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First moose hunt 2025 and been dreaming about moose forever
I am a bow hunter but really thinking about taking rifle along for this one
What have you done?
You are not a Bow Hunter if you take a Rifle along.Take the RIFLE ALONG.
When I went it was so windy all week that I didn't feel comfortable shooting much past 20 yds with my bow most of the time. I really want a moose and if I can get back there some day, I'd like a rifle option in case that happens again.
None of us took rifles along. But the choice is all yours and there certainly isn’t a wrong answer.
First moose hunt Alaska Sept 2023, never once considered a rifle, could have ended it on the first day of season on a 70” bull with the guides 375…never crossed my mind.
Its your hunt, your money, your time, do what you feel comfortable with.
Some people can do the hunt your doing every year, others it is literally a once in lifetime hunt. You never know what life will bring and tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
Sam that is the best pic on bowsite the past year…. Congrats again!
You told me before, but who did you go with in Alaska? I’m researching some Alaskan outfitters as well..
I’m not looking for approval, I just want to see what you guys have done…. I’m sure I’m not the first person to struggle with this decision as we all want to kill everything with a bow but when there is high money and time involved it makes the decision a little tougher…
I am a bow only guy. I had a huge B&C caliber 60”+ bull at 122 yds (ranged) in northern BC, and could have used the guide’s rifle to kill him, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Tried to get him into bow range, but he finally rounded his cow up and disappeared. I have no regrets in not using the rifle. Recurring nightmares, but no regrets! I did bowkill a small bull on that trip. Also had 3 different legal bulls within easy rifle range on an Alaskan DIY hunt in 2016. Even if I would have had a rifle along on that hunt, which I didn’t, I still wouldn’t have used it. Just my personal choice. I know a bunch of guys that took bows AND a rifle on their moose hunts. Every one of them that killed moose on those hunts, killed their moose with the rifle, several of them at top pin bow range. A few of the guys expressed regrets that they didn’t stick to their bows, and a few had zero regrets.
It’s totally up to you. It’s your hunt and if you have no reservations or regrets in killing a moose with your rifle instead of your bow, then I’d say go for it. Good luck on your hunt!
BG that is very true…
Took me a long time to get comfortable with spending this kind of money..
Now that I’m getting older, I am Hoping this isn’t a once in a life time but never know..
I've been to NF for moose three times. Never considered a firearm, even though on the last day of my first hunt my friend offered me his muzzleloader. No regrets. Scored with my bow the next two times.
Pyrannah Thanks bud! It was Adams Guide Service, incredible operation.
I hope it isn't a OIL hunt for you either. It will be a great hunt no matter what and wish you the best of luck a d look forward to the post on here.
Been to The “Rock” 8 times with recurve and Compound. The Rock was created for the Arrow. Got all three species and all three qualified for P&Y entry. Enjoy your time there. C
Do it with a bow, I haven't had too many moose that didn't come into bow range, practice and get good out to 60-80 yards. Shooting a moose at 60 yards is like Shooting a whitetail at 25!
Headed up there myself in 25. Will only take a couple of take-down longbows. Would hate to shoot a “once in a lifetime” critter with a gun and then have to go back again, under pressure, to shoot one with my longbow for it to feel right…
Ask yourself which you would regret more: not shooting a moose at all, or shooting one with a rifle when you consider yourself more of a bowhunter. Only you truly know yourself, but I’d advise you to be brutally honest with yourself. If you think you’d be disappointed with a rifle kill, leave the gun at home. Regret has a way of gnawing at you.
I have drawn 2 tough to get moose tags, I took a Bull with my bow at 7 yards in VT, and hunted hard all week and never got a shot with my bow in ME. I decided that moose (like bears over bait) are made for the bow, so I had no interest in switching to a rifle.
Its a personal thing If you save up and do a one time hunt of a lifetime its totaly your dime. Your choice , your moose , your trophy. Your memory And regardless of the weapon you can still be a bowhunter Personal choices about how you spend your dollar does not brand you. Its not up for debate Your call your choice your dollar Good luck , be safe And hopefully congrats
I agree with ace and longsprings.
As was said, this is your hunt, do it your way.
I love to throw arrows at critters, but FOR ME, it being a OIL hunt, due to cost, age, and health issues, I would definitely take a rifle.
God gave me canines for a reason lol, I'm a meat eater.
Don't let others dictate to's your hunt.
Agree with Sam 100%. By the way, great bow killed moose.
Seen it many times, if you take a rifle, chances are very high you won't kill one with a bow, so why even take the bow. Just kill it with the rifle and be done with it.
While I consider myself a hard core bowhunter, I carried my 7mm along too, strapped to a small Kuiu frame pack, because financially I won't be going to Newfoundland too many times and my family really wanted moose meat. I also heard weather can be a problem if hurricanes are nearby. I killed with my bow the first morning.
If you're not sure and bringing home a moose is the #1 goal, bring the rifle and kill one. You can always go back with the bow. I went in early September during the archery only season. The rifle hunt started on our last day. I did NOT bring a rifle. My goal was any moose, other than a calf. I saw more than 30 moose and killed a young bull on day 4, with the bow. I missed a cow on day 3. 2 other "bow" hunters in camp. One had no opportunities, the other passed a close shot at a cow early in the hunt. Both picked up rifles on the last day. One guy missed an easy rifle shot, the other guy had no shots.
I cant imagine hunting hard where we were and not having at least 1 good opportunity with the bow. Opportunity defined as having a legal moose in bow range. Up to the hunter to make him dead.
Take the rifle! I was planning to hunt with a bow during this hunt in Maine. Came down with Bronchitis just before leaving. Coughed a lot! Planned on my son backing me up with his rifle. Leupold Scope base on his rifle broke while confirming zero. Decided to leave bow in camp shot this bull third day at 35 yards frontal with a 338rum. Having my dad and son with me when we shot this bull priceless!
So... that is an incrediable moose, congratulations.
Great information and advice
Thank you all for posting and your stories..,
As of today, lol, I am going to take both and if it is not weather friendly the rifle is going out…
Have a great thanksgiving break!
‘24 DIY BC moose
‘24 DIY BC moose
Everybody is different. I’d rather miss it with a bow than kill it with a rifle. But it’s your hunt and you have to live with the outcome.
If you use a rifle or bring a rifle is doesn't discount that fact your a bow hunter. Many people hunt with the available gun etc for the available season. It's your hunt do what will make you happy! Doesn't matter what a bunch of guys behind a keyboard think!
It all depends on what your end goal is? Killing a moose with a bow or killing a moose. People have asked me in the past for advice on killing a moose with a bow, my response is don’t bring a rifle. Good luck on your hunt whatever you decide.
I went to Alaska moose hunting six years ago. Came very close to getting a shot at a 60” plus bull. But it never happened. Didn’t take a rifle, and could have shot two good ones with a rifle. No regrets on not taking a rifle.
Dale, how many times have you gone? Do you plant to go back? I would love to go moose in Alaska, I’m it I can’t afford it..
People have said diy is easy but no one in my hunting circle wants to do it
I've been 3x, took both all 3x. First time we got hurricane Juan. I didn't see a moose the whole trip, cow or bull. 2nd and 3rd times, I killed a bull with rifle both times. No regrets. It's a costly hunt and I wanted a moose. I did kill a spruce grouse with my recurve, so there's that. My 4th trip planned, I had to cancel due to a detached retina just before the trip. I would love to go back.
I took a rifle and passed a good bull at 40 yards and shot mine at 30 to say I was regretting taking a rifle as an understatement.
Moose might be the easiest big game animal to get within bow range of in North America in my opinion
You state,"I am a bow hunter but really thinking about taking rifle along for this one"! My answer is, Then you become a rifle hunter.
I watched a ton of moose hunting videos prior to my Colorado bull moose hunt this season, and came to the conclusion that the majority of bull moose were killed 20 yards and under with the recurve or compound bow. I thought about taking the compound bow but instead hunted with the recurve bow.. I am glad I did. 20 yards spot and stalk. Yep, I am a bow hunter. Best of luck regardless of the manner of take. Paul
Do what makes you happy, I am primarily a bow hunter, and have been for over 35 years, but I still like to hunt with a rifle... Die-Hards are a dying breed thank goodness!
I sounds like you already made your decision, so be happy with it and go kill a moose! No matter how you take it, it will be an awesome trip and adventure!! I wish I could swing the $$$ to go!
Good Luck and Good Bless!
If you are going with an outfitter, I would definitely ask him about the reality of getting a shot with a bow. Two big reasons - Firstly he knows the terrain better than anyone and the reality of getting a bow shot. Secondly, you'll very quickly gain some insight as to his attitude about bowhunting. If he constantly tries to sway you into a rifle over the phone, you know what it will be like in person.