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MT Wardens Investigating Mule shot
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 05-Nov-24
Bowboy 05-Nov-24
drycreek 05-Nov-24
RK 05-Nov-24
Nick Muche 05-Nov-24
APauls 05-Nov-24
Dirtman 05-Nov-24
Boatman71 05-Nov-24
Zbone 05-Nov-24
Bou'bound 05-Nov-24
WV Mountaineer 05-Nov-24
sawtooth 05-Nov-24
SD 05-Nov-24
bentstick54 05-Nov-24
wytex 05-Nov-24
Al Dente Laptop 05-Nov-24
SD 05-Nov-24
From: Bowboy
Live deer in Billings shot with arrow. This is not a good image for Bowhunters. I’m sure the media will twist it.

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link

From: drycreek
Bow “hunters” are not immune to being d*ckheads any more than any other group. Hopefully he will get his just reward !

From: RK
How do you twist a deer with an arrow in it?

From: Nick Muche
That’s not a bowhunter….

From: APauls
x2 Nick

From: Dirtman
Is that crossbow bolt? Looks like it.

From: Boatman71
Not that it really makes a difference, but it does resemble a crossbow bolt, vs an arrow. And yes I also agree Nick.

From: Zbone
It'll live, it was hit in the void...8^)

From: Bou'bound
Ducked the string big time

Bou will be along shortly to put perspective on it.

From: sawtooth
This is very unfortunate, but does happen even to the best of hunters.

From: SD
What kind of information are they looking for? Is it out of season? It's no stretch to think everything about this was legal and just an unfortunate shot placement.

Article says they believe it was shot in a residential area within the city limits which is illegal ( If true).

From: wytex
SD it says the deer was seen in a neighborhood within the city limits where hunting is not allowed. Could it have been shot outside of city limits and gone there, yes but I'm betting it was a neighborhood deer and some a hole shot at it. Hopefully they get some answers either way. If a legal shot then the hunter should step forward and explain, I don't know of a law against wounding animal but I may be wrong.

Unless someone shoots 14" arrows, that is definitely a crossbow bolt.

From: SD
Ya, I read the article. I just don't see the need to jump to conclusions. I've seen deer that moved back and forth from town to country plenty of times. I've even heard of bucks moving great distances once in a while, even in November. I easily could be wrong and this could be a city buck that never leaves the park though. And there are certainly plenty of a-holes out there.

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