hopefully the winds won't blow it towards Daton. Fires like this one are incredibly hard to get in front of when the winds are blowing. They said this one won't be fully controlled until the snow falls.

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Here the latest 16hrs ago.

Was it lightning or people started?

Huge correction.... Eatons dude ranch did not burn but the fire was all around it and they saved the buildings. However, word is that the Kerns big game winter range burned completely last night and that means no winter feed and the high fences are down. The next logical habitat is the Reservation to the north where there is not a good chance of surviving long there for an elk. Anyone planning on putting in for Area 38 elk needs to look into this and contact the G&F before applying. It is going to take awhile to get a good handle on things but be aware that things are changing. Dayton is about 3 miles from the fire. A lot of this is info very early on but look at the Wyoming Fire Tracker Map for the Elk fire in north central Wyoming. Sorry for the incorrect info on Eatons but going off of the best info available at the time......Mike

Terrible. Praying for you Mike and all whare effected. Ed F

Apparently lightning, and from several days previous so it would have smouldered for awhile. It was very nice weather when it got started. We could see the smoke right away from elk camp and helicopters were going right over us. We just came back from looking and although it is very smoky we can see a few small patches of live trees way up, so hopefully it is somewhat of a mosaic, we are hoping.....Mike

Got quite a bit of family and friends packing stuff up as we speak……hope those fire lines hold and the winds subside.

From: Mule Power

Mule Power's Link
Up to date status. Not good at all. 62,000 acres as of yesterday . Prayers to everyone out there.

Fire in the long run is better than the bad policy of suppression the past 100 years. Hopefully they mitigate the area and get it recovered in good habitat fast.

From: Tracker
Buddy sent me a video yesterday of the fire. It sure is bad. Whole east end face of the is gone. Hunted 38 & 37 last few years. Was hoping to get back there.

From: Goelk

From: Mule Power
I think they can suppress it now…..

From: Rock
Mike, I hope you stay safe and your home unaffected.

As of yesterday 78,000 acres, (121 sq miles of National Forest and private and State Land) burned, hot and dry forecast, 3 homes destroyed. Implications for the future are recreation, hunting, grazing, logging, outfitting, etc..etc.. for many years to come. The big issue is of course hunting, with the loss of most of the Big Game Winter Ranges that support the Area 38 elk herd. Dayton seems to be good for now, thanks for everyone's concerns. ........Mike

From: midwest
Stay safe, Mike. Prayers from Iowa.

From: elkocd
Lots of smoke over here in Powell. There has been a huge mushroom cloud on the top of the Bighorns for the last week.

Fire really sucks for the humans that are impacted. That has become the main issue over the last few decades. I feel for them. My dad lives in an area where there are wildfires close to his house almost every year. It is stressful.

But... fire is a positive and important part of forest regeneration and wildlife health. I originally came from the NW where forest management drastically changed a few decades ago. You either manage a forest thru harvest, opening up the canopy and allowing new growth or nature does it for you. Clearing out the canopy, all the built up fuel and then new growth regeneration which leads to much more available food for wildlife. The wildlife will benefit from the fire over the long run.

Ever been to AZ units 27/1? The massive Wallow fire exploded the elk populations in that area. The feed and habitat was so great after it actually sucked a lot of elk out of New Mexico!

From: KHNC
Was there a lot of beetle kill in that area too? I assume it is all over wyoming.

Beetle kill is usually on the lower parts of the mtn, not too much on the north end but some on the south end of the fire, but lots of virgin timber and lots of old logging areas that have regrown to varying degrees and most is very steep. So..... kind of everything from huge sagebrush parks to deep dark canyons that very seldom see a person to areas that have many roads. This fire is not particular to what it eats........Mike

From: KHNC
Gotcha, I know if Southern Wyoming caught fire, it would be just like this one , maybe worse. Beetle kill for miles and miles and miles, all the way into colorado.

Prayers for all those affected. KHNC, you are correct. The beetle kill in southern Wyoming is horrendous. The 2020 Mullen fire in the Snowy Range burned 176,878 acres, and was estimated to span 25 mi north to south, and 23 mi east to west.

From: Live2Hunt
We hunted Idaho a few times. One year there were fires where we were going to hunt. Luckily they were out by the time hunting came, but took out a lot of land as reported on news info. Got out there and stopped at the ranger station and ask how bad the fires were in Warren? He said, "bad fire? no bad fires, we had some good fires". He said about 10% hot spots but all other areas were good. We got up there and yes, all lush green grass growing under the pines. The pines had singed spots, but still looked good. The news likes to put horror in everything, but reality is not that way. People and personal property is always bad though and the above does not take that into effect.

From: Groundhunter
What about unit 34?

From: wytex
They are logging tons of those beetle kill stands of timber now in the Snowies. The clearcuts are not fun to see .

From: Buckdeer
Awhile back we hunted NM where there had been a fire and the forest service had gone in and replanted little pines in the timber which was still decent pines.They put these little tree guards around them and I think the elk had pulled every one off and tossed them down the mountain.Probably not worth putting those back on next time.

From: WYelkhunter
Big fire here in the windriver mountains near Dubois WY also. just over 68,000 acres as of earlier today. been a bad dry summer and fall.

From: Bob H in NH
This fire is nowhere near 34. There was one earlier this summer that might have been close. Onx does a good job of fire mapping

From: Wymuley
85,000 ac now, but 32% contained. Finally making some headway.

NWS says Burgess Junction is supposed to get up to 8" of snow Wed and Thur, so that should put an end to this nonsense. The fire has went over 35 miles down the east face of the Bighorn mtns. All kinds of stories of elk into the Crow reservation that will not be returning to Wy. Just stories but "where there is smoke there is fire" pardon the pun. Countless small animals burned to death and the habitat is changed for a long time. We might have lots grass next year but the thermal cover is gone in a large part of the winter range. Hope we have decent snowpack but no bitter cold. It will be an interesting winter and spring. Wildlife is pretty resilient as long as they are not shot or kept from feed. Big changes for us living here, we have been hearing helicopters go over all day heading to the north end of the mtn......Mike

Well... we got 7/10 of rain here and the mountain got a really good blast of winter yesterday so that should have put the kibosh to the Elk fire, which burned just over 150 square miles. HOWEVER, just like most fires, as the smoke clears it is amazing of the parts that didn't burn which is great for wildlife. The mosaic pattern will be hugely beneficial for all wildlife in the future as well as during the fire as it left areas for protection. Still waiting for roads to be opened so we can see the most of it. Also still waiting for word from WG&F on the big game winter ranges and the fencing that contained them......Mike

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