Barry Wensel Once Upon a Tine
Whitetail Deer
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Over 10 years ago Barry Wensel released a wonderful book on his hunting experiences called Once Upon a Tine. It went out of print, and I was fortunate that he asked me to help do a second printing. After some work on both our ends, I'm happy to say that it is now available for purchase. This is the same book that was published in 2010, made available for a new generation of readers. It can be purchased on Amazon, in both soft cover or ebook, or directly from Barry at
[email protected]. It's not often a guy gets to work with an absolute legend of the sport. I told Barry he needs to keep writing, as his experiences were at a time and place that will never happen again.
That's cool as hell Jeff !
His video bowhunting October Whitetails was I think my high school buddies and I favorite vhs in High School lol.
I will be grabbing a copy for sure.
Thanks for the heads up and the work!
Just ordered, thanks for letting us know!
Not going to spoil it but you guys will Love this book and my favorite story is about the Black Bear lol….. That story alone is worth the price of the book
Definitely a knack for keeping things fun (both brothers.)
Just ordered a copy. Looking forward to reading it.
Thanks for the heads up...I ordered a copy.
I'm gonna have to get a copy of that book. Always liked watching their videos years back
Great book, i love my copy. I hope Gene does a reprinting of "Come November" since i lent my signed copy to a friend and he lost it.
Bowhunting OctoberWhitetails. Haven't heard that mentioned in awhile. If you can find the vhs, CD, or digital copy it's worth a look. The fall colors, crisp morning and great cast make it a classic, and that Wensel guy with his hat sideways eating watermelon had us roaring! Hope the book is half as good.
I receive email newsletters from the B&C Club and was thumbing through a recent issue and this caught my eye... Hope Barry doesn't mind:
Arrowsmith, my highschool fish and game club had a little library of videos in the late 80's/90's. I remember bringing "Bowhunting October Whitetails" home on VHS or BETA and watching it. That lead to shooting foam shoved into old tires we would roll across the yard and took my "I think bowhunting is awesome" brain to an even higher level.
That has to be one of the all time best hunting video's ever made.
"That has to be one of the all time best hunting video's ever made"
I agree... Barry shooting that running buck,,, he was a "good 2" off"...8^)))
He's visits here from time to time, am surprised he hasn't spoke up... Hope all is well with him and family...
Thank you for all the nice comments. My book, "Once Upon a Tine" originally came out fifteen years ago. It's been out of print now for several years. It was very popular within the Amish communities. I had one group of fifteen Amish men who told me they'd all read one old copy three times each. Ha. I said, "therein lies the problem... buying one copy and fifteen of you reading it." Ha. I was originally hesitant to write that book thinking no one would believe all the stories. These couldn't all happen to one guy. But, alas, they are all true tales. I've also been told that reading between the lines you could learn how I hunt. That's great but my intension was more so entertainment rather than educational stuff. My last book "The Old Man And The Tree" is more educational/ how-to-hunt strategies/ techniques. Regarding the old, original video "Bowhunting October Whitetails I & II", I must admit it was way ahead of its time when it first came out. For some strange reason, everyone seems to remember the one running shot going right to left, whereas the second one which was running left to right was actually a better shot. I don't know if it's factual, but I'm told those where the first two deer ever taken with a bow on production video. People had never seen a deer shot with a bow on video before, no less two and both were running shots. Nowadays there are literally thousands of them out there. I tell everyone we all have made some great shots in our lives, I just happened to have a camera over my shoulder when I did a couple of them. Anyway, thank you all again for the kind words. Regarding my health, I'm okay but not great. They didn't want me to hunt this year. I did sneak in 2 mornings and 2 evening hunts since our season opened Oct. 1st. That's pitiful! That's a huge difference when compared to a guy who normally bowhunts every day of the season. Taking entire seasons away from us after we turn 80 sucks. I was not in a very good mood nor a very good patient. On Nov. 2nd I took my blood pressure before I left home in the dark. It was 120/80 which is fine. I walked in maybe a half a mile slowly. In fact, I ended up passing up five does, a forkie and a 4x3 buck all at under 15 yds. that morning. My intensions were to hunt until noon. About 10 AM I started to get dizzy so headed out. It took me 2.5 hours to do what should have taken a half hour. When I finally got home, I was very dizzy, weak and gasping for air. I went in and immediately took my blood pressure to find my 120/80 had dropped to 73/49. What that means is my heart wasn't pumping enough blood/oxygen to my brain and I'd almost black out between frequent rest-stops. Anyway, I've seen a total of five cardiologists already. They all agree I need a new pacemaker implant with two leads going to my ventricles. They all say it will make me feel like a new man. I hope so... I'm ready. So, I have surgery scheduled at Iowa Heart in Des Moines on Dec. 16th. The bad news is they said I can't draw a bow for a month afterwards, therefore Jan. 16th. Therefore, even the late seasons are toast. Anyway, I don't fear death and I'm anxious to get her done. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you! Brother Gene and I are planning to do a few sport shows in Jan./ Feb.2025 (Millersburg, OH; K-Zoo, MI; Canfield, OH; and Shipshewana, IN. And MAYBE a few of the Whitetail Deer Classics like Indianapolis, IN/ Columbus, OH; Peoria, IL; and/or maybe Des Moines, Iowa, or Wisc. Dells, WI. If anyone is around, drop by and say hello. Or email me at
[email protected]. if you have questions. Thanks and Merry Christmas to all. BW
Wish you all the best Barry, take care of yourself...
BTW, in Millersburg, OH, am sure you can sell one more book for the amish to share...8^)))
Millersburg is one hour from my Ohio farm. If you guys need a place to stay Barry let me know!
Wishing you the best Barry. At least you haven’t lost your looks.
Prayers sent for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery, Barry! Hopefully you can make it to the Iowa Deer Classic. Would love to meet you.
Thank you for that kind offer to maybe stay at your farm Pat. A lot will depend on our schedules, but we just might take you up on it. We'll talk later. BW
Does Gene have a new book coming out? I thought I had read somewhere that one was coming out early fall.
Yes, but it's running behind as a lot of publications do. I'm sure he'll make some kind of announcement when it's done and available. Please stay tuned.
Barry, Thank you for the reply. Looking forward to it.
One of the coolest dudes & the GOAT of whitetail hunting. Barry, I hope the surgery goes great & you can get after them next season. Please keep us posted.
Darrall Dougherty
Prayers sent for a successful surgery, Barry!
You were truly an idol to the guys I hunted with in HIgh School and myself with Bowhunting October whitetails.
Best wishes on your surgery, one season missed is minor if it gives you 10 more and just think the deer will be that much bigger next season.
Bowhunting October Whitetails I and II, High Noon Bucks ARE the best videos out there. Primal Dreams is right up there too. I think the VHS I saw however was 3M's the Way of the Whitetail. All of these are something to be watched again while some one can't be in the woods or shoot their bow.
My mother got pacemaker over 30 years ago after a bad case of Lyme's (caught while trout fishing and mushroom hunting). Ended up having 3-4 of them and at 99 outlived 5 of her cardiologists. I shot part of a 3-D course with a 96 year old man last year.
Old folks who have spent lifetimes outdoors usually do pretty well.
Take Care Barry , God Speed on Healing
Can we still order Barry's latest book?
Yes, without over-stepping boundaries on advertising here, just email me at:
[email protected] and I'll get back with you on what's available and the prices. Thanks. Merry Christmas to all. BW
Good luck on your surgery Barry and here's to a speedy recovery.
Barry has been the guest speaker at the Nebraska Bowhunters Convention on three different occasions (in the '80s, '90s and again a few years ago). As you might guess he is an absolute professional to work with in terms of seminars, banquet talks and just being available to visit with convention attendees. Hands down one of the best we have ever had. Take care Barry!
Agree with everyone's take on the videos. I can't remember how many times I watched those - but it was a LOT. Thank you for the entertainment.
I firmly believe that the outdoors is GOD'S church. You, as well as most of us here on Bowsite, have spent a bunch of hours in that cathedral.
God speed to you Barry for a quick return to His church.
"I have surgery scheduled at Iowa Heart in Des Moines on Dec. 16th"... "Brother Gene and I are planning to do a few sport shows in Jan./ Feb.2025 (Millersburg, OH"
Barry - Hope all went well with your surgery and recovery...
Are you still planning on the Millersburg, OH show? Why I asked because if it's the one in Mt. Hope Event Center (Millersburg Area) begins in a couple days:
Northeast Ohio Sportsman Show Mt. Hope Event Center 8076 OH-241, Millersburg, OH 44654
I remember the VHS tapes and shooting cowhorn spikes,My buddies and I still refer to spikes with that.hope all is well.
That's funny, I don't remember that... I call them 11-pointers or spikers...8^)