Mathews Inc.
Sight's Set Low??
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
NorCalVineyards 10-Nov-24
Cazador 10-Nov-24
Nick Muche 10-Nov-24
BOHNTR 10-Nov-24
Bou'bound 10-Nov-24
WV Mountaineer 10-Nov-24
Paul@thefort 10-Nov-24
Aspen Ghost 10-Nov-24
sitO 10-Nov-24
NorCalVineyards 10-Nov-24
NorCalVineyards 10-Nov-24
NorCalVineyards 10-Nov-24
HUNT MAN 10-Nov-24
NorCalVineyards 10-Nov-24
Mule Power 14-Nov-24
Shug 14-Nov-24
Scoot 14-Nov-24
Stoneman 15-Nov-24
sawtooth 15-Nov-24
Buckeye 15-Nov-24
smarba 15-Nov-24
ahunter76 15-Nov-24
WhattheFOC 15-Nov-24
NorCalVineyards 20-Nov-24
For deer looking to spot and stalk deer in open country, do you sight in an inch or two low expecting a deer to load upon the sound of the going off? Especially in open country where shot's tend to be a little longer on average? In my personal experience, I tend to shoot on average in general if I think about my prior opportunities.

From: Cazador
That doesn’t make sense to me at all. Sight-in dead on and most importantly, know how your bow shoots at those odd distances. My experience is the flatter shooting a bow is in these environments the better. It can be really hard to judge, and get a good distance on your target and it’s also common to range, and the deer takes a few steps before you drop the string. I’f you feel the deer is going to drop, you can always aim low but I’d prefer my own to be hot in wide open areas.

From: Nick Muche
I would never do that, but maybe it's a thing. Good luck on your hunt!

No. I sight in exact….hold lower if you’d like. I’ve never understood the ‘I need to shoot longer in open country’ adage. Most of my desert bucks have been arrowed less than 40 yards. JMO

From: Bou'bound

I used to do that 30 years ago when bows were slower. Now, I sight dead on. Bows are a lot faster.

I hold low on everything. I put my target on top of my pin

From: Paul@thefort
No, as other have stated, Randy Elmer stated that deer may "duck" at the sound of the released arrow sound under 25 yards but not so much beyond that.

Changing your pins might, in the heat of the hunt, and you have forgotten the adjustment, cause the arrow to shoot much different than expected.

From: Aspen Ghost

From: sitO
Hard not to "set your sights low" with a SnS hunt, but the reward is soo much sweeter!

SnS hunt?

I’m not hunting til later in the week. Coast looks clear for the next 10 days…. Everyone’s opinion so far seems pretty consistent.

I think if a deer has you pegged and is looking at you (alert) as the arrow is released, there’s a much higher percentage chance the deer will load and drop the 10 ring, potentially as much as a foot

I think they drop more when not alert !!

Hunt is that based on your experience?

From: Mule Power
I don’t want my arrow landing anywhere other than exactly where the pin sits. If I want the arrow to go low, I’ll aim low.

What if he jumps up instead of down? lol

From: Shug

From: Scoot
No. If you think it's going to duck then aim low.

From: Stoneman
You can’t predict what an animal is going to do or how it will respond to your shot. Why would you intentionally change the one advantage you have by altering your yardage pins? If your experience has you missing deer high then work on getting closer and reduce the margin for error.

I agree with Hunt, deer tend to respond more dramatically when they don’t see where the noise is coming from.

From: sawtooth

From: Buckeye

From: smarba
I set my sight 6" high and 4" low...guessing that's the direction a deer may move after I release...LOL

To answer the question, NO.

From: ahunter76

ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
Dead on over 50 years. Aim for the spot I want to hit also with exit in mind. I do shoot an arrow + or - 500 grns total arrow weight so my bow noise is "quiet".. THAT in my opinion is why Deer react to a shot if not already alert. Works for me. Speed is for targets, Oh, Many whitetails, Mule Deer, Bears, Caribou, Buffalo, Elk, Hogs, Antelope + make up the mix that have been arrowed by my slow bow. 38 biggame taken with slow recurves b/4 compounds became the craze too. I actually started archery/bowhunting in 1956 & arrowed my 1st deer in 1958.

From: WhattheFOC
I set my 30 yard pin low and my 20 yard pin high. That way they are the same pin. Just have to find the deer who is willing to jump in front of my arrow.


NorCalVineyards's embedded Photo
Shot him with my 30 yard pin ( not set low ) on 11/18/24
NorCalVineyards's embedded Photo
Shot him with my 30 yard pin ( not set low ) on 11/18/24

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