The Tentacles of Wokeness Run Deep
Contributors to this thread:
Mike B 29-Nov-24
Bob Rowlands 29-Nov-24
CaptMike 29-Nov-24
Bowfreak 29-Nov-24
drycreek 29-Nov-24
HDE 30-Nov-24
4nolz@work 30-Nov-24
CaptMike 30-Nov-24
Beendare 30-Nov-24
Mike B 30-Nov-24
From: Mike B
Indeed, the tentacles of all this wokeness BS do run deep.

Six professors at Oslo University are demanding that the entire database of scientific names be "corrected" to remove all the apparently offensive names. As in offensive to any person, religion, color, race, creed, place or thing, either real or imagined, with special emphasis on any scientific names created by white men.

From the article posted here: (the URL was too long for link box)

"However, many scientific names are problematic (Table 1). Some, such as the scorpion genus Hottentotta, reflect historical biases and perpetuate injustice. Others, like the lizard Uta stansburiana, carry colonial legacies, which reflect not only structural racism, but also the subjugation and exploitation of Indigenous populations (2, 3). There are concerns about gender bias (4) and the use of derogatory terms and racial slurs (5, 6), while the blind beetle Anophthalmus hitleri surely has no place in science.

We and other critics argue that such offensive, unethical, and inappropriate scientific names should be revised (2, 4, 5, 8, 9); yet, many in the field claim that extensive revisions could disrupt the stability of binomial nomenclature and the science that depends on it (10, 11)"

My opinion is that these people have lost there freakin' minds, and are so hyper-focused on this crap they are failing to see just how big of fools they really are.

Someone needs to teach/tell these idiots that.."Life is NOT fair, never has been and never will be. Get over it, and go do some actual science."

From: Bob Rowlands
WOKE is real. lol

From: CaptMike
It is truly amazing how screwed up in the head some educated people can be.

From: Bowfreak
When Biden was elected I just got up in the morning and went to work the next day.

How far out of touch are these morons.

From: drycreek
My Daddy called these kind of folks educated idiots.

From: HDE
These people are only useful when times are good...

From: 4nolz@work
Growing up is hard

"Growing up is hard"

True. As evidenced by my thread about Rob Reiner...its unfortunate that some people don't realize it until they are in their late 70's...if ever.

From: CaptMike
Late 70’s? Great, then we can look forward to a couple of guys on this site growing up in the next 10-15 years.

...if ever.


From: Beendare
Agreed Mike,

These liberal hacks have drank the Obama Koolaid where everything needs to be tempered against Diversity. Virtue signaling instead of actually doing something.

From: Mike B
"These liberal hacks have drank the Obama Koolaid where everything needs to be tempered against Diversity. Virtue signaling instead of actually doing something."

It seems apparent that the Koolaid was spiked with "Moronovirus", as they are all clearly infected and are in the later stages of the disease. They need to put their big boy pants on, grow up and get a life.

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