Kansas whitetail bowhunt Live
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Pat Lefemine's Link
Discuss our live Kansas bowhunt starting Saturday evening. A new update posted each evening until November 17th.
This discussion is about the bowhunt. I’m not looking for this discussion to become a debate about baiting. If you want to complain about baiting then start a new topic over on our non typical forum.
Good luck Pat!! Up here in SD they are chasing very hard. Your timing should be spot on again.
Way cool, good luck Pat...
Excellent. Have fun make memories.
Good luck, always a Bowsite favorite. It’s that time of year.
Good luck Pat! Can’t wait to follow along!
Shoot a big one! Love this hunt.
Come on Saturday!! Safe travels and shoot straight!
Good luck look forward to the updates.
Love seeing the deer that you are seeing. Best of luck
Sweet look forward to update
"That was fast!!!"
Wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard that.
I did not draw western kansas first time in years .... buddy is hunting and literally saw one 120" buck ... nothing else. Deer herd has crashed he said
Not my buck. Greg killed him. Nice one!!
Looking forward to this hunt. Keep it coming. My best, Paul
Greg did shoot a nice buck congrats! Matt and yourself are up next.
Nice buck, luv a buck with character... Is that buck for real, it has droopy ears...8^))) (That was a joke folks...8^))
Dang Pat, can't believe you passed on that 8-point...
Great buck congrats to Greg!
Good luck Pat looking forward to it Lewis
Good luck Pat and give us a blood trail challenge !
I love your Kansas live hunt...back at Cimmeron I presume?
Pics and updates on the home page live hunt
Sito I'll have you know I don't like cheese accept on pizza. :) You corn guys have lot your sense of humor since you've been shut down.
I did go to Oklahoma Public schools, almost as bad as Kansas. The problem though is Siri doesn't speak Oklahoman very well when it comes to talk to text.
Where did you go to school? The Grammer Police Academy? Did they accept you after you excelled as hall monitor in high school?
I do give you credit. Coming on here and taking up for your special somebody Thorton. ;)
I thought Pat started a forum for the liberals? I hope we don’t have to hear from these haters all during Pats hunt. You want to cry and complain go to the happy place Pat made for you. Good luck at CRO this year boys !
we got the non-traditional forum.
if you guys get this thread messed up we'll need a kid's table.
Pretty warm out here this week. Hopefully it picks up!
Looks like maybe a small weather change Wed. I was up today to our properties in Woods and Harper counties in Oklahoma just south of you and the bucks we saw acted interested in the girls. Cooler weather should help
Good luck. Just takes one big one !!
Pat needs to take "live" out of the title. C'mon Pat, can we at least hear about yesterday?
He posted. It takes time to do this on a hunt with all else going on give him a break.
It’s going to turn soon and they will start moving. Hang tough.
Been an odd year for sure, one day hot, next day dead.
Just a little good-natured ribbing, Bou.
Really nice buck came in at 11. Probably 170”. Will update the hunt later.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. Always enjoy this hunt.
"170" WOW, looking forward to seeing this guy, GOOD LUCK!
This is going to end really well!!!!
Yeah, me thinking same Bou...
8:30 eastern time, going on 9 hours, getting late without update though,.. Hmmm, hopefully he doesn't need a tracking dog...
Nearly ran over a 170" standing in the middle of the highway 10 miles east of Protection tonight by the Coldwater turn off.
I must be blind, I can't see any part of the big buck in Pat's photo...
I think that was the point he never stepped into the anticipated shooting lane.
I can’t see the buck in that picture.
Nope. It’s pretty easy to spot
Yeah super easy to spot :)
Pat you are getting into Thornton territory with your pictures. ;)
Almost sure if there is a deer in that picture it is in square.
I'm really interested in the details of last years wounded buck with your arrow in it. My son killed an elk that had an arrow in it that was totally incased in a fleshy hard tube in perfect health. Turns out, we found out it was shot the previous year.
Easy to spot huh ? What Bou has circled looks like the ground to me.
Seems to me he explained last years wounded buck, what more could you want?
hey Pat - in your opinion, why didn't you get passthrough on that buck you shot last year? I just read the update/pics ..... just curious what you thought. Did it hit a bone? or ??
I cannot believe that didnt get infected and eventually kill him. I know it happens i have found a skeleton with a broad head in the hip area that was completely encased in bone and it had grown around it, so it was in there for a good long time. Not sure what killed it, but not that broadhead
How far was the buck killed from where you shot it the year before? Those ranches in that County are huge.
cool that you got closure on last year's buck. unbelievable he survived and from the picture appears to have done really well.
I still think Pat is punking us on that picture, somebody please highlight a PIECE of an antler...8^)
Pat do you stlll shoot Slick Trick Standard broadheads?
With only 7 days to hunt, I'd have shot that nice 4x4 on day 1, but that is just me ...
That's incredible about your deer from last year. Great pics and post. They are amazing animals.
You should ask for that iron will head back lol $$$
SBH it was a slick trick broadhead.
Unbelievable that buck could carry the arrow for a year like that, yet the proof is there. Tough animals and unlucky hunters make for empty freezers. Or in you trophy hunter’s cases, blank spots on the wall. ;-))
That is crazy how he carried that much arrow around for a year.
They are tough critters. No infection at all it looks like. I have a deer shoulder blade given to me that has a montec stuck in it that has bone growing through the vents. It had to carry that around for a while. These things are survivors! Amazing the amount of punishment they can take and recover from it.
Your buddy would probably love it if you shot that 6 point!
Yeah, I'm getting some shit for passing him up. Lots of talk about taking it out of the gene pool! LOL
Is the Old Six blind on the left?
Looks kinda like that to me as well, Ambush.
I was getting ready to ask the same thing...
"This is a old six, and on day 6! Would you have shot him?"
Me, without hesitation, that is a good 6-point...8^)
As clean and symmetrical even and heavy rack he is and getting 2 mass circumstances from G2 to tip, heck he might qualify for P&Y...
I would pass the six. You have one more day and sometimes good things happen to those who wait till the bitter end.
You'd think Pat would be thrilled with an old, half blind cull buck. Must be getting pretty close to being one himself.
Great looking six yep the stick is in the air thanks for taking us along Lewis
If I were you Pat I’d pass, however if I was hunting my spots with limited time I would be cutting meat.
Id shoot him, and not think about what might have happened. If he is old, he is just as much of a trophy. Old usually means smart, other than in a case like me. Lol
I’d have shot him. How many 6’s are like that? Very unique deer.
Classic, Pat live hunt. Something good will happen today.
I’m in the same stand. Four does under me lit up by the full moon.
That six may be in trouble!!
I would have shot the 6, he looks really good and high scoring for a 6 ptr. Good luck today!
"That six may be in trouble!!"
YAAAY! Good luck... He'd definitely be a unique trophy....
Pat, do you think the population is down in that area?
Pat, you are trophy hunting. Pass on the six if you are looking for a 140/160” buck. On the other hand, I would be on my way home ! ;-))
I'd love to shoot a big 6 - they are pretty rare, so I look at them as an accomplishment.
I think big 6 and 8s are cool. I'd have shot
This is what you're after Pat. Both shot on your neighbor in the last 5 years.
He is big and he is rare. That makes him a unique deer. I would have shot him.
That 6 is a cool buck. And as you say, you want to shoot a mature deer. He fits both very well, and given the chance would have been wearing my tag.
I would have shot the 6, especially on day 6….
My basic rule is, if you’re wondering if you’ll be happy with it, then you won’t be.
And sometimes that same animal will just get your heart pounding and really excited to take the shot.
Love that big 6. Lot's of character. I'd punch my tag on him.
The six just came in. 18 yards broadside.
Did I shoot him? Yes or No.
No, he’s about out of the camera frame and walking.
Assuming you did not shoot. Definitely would have taken the shot at such a buck on the farm in Indiana...if for nothing else than to stop him from breeding does. Hunting in Kansas...probably not. This big six point was taken off the Indiana farm by my long time hunting partner in 2020.
No. You should have shot him the other day.
No you did not shoot him for the sake of shooting him. Good call.
Being a prestigious celebrity Bowhunter as yourself, certainly the outfitter will be letting you hunt a few more days.
Ha, if you chose no you would be correct. I passed him again. I am going into my last hunt tonight with extreme optimism. That six would have to be 24" wide with 50" of mass before I would shoot him. He is a cool buck though, no doubt.
I'm going to the creek tonight. It's always been my last day magic spot.
Kidding aside, good luck on the rest of your KS hunt...
The 6 might have died on day 6 if I was sitting there lol. Especially with lack of movement and bigger mature deer
I would shoot him late season. Good management to get him out of the herd and create space for a better young buck. I know genetically it’s not possible to change a free ranging herd’s DNA, but I can change which buck is living on my property!
I have noticed big old bully bucks tend to dominate and area, and killing him allows other bucks move in. From an outfitted hunt it’s not as important from a management aspect to select old “inferior” bucks, but trophy quality is, especially with only one buck tag…
I was half way through the last recap and I fell asleep. Was there something good that happened in the 7 days?
Yes there was. You did not derail the thread. Thank you. Much appreciated.
“ This hunt was tougher than we're used to but that's hunting. “
Well established stands, feeders for conditioning, cell cams for real time data….
You keep using that word, tougher. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Paul@the Fort, two weeks solo, tough. The sheep hunts that have been posted, tough. Warm weather and early rut. Bad timing or luck, yes. Tough? Insert eye roll.
I love the princess bride reference. 100%
Pat. To bad it did not work out this year. Thanks for taking us along with you Always a good read.
Duz diz meen know bleeding trail dis yesr?
This hunt proves it’s not a slam dunk. Never is.
I would have taken the 6, but not if it was over 34 yards.
Bou, it was a slam dunk, reverse ally oop.
Fwiw from my observations. Mature deer bucks or does are way down. In my neck of the woods deer numbers are way down. Obviously varies in different areas of the state but it is very noticeable.
I’ve hunted deer in Ness county every year for about the past 15 years. Due to the population being low and mature deer being almost non existent, I never bought a license this year.
So Daleo6 what do you think has caused that
I would have definitely shot at the 6. But I have never been able to shake that desire to kill something when I've put a lot of time in on a hunt. A mature big six would be a trophy to me though.
Just goes to show nothing is a slam dunk. Even with bait and cell cams. Good try better luck next time and thanks for taking us along!
I for one appreciate Pat taking us along on this yearly hunt. He certainly doesn’t have to and I wouldn’t blame him a bit if decides not to do it again. He doesn’t need the hate or ridicule he’s getting here.
If he’s as smart as I think he is it bothers him not. Some people dont sweat the opinions of people they would not bother going to for advice in the first place.
So far two guys are gone.
Thanks for taking us along Pat!
Deerhunter i don't think Pat really cares what 99.7% of these internet yahoo warriors think or say.
Thanks for taking us along Pat! Always love the Kansas hunt, never know what's gonna happen. Do you have a target in Ohio your still after??
Since he is an "old" 6, not a young 6, at that point in the hunt I would have shot him. Especially since I have never taken a big eastern whitetail. If I had killed multiple deer similar to that one already, I would wait for a "monster". I've hunted Illinois and Pennsylvania. No matter how great an area is, no hunt is a "slam dunk".
Thanks for taking the time to post your hunt Pat. Always a blessing just to be able to be in the woods bowhunting the rut.
RK, I do not know what caused the sharp decline in deer population in Ness county, but my guess is the following. Over harvest, opening day of firearms season there are numerous pickups on the country roads with two orange coated people in the truck. Those road hunters kill a lot of deer. In my opinion, there’s far too many licenses issued, that’s doubly true for mule deer. Loss of habitat, specifically CRP acres by the 1000s have been turned into crop fields, which has significantly reduced cover for deer and other wildlife. Ness county and many other western Ks counties is pretty devoid of trees except for an occaisonal creek and abandoned farmstead. The CRP acres provided pretty good habitat for deer and other wildlife. Weather, specifically drought. Drought conditions spur blue tongue disease. We have found a few dead deer in and near small ponds that have nearly dried up. That sets the stage for the midge that causes blue tongue. I’m not sure how much of factor blue tongue is but it’s killed some deer.
Here is why Pat is crazy. He will have a great opportunity at a 170” buck in the future at the places he hunts but he will probably never have another opportunity at a 6 like that again.
How did the 3rd fellow do?
Dale - Viewing flat land for a thousand yards in all directions with flat shooting rifles no wonder populations are low... Kinda amazing any survive...
Does Kansas still give a doe tag with all either sex tags? When I hunted Kansas in 17 and 18 we got a doe tag with our NR archery tag. We hunted in zones 1 and 2 and I can count on one hand the amount of does I seen in a week of hunting each year.
It’s hard to have big buck numbers when you have lots of tags and lots of deer getting shot. Throwing in habitat changes the stage is set.
Guardian Hunter. The third guy killed a buck but he asked not to be included in the live hunt because of all the childish behavior he was reading on this thread. I understood completely. He killed a good 10 on Wednesday and left early.
Great story as always Pat. I've always enjoyed them over the years. BC
Pat, your review of why you didn't get one, is the same I am seeing here in OH. I did have a shot at a good one at dusk and didn't see a branch, but I have hunted a lot of hours this year and the lack of opportunity is mind boggling. Saw 6 does yesterday with 4 being mature, no buck in sight.
"childish behavior he was reading on this thread".
Say it ain't so, he must have been on another site because that just doesn't happen here!
Seriously though, seems you can go on any regional forum or even a good percentage of the big game forum and you have the same knuckle heads derailing the thread, no matter how good it is ends up all about the knuckle heads.
scent: Two guys are gone from Bowsite and more are close. Some posts have been taken down by the editors. This BS is not going to continue on the Big Game forum. The Non-typical forum is now available. Bowsite live hunts will not be intimidated into silence by a few.
Curious what you guys that regularly hunt Kansas are observing from an overall number of quality bucks.
I have two partners that have leases or owned land out there for 10+ years and both have said their observation is that the number of quality bucks the last few years is decreasing; and their theory is that much more land is being leased by outfitters and clients are shooting marginal/immature bucks on the last few days of their hunts resulting in fewer mature deer running around.
both are hunting sizeable tracts.
Thanks for taking us along on the hunt
I know that the petty comments don’t rattle Pat, but it’s still discouraging to everyone else. Glad to know that the moderators are going to start weeding out the biggest offenders. Thanks Charlie!!
Pat owns the website. There are rules to follow. He allows a few to ruin it for many.
"I have two partners that have leases or owned land out there for 10+ years and both have said their observation is that the number of quality bucks the last few years is decreasing; and their theory is that much more land is being leased by outfitters and clients are shooting marginal/immature bucks on the last few days of their hunts resulting in fewer mature deer running around."
Bingo! I have seen this happen first hand in KS. First year hunting is great, 2nd yr is ok with a few mature bucks around, 3rd yr mostly 3.5yr olds, 4th yr and later gets pretty slow with nothing but dinks running around. A good land manager or outfitter will take care of business and do it in a way that is sustainable. Others just want clients to show up and pay, results and durability aren't that important.
Candor- I've hunted deer in Kansas for my 30th year this year. I've owned land for 14 years, and hunted public as well for 30. Overall quality in many areas is declining. Access to property and quality WIHA is lower than it's ever been. Loss of access has seemed to cause meaningless poaching incidents where small to medium bucks are shot and left to lay by the road. An outfitter I know called these "pissed off locals with resentment" because their spot got leased or sold to deer hunters.
^^^ If I can't have them nobody can. In a couple of generations that will go away, but to the guys who lost a good thing they will be resentful.
That's sad that there will be no trophy deer left in Kansas soon. I guess in hind sight the state should have never allowed non-resident hunting for big game. Such a cool place with such great people.
I'm just mad because Pat's Bill's beat my Chief's!
RK, I don’t think non resident hunting is the issue. In my opinion, the issue is the number of non residents that are allowed to hunt in Ks.
I always enjoy live hunts, except for the ones that leave you hanging. ;-)) I would probably have tried for the six too, but it was Pat’s hunt, not mine. That’s why we are individuals, with individual choices.
Pat, I recall years ago you would go back for a late season hunt if you were unsuccessful on the Nov hunt. Am I remembering this correctly? If so, are you going back?
Always fun to see what comes in on the yearly Kansas live hunt! Get em next years guys. Glad to see that the Bowsite is sending the haters to the Funny Farm!
Kansas has been on a steady decline since 1995. As many stated, too many tags and then after day four of seeing nothing bigger than a 130" three year old it will get stuck. On a positive note I've gone without a taxidermy bill since 2010.
Everyone has a opinion! Everyone.