Sitka Gear
Range finding bow sight
Contributors to this thread:
Pappy K 18-Dec-24
casekiska 18-Dec-24
Mo/Ark 18-Dec-24
Pappy K 18-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 18-Dec-24
JohnMC 18-Dec-24
Bou'bound 18-Dec-24
Buckeye 18-Dec-24
StickFlicker 20-Dec-24
Dale06 20-Dec-24
DanaC 21-Dec-24
Charlie Rehor 21-Dec-24
midwest 21-Dec-24
From: Pappy K
Any advice/experience with range finding bow sights?

From: casekiska
I, personally, have never used one but over the years I have spoken to a number of fellows who have used them. Most of the comments were from years ago and not all that favorable,..., slow to use, not all that accurate, etc., etc. It will be interesting to see if others opinions agree or if they also had trouble with them.

From: Mo/Ark
I've had a Garmin for 4 years now. A little tedious to set up, but once it's set, it's set. Ranges are instantaneous, and pops the right pin up every time.

I shoot year round, change the batteries out just before hunting season every year as a precaution. Never once had an issue with it not ranging, or giving me bad info.

Even if it did, one click of the button brings up the fixed pins. Then it's just like every other sight. Judge the yardage and use appropriate pin. But, like I said, I havent had that issue. It's been a game changer for me.

From: Pappy K
Thanks. Hope to read more reviews. I think the technology has improved. Was looking at the Garmin A1i Pro. $$$$ so want to make sure its worth it. If I can take away the movement of having to range a deer it could be the difference between getting a shot...and not....

Have you considered a legal-in-all-50-states, P&Y-eligible alternative like the EZV?

They come with inserts to match bows from 200-300 fps (10 fps increments) and basically, they’re intended to make an instinctive shooter out of you, range-wise….

I would probably consider one for the Abowmination, but they don’t make their inserts for bows as slow as mine….

There’s a guy at my club who shoots the Garmin, and you do NOT want to be a deer on his hit-list or in his yard, though occasionally I find myself taking shots that he won’t risk, just because it gets so expensive so fast if you miss a target on that course.

From: JohnMC
I was giving a Burris Oracle 2 to try. They are not legal in CO so I used it over the summer shooting 3D. I like the technology mostly. Was relatively easy to set up. Did surprising well ranging 3D targets but occasionally had issue if a lot of junk was in front of target. Biggest negative I had with it was the weight was noticeable and bow never felt just right/balanced holding it. I think that could be addressed with a back/side bar and weighs in the right place.

I am glad they are not legal in CO. I personally think there more than enough technology in bowhunting. With that said you could make an argument that could lead to less wounded critters. Also could lead to more longer than advisable shots. I might put it back on for spring turkeys??

From: Bou'bound
My only experience is secondhand

Was on a Greenland muskox hunt with a guy who had just gotten one. This was in 2019 so they hadn’t been out long and I don’t think he had had his very long.

He bragged about that site before we got to camp what it would do how great it was how it was such a game changer

Then we went out to shoot at a block target the day before the hunt started back behind camp

I think he lost five of seven arrows in the tundra at 25 yards. He couldn’t hit an iceberg with that thing

I think he eventually got it squared away to the point that it worked when it came time to shoot his ox, but it wasn’t an impressive introduction to the product

From: Buckeye
Never owned one and as long as they are $700+, I probably won't, they are cool tho, I have heard that in foggy conditions they have a hard time ranging, and in thick brushy stuff I could imagine the same problem. I did shoot one on one of my buddies bows and it was neat.

From: StickFlicker
The fact that they don't qualify as Fair Chase under any of the respected records programs (P&Y - B&C) would make them a no-go for me. And everyone says that they don't care about record books, until they kill a state, world or other high-ranking record. I've been asked to measure a couple of animals in the past year that were potentially world records, and others very close to it, where I had to explain to the hunters that they could not enter them. Since every one of them says they had no idea, this is my public service announcement. Take it or leave it, but I don't need to hear your personal thoughts on record programs.

From: Dale06
A friend has one and likes it. I believe it’s a Garmin. I’ve considered getting one, still thinking about it. I have no interest in entering animals in the “books”, so that’s not a factor in my case.

From: DanaC
I'd bet the price drops a lot in the next few years. Have any gone on 'clearance' yet?

Kind of like tree saddles it’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

From: midwest
Charlie, say whaaaaat?

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