Mathews Inc.
Lee Ellis Seek One Whitetails
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Mike Ukrainetz 09-Dec-24
rattling_junkie 09-Dec-24
sitO 10-Dec-24
TEmbry 10-Dec-24
rattling_junkie 10-Dec-24
Zbone 10-Dec-24
wv_bowhunter 10-Dec-24
peter.p 10-Dec-24
Shiloh 10-Dec-24
DanaC 10-Dec-24
Mhg825 10-Dec-24
Charlie Rehor 10-Dec-24
bigswivle 10-Dec-24
Bou'bound 10-Dec-24
Shiloh 10-Dec-24
Michael 10-Dec-24
Mike Ukrainetz 10-Dec-24
t-roy 10-Dec-24
greg simon 10-Dec-24
TMac 10-Dec-24
GFL 10-Dec-24
thedude 10-Dec-24
sticksender 10-Dec-24
midwest 10-Dec-24
Bowboy 10-Dec-24
Beav 10-Dec-24
midwest 10-Dec-24
Bou'bound 10-Dec-24
Tjm1534 12-Dec-24
WhattheFOC 12-Dec-24
Tjm1534 12-Dec-24
KHNC 13-Dec-24
Recurve Man 13-Dec-24
Paul@thefort 14-Dec-24
midwest 14-Dec-24
t-roy 14-Dec-24
PECO2 14-Dec-24
Tracker 14-Dec-24
midwest 14-Dec-24
spike78 14-Dec-24
Recurve Man 14-Dec-24
Bowfinatic 14-Dec-24
SD 15-Dec-24
midwest 15-Dec-24
Recurve Man 15-Dec-24
midwest 16-Dec-24
nchunter 16-Dec-24
Jonsey 16-Dec-24
Jeff Holchin 16-Dec-24
midwest 17-Dec-24
ki-ke 17-Dec-24
W 18-Dec-24
PA-R 18-Dec-24
RutnStrut 19-Dec-24
Shiloh 20-Dec-24
muliemad 21-Dec-24
Gun 22-Dec-24
Quinn @work 23-Dec-24
Quinn @work 23-Dec-24
Huntiam 23-Dec-24
midwest 24-Dec-24
Shiloh 24-Dec-24

Mike Ukrainetz's Link
Fascinating story on killing a huge suburban deer in a very dangerous part of the city. The buck grossed 215 with multiple drop tines!

Anyone know anything more about this deer or Lee’s recent Ohio 212 incher? Other people must have been after these deer for years wouldn’t they? They would have to be 5 yr old bucks at least, maybe much older? Wouldn’t there be all kinds of trail cam photos, shed antlers from years and years? There must be much more of a back story? Anyone have info? I’m just curious after watching it. Well done show though!

I'll definitely give it a watch. Thanks for sharing.

From: sitO
Watched the first 10min or so, same questions, I'll watch the rest later. Will say one thing, he's obsessed.

From: TEmbry
Good videos and from what I can tell a good guy.

The volume and how spread out these deer are, I feel like it’s pretty clear he’s paying for leads/access on mega bucks. Not that there is anything wrong with that but there is zero chance it’s happening organically across several states in urban areas that consistently for giant bucks.

I agree Tembry, good on him but it's not an organic process. He's driven though, gotta give him that.

From: Zbone
Had seen the video before, great buck and congrats to the hunter, but he's a little too over the top for me...

From: wv_bowhunter
There was a podcast that went into much more detail about how it all came to be. Worth the listen after watching the video I believe.

From: peter.p
Love their vids...Zbone I agree a bit of a drama queen but he's passionate for sure. This last Ohio buck really shows how hunting has changed over the years. He climbs his tree, cell cam sends his phone a pic that he bumped the deer out of the area so he gets down. In the "old days" he'd have been sitting all day for the deer

From: Shiloh
Watch the latest 2+ hour video of the Ohio kill and listen to his podcast talking about it as well for a look behind the curtain. Spook Spann accused him of paying and Lee was adamant that he did not pay for access to he says he gets leads on deer, but he hasn’t paid. He says he would not be against paying, but hasn’t to this point. Once you wrap your head around the time he invest I tend to believe him. I wouldn’t do it if I could kill the new world record!!!

From: DanaC
"He climbs his tree, cell cam sends his phone a pic that he bumped the deer out of the area so he gets down."

yeah, cell cams are game-changing. On the flip side, I see guys over-hunting areas because of what the cams are showing. Ignore temps, wind direction etc. because the stand is 'hot'.

From: Mhg825
He kills monsters , but sitting in trees looking into people's houses just doesn't do anything for me.

Capitalism thrives in the USA. He’s found a way to hunt deer in major cities that others can’t gain access. . He is the ultimate door to door salesman gaining access. Followers and sponsors are now aplenty. He found a unique way to make a living by killing these city giants.

From: bigswivle
Definitely a different way of hunting but man he has killed some giants. Good for him

From: Bou'bound
Too much of anything isn’t a good thing.

From: Shiloh
He has talked a lot about what he does and how it wears on him. He is on the verge of starting a family, so I am sure that he will have to re-think his approach. He has openly said that he would like to find a good lease and just hunt it for a while.

From: Michael
“Spook Spann accused him of paying and Lee was adamant that he did not pay for access to he says he gets leads on deer, but he hasn’t paid.”

I can’t help but to find this interesting considering Spook has said on the Exodus podcast that he himself pays for info, access etc for deer over 200”.

I listened to a couple of podcasts with him on it too. Seems like a great guy, obviously obsessed, you couldn’t have another job, wife or kids while doing it but wow! Amazing passion and dedication. Having to door knock on dozens and dozens, maybe hundreds of places is enough to get rid of most of his competitors. You can bet he deals with some grumpy, possibly dangerous people who don’t take well to uninvited guests on their doorstep.

Maybe he is just leaving it out but where the heck is the history on these bucks? They would have been huge, 170-180+ for at least a couple years before he killed them, with the Ohio 212” one living mostly in a suburban, heavily hunted place. Some local hunters must have been crying over him killing that deer!

From: t-roy
I thought ol Spook relied totally on just having “Eyes like an eagle, ears like a hawk” to sniff out all those giants he chases…….He ought to still be in jail JUST for his theme song!

From: greg simon
Spook Span making accusations...LOL!!!

From: TMac
My son has followed them for a few years now. They are obsesssed and kills some giants.

From: GFL
There well known here in Ga. They actually hunt a 2 acre parcel near me. A lot of bridges have been burned by them. The suburbs around Atlanta have some giant whitetails.

From: thedude
More scum in the pond of influencers

From: sticksender
Impressive buck and an even more impressive effort to get him killed. Admire his passion and the fact that it's obviously genuine.

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Lee also recently killed a giant on, I believe, Nebraska public, spot and stalk. The guy can obviously hunt. I would love to have his door knocking skills!

From: Bowboy
Good for him what a brute.

From: Beav
Video was pretty entertaining and what a giant!!

From: midwest
Didn't think I could ever watch a 2+ hr hunting video but got sucked into this one. Incredible.


From: Bou'bound
"Big whitetail make people do really uneducated, detrimental, things."

Nope, deer don't make people do anything (except maybe swerve if they run out in front of them on the road).

People choose to do the things they do.

From: Tjm1534
Spook pays for someone to open the gate to the high fence so he can set up and shoot another one from behind the fence.

From: WhattheFOC
Crackheads on my trail cam? Ya - no thanks. This is why I don’t live in the city.

From: Tjm1534
Spook pays for someone to open the gate to the high fence so he can set up and shoot another one from behind the fence.

From: KHNC
Spook Spann, Josh Blowmar, Blojunky, CJ Alexander, Noel Feather

Man, what dream team!

Awesome video of obsession. I hadn't heard of the guy but had several younger friends tell me about him. I loved the footage of that mature buck "slow walking" and licking his nose trying to get scent. He seemed to just sense something wasn't right but couldn't smell him or hear anything out of order.

Wears me out just watching how much time and emotion goes into this. The trail camera strategies are definitely next level. More power to him.

From: Recurve Man
To each his own I guess. Urban deer are not the same as deer without daily human presence. They grow up around people and they get comfortable around people.

I know a guy from OH who took a selfie with the buck this kid called “Kimbo” during the velvet. Probably 30’ from that buck and the deer cared less he was there.


From: Paul@thefort
Beautiful buck! Interesting story! Dangerous Ohio City Buck? Moraine and Springfield Ohio rank number one and two. My best, Paul

From: midwest
Recurve Man, the 212" buck he killed this year is a farm country buck. The other giant he killed was a public land prairie buck, spot and stalk.

From: t-roy
Recurve….I know a guy in Kansas that consistently takes closeup selfies with bucks behind him in the background………At least I think they’re bucks.

I have to give him credit for not only taking these animals, but for putting it all all out there for the world to see and to judge him. There is also a lot of transparency. Credit due when deserved.

From: PECO2
I didn't watch the whole thing, went to the end, watched the shot and the recovery. Amazing deer. I did see the part where the guy and girl came in and shot up heroin near his stand. So, if you want big bucks, hunt the woods where the druggies shoot up.

From: Tracker

Tracker's embedded Photo
Tracker's embedded Photo
Ive been hunting the limits of a major city for the last 15 years. I have killed my biggest 14 bucks in those years. The last few years it has been tuff as more and more guys are hunting these areas. Social media has let the secret out. At first it was strange hunting with all the activity going on around you but the rewards make it worth while. This was last year's buck. 14” G2. It takes just as much time finding these big bucks but once located it then just takes patience.

From: midwest
"It takes just as much time finding these big bucks but once located it then just takes patience."

...and permission if on private. Beauty of a buck Tracker.

From: spike78
Not for me as I like hunting minimum 500 acres and more the better however he does put in crazy effort getting the intel and permissions to hunt and has somewhat made a niche for himself with YouTube hunt channels.

From: Recurve Man

Recurve Man's embedded Photo
Recurve Man's embedded Photo
Here’s the buck he called Kimbo.

He's an incredible hunter and story teller. Really enjoy his videos Last handful of years he has taken it to WOW levels

From: SD
"Kimbo" is a cool buck!!!

From: midwest
"Here’s the buck he called Kimbo."

Recurve Man, So he knew the buck in the video the OP posted? Because it's obviously the same buck. Where did your buddy get the deer's name?

From: Recurve Man

Recurve Man's embedded Photo
Recurve Man's embedded Photo
My buddy never named the deer. I just said he had a selfie with Kimbo. That’s what Lee called him. That particular buck was a local celebrity in that area. He basically had no natural fear of humans.


From: midwest
Gotcha, seems the hard part was locating, then getting permission to legally hunt where he was located during season. Did your buddy have the opportunity to hunt him as well? Hard to believe the deer never got poached.

I hunted adjacent to an amusement park that hosted 100 K people each summer. I never shot anything as large as these bucks, but did shoot two pope and young bucks in a 5 acre area. The hardest part is getting permission.

From: nchunter
I watched the video a couple of days ago. I have hunted close to a house one time before when I was younger. I did not enjoy it that much even though there was a big deer walking on the property. I felt like I was hunting a semi tamed deer. If someone ask me to kill city deer off for meat then I would be fine but if I killed a trophy in the process I would of not bragged about it.

From: Jonsey
I have nothing but the respect for the amount of work Lee puts in.

From: Jeff Holchin
Gonna funny story about urban bucks that is sorta related. When I lived and hunted in Cinci, Ohio, my work buddy and I were obsessed with the huge bucks in the county parks there. No hunting for them back then - OK fine, if we couldn’t kill them, at least we wanted their shed antlers. But even then, you had to hide your intentions, like you’re just taking a nature walk with a backpack. However, the best park was also a known homo pick-up spot and drug dealers were there, so not only did we have to hide from the park rangers, we had to dodge the dudes looking for some funky action! Very risky!

From: midwest
Jeff, if anyone asked, did you just tell them you were looking for a different kind of bone? ;-)

From: ki-ke

From: W
Glad to see a resource being used.

From: PA-R
Still laughing Midwest.

From: RutnStrut
I don't know too many bowhunters that would have been able to hold it together for the 30 minute that buck was in close before the shot. Lee's work ethic and commitment are also something a lot of todays hunters lack.

From: Shiloh
He has time and desire. Two very important things in the any game

From: muliemad
Incredible video one of the best I've watched.

From: Gun
Sorry not a fan. Where's the fair chase? Electronics everywhere. Seriously?, you have to adjust your sight for a 20' shot? To be that obsessed with a buck......

From: Quinn @work
LOL T-Roy!

From: Quinn @work
I would love to know this guys sales pitch he uses when asking for permission.

From: Huntiam
Quinn I’d say it goes something like . What would it take? Lol

From: midwest
For that last 212" deer he got, it took a case of beer and a box of donuts.

From: Shiloh
You can sign up for one of his classes on how to door knock and he’ll tell you.

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