Mathews Inc.
Bowhunter Treed Rescued by Helicopter
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 09-Oct-24
Bowman 17-Oct-24
TGbow 17-Oct-24
Murph 18-Oct-24
Corax_latrans 18-Oct-24
jons 18-Oct-24
Bou'bound 18-Oct-24
Murph 18-Oct-24
From: Zbone

Zbone's Link
"Bowhunter Rescued by Helicopter After He Was Treed by a Grizzly in Montana"

From: Bowman
Great news! I'm happy when he is still safe. geometry dash lite

From: TGbow
Glad he was rescued

From: Murph
How many people need to be attacked, injured ,killed before something is done on the federal level. If they want to protect bears make them fear humans, the numbers are so far out of check I was speaking with a Wyoming resident and he claims to say the only census conducted by the bear guy at the G&F out of Cody is they count only sows with cubs because they can’t distinguish whether they are counting the say bear twice so dry sows and boars are not accounted for so the number of 750 is probably 1500 or more, they need managed like everything else…


Corax_latrans's Link
So is this guy the Ultimate BadAss??

From: jons
Related to the story, 5 yrs ago I was on a bear hunt, first evening out one hunter had to be med-vac out due to a heart attack taking his shot bear and his son-in-law had the DNR gent came in to help him out of his stand, a bull moose would not let him get down, every time he tried the moose attack the stand. His father-in-law had a quad-by-pass and his son-in-law did get his bear out to a cooler.

From: Bou'bound
Well that was confusing.

From: Murph
How many people need to be attacked, injured ,killed before something is done on the federal level. If they want to protect bears make them fear humans, the numbers are so far out of check I was speaking with a Wyoming resident and he claims to say the only census conducted by the bear guy at the G&F out of Cody is they count only sows with cubs because they can’t distinguish whether they are counting the say bear twice so dry sows and boars are not accounted for so the number of 750 is probably 1500 or more, they need managed like everything else…

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