Mathews Inc.
Low Poundage - Arrow - Broadhead
Contributors to this thread:
MA-PAdeerslayer 07-Nov-24
MarkL 07-Nov-24
Bowboy 07-Nov-24
Joe Holden 07-Nov-24
BOHNTR 07-Nov-24
Nick Muche 07-Nov-24
Corax_latrans 07-Nov-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 07-Nov-24
Beendare 07-Nov-24
milnrick 07-Nov-24
wv_bowhunter 07-Nov-24
Murph 07-Nov-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 07-Nov-24
TonyBear 07-Nov-24
WhattheFOC 07-Nov-24
ahunter76 07-Nov-24
Bowfreak 08-Nov-24
BOWNUT 08-Nov-24
Bowfreak 08-Nov-24
tobywon 08-Nov-24
c5ken 08-Nov-24
M.Pauls 09-Nov-24
MichaelArnette 09-Nov-24
Buffalo1 09-Nov-24
WV Mountaineer 09-Nov-24
12yards 16-Nov-24
Corax_latrans 16-Nov-24
shade mt 17-Nov-24
Corax_latrans 17-Nov-24
Beendare 18-Nov-24
ahunter76 18-Nov-24
Corax_latrans 18-Nov-24
spike78 20-Nov-24
Will 20-Nov-24
So my brothers got some serious shoulder issues and he's struggling real bad to pull back his bow. He can pull 50 pounds fine but his trusty "rage" will not give him pass thrus with his old bass pro .246 arrows.

What are you lower poundage guys, kids, ladies shooting?

I'm thinking GT Hunter pro with a heavier insert, and a good COC head. But looking for different options. His draw is 29".

I'm gonna build him a set for Christmas.

From: MarkL
A simple 2 blade / edge broadhead. Less energy needed for penetration.

From: Bowboy
Like stated any 2-blade cut on contact broadhead. Magnus has some that won’t break the bank. IW is a good choice imo but pricey.

From: Joe Holden
50lbs @ 29" will still give ample energy.

My opinion, an arrow 350-425 total with 150-175 up front would be a good place to start. Lean towards a good fixed blade that shoots well and is sharp. Go enjoy blood trails.

Wouldn't shy away from a moderate cut mechanical with a good blade angle either if we're talking just deer.

Magnus Black Hornet 4-blade. Wife shoots 41 pounds and her arrows pass through everything. Cuts a big hole and a lifetime guarantee!

From: Nick Muche
Pass throughs are overrated.

A #50 compound with a 29 inch draw is like shooting an 85 or 90 pound recurve. He will have absolutely no problems unless he goes out of his way to create them.

I actually got some kind of marginal penetration from a #50 compound with more like a 27 inch draw, using Hellraisers and 28 inch Beman ICS 400s, so out of an abundance of caution I would probably suggest a more swept back blade angle than the Hellraisers have, and while COC has some distinct advantages the old Thunderhead 125 Always had a hell of a reputation… At least until they started offshoring blade production. so there’s nothing specifically wrong with a chisel/trocar tip, but (JMO) a 2:1 or greater length:width ratio has an undeniable mechanical advantage over the short, stubby blades favored by the Speed Merchants. 2 sharp blades in the right place and all that, as one of the guys here said, “What gets cut, not cut with what.”

So yeah, Magnus Stinger 4-blade sounds good to me. Biggest you can tune with.

Im impress with grave diggers xl

Forest those look like pretty nice heads. Thanks fellas, basically what I was thinking. Always one smart ass comment tho.

Think I’m gonna get him a decent SD arrow and give him 150 and 175 up front and see what tunes and shoots best. I’m trying to get him to go with iron wills but he’s basically all whitetail some bear and doesn’t see the need… but I’d be happy if he use the magnus or a few others as well.

From: Beendare
Agreed, Recurve guy here for a long time, it's crazy how little energy you need with a sharp 2 blade head to blow through critters.

From: milnrick
FWIW, Millie (Lady Bowhunter) has shot 48-50# compounds for the past 28 years or so. She has taken a bunch of deer and bear, to hogs, turkeys, javelina and exotics with COC fixed blade (Montec and Steelforce) and expandable (Deadmeat 100gr). Penetration has never been an issue with either type of broadhead. The only times she hadn't had a pass thru has happened when she's hit the off leg on exit.

My point is simply that there shouldn't be a problem if shot placement is right.

From: wv_bowhunter
Even at 70 lbs, I have been very impressed after switching from Thunderheads to Magnus Stinger 4 blades. Overall heavier arrow, and more foc now that I also believe helps.

My oldest son killed his first deer with ~ 35 lbs and Magnus stinger. Hit right behind the shoulder and forward into the offside leg. Down within 40 yards.

From: Murph
Does anyone have experience with the pink shwacker that’s designed for low poundage I got some for my sisters setup but she hasn’t tried them yet she 28” at 45lbs

Jeremy I'm thinking his arrow weight might be the biggest difference maker. I haven't weighed his arrow cuz I'm 900 miles away right now, but i know it's definitely not packing much for punch.

From: TonyBear
Steel Force, Magnus and of course the classics: Zwickey and Bear without the bleeder blades. Those will do fine.

From: WhattheFOC
My wife blew thru her sasky buck last fall. 42lb bow, 425 g arrow with a Magnus Stinger.

From: ahunter76

ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
I have arrowed several Whitetails with 45#s & 1 at 15 yds, pass thru into the ground with 40#s. I've witnessed many taken in Wisconsin by ladies using only 30#s. I've arrowed an Elk & Black Bear with 53#s. All "my" arrows hovered around 500 grns total arrow weight & always a 3 blade BH. RECURVES. Your 50# Compound is more than sufficient.

From: Bowfreak
I would just step down to a smaller mechanical like +P, 13/8” grim reaper, mini mag or any fixed head.

I'm shooting a 450gn arrow with a Magnus Black Hornet at 63lb. I'm getting big holes and pass thru. I'm sure a Thunder Head would work fine too. If you were shooting a 50lb recurve you should be using a 500gn arrow.

From: Bowfreak
I would just step down to a smaller mechanical like +P, 13/8” grim reaper, mini mag or any fixed head.

From: tobywon
Sorry about your brother that’s not fun to deal with. I don’t think you can go wrong with Magnus heads I was impressed with the buzz cuts and penetration. Never tried the black hornet, but that head looks devastating. I’m shooting a Wasp boss SST fix blade head now as well. The chisel tip upfront is pretty impressive. Whatever you choose good luck to your brother.

From: c5ken
WHEN MY SONS WERE LITTLE GUYS I SET THEM UP WITH A 32LB BOW (that's all they could shoot accurately) with stinger 2 blade heads. They both killed a few deer and all were passthroughs.

From: M.Pauls
If rage is his confidence head, I’d shoot them with zero issue at 50# - 29”

I wish him all the best with his recovery!

my wife has had real good luck with G5 striker and even better flight with the original 1 inch diameter slick tricks

From: Buffalo1
I shoot 50# Elite with Easton Axis 400 with 75 gr insert. Tip is with 100 gr 2-blade Black Hornets. That combo is around 500 grs total weight. I limit my shots to 25 yd max.

My brothers oldest boy is pulling about 43 pounds. He’s shooting a carbon arrow with a 100 grain muzzy. He filled both his bow tags this year with decent sized deer. One at 32 yards quartering heavy enough to open the back side of the rib cage. It exited out of the skin and hung up on the fletching in the opposite shoulder. One was at 17 yards heavy quartering. Entered infront of the hing quarter and poked out the arm pot on the opposite front shoulder. Both from a tree about 18’ up.

I think people really don’t understand how much a mechanical like a rare, hurts penetration.

From: 12yards
I've killed several deer with 50# bows since 2018. I've had complete pass throughs with 483, 443, 421, and 384 grain arrow setups. Broadheads used have been 150 and 125 grain 4 blade Stingers, 100 and 125 Hellrazors, 125 Slick Trick Magnums, and 125 Rocket Steelheads. Arrows have been popular standard diameter arrows from Beman, Easton, Gold Tip and Victory. Bows have been Elite Synergy, Impulse 34, and Enkore at 29.25-29.5" draw length.

You guys keep acting like it’s somehow surprising that a #50 compound can kill a deer… when a #35 longbow will blow an arrow right through them….


From: shade mt
fixed 2 blade sharp broadheads, and heavier arrows.....its fairly easy to get a pass through. "IF" hit them where your supposed to. range, shot angle etc...all make a difference.

Corax....It's hard to convince folks ,the internet is full of not so accurate advice and"good" advice often is trumped by "popular opinion" or trends. You can give "good advice" but that doesn't guarantee somebody isn't going to use a zwickey eskimo as dull as a butter knife on a poorly tuned arrow out of a 40# recurve, in the excitement never reach full draw , hit a deer in the shoulder blade , quartering to them, and they never recover the deer ....and swear " i made a good shot" ...perfect broadside.

and think we are full of mud.....and ya gotta have more...(despite the fact that it happens with 70lb compounds also)

just the way it is.

True dat, Brother!

These days, “I read it on the internet” or “People are saying…. Lots of people… That’s what they’re saying” seems to trump ANY amount of hard evidence or actual data…. I guess all people care about anymore is whether they “like” the Messenger…

From: Beendare
The internet is full of trad guys that are blowing through critters with low KE bows.....

.....but its also full of guys shooting untuned compounds with light arrows and big inefficient mech BH's that aren't getting good performance on critters.

put a 2 blade on ANY arrow and its a penetrating monster.

From: ahunter76

ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
My Daughter used 48# Compound, 50% let off & dropped this Cow Buffalo at 25 yds. Great penetration but not a pass thru. Dropped in 60 yds. I'm guessing the biggest Whitetail is no match. Total arrow weight around 500grns & 3 blade 125 gr. Rocky Mountain Premier.

Mic dropped.

From: spike78
Iron Will broadhead will pass through at any speed they are unreal.

From: Will
MAPA - You know my wife. She's not a big human. She has killed deer with her set up, and gotten complete pass throughs. 40# for some, up to 47 for some. 24" draw (and change) and she is shooting pretty light arrows. I think they are under 400grns with 100grn heads - it's just what we set up years ago and she likes.

The heads that have been awesome for her are Magnus Stingers. They have worked great for her with that set up.

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