New Iron Will Turkey Head Testers Wanted
Contributors to this thread:Turkey
From: Bill V - Iron Will
I've been developing and testing turkey broadheads for a few years now and I'm excited to send some out to Bowsiters for final testing. We are not ready to reveal the design just yet, but it has some unique features giving it impressive performance in the testing so far. We are looking for five testers that are experienced turkey hunters that will have a good chance of taking a turkey yet this fall. If interested, reply here with a short explanation of why you would be a good choice. Feel free to DM if preferred. Thanks! Bill - Iron Will
From: wildwilderness
PM sent
From: Dale06
Bill, I don’t hunt turkeys in the fall, but have arrowed close to 50 of them in the spring. I usually hunt two states, and have bowhunted them since the mid 90s. If you need spring testers, I’m available.
From: StickFlicker
I'd be happy to try them in the spring. I hold the state record for Merriam's with a bow in my state, and the #3 Rio Grande, I believe. I normally 4K video all of my shots at game, so the performance of any hit should be reviewable later.
Beav gets my vote!!
From: Medicinemann
PM sent
From: t-roy
Beav X2! He’s already tagged out on whitetails, so he’s got plenty of time on his hands…
From: JTreeman
I suck at hunting, don’t send me any, send mine to Beav…
From: Bow Bullet
I nominate TBM
From: caribou77
Coulda used this Saturday. Chances at another fall turkey in my future aren’t promising
From: Beav
Fresh out of fall tags. Would try it in the spring though.
From: t-roy
I’d be interested in testing them, Bill. Like Beav, I’m tagged out on whitetails and I have a fall turkey tag burning a hole in my Kuiu’s.
From: Bill V - Iron Will
Thanks for all the interest and the direct messages. I'll be contacting the chosen ones by direct message over the next couple of days and then sending out broadheads. Good hunting! Bill
From: PECO2
Fall turkey over for me, great offer though.