Sitka Gear
Fur shed 24
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Wv hillbilly 11-Nov-24
WV Mountaineer 11-Nov-24
Dale06 11-Nov-24
JohnMC 11-Nov-24
jmiller 11-Nov-24
Mike B 11-Nov-24
Buckeye 11-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 11-Nov-24
Chuckster 11-Nov-24
JohnMC 11-Nov-24
Beendare 11-Nov-24
t-roy 11-Nov-24
Supernaut 12-Nov-24
Trying hard 12-Nov-24
Buckeye 12-Nov-24
wytex 12-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 12-Nov-24
Scoot 12-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 12-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 13-Nov-24
Mike B 14-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 14-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 14-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 15-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 15-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 15-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 15-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 16-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 16-Nov-24
Mike B 16-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 17-Nov-24
Buckeye 18-Nov-24
WV Mountaineer 18-Nov-24
RJ Hunt 18-Nov-24
Buckeye 18-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 18-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 18-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 18-Nov-24
Buckeye 18-Nov-24
RJ Hunt 18-Nov-24
Basil 18-Nov-24
Basil 18-Nov-24
t-roy 18-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 19-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 19-Nov-24
Supernaut 19-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 19-Nov-24
wily one 19-Nov-24
olddogrib 19-Nov-24
Boreal 19-Nov-24
Stoneman 19-Nov-24
olddogrib 20-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 20-Nov-24
Buckdeer 20-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 21-Nov-24
Buckeye 21-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 21-Nov-24
olddogrib 22-Nov-24
Mike B 22-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 22-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 22-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 23-Nov-24
Buckeye 23-Nov-24
Buckeye 23-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 23-Nov-24
t-roy 23-Nov-24
Buckeye 23-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 23-Nov-24
Buckeye 23-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 24-Nov-24
No Mercy 25-Nov-24
Brian M. 25-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 25-Nov-24
Coop 25-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 26-Nov-24
t-roy 26-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 27-Nov-24
Supernaut 27-Nov-24
Buckeye 27-Nov-24
SD 27-Nov-24
Bowfinatic 27-Nov-24
BIGHORN 27-Nov-24
BIGHORN 27-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 28-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 29-Nov-24
Buckeye 29-Nov-24
midwest 29-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 29-Nov-24
SD 29-Nov-24
jmiller 30-Nov-24
Wv hillbilly 30-Nov-24
jmiller 01-Dec-24
Buckeye 01-Dec-24
t-roy 01-Dec-24
molsonarcher 01-Dec-24
BUCKeye 01-Dec-24
BUCKeye 01-Dec-24
jmiller 01-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 04-Dec-24
Merriam 07-Dec-24
t-roy 07-Dec-24
Merriam 07-Dec-24
Buckeye 07-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 09-Dec-24
Merriam 10-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 10-Dec-24
jmiller 10-Dec-24
Bou'bound 11-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 11-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 11-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 11-Dec-24
Buckeye 12-Dec-24
SD 12-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 12-Dec-24
Buckeye 13-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 13-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 17-Dec-24
Buckeye 19-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 20-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 22-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 25-Dec-24
Bou'bound 25-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 25-Dec-24
Bou'bound 25-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 26-Dec-24
Fisher 26-Dec-24
jmiller 26-Dec-24
Groundhunter 26-Dec-24
Stoneman 26-Dec-24
Aspen Ghost 26-Dec-24
jmiller 26-Dec-24
t-roy 26-Dec-24
jmiller 26-Dec-24
Stoneman 27-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 28-Dec-24
Paul@thefort 28-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 29-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 30-Dec-24
Coop 30-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 31-Dec-24
Wv hillbilly 03-Jan-25
sawtooth 03-Jan-25
Turpie 03-Jan-25
jmiller 04-Jan-25
Old Reb 04-Jan-25
buckeye 05-Jan-25
Wv hillbilly 06-Jan-25
TMac 06-Jan-25
wisconsinteacher 06-Jan-25
jmiller 09-Jan-25
shortstop 10-Jan-25
Turpie 13-Jan-25
Mike B 14-Jan-25
shortstop 14-Jan-25
shortstop 14-Jan-25
jmiller 15-Jan-25
Chuckster 15-Jan-25

Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
First day catch.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
First day catch.
Been doing this for several years now. Wasn’t sure I wanted to deal with it this year but it’s a great way to keep track of the season.

I was blessed with a great whitetail, two black bears and a bull elk this year. The freezer is full and it’s trapping season.

Season opend yesterday here in Ohio. It rained until around 2 and I waited it out before I set anything up. Managed about 18 yote snares, 7 coon sets and four rat sets before I called it a day. I’ll keep adding sets as time allows after work.

Hope ya enjoy following along.

Yes sir!

From: Dale06
Good luck on your trap line!

From: JohnMC
Never trapped so a question. You mentioned the number of set you have out. Is there a limit to number you can have set at one time? I'd assume that could vary by state??

From: jmiller
Good luck!

From: Mike B
John, can't speak for WVM, but back before they basically outlawed trapping here in WA State I knew of no limit on the number of sets a trapper could have out.

From: Buckeye
No limit on number of traps out John, not in Ohio anyways.

Thanks fellas. John Mc, there’s no limit on sets in Ohio or West Virginia. I haven’t looked into anywhere else. The more you have out the better your odds.

Just finished putting up tonight’s catch. I poked in a few more this evening so hopefully tomorrow ain’t bad.

Prices were rock bottom last year and no signs of improvement. Yotes were the lowest I can remember. Think I had an 11$ average. It’s definitely not something you’ll make money off of. On the flip side of it you get to see a lot of country and get to know the animals your after very well. They can walk anywhere on the planet. Your trying to get them to step in a 1-1/2” circle of it or walk through a 8” loop.

Anyone else getting after some predators post em up here. Good luck everyone! Hope you have a great season whatever your after.

From: Chuckster
Looking forward to following this year Wv.

From: JohnMC
Thanks for info wish we could trap would be a lot of fun

From: Beendare
Any tips on the yote sets is appreciated

From: t-roy
Looking forward to following along.

From: Supernaut
Good luck!

Always a great thread to follow along, thanks.

From: Trying hard
I wish we'd have more people trapping around here....there are far too many coon,skunks,opossum,,eating bird eggs.

From: Buckeye
Dave, are the coon prime yet? Gonna set a small line out in the next week or so. I put up 3 squirrel hides about a week ago to get tanned and the leather was still blue.

From: wytex
We'll start trapping over Thanksgiving. Thankfully our bobcats bring good money but coyotes will be nothing again. Hoping to get a little for beaver but that too looks bleak.

Good luck and good job !!

Thanks fellas hopefully can keep it exciting. Buckeye, I was shocked yesterday the small black one was prime. I was sure it was going to be blue.

From: Scoot
Nice! I enjoy this thread!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Not much action today. One rat and one grinner. Grinner didn’t get a ride home. Busted the new snare anchor driver as well. Gotta order a new one and get my buddy to weld that one back together.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Not much action today. One rat and one grinner. Grinner didn’t get a ride home. Busted the new snare anchor driver as well. Gotta order a new one and get my buddy to weld that one back together.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Another slow day. One rat and picked up a small deer head the neighbor wants me to do a euro on.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Another slow day. One rat and picked up a small deer head the neighbor wants me to do a euro on.

From: Mike B

Mike B's Link
Considering the current fur market, I'd be concentrating on bobcat and mink along with the beaver. Very little demand for muskrats right now, but then again they're easy to put up, and if you do some crafts (hats, gloves, etc) with them they can bring you a much better overall price.

As for that big gray grinning lump stuck in your trap, unless it was a monster with a perfect pelt I'd just release 'em; hate the damn things. PITA to skin and process, and they're butt ugly to begin with.

Mike b I sell to fur harvesters. They send out a report on expected prices in the fall with the pickup routes and dates. Seems to be the best place to sale now.

We’re not allowed to trap bobcats in Ohio. There’s a decent population now but I doubt there will ever be a season for them.

Nothing today but wet and mud. Hopefully get home from work in time to set up some more and better locations. I’m off work Monday and Tuesday so I should be able to rack up a decent catch before going back to work Wednesday.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
My cousin is up from wv deer hunting till Sunday. He welded the anchor driver back together when he came in for lunch today. Hopefully it holds up better.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
My cousin is up from wv deer hunting till Sunday. He welded the anchor driver back together when he came in for lunch today. Hopefully it holds up better.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Flat set before it’s covered. I like the pan 12-14” away from the hole.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Flat set before it’s covered. I like the pan 12-14” away from the hole.
Just two grinners today. Got a few more rat sets out and a couple yote footholds. Took some pics. I’ll attach.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Finished product. I try to blend it back in with whatever is around the area. Bait and lure in the hole with a splash of fox piss on the backer.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Finished product. I try to blend it back in with whatever is around the area. Bait and lure in the hole with a splash of fox piss on the backer.


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About 30 yards away across the 2 track I set a halfass step down dirt hole. It’s got a lot more eye appeal but I catch a lot more in the flat sets.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
About 30 yards away across the 2 track I set a halfass step down dirt hole. It’s got a lot more eye appeal but I catch a lot more in the flat sets.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Finished product. If the grinners will stay out of them for a few days should have a shot at a yote when they come back through the area.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Finished product. If the grinners will stay out of them for a few days should have a shot at a yote when they come back through the area.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Sleeping when I walked up.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Sleeping when I walked up.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just three coons today. Got a few more sets out.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just three coons today. Got a few more sets out.
It’s youth gun season here. I didn’t see anyone out hunting today. Talked to the GW mid day and he had only seen a few people out.

From: Mike B
Interesting to see that 'coon curled up like that. Every 'coon I ever trapped just leveled the area around it...shrubs, limbs...just trashed. Looks like that guy got caught and just gave


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Coon and a rat today
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Coon and a rat today

From: Buckeye
I got 4 dp and a box trap out last night, one dog proof was sprung, one was tipped over and the box trap had a big grinner. Better luck tomorrow I hope. Should be getting the fox and yote traps out tomorrow, along with some more coon sets.

Great looking sets hillbilly.

From: RJ Hunt

RJ Hunt's embedded Photo
RJ Hunt's embedded Photo
Oh man Dave. You know me…. Got my 22-250ai reved up and coyotes are my game til spring. Love this thread brother and keep it up. Rob m

From: Buckeye
Dang that's a small wolf Rob! Good work


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
5 rats and a grinner today.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
5 rats and a grinner today.
Thanks fellas and good work!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Also had an odd ball catch in a rat set.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Also had an odd ball catch in a rat set.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
I believe it’s a grass pike.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
I believe it’s a grass pike.
Let’s hear about some of y’all’s odd ball catches. I got two mink and a rat in a colony trap once. Also caught a yote in a snare a few years back that was carrying a rabbit. Snare held both of them when I got there. Pretty sure I had pics of it on one of the older threads.

From: Buckeye
Caught 9 fox squirrels under a bridge in a 110 conibear consecutively. Caught 17 muskrats out of one bank den . A grinner by the tail in a #2 coil spring. Caught a coon that holed up in a rock crevice and there was another coon just hanging out with him not in a trap . And one buck mink that was 3 times the size of any mink I'd ever seen . Wish I had him mounted.

From: RJ Hunt
Thanks Daniel. We get some big ones here for sure.

From: Basil
Snapping turtle in a 330. Two mallards together in a 220. Muskrat by the tail in a stop loss. Not my catch but a buddy caught a mink carrying a muskrat in a 160. Something was eating my muskrats so I staked one down & set a leg hold on each side in the water. Very wet & angry great horned owl waiting in the morning. Released none the worse for the wear.

From: Basil
Buddy caught a coyote. Noticed it was by only one toe. While he was getting the 22 out to dispatch it lunged & got free. Went flying across the field as only a scared coyote can do & straight into a snare of his.

From: t-roy
Very cool catch, Wv! I caught great horned owls a couple of times, in coon sets when I first started. Had exposed bait on both of those sets. Threw my jacket over them to release them. Caught a grinner by the tail once. Caught two rats at the same time in a 1 1/2 coil in a bank set for coons.

My older brother and his buddy let me tag along with them when I was 7 or 8. They were trapping a dredge ditch and caught a silver mink. I remember them whooping and hollering. They thought they were gonna get rich on that mink. Fur buyer gave them 3 bucks for it, I think :-) There was a mink ranch about 15 miles away, and it was most likely an escapee.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Caught a bullhead in a bank run set for rats. He swam off when I released it.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Caught a bullhead in a bank run set for rats. He swam off when I released it.
Pretty cool experiences fellas! I had another first today. Ended up with a grinner, two coons and a rat. I had to weigh one of the coon. I’ve gotta look back at old records but I think it broke the shed record on weight.

Back to work tomorrow so I pulled several spots. Still haven’t seen the first yote track. I hope all the years of staying after them have paid off some. First couple years it wasn’t anything to catch 50 in a season. After 4-5 years the total started dropping. Last year I didn’t break 20. I think it shows in all the does with two fawns running around the past couple years.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Anyone wanna take a guess on the weight of the big one? I didn’t weigh it but guess it’s around 19lbs.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Anyone wanna take a guess on the weight of the big one? I didn’t weigh it but guess it’s around 19lbs.

From: Supernaut

Supernaut's embedded Photo
Supernaut's embedded Photo
Great catches and stories all.

My 2 pugs cornered this little grinner in the yard last week in the rain. I don't know who was more confused.

I rounded it up in the bucket and walked it up into the woods behind the house. It was not appreciative of my efforts.

The caption on my last pic should have said I didn’t weigh the one beside the big one but guess it at 19lbs. I weighed the big one. I’ve caught yotes that weighed less than it.

From: wily one
23.5# nice one!

From: olddogrib
There's something you don't see every day, a catfish caught with a conibear. this year I've caught some nuisance coons in dogproofs and one possum in a rabbit box trap. But what I want are confessions from those who no longer boil/dye their traps...just spray them down with Nosejammer, lol!

From: Boreal
I caught a star nosed mole in a bottom edge mink set. I also caught boar coon by the nuts in a muskrat slide set. He hadn't moved an inch after being caught!

From: Stoneman
Enjoy following this thread, curious why the opossum (grinners) never make the photo shoot?

From: olddogrib
For the same reason People magazine never declared George Jones "America's Sexiest "Man", lol!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
24lbs is what that big coon weighed.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
24lbs is what that big coon weighed.
Ha spot on olddogrib. They usually don’t take a ride home.

From: Buckdeer
I trap mostly coons and I need to get some gopher traps set in the local cemetery for them.I have a guy that will trap my place for coyotes and cats later.He traps over 100 coyotes and around 50 cats a year.We caught 6 rats in a colony trap once and I was checking a coyote set and thought I had a darn hawk.I try to hide any carcass that yotes are hitting out of site. The hawk was just standing there and I walked up to it and it flipped over on it's back with both feet straight up in air.I grabbed him and tossed him over out of the way and pretty soon he flew off.Wasn't in a trap just wasn't giving up his meal.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
One rat and a grinner yesterday.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
One rat and a grinner yesterday.

From: Buckeye

Buckeye's embedded Photo
Buckeye's embedded Photo
Put marshmallows in the DP traps last night. It worked on this big ole boar.

Two grinners and a skunk in a dp today. It’ll be a bit before I can get the skunk. It unloaded both barrels. Usually when I shoot them in the lungs they don’t spray. Wasn’t the case today.

From: olddogrib
I dispatch coons with .22 CB longs, mainly to minimize "sound pollution"! I've always heard to imagine an 'X' from the ears to the eyes and place the shot in the intersection. This would be about center in the grey forehead crescent on the one pictured above. I'll admit I'm not batting at MLB averages, lol! When you hit the spot and it dances the "helicopter twist", you did good and it dies quickly. A half inch off and then you're going to waste ammo at a flopping target. Is there a better spot? P.S I don't get "point blank". There's always that one with an attitude who just watched Braveheart on Netflix and is going to use the entire chain length in a final lunge!

From: Mike B

Mike B's Link
I much preferred using 180 or 220 conibears for 'coon. It's an instant, humane kill and the critter isn't sitting there stressing out and leveling the flora and fauna.

Another option is using something like the Steinmeyer Death Ray, which is a dispatch pole. It's quick, efficient and humane, and best of all no holes in the pelt. Info at link.

Olddogrib id aim a little higher that the center of the x to make sure you stay out of the nasal cavity. Side and back of the head work well also. Just like shooting a deer picture what’s inside for the shot placement.

Mike b wish we could use 220’s here. I like them but in Ohio they have to be set in minimum of 2” of water.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Finally broke the ice on the yotes today. Plus 4 rats.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Finally broke the ice on the yotes today. Plus 4 rats.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
One coon and a grinner. Set out a few more rat and coon sets. Temps are supposed to fall off Tuesday. Probably pull most the rat and coon sets Monday evening.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
One coon and a grinner. Set out a few more rat and coon sets. Temps are supposed to fall off Tuesday. Probably pull most the rat and coon sets Monday evening.

From: Buckeye

Buckeye's embedded Photo
Buckeye's embedded Photo
Got two coons this morning, had my daughter with me. Made me feel good, first thing this morning she says," let's go check traps daddy"

From: Buckeye

Buckeye's embedded Photo
Buckeye's embedded Photo

Yes sir! Can’t beat that buckeye.

From: t-roy
That’s a pretty lil trapping partner you’ve got there, Buckeye!

From: Buckeye

Buckeye's embedded Photo
Buckeye's embedded Photo
Took her bow hunting for the first time this year. We got some work to do on sitting still and stuff, I'm just happy she has interest in the outdoors. I'm blessed for sure.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Back when they were rug rats excited about everything ol dad did.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Back when they were rug rats excited about everything ol dad did.
Those are the days you’ll remember forever. I still can’t stop smiling when I think of the years my daughters went with me trapping and hunting. They’ve got more interesting things they enjoy now. They still come out and check out whatever I drag in.

From: Buckeye
Good times David! Awesome picture


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
2coon and 2 rats today.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
2coon and 2 rats today.

From: No Mercy

No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
caught this lil guy in a Fisher cubby....

From: Brian M.
Never thought of using a 160 for a mouse trap. Perfect neck catch.

Dang no mercy. Your handle is spot on!

First day all season with no catch for me.

From: Coop
Dang I miss trapping. Great thread. Back when I trapped I would carry a old Marlin 22 rifle. I'd hold the barrel right down so when coons would bite on it I'd pull the trigger when they was straight on. No holes in hide. Got use to my buddy "yelling straight on Coop!" I still have that old Marlin. Heck of a super accurate squirrel rifle. Always laugh seeing the bluing wore off of the muzzle. Good memories. Keep the pictures coming! I guess my kids when they inherit will wonder what the heck I did with that 22!

Nothing today. Doesn’t shock me I only have out 13 yote snares and two footholds for them. Gun season starts next week here. I usually don’t run a line while it’s going on. Once it’s over I’ll set out a bunch of snares for the yotes.

From: t-roy
Even got a head catch, No Mercy!!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Nothing today. Just got in the stand with my stick bow. I got no buck tag or room in the freezers but if a delicious looking doe walks by…..

From: Supernaut
Happy hunting!

Nice looking bow

From: Buckeye
I'm pulling everything Sunday. I may not start up again till beaver comes in after Christmas. The forecast is looking terrible for the next 4 days, lots of rain then freezing temps. Not good for fox and yote traps.

From: SD
Keep those kids aft3rbit guys! They are the reason!!!

Cool thread. I enjoy seeing the variety of critters and sets


Wv Hillbilly, My dad used to set his traps the way you showed in the pictures. I always caught goffers by putting the trap upside-down over the hole. One day my two brothers were duck hunting and they saw a big mink that ran down a hole. So, they set a trap over the hole like I always did and when they got home they told dad how they set the trap. He said that you can't catch anything like that, So they drove him out to where they set the trap and there was that big mink, caught by his neck. Dad learned something that day. Good luck on your trapping!

Happy thanksgiving! Nothing today.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Nothing for me today. Pulled the last two footholds I had out due to the freeze up we’re having. My buddy John had this one is one of his snares this morning.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Nothing for me today. Pulled the last two footholds I had out due to the freeze up we’re having. My buddy John had this one is one of his snares this morning.

From: Buckeye

Buckeye's embedded Photo
Buckeye's embedded Photo
Pulled all mine today as well, I may have lost a 1.5 long spring on a drag cuz the creek came up 2 ft with all the rain we had. Caught one coon this morning. I don't stake traps anymore, just wired them to a tree. When I couldn't find my trap at this dirt hole I was puzzled and bummed out. Then I looked up. Forgot coons could he was about 8 ft up. He was fun to get down.

From: midwest
What are you using for a pan cover on your dirt sets, hillbilly?

Ha that looks like a good time buckeye.

Midwest, I’ve used screen and coffee filters in the past. Anymore I just put a leaf or something close by when I’m setting just as a filler to keep the dirt from filling in under the pan. I try to keep it simple as possible.

From: SD

SD's embedded Photo
SD's embedded Photo
Coons have been plentiful and easy.

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Can't seem to catch a fisher so put in a few canine sets. Always love to catch a red fox.

Nice fox jmiller! Nothing for me today. Gonna pull everything tomorrow so I don’t have to fool with it during the gun season. Out with my stick bow this evening.

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Success on the last day of the North Dakota fisher trapping season.

From: Buckeye
Outstanding Jeff, never seen a fisher, and that is a gorgeous fox.

From: t-roy
Grats on the last day catch, Jeff! What are your plans for him?

From: molsonarcher
Thats a way cool critter Jmiller. Congrats!Wish we had some here to go after.

From: BUCKeye
Is there a minimum temperature for coons to be active? This cold snap shut them down here. Seems like I never do good under about mid 20s deg F.

From: BUCKeye
Found similar answers here

From: jmiller
I tan them up with the feet on. I just can't bring myself to cut one up for a hat, so they make nice wallhangers for my house and office.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
I left 7 snares out at a place I wouldn’t disturb anyone gun hunting this week. Got one today.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
I left 7 snares out at a place I wouldn’t disturb anyone gun hunting this week. Got one today.
Congrats jmiller! Would love to be able to trap them here.

From: Merriam

Merriam's embedded Photo
Merriam's embedded Photo
Merriam's embedded Photo
Merriam's embedded Photo
Merriam's embedded Photo
Merriam's embedded Photo
Congrats on the Fisher! We finally put a few traps in the ground, in addition to our yard skunk patrol. We hope to get more in over Christmas break.

From: t-roy
Good stuff, Merriam. Any up close pics of your skunk marinading pole? Also, what do you use for the marinade?

From: Merriam
T-Roy, I found out my new pole works perfectly every time, 75% of the time. This last one was not so cooperative to his acetone vaccine. It is outside airing out right now, but I’ll try to get a picture.

From: Buckeye
Good job on the yotes Mitch! Are those #3s?

Back in action now! Got in from work in time to get out 14 snares and a handful of coon sets. Hopefully add to it tomorrow evening. Set up a new location and should be able to add another dozen snares or better there.

From: Merriam
Buckeye, one is in Bridger #2 dogless modified. The other is in a Duke 550. I really like the Duke and MB 550s.

We had a double on skunks yesterday. One went down well, the other, not so well. Needless to say, I’ve got the ozone machine running in my truck this morning.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just one coon today. Got a couple more snares out.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just one coon today. Got a couple more snares out.

From: jmiller
We had a warm spell and our snow is gone. Have one bait out for canines and hoping for a little snow.

From: Bou'bound
I never like seeing these pics where live chained animals await execution. Post death pics fine.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
One coon today and a yote that chewed out. I’m sorry this has hurt your feelings bou. You don’t have to look at this thread if you don’t want to.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Catch circle from today
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Catch circle from today


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
It’s amazing some of them go straight to chewing. Most don’t.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
It’s amazing some of them go straight to chewing. Most don’t.

From: Buckeye
I lost a coon to chewing this year and a couple more that were close. Different scenario I guess but that's crazy to chew through aircraft cable.

From: SD
Had just a beaver leg in a drown set once. The very next set down stream had a 3 legged beaver in it. Escaped at extreme measures... and immediately took interest in another bait. Animals can be crazy tough.

Nothing today.

From: Buckeye
Dave, when you set up a snare for yotes, how high off the ground is the loop, and what's the diameter of the loop?. I have a few snares that I'd like to set up.

Buckeye, the experts recommend 10&10. 10” off the ground and a 10” loop. I like to go less than that to avoid deer. Usually I’m around 7-8” to the bottom of the loop and 7-8” loop. I might miss a few yotes but it’s better than dealing with a deer. Hope that helps. Good luck to ya!

Four days without a catch. I set up a different property this evening. Got 8 more snares on it and two coon cuffs.

Still haven’t seen a yote track around and we’ve had plenty of rain past week.

From: Buckeye
I put some coon cuffs and one box trap out at the beginning of the week, so far nothing but a big grinner this morning.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Picked up two coon today. One in a cuff and one in a yote snare. Still no yote sign anywhere.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Picked up two coon today. One in a cuff and one in a yote snare. Still no yote sign anywhere.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just one yote today off the last place I set up. Still no tracks anywhere in the little bit of snow we have.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just one yote today off the last place I set up. Still no tracks anywhere in the little bit of snow we have.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Caught two today on a property I set up Monday evening. Twenty yards apart. Unfortunately one of them chewed out.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Caught two today on a property I set up Monday evening. Twenty yards apart. Unfortunately one of them chewed out.
Merry Christmas!

From: Bou'bound
What is chewed out

Bou, it’s what I call it when they chew the snare cable in two. Not many do it. It amazes me that they can.

From: Bou'bound
Wow, that’s amazing that they could get that severed. Thanks for the information.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Another yote today
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Another yote today

From: Fisher
Olddogrib - I have been a fur trapper and professional nuisance and predator trapper for many years.. Definitely agree that the cross eyes and ears is too low. Higher, but there is a better method. Try using CCI segmented hollow point .22 long rifle ammunition in the 1640fps speed if from a handgun and in the 1050fps speed if from a rifle. I buy them by the case. The bullet splits into 3 segments with no exits. At those speeds the hollow point will work and the segments will separate - it is extremely effective. On raccoons and coyotes shoot from the side like you would shoot a deer - double lung shot. Much less messy than a head shot

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
I just finished tanning my 2024 fisher. Interesting to see the color variation, they were all caught in a 10 mile radius since 2019.

From: Groundhunter

Groundhunter's embedded Photo
Nice red
Groundhunter's embedded Photo
Nice red

From: Stoneman
Great thread. Beautiful pelts Jeff.

From: Aspen Ghost
What do you use for tanning, Jeff?

From: jmiller
Aspen I use TruBond 1000B. Some animals, like fox, coyote and muskrat are easy to tan. Raccoon and fisher are a little tougher, and I send beaver and otter to the tannery. The hides are just too thick to tan without a shaver, which I don't have.

From: t-roy
Very nice, Jeff! Are there any furbearers in ND that you haven’t trapped yet?

From: jmiller
Troy I havent caught a weasel, badger or bobcat. I would need to make a trip west for the cat, maybe when the kids graduate so my winters are free!

From: Stoneman

Stoneman's embedded Photo
Stoneman's embedded Photo
Speaking of badgers… I had a few muskrat traps set for ground squirrels under my deck. I have no idea how he wasn’t able to pull free but he sure made a mess trying.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Coon and a rat today. Set up a few new snares on a different property today also.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Coon and a rat today. Set up a few new snares on a different property today also.
Beautiful work jmiller!

From: Paul@thefort
Nicely done guys. Brings back memories in the 1950 when I had a small trap line in northern Ohio. My best, Paul


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just two mud balls today.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just two mud balls today.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Yote and two more mud balls today
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Yote and two more mud balls today

From: Coop
What am I looking at? Looks like a raccoon, a yote and a fox squirrel tailed beaver? LOL


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just one mud ball today. Got him washed and skinned out.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just one mud ball today. Got him washed and skinned out.
Ha coop! Them mud balls ain’t pretty


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Little better check today. Two yotes, red fox and a coon.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Little better check today. Two yotes, red fox and a coon.

From: sawtooth
Nice job !

From: Turpie

Turpie's embedded Photo
Turpie's embedded Photo
Got both front legs on the trap

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Got some cold weather and finally connected on the snareline with a nice red

From: Old Reb
Beautiful fox jmiller! I see some sort of fur garment in it's future.

From: buckeye
What's the blue tape on the tails for?

Nice red jmiller. Buckeye, my buddy Scott puts his fur up in my shop also. He marks his with the blue tape.

I pulled all my stuff yesterday and shut it down for the year. Wasn’t as exciting as past years but oh well. Good luck to anyone still at it.

From: TMac
Thanks for sharing Wv hillbilly I always enjoy following along.

Chew outs suck. I went from 7x7 cable to 1x19 and that cured the issue. Great job with predator control everyone!!!

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Picked up a nice coyote on the line today. The snares had been out nearly a month.

From: shortstop
Tip for dispatching critters: I noticed a lot of head shot critters. If you don't want them bleeding all over the place, shoot them through the lungs. Takes them about 1 minute to expire.

From: Turpie

Turpie's embedded Photo
Turpie's embedded Photo

From: Mike B
"Tip for dispatching critters: I noticed a lot of head shot critters. If you don't want them bleeding all over the place, shoot them through the lungs. Takes them about 1 minute to expire. "

As a trapper, that's two holes to sew up, and a possibly downgraded pelt.

Put a .22 LR right into the ear/brain and the critter is dead. No holes to sew, plus the critter is not laying there suffering/dying while you *hope* you got both lungs.

From: shortstop
thanks Mike. 22 rifle will not cause any price loss. Been doing it for years and never been discounted. Not sure it's even been noticed by fur buyers. If so, they've never commented. Try it. Believe me, no blood or mess.

From: shortstop
thanks Mike. 22 shorts will not cause any price loss. Been doing it for years and never been discounted. Not sure it's even been noticed by fur buyers. If so, they've never commented. Try it. Believe me, no blood or mess. I'd bet even you'd have to look pretty hard to find damage.

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Turned a dozen coon into a blanket. My gf is cozy now at night!

From: Chuckster
Beautiful work jmiller!!

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