Asian water buffalo vs cape buffalo
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From: JG
I’ve got my cape and just booked a hunt for Asian water buffalo
Looks to me I should be prepared very similar? Same bow set up, same shot placement.
For those of you who did both, Any advice for me?
I’m hoping to take the meat home. Also interested in thoughts from anyone who has eaten Asian water buffalo
From: Beendare
I shot a WB in 2006 in Australia. No chance they will let you bring the meat back to the US at that time- I'm not sure if things have changed.
We didn't even try to bring the fresh hide and head back, our guide said it was better to have the head and hide processed there and then shipped.
Arrow wise, pass thru's with 800g plus arrows and tempered steel 2 blade heads.
From: wildwilderness
I shot both- the cape was a big bull and hard to kill. The water buff was an Argentina cow and not as tough. Still a very thick animal, but not quite the attitude.
From: Zebrakiller
Good luck the water buffalo will be very similar, to your cape I have shot several and if you get arrow in lungs it won't go far, good luck. I can't wait to see
From: JG
I’m cheating. I have a disabled daughter and it’s hard on my family doing long trips. Found a 17,000 acre high fence in Texas that comes highly recommended by a great hunter on bow site. I can bring my family with me and bring the meat home. I’ve read that’s it’s really good meat. Hope to find out. It will be a job cutting it up. Hope I’m blessed with this task.
I’m also working on my trophy room. I think the bison, cape and Asian buffalo would be cool over the fireplace