Moultrie Mobile
Wyo $75.00 Appl. Fee
Contributors to this thread:
BULELK1 14-Dec-24
sawtooth 14-Dec-24
sticksender 14-Dec-24
wytex 14-Dec-24
Wymuley 14-Dec-24
WapitiBob 14-Dec-24
Beendare 14-Dec-24
sawtooth 14-Dec-24
cnelk 14-Dec-24
Coondog 14-Dec-24
Huntcell 15-Dec-24
IdyllwildArcher 15-Dec-24
BULELK1 15-Dec-24
sawtooth 15-Dec-24
Don K 15-Dec-24
HDE 15-Dec-24
Beendare 15-Dec-24
wytex 15-Dec-24
cnelk 15-Dec-24
TreeWalker 15-Dec-24
Knothead 16-Dec-24
BULELK1 16-Dec-24
cnelk 16-Dec-24
BULELK1 17-Dec-24
WapitiBob 20-Dec-24

BULELK1's Link
So, if it passes, and I read it correctly, to apply for all three, Elk, Deer, Antelope = $225.00 Nonrefundable if not drawn.



From: sawtooth
Montana is similar, if unsuccessful you only get a partial refund.

From: sticksender
Is this for all species?

And by the way sawtooth, it's actually not similar to Montana, at least cost wise. Montana has some strong fees as well, but doesn't match the pounding that Wyoming gives to NR's. Wyoming was already the most expensive state in the west as far as their total non-refundable fees charged to NR to apply for big game tags. I hope I'm reading it wrong but sounds like, it might cost the NR five times as much in app fees for Elk, Deer, Pronghorn, Mountain Goat, Sheep, Moose and Bison? Considering the fee hikes they already imposed in recent years, that seems rough. What now costs 105.00 to apply for those 7 species, would cost 525.00 (plus the convenience fees)? Just to put your name in the draw. The preference point fees are 470.00 per year total, and the convenience fees about 250.00. If it's 75 a species to apply, then you'd be somewhere around 1250.00 a year just to get your name in the hat for all the species as a NR, and gain points for the species that have them. And that's after they already sharply reduced the NR allocation for some of the species 2 years ago. As the decades pass with zero tags ever drawn in that state, it makes a guy feel more & more idiotic for participating in these

From: wytex
The way I read it, if you apply for all but elk at the same time your app fee will be $75 for all the apps.

"resident Application fee fees shall be established by rule and shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for resident applications and the seventy?five dollars ($75.00) for nonresident applications for all personal applications made at the same time."

From: Wymuley
They kind of rape the residents too. I pay the highest license fees here over any other state I have lived.

Greedy bas__rds.

From: WapitiBob
It is a cost savings measure if you party app with 6 people, and is a "maximum". The fees will be set by the commission.

"Other assumptions:

This bill provides for the Game and Fish Commission (Commission) to establish, by rule, resident and nonresident application fees not to exceed $20.00 and $75.00, respectively. This bill also allows for a single application fee for multiple hunting licenses purchased at the same time rather than a single application fee for each hunting license. The current application fees for residents and nonresidents are $5.00 and $15.00 per license, respectively."

From: Beendare
Then if you are lucky as a non Resident you can Pay $1950 for the Special Elk Tag...or $6,000. for a Bison tag

From: sawtooth
I bet they will still have an excess of applications.

From: cnelk
In actuality, a NonRes can apply for deer, pronghorn and elk by Jan31 and pay $75 in app fees + license fees

From: Coondog
You gotta pay to play.

From: Huntcell
Riding the bow wave of the stock market and the coming booming TRUMP economy these fees are chump change. Wyoming will have to raise them next year to be relevant.

I've already dropped out of moose, sheep, and bison years ago due to the cost. The odds on the deer tag I put in for are dismal if it costs $75 just to put in for deer.

It'll be interesting to see how the final vote/decision turns out.

True that coondog, Ya gotta Pa$ to Pla$


From: sawtooth
Increased wages and inflation have driven the cost of everything up. Although the trend may slow, it will continue. The cost to go hunting will keep increasing, and there will be plenty of hunters who will pay it and wait for the opportunity.

From: Don K
Why would it not pass? Get out the wallet

From: HDE
The anti hunting crowd can sit back now and relax. The hunting crowd will be it's own demise and price the popularity and desire away for many.

From: Beendare
The increase will be good for the guys that have hung in there and have been paying all along. Some will drop out making it easier to get a tag.

From: wytex
Cnelk and it is still cheaper than buying a license to apply in Colorado isn't it?

Folks looks like a way around paying multiple fees, plan ahead.

From: cnelk
Wytex - I’ll gladly pay an average of $25/species to apply I. Wyoming.

As far as Colorado, I’m buying the qualifying license regardless if I apply or not so that’s a moot point

From: TreeWalker
I agree you have to pay to play though how many of us could scratch this money together at 16 or 26? Sure, plenty of NR will play though will not be as diverse a set of NR applicants. Fewer Joe SixPacks and the same number of Ritchie Rich. I prefer a few more Joes around my campfire. Richie will hire an outfitter who will lock up more land from access. But, my odds increase so screw Joe and his kid who probably goes to public schools. Ha ha ha ha.

From: Knothead

Thats what I'm thinking about doing, Apply for my Elk tag and the overlap Region deer tag in January, 1 $75 appl. fee.

I've got 0 elk points as I drew with 2 pts. this year and I think 7 on Deer points.

I'm saving my Max Antelope points for when I get too old to chase elk and sheep, burn 'em in the 3 states I have lots of Antelope points.

Thanks for the heads-up Brad.

Good luck, Robb

From: cnelk
The biggest downfall is in the past we would know elk results before the Deer/ Antelope apps were due. Now, it would be a different ball game.

True that so I just do overlap units/Region and hunt a 2'fer if I hit both.

Good luck, Robb

From: WapitiBob
NR Elk results are out a cpl weeks before Deer/Antelope apps are due. Get something on paper when applying for all 3 species at the same time then modify or withdraw.

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