Mathews Inc.
Huntstand issues??
Contributors to this thread:
KZ15 30-Oct-24
kentuckbowhnter 30-Oct-24
Candor 30-Oct-24
Teeton 30-Oct-24
scent 30-Oct-24
DRR324 31-Oct-24
Kz15 31-Oct-24
darralld 31-Oct-24
Shug 31-Oct-24
DRR324 31-Oct-24
DRR324 01-Nov-24
Shug 22-Nov-24
From: KZ15
So I did the huntstand app update and it really messed everything up. The new format is really a struggle. The friend locator does not work, because it has deleted my friends list. The members of my group all are having the same issues. Huntstand customer service says only a small group of users are having these issues. My members are from several different states across the country, so I feel like it’s more than a small group. This app has always had its glitches, but it was great to be able to share my maps with my other members. Anyone else having these issues?

The new update has been a disaster for me. I have lots of emails with them trying to get it fixed. Nothing good yet.

From: Candor
I flipping hate the new update. Clunky and a considerable downgrade.

From: Teeton
I saw the update. I think to much, all at once. Should of did it in off season. Not middle of season.

From: scent
When I just go on to check weather and moon they offer 7 free days to upgrade... I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

From: DRR324
Same thoughts for myself, brother and nephew... the upgrade is garbage! Of course they roll it out during hunting season just before our annual Indiana trip. Thankfully, my pc version still had my pins so I was able to sync everything again, but hate the new format. We are currently looking into spartan forge for next year.

From: Kz15
That was my next question. Are there any other apps that let you share your maps with others and let you locate each other on the map? I’ve had lots of contact with HuntStand customer service and they have not fixed anything yet. I need a new app to switch to.

From: darralld
It sucks, very disappointing.

From: Shug
Agree.. also am I missing something with the land owner? I use to be able to tap the screen and the acreage and ow would pop up. Lastly the game movement times an and pm all mixed up

From: DRR324
Shut, click the 3 “lines” in bottom left corner, takes you to the next screen- click overlays at the top bar. Toggle property info

From: DRR324
Shut, click the 3 “lines” in bottom left corner, takes you to the next screen- click overlays at the top bar. Toggle property info

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo

Another question guys… What’s up with the new peak game movement charts?

The time frames completely overlap. Has anyone figured them out.

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