Sitka Gear
Preference Points?
Contributors to this thread:
Jasper 13-Oct-24
pirogue 13-Oct-24
Tilzbow 13-Oct-24
IdyllwildArcher 13-Oct-24
Jasper 13-Oct-24
t-roy 13-Oct-24
molsonarcher 13-Oct-24
DonVathome 23-Oct-24
OTC_Bowhunter 23-Oct-24
Brotsky 23-Oct-24
From: Jasper
Other than Wyoming, what states can you purchase points only?

From: pirogue
AZ is a Bonus point state, but they can be purchased alone.

From: Tilzbow
If we’re also including bonus points then NV, UT, MT, AZ not sure about the others

Idaho, New Mexico, and Alaska are pure lottery systems. Every other state you can buy a point in one form or another, although you may have to buy a hunting license in order to do so. And in the case of Washington and Montana, a general elk tag (although in MT, you can give the general tag back if you don't draw a limited entry tag).

CO, WY, CA, OR, and WA are preference point states and UT, AZ, NV, and KY are bonus point states. MT you need a preference point to earn a general tag and then you can use your bonus points for the limited entry tags if you win in the first round. UT and AZ use a combo of preference point/bonus point system for a percentage of their tags, even though they're considered bonus points.

If you're asking for the states that you can just buy a preference point without paying for anything else, than WY is the only state. If you include bonus points in that question, than that adds MT and I think KY.

From: Jasper
Wow Ike, thank you! And Tilz and Pirogue!

From: t-roy
I believe you can buy just a preference point in Iowa, without having to buy anything else, too.

From: molsonarcher
Troy you are correct. Thankfully if you miss a year buying one, you dont lose previously purchased points.

From: DonVathome
More important what states are worth it. Washington a hard no.

IMO best bets are WY and CO. If you are willing to drop $200 a year per state and understand you will need well over 20 years, and fees will increase during that time, then consider Utah, AZ and NV - if you are bowhunting. If rifle then plan to wait at least 30 years in those states.

WY and CO can get tags in a decade or less - good tags also 20+ years.

MT is easier to draw but you need a good "in" to find a decent place to hunt. The best hunter I know struggles to find any decent bull - ever, in MT during rifle season. He is in the outdoors almost 24/7

SD is $10 a point

From: Brotsky
SD points will be $20 starting in 2025.

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