Contributors to this thread:Whitetail Deer
From: Hunt98
I’m going to try no till with planting Buckwheat and then terminating it before planting brassicas. I see cultipackers, crimpers, rollers are used to smash them down and then spray with Gly to kil the Buckwheat.
I have a drag that has the three different positions of smooth, medium or aggressive.
Could I use the drag on the smoother side to effectively smash down the buckwheat enough to Gly and overseed with brassica?
From: Andy B
If you can mow it I’d recommend that If you can’t effectively crimp. Shoot for when at least 25% of the plants have flowered and bloomed.Good thing is buckwheat is not hard seed so if you get volunteers it’s typically only one flush and you may still get some benefit from escapes if managed well.
From: Rugerno1
I've had success planting directly into the buckwheat. It shades out most weeds and is just soil at the base of the stems. After you plant into the buckwheat mow and you should get a good stand. No need to spray, buckwheat is done once it is cut.
From: Ky_Madman
You don't need to spray it. First frost will kill it. You can overseed your brassica directly into it and the buckwheat traps moisture underneath which jumpstarts the brassicas