Giant buck killed in …
Whitetail Deer
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Shot in Pomferet, not far from where I was goose hunting with my boys,
Shot in Pomferet, not far from where I was goose hunting with my boys,
…Connecticut today.
This is unreal for our state!
Now that is impressive Pat.
Goes to show you they do live everywhere.
Any back story?
Wow Pat. That's an unreal buck almost everywhere!
Would love to see the score sheet on that stud. Main beams forever.
It's a huge buck but there is a little long arming that makes it look even bigger than it is.
Holy CRAP! That is inconsistent with my experience within the state….
Whoa!! What a buck. Congrats to the hunter.
Imagine if that thing was killed on a Bowsite live hunt!!!
That is one IMPRESSIVE 8 pointer!
That buck doesn’t need long arming.
His elbows are bent Who cares Its one great trophy
No long arming going on , great buck anywhere in the world!
Been down that way, Pomfret R&G has a good 3-D course. Area looked good for deer hunting, but that one is exceptional. 6.5 years old?
Friggin giant! Is it a bow kill?
I don't get the long arming comment at all.
Hell of a buck anywhere! Congrats to the hunter!
Wow just wow ?? great buck congrats to the hunter Lewis
Great buck, no long arming that I can see. If I had killed it, the medics would probably be looking me over. He looks excited, unbelieving, or both !
Congrats to the hunter!! That's an impressive buck no matter how you look at it.
I got the age and gross score. Anyone care to guess?
Wow great buck. The way that left beam curls is pretty cool.
I don't think he's super old but hard to tell from the one pic. I'm terrible at guessing score but I'll play 181 and 5 years old.
That’s a decent buck. Here’s a Wyoming buck killed this year not far from my cabin.
“That’s a decent buck. Here’s a Wyoming buck killed this year not far from my cabin.”
You clearly have no idea how far from Wyoming the state of Connecticut actually IS….
^^* oh I do ;) I thought this thread was about bucks killed oh so close to where people hunted. ;)
I got fooled really badly by a staged picture of a nice local buck killed 2 weeks ago. Would’ve sworn the deer grossed 190 but ended up mid 160’s. However, I don’t think this will be the case with this deer. I’ll guess gross score of 172” and 5 y/o.
Using the WAG scoring system, I come up with 173” gross and 6.5
180…. 5.5 or 6.5 yrs. old
Using the same system as t-roy I get 170” at 5 years old.
Wow, a great buck.
Brad, that WY buck is a true beast!
171 6.5 Both are beautiful bucks no matter how far apart they were shot!
Pat’s buck 165 + or - , 5.5 years old. Brads buck, slammer!
“Both are beautiful bucks no matter how far apart they were shot!”
No doubt! But CT is kind of a terrible place to be an outdoorsman… Unless you own a lot of land or are on great terms with someone who does….
Alright Connecticut, no more screwing around. We know what you're capable of now.
Insane! Using the tell a friend scoring, or “gross non typ” I’m coming up with 173/174. Net somewhere around 165. Sheesh that’s an insane 4. Age I’d have no clue based on that pic.
This deer scores as a typical. I don’t see 15” of abnormal points. Big 8’s are so cool. Gross guess is 171”.
Charlie, the only thing that could make that 8 even more special, would be a drop off one of the beams!! That’s a great buck, anywhere.
173" Impressive buck but especially for there!
6.5, a little too gray on the nose for 5.5, and gross at 181
WAG I was gonna say 177 and 6.5. Realize comment in front of me is identical lol
Adam, shouldn’t you Canadians be scoring him in centimeters anyway?
I'll have to remember that one ..... WAG scoring system.
John…Adam’s guess equates to 449 cm & .58 loonies.
The G-2s on that buck are unreal, really long main beams and mass too! I hope he spread around his genetics around CT generously! I'll guess him at 179 and 5.5 years old.
I would be curious how you got an age so quickly with cementum annuli for the accurate age.
I’ll play however - 8.5 and 177.5 gross.
If you wait until it's -40 the cm and the inches are the same so it's easy then.
Older than average and bigger than I've ever seen. That's about as close as I can get.
I would like to hear the story with details though.
171 6/8 gross. 6 years old.
My guess on the CT buck is 156.
170's and 6.5 years old. I'll go 174 3/8
Beginning to think this Pat guy one of those guys that we never see again and never answers the question. ;)
I’ll reveal the age and gross tomorrow
So the hunter had the buck scored and aged. I have no idea who scored it or how it was aged. my sons know this guy well so hopefully I can get my hands on the score sheet.
Bucks age - 7.5 Gross score - 190”
Need more pics. 190 as a main frame 8. That’s almost unheard of. Wow.
I’d have a hard time buying 190”.
Ditto Troy. Unless those G2's are 16+ inches and 30 inch main beams, 6 inch bases, etc.
I believe this IL buck might be the current world record 8pt.
I believe this IL buck might be the current world record 8pt.
That’s an awesome buck but I’m skeptical. That would be pushing world record status.
Wow, I'm admittedly not much of a score guy but I did not picture 190! Congrats to the hunter!
Is 190 coming from a scale or a tape measure?
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just relaying the score. I will say it’s plausible. It’s not a straight 8, it’s got deep forks on two tines and some trash not visible in the photo.
I’m seeing the big fork on the left G3, but not seeing the other fork, nor any other stickers. Those could definitely increase the score depending on their lengths.
Last night on my bike ride. Urban buck
Hell of a deer either way.. but I think 190s a stretch. Love to see the score sheet tho
For comparison here is a buck that was officially scored. It is a clean nine point, so it scores as an eight point. It grossed 170 and change and netted 166 and change. It is entered in the P&Y record book if anyone wishes to check.
Wow, he looks more impressive in those other photos. Amazing buck! Not one I'd suspect shot out east for sure.
That buck Pat posted is interesting, that split left G3 ya don't see that often... If it grosses 190", it's still gotta net Boone... (one would think ???)
"That’s an awesome buck but I’m skeptical. That would be pushing world record status"... Dang deerhunter72, that huge IL 8-point, was it taken this year? He's ain't the WR8, but net 183-1/8" as a 4x4 probably scores real high in B&C as 4x4...
I got a computer file of top clean base B&C 4X4s (not 5x4 with washed G4) and see if I can find it...
(to be continued...8^)))
Zbone, the article I pulled that from says that that buck is the highest grossing 8pt. It was published in May of this year, the deer was killed in 2011. There are some cool live trail cam pics of the buck in other articles.
deerhunter72 - I found that file... Yep, you're right, from what I saved, he would be the highest scoring 4x4... " 2011, Illinois gunhunter Jason Sanders"
Thanks for the link, I updated my file... The score of 184 7/8 inches is a little different from what I saved (183-1/8)... Can only assumed they panel judged it? Anybody out there know?
Pix attached from what I saved... What a moose...
Am real curious what that buck Pat posted will officially net B&C?
Great pictures Zbone! I don’t know if the panel judged it or not, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was.
Someone sent me a few PM’s to correct me about calling that buck a “world record”. I know that it’s not an officially recognized WR, but it is the highest grossing typical 8pt and many consider that a record. In 2022 a guy from my area killed a net 158” 6 pt and North American Whitetail did an article on it calling it a potential WR 6. It’s a shame there’s isn’t a separate category for these lower point count giant typicals. Just my opinion.
deerhunter72's Link
Here’s a link to that giant 6.
Zbone's Link
Dang, what a whopper 3x3, thanks for the link deerhunter72... Not meaning to highjack this thread but did a google search on that IL monster, seems they're using the term "world record 8" pretty liberally... Also in the link describes the difference in the two scores and sounds like they were going to panel judge:
"The typical eight-point frame reportedly grosses 192 3/8-inches, netting 184 7/8-inches after side-to-side deductions. However, the buck has a ninth-point, a 1 6/8-inch sticker off his right G-2 that slides the score down to 183 1/8-inches.
While it remains unclear on a date set for an official panel scoring"
I agree Zbone, apologies if I have high jacked this thread. Still hoping to get more details and pictures of the buck Pat started this with.
I doubt an 8 point whitetail would ever get panel measured by P&Y or B&C.
Yeah, me thinks the same too...
That’s dang near 170 gross for sure.
"Gross score - 190”"
Pat - Did you happen to get the net score of that Connecticut buck yet? Just curious if it'll make Boone... Thanks...
Ya gotta luv those gross Booner guys...8^)
Doesn’t matter. That’s huge for Connecticut Some impressive 8 points
I know that I'm late to the party but, my WAG score was going to be 180 and 6 years old. No matter what the outcome, it's a great trophy buck in my book. The others pictured as well are great trophies in their own right.
What is the meaning of your "WAG" score?
Oh, I'm a little slow, thanks...8^)
Pat, two questions:
1) Is there a story to go with that buck, i.e. state/private, bow/gun?
2) Do you know if CT keeps P&Y/B&C records regarding antler size, or weight, besides old data from when check stations were open?