Expandibles Accuracy or Cut
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Yes, you can see I'm dabbling in this. Are you shooting expandable heads for accuracy? The cut size? Or both?
Would you shoot an expandable that only had 1.25 inch cut?
Application is for deer only.
The cut doesn't matter much if it isn't in the right spot.
Neither for me, never have used an expandable.
Both for me also . But accuracy is the main reason!! Shot rocket steel heads for year at only 1 1/8 cut!! Love them!!
Just to see how big of a hole I can put in an animal
Ironic … same guys who see a bloody fixed blade sticking in the ground and says “what’s the point of killing dirt” … get all revved up over a huge gash in a doe.
I’ll take two 1.5” holes over one 3” hole every time.
Fpd--- I think the opposite is true "The cut doesn't matter if it is in the right spot". I think it is easier to be accurate with a mechanical. But if it is not in the right spot namely back, a big cutting mechanical head could be the difference. Probably make a similar argument for a smaller fixed forward in the shoulder if it penetrates through bone into the vitals.
Both. Rocket steelheads were great back in the day. My most recent mech heads have been the NAP Killzone and Vortex SS 125's. But like any other BH, shot placement is key.
@ Hunt, that's exactly where I'm going with this. Some new company (as far as I know) called "Demon hunter" I know, I know..... is making the "Rocket type" heads again. I picked some up after the reviews on the Rocket. These are 1.25" and they fly incredible. I didn't think anything would fly better than the spitfires, but these things are next level. The blades are dangerously sharp, I mean don't mess around with them. and the ferrule is the same make up as a slicktrick, identical.
Both. Used to use Rocket Sidewinders 100gr 3 blade. Had an 1-1/2" cut. Penetration was always good and the blood trails were great. When Rocket went to crap, I picked up some Rage 1-1/2" Hypodermics. I really liked them. Can't seem to find the 1-1/2" anymore, just the 2".
I don’t see any difference with accuracy if your bow is tuned. So I’m trying a hybrid expandable to see how much damage I can inflict. Simple.
Having a tuned bow and perfect form will give you accuracy with most any head. Having a tuned bow and a forgiving head will give you better accuracy when your form is less than perfect.
Exactly Midwest, and I seem to lose my form when I'm freezing my ass off in a tree for hours on end.
All yes. Shooting a 1.25” mechanical now.
Midwest nailed it for most of us. We can and do shoot tuned setups, and get an edge with a more forgiving of form broadhead.
Cazador, thanks for posting about the old rocket heads. When they stopped making the rocket Steelhead I bought as many as I could. Still have about 25 left. I'll look into these new heads.
As for the 1.25 cut, what's the difference in a 1.25 cut from a expandable or 1.25 cut from fixed?
My favorite head is the old Rocket Steelhead and it was only 1 & 1/8 wide.
Cazador's Link
Teton here’s a link.
As for the size cut, it just seems most mechanicals are 1.5 ‘“ and up, most are in the 2” range.
I tried an expandable for the first time this year. Went thru shoulder (meat, not bone) on entry, took out vitals without ever touching a rib. Didn’t pierce the hide on the exit side behind the car ff shoulder. Big hole on entry, no exit and no blood on the ground. Killed the deer, but not impressed sofar. (Sample size of one - I am aware)
The number one reason I started shooting mechanicals was because they are simply more accurate than a fixed blade broad head.
Over the years I have had a handful of bad hits and every time the first thought that popped in my head was. If I had just put the arrow where I was suppose to.
The up side to having a 31” draw, pulling 70 lbs and shooting a decent weight arrow is I can push a wide cut mechanical all the way through a deer into the dirt.
Confidence in archery is every thing and with a mechanical I am more confident.
I've killed a bunch of deer with both 100 and 125 grain Rocket Steelheads. When I went down to 51-52#s due to shoulder issues, I switched to fixed heads. Then I decided to try the Steelhead 125s again to see if my 52 pounds (29.5" DL) was still adequate to shoot a mechanical. Killed three bucks and a doe with them and had two holes in all but the doe, which I spined. I really like Steelheads and have one in my quiver this year in case of a severely windy day. I have a pretty good stockpile of them and will continue to use them. I did shoot my buck this year with a Slick Trick Magnum 125 this year though. That revamped broadhead from Executioner is a very good replacement. It might be better if the blades are extremely sharp.
@12 yds, they are very very sharp, like old thunderhead sharp. I have no experience with the rockets, but I have 2 deer tags and first up, this revamped Rocket.
Hybrid, fixed/mechanical in one head. 3.5 years using them and 40 dead animals. I now have a life time supply.
Both for me I prefer smaller mechanicals because the fixed blade mindset still says 2 holes is better then 1 so if I feel like I’m sacrificing penetration I opt for a smaller cut or a better penetrating mechanical.
the 1.25" wasp jak-hammers performed very well for me over the years. I shoot heavier COC one piece fixed two blade single bevels now, for no reason other than I tried them and really like them. Cant say anything bad about the wasps, even blasted through a few scapulas over the years.
Both, I use mechs for deer and bear and I'm starting to use them on elk and moose, you cant beat how forgiving they are, especially when I've been freezing my ass off late novemeber, wearing heavy clothes and now add a huge buck into the scenario, my form might not be great at that moment! Plus bigger cut, better blood trail and a quicker death. Small fixed bh's are good for one thing, shooting through the shoulder, thats it
I've been using the vortex 125 steel for several years now, accuracy and cut. They are a two inch cut, but small profile. Originally I went with them because of the spring steel blades, many kills later never had one break, all pass through too.
I don't worry about shoulder blades, as my experience has been 100% failure no matter what I hit them with. I have never recovered a shoulder shot deer, never. So the argument for fixed over a mechanical just doesn't apply for my setup.
Both for me as well.
I've been shooting a rage head - 20 deer and 6 elk - a lot of people bad mouth them, but they sure work for me.
I like accurate, forgiving heads with around 2” of cut (minimum) and razor sharp durable blades.
That head looks good. At 1.25” dia and 3 blades it would have 1-7/8” of cut (5/8” x 3 blades) and should fly well. Should open and penetrate very well. Show us the results next month when you slay another big one Chad!
I like the forgiveness first, cutting diameter second.
Yes I would shoot a 1.25 cut expandable.
Both, but when it comes to cut I want to make sure my entry is minimum 1.5" wide. Only guaranteed one hole I want to make sure that entry is good.
The big 125g Thunderheads group right with my FP's at 60y....accurate as anything.
Now if I was shooting 90/100y shots, I might consider going to a lower profile or mech head.
Both are a plus in my opinion. I shot my 21st elk this this year with an expandable and over 150 whitetail with expandables. I shot Rockets for years as mentioned above with great success. Recently the G5 dead meat has been my go to head for everything. Check them out.
It is all about placement much more than the type of head. I am an avid expandable person with a lot of success. I also would agree that the new fixed head broadheads are amazing if your bow is tuned and they shoot well. Pick a good head and practice.
Best of luck everyone. Don’t beat up on someone because they shoot something different than you. I have been in countless discussions/arguments about fixed vs expandable. Stay together as a group of hunters and pick a spot.
I can’t understand why anyone would shoot a 1 1/8” wide mechanical when a 1” Slick Trick standard which adds up to 2” cut total flys just as good and is more durable?
Went with the new rocket type head, 18 yds down in 75.
Well said wyelkhunter couldn’t agree more …
Cut size. I have my bow tuned so I can shoot fixed or mechs, but I like the extra cut of mechs, should I screw up. (I shoot a lot of energy, and this set up has worked very well for me)
Nice buck and pass through is always nice to have! Congratulations!!!
Nice buck! I really like the accuracy of most expandable BH - though not all fly the same. The cut depends on how many blades and the target animal.
In a 2 blade mech I prefer 2” like the original rage hypodermic. In a 3 blade and worried about penetrating I like the Grim reaper fatal steel 1.25” I also have used the grim reaper 4 blade mini mag- with 1.25” with good results. I just shot a caribou with a carni four (2 blades 1.5” and 2 1.25” blades) I hit the bull a bit back but the cut was devastating. I shoot 31” draw and 70# with a 480 gr arrow so not too worried about KE.
There is a big difference on a marginal shot (back) with a bigger cut.
2.25 cut Swahacher, end of stkr
2.25 cut Swahacher, end of stkr
Congrats Caz! Looks like you made the right choice.
Just an fyi, a buddy has lost 2 bucks this year with expendables. Both quartering away, both mid body back of lungs entry. Should have gone up into the chest and angled down through. I told him to go to a fixed blade as you may be ricocheting inside. I have never shot mechanicals with a compound, now use a recurve. But, anything mechanical fails at some point, it is the mechanical law.
but can an expandable do this?
Magnus 2 blade single bevel 150 grain. Buck was 10' from the base of the tree and quartering hard away from the shot. Arrow penetrated through the backstrap, broke a rib on entry, through the vitals, broke a rib on exit, arrow exited between the opposite shoulder and base of neck. The arrow was half sticking out of the buck after the shot. The arrow broke in half in the first 20 feet. Few drops of blood at the shot sight and after 10' the blood trail was great. I could have fast walked it.
How’s that even possible?
^^^ single bevel = black magic.
Caz - I shot a small buck yesterday morning with my trypan's
I've never seen an explosion of blood on impact like this - I mean it was like tossing red paint from a bucket. Heart shot, passthrough, 2 1/2" cut ..... and a blood trail for 80 yards nobody could miss
Trypans - trust me - bet mech's out there IMO
Everybody loves their Broadhead.