Moultrie Mobile
Christmas Gift: Bloodtrail Challenge 49
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Pat Lefemine 20-Dec-24
Zbone 20-Dec-24
Blood 20-Dec-24
Zbone 20-Dec-24
PECO2 20-Dec-24
TMac 20-Dec-24
Mark Watkins 20-Dec-24
JohnMC 20-Dec-24
Zbone 20-Dec-24
t-roy 20-Dec-24
Bowbender 20-Dec-24
Coondog 20-Dec-24
Nick Muche 20-Dec-24
Blood 21-Dec-24
Zbone 21-Dec-24
craigmcalvey 21-Dec-24
Ambush 21-Dec-24
-LoveFromNH 21-Dec-24
butcherboy 21-Dec-24
longsprings 21-Dec-24
longsprings 21-Dec-24
BBB 21-Dec-24
drycreek 21-Dec-24
Candor 21-Dec-24
BBB 21-Dec-24
Pyrannah 21-Dec-24
hobbes 21-Dec-24
MnM 21-Dec-24
steve 22-Dec-24
Buckeye 22-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 22-Dec-24
Brian M. 22-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 22-Dec-24
Mpdh 22-Dec-24
tobywon 22-Dec-24
drycreek 22-Dec-24
JDM 22-Dec-24
elkmtngear 22-Dec-24
butcherboy 22-Dec-24
Candor 22-Dec-24
bowelk65 22-Dec-24
milnrick 22-Dec-24
mrelite 22-Dec-24
Ambush 22-Dec-24
Old Reb 23-Dec-24
Boreal 23-Dec-24
BBB 23-Dec-24
HunterR 23-Dec-24
Zbone 23-Dec-24
greg simon 23-Dec-24
Zbone 23-Dec-24
Zbone 23-Dec-24
12yards 23-Dec-24
N Farley 23-Dec-24
steve 23-Dec-24
Buckeye 23-Dec-24
dnovo 23-Dec-24
Ambush 23-Dec-24
t-roy 23-Dec-24
ahunter76 23-Dec-24
Ambush 23-Dec-24
JB 23-Dec-24
Bow Bullet 23-Dec-24
12yards 23-Dec-24
priley 23-Dec-24
Keith 23-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 23-Dec-24
BBB 24-Dec-24
Bou'bound 24-Dec-24
Bow Bullet 24-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 24-Dec-24
JB 24-Dec-24
Zbone 24-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 24-Dec-24
Ambush 24-Dec-24
Charlie Rehor 24-Dec-24
WhattheFOC 24-Dec-24
WhattheFOC 24-Dec-24
PECO2 24-Dec-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 24-Dec-24
Gene 25-Dec-24
craigmcalvey 25-Dec-24
Bou'bound 25-Dec-24
Ambush 25-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 25-Dec-24
BBB 25-Dec-24
BBB 25-Dec-24
butcherboy 25-Dec-24
JB 25-Dec-24
Mpdh 25-Dec-24
Bowbender 25-Dec-24
Dr. Deer 25-Dec-24
drycreek 25-Dec-24
WhattheFOC 26-Dec-24
Gileguy 26-Dec-24
greenmountain 26-Dec-24
Osceola 26-Dec-24
Earltex 26-Dec-24
Ambush 26-Dec-24
Gunpowder 26-Dec-24
milnrick 26-Dec-24
drycreek 26-Dec-24
btnbuck 27-Dec-24
Zbone 27-Dec-24
Stoneman 27-Dec-24
Zbone 27-Dec-24
Bou'bound 27-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 27-Dec-24
Shug 27-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 27-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 27-Dec-24
12yards 27-Dec-24
Pete-pec 27-Dec-24
Bou'bound 27-Dec-24
Ambush 27-Dec-24
Zbone 27-Dec-24
greenmountain 27-Dec-24
midwest 27-Dec-24
HunterR 27-Dec-24
GLP 27-Dec-24
fuzzy 27-Dec-24
butcherboy 27-Dec-24
Stekewood 27-Dec-24
drycreek 27-Dec-24
WhattheFOC 28-Dec-24
Zbone 28-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 28-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 28-Dec-24
t-roy 28-Dec-24
Ambush 28-Dec-24
12yards 28-Dec-24
ND_Bowhunter 28-Dec-24
TMac 28-Dec-24
midwest 28-Dec-24
Corax_latrans 28-Dec-24
TMac 28-Dec-24
ahunter76 28-Dec-24
drycreek 28-Dec-24
Stekewood 28-Dec-24
Stekewood 28-Dec-24
PECO2 28-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 28-Dec-24
HunterR 28-Dec-24
Bowbender 28-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 28-Dec-24
JB 29-Dec-24
mooseslayer 29-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 29-Dec-24
Steve Leffler 29-Dec-24
Bowbender 29-Dec-24
Pat Lefemine 29-Dec-24
Ambush 29-Dec-24
Bowbender 29-Dec-24
VAMtns 30-Dec-24
greenmountain 01-Jan-25
steve 06-Jan-25
Dr. Deer 06-Jan-25
APauls 10-Jan-25
WhattheFOC 13-Jan-25
From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Play Bloodtrail Challenge 49 now
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Play Bloodtrail Challenge 49 now

Pat Lefemine's Link
We just shot a doe yesterday. I promised you all a bloodtrail game before the end of the year so here you go.

From: Zbone
I actually prefer a shot in the center of the triangle between A, B, and C...8^)

From: Blood
B. Less than 34 yards

From: Zbone
"Less than 34 yards"

Now, that's too funny...8^)))

From: PECO2
Are you on the ground or in a treestand? "C" looks too low for a treestand shot.

From: TMac
Ugh tough start lol

From: Mark Watkins
Here you go T-Roy!!!


From: JohnMC
How in the world is it “b”?

From: Zbone
How do I go back and see my score?

From: t-roy
Pat’s gotten my response to question 1on our FPSG group text, Mark. It’s the same response that I sent this morning :-/

From: Bowbender

Bowbender's embedded Photo
Bowbender's embedded Photo

From: Coondog
A. Shoot a heavier arrow and heavier poundage to break both shoulders AND pass through. I’d never aim at C.

From: Nick Muche
No thanks on C from a treestand.

From: Blood
I feel the statement is reversed about branches blocking the 2 does on the left lol…..and I can’t answer question 1. I’m stumped. There’s not one choice I, or many others would put their pin on for that shot.

I’m with Coondog. There is nothing on a whitetail that would stop a proper broadhead and weight at that angle and distance.

A 100% and just below A if using inadequate equipment:>)))

From: Zbone
You guys don't get it... Bowstring reaction time at 33 yards for her to drop about a third of her body height to coil and spin puts the arrow about center of the V formed by the leg bone and scapula right through the boiler room, a perfect shot...8^)

From: craigmcalvey
I’ll disagree with your choice

From: Ambush
I definitely would have shot the doe on the left. Great angle and fifteen pounds heavier.

From: -LoveFromNH

-LoveFromNH's embedded Photo
Shows the exit hole.
-LoveFromNH's embedded Photo
Shows the exit hole.
I shot a buck at 33 yards from a treestand in "A" it went through the scapula, took out the top of the heart, and buried 6" in the ground. He ran 30 yards and dropped dead. I was using a 601 grain Easton 5mm topped with a Tooth of The Arrow solid XL 125 grain head.

From: butcherboy
I chose c because I’ve done enough of these challenges to know that’s the correct answer for the challenge. In reality, I have no problem shooting any of the 3 does with the shots presented. Those branches are not in the way and if the one doe drops at the shot then c is a good choice. Better would be just a touch higher than c.

From: longsprings
I would opt for in between A&B I would watch her fall down

From: longsprings
I will choose wrong answer before I would choose C Need that E for sure

From: BBB
Question 1 - From a treestand "B" is the correct answer all day long.

From: drycreek
No explanation (excuse) needed when you choose the right answer. Now that I have popped off, watch me go to hell on the rest of them ! ;-))

BTW, Pat, thank you !

From: Candor
What is the reason for stacking the bait between the logs? To avoid having the deer two deep ?

From: BBB
"C" is not the best shot! The deer''s front, left leg is slightly back, causing the shoulder blade to block that shot location. Plus from a stand it's too low. Someone who's a better hunter will need to explain that choice to me. I also like the "E" choice.


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
I would shoot the green dot here. On animals with 4 stomach chambers. The stomach is further forward on the left side than it is on the ride side of the body. So green dot for me.

From: Pyrannah
Reading comprehension is tough some times

From: hobbes
I'm not aiming for the "correct" spot at that angle.

From: MnM
Camera vs hunters angle can be deceptive, roll with c we have a blood trail with a dead deer at the end of it.

From: steve
I would have waited the hour and got down and inspected .looked like plenty of daylight!

From: Buckeye
Swing and a miss on #2 , not even a partial credit! Dang...looked like a great shot to me. I still like these BT challenges even if I flunk them . Thanks for another one Pat, and merry Christmas.

“..looked like a great shot to me.”

If there’s one thing I have learned about video of hunting shots, it’s that things happen real fast… Of course, my arrows probably only go at 2/3 the speed of Pat’s so maybe that’s not helping me any……

Anyway, it’s hard for me to trust my eyes with video. Too, I have followed up too quickly a few times and wished I hadn’t, so I kind of assume that my shots are never as good as I had thought, real-time.

And remember — if none of the choices seem quite right, the right answer on any challenge will be what PAT would do, because he’s the one writing the questions… So that’s just part of the puzzle. Fair enough.

From: Brian M.
"I would have waited the hour and got down and inspected .looked like plenty of daylight!"

Exactly. Why would you get down and check arrow right away? If questionable, meaning you didn't see or hear the deer crash, you're waiting 30-60 minutes anyway. So, waiting the hour should be 9 pts, checking right away should be 3.

“looked like plenty of daylight!"

Interesting. It actually looks pretty dark to me, but maybe it’s my phone? Crazy….

But time of day probably should be a consideration any time you don’t see them drop, so maybe we should be campaigning for Pat to include time & weather on these?

From: Mpdh
Remember, this is intended to be fun and entertaining for us!

From: tobywon
I’ve got the cheese since we have plenty of whine here!! Haha!!

From: drycreek
I only got partial points on number 3, but we will see if I’m vindicated in my choice……..maybe. I wonder if Pat will let us in on approximately how long the deer was dead when he found her ?

From: JDM
Funny how the options in question 1 were not where the arrow hit in question 2.

From: elkmtngear
"Funny how the options in question 1 were not where the arrow hit in question 2".

Yes, and if the hit was more "A" instead of "B", that deer would have been dead within 15 minutes (IMHO)

From: butcherboy
I messed up question 2. Hit the wrong answer on my phone with my fat fingers. lol wrong on question 3 because I would have started tracking within the hour just to see how the blood on the ground looked. Wouldn’t need to go far to determine what I would do next. Wait longer or continue tracking.

From: Candor
These challenges teach me that there are a lot of people that have killed a lot of deer that have different opinions.

From: bowelk65
come on guys from Michigan get on here and get the score up!!

From: milnrick

I went with th "wait an hour and track"... and got a 3.

From: mrelite
The safest answer is so overly safe it makes me want to hack the server and input the correct answer. LOL The coyotes are gonna eat their fill and the storms are coming early....

From: Ambush
I think Pat needs to have another turkey beat some sense into him.

From: Old Reb
I also scored a 3 on question number 3. I would have no problem starting the track after waiting one hour. If the blood sign was not looking good and indicated that a longer wait would be more prudent, the tracking job could be delayed and taken up again later.

From: Boreal
I just put a video camera on my Christmas wishlist so that I can know what to do when I shoot a deer! Great protip! Thanks!

From: BBB
These challenges are a lot of fun,.....but only if you're the one putting this thing together,....Pat. Thanks for making us all think though, and it gives us another reason to drink.

From: HunterR

From: Zbone
I just did it... Pat didn't give me any 3s, he gave me: 9-0-0-9...8^)

Aside from the joke "at 33 yards", I'll repeat and stand by what I said in the beginning, and now from the video looks like she dropped a little (maybe not a whole third) but it was a perfect shot, may have been just a couple inched back, but still perfect in the boiler room... She even did the spin... If I'd been in the stand, would have listened for her to crash for maybe about 4 or 5 minutes, climbed down, picked up the arrow and begin tracking before it got dark and time to get her out:

"I actually prefer a shot in the center of the triangle between A, B, and C...8^)"

"Bowstring reaction time at 33 yards for her to drop about a third of her body height to coil and spin puts the arrow about center of the V formed by the leg bone and scapula right through the boiler room, a perfect shot"

From: greg simon
I don't care what Pat says, I identify as having a perfect score!!!

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
I'm not happy with my score, so I'm gonna break it down with freeze frames...8^)

Notice the camera angle Pat is shooting from...

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Game over, perfect shot, I drop the mic...8^)))

My score should be 36...8^) I rest my case...8^)

From: 12yards
I want to know where Pat got a light saber. No wonder he's so deadly.

I slowed it down also and would have taken a minute to absorb the adrenaline. Lowered my gear. Dug out my knife and gutted it :10 after the shot.

But a hint.

that isn’t how to get the most points for this game.

From: N Farley
What is the pencil for

From: steve
I must be blind didn't see any sign>

From: Buckeye
I was wondering that myself Norm, I thought I saw lung matter in the wrong picture. I finally see what I missed on the first look.

From: dnovo
Some info missing or I missed it. Question 3 says you got down at 4:45 and inspected the arrow and site. What time was the shot taken?

From: Ambush
If Pat could get rid of his Amish neighbors by telling the truth, I’m betting he didn’t do the “9” answer to the third question ;)

From: t-roy
I’m thinking about tanking on the rest of my answers so I can get a higher draft pick.

From: ahunter76
I love these. Don't always do great BUT I have in over 200 bloodtrails in real life. My eyes are a lot less effective but I got #4 right. Also, with the weather report on the snow made my 3 on #3 should have been a 9.. An hour was plenty for that deer. But then, I arrowed my 1st Deer in 1958 & most since have dropped in a short distance. There's been a few. Keep em coming Pat. Get busy, we need more than 1 a years. Thanks for your time & effort.

From: Ambush
Pats answer to Clue #3 reminds me of an old rock song.

“You’re just a 3 dressed up as a 9”

From: JB
T-roy for the win! I'm not complaining but I seem to be on this 3 - 9 - 3 - 9 pattern. 1st answer was what I thought from a tree stand. 2 I'm good. 3 I would be tracking sooner but that's just me. 4 I'm good.

Pat - I'm absolutely not whining! I love these challenges!! Keep em coming.

From: Bow Bullet
My scores and reasons for my choices are the same as JB's.

From: 12yards
Starting out hot! Which usually means I end up going down in flames.

From: priley
Question #4 Why is the third pic the correct answer? What is in the pic that would indicate it is the correct trail to follow? I'm not complaining I just don't get it.

From: Keith
Priley: Blood droplets


Kind of a No Brainer…. Unless you’re Color Blind…

From: BBB
I see tracks in 3, no blood. I wouldn't start on a trail unless I is blood with the tracks.

From: Bou'bound
Look closer

From: Bow Bullet
I rarely get the diection of travel question right. Another goose egg this time.

Yeah, I let getting inside of Pat’s head overrule the obvious….

From: JB
I got the spatter direction right but Pat definitely got in my head. I cringed while hitting enter.

From: Zbone
Yeah, me don't get the spatter pattern either, got another goose egg...8^(

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
49 blood trail games later and you guys still suck?

From: Ambush
^^^ And we’re no better in real life, sadly.

I have never, ever got the blood trail direction right.

From: WhattheFOC
Had a young guy shoot a buck from one of my stands this fall - terrible shot, he centered the rear shoulder. Blizzard supposed to start at midnight, we waited til 10, then got after it. Hardly a drop of blood for 400 yards on old snow. Found a couple beds, then heard him moving ahead in the dark. I’ll spare you the details of the rodeo that ensued, but we were gutting it as the snow began. I’d say that one was a 9/9.

From: WhattheFOC
Charlie - if you did the George Costanza thing, you’d never get it wrong.

From: PECO2
I got 3 points on the blood splatter question. First time scoring on blood splatter.

Trevor based on the details give I can assume it was a hell of a rodeo

From: Gene
Damn, why didn't I blow up the photos on question #4 !!!

From: craigmcalvey
When I clicked it to blow it up it shows a pic of a turkey being chased by a guy in camo!! Pat is that you??

From: Bou'bound
so the question says it may or may not be there but there is no choice that it is not there. for someone who does not believe it is.

From: Ambush
Bou’s AI bot has been into the eggnog early.

“….he centered the rear shoulder.”

Hmmmmmm…. You mean the off/far shoulder, or was it more of a hamblaster??

I have hit the off shoulder before, but not without center-punching Heart. So zero blood, but Down in sight….

From: BBB
Splatter? Where's the splatter? I see a puddle and drops. I'm just going to pick one because it's not my deer I'm looking for :)

From: BBB
I see a deer in a different grid, so there must have been two of them, right.

Blood spatter…. Grrrrrr.

Merry Christmas

From: butcherboy
Blood splatter got me too. I knew it was A but guessed C. To me, it looked like it was headed that direction but with a little bit more of trail it would be easier to tell the direction for sure.

From: JB
Hey Pat you were way too nice on which grid the deer was in. I would have picked none of them but it wasn't an option. Ended up getting it right.

From: Mpdh
I studied the blood splatter over and over. I was sure there was splatter in 2 directions, so I flipped a coin. Naturally I got it WRONG!

From: Bowbender
Not sure what grid y’all are talking about, but when I click on it to enlarge all I get is a pic of a turkey beating the shit out of Pat.

From: Dr. Deer
Looks like a deer belly on the right, and a softer clue is a freshly broken branch on the blown-down tree just in front of it.

From: drycreek
I’ve been otherwise occupied so I had two clues to unravel. After much deliberation and (burning a likeness of Pat in effigy) I chose the right one by as much luck as skill. The next one was easy peasy but I still have time to screw up a promising score.

I still say that deer was dead in a few minutes.

From: WhattheFOC
Corax … rear shoulder, as in center of m’ass. I told him to leave that one off his resume.

From: Gileguy
Doing this challenge on my phone. I sure hope this is the year I get cataract surgery!!

Clue 6 has me stumped. All four quadrants look like the same turkey when I zoom in.

From: Osceola

Thank you for the Blood Trail Challenge. I always look forward to it.

From: Earltex
The game is contrived and Pat is the puppet master. Should be used to it by now.

From: Ambush
And it’s always better to take your guess before reading on here. As unbelievable as it sounds, there are a few that seek to mislead with their posts. Whodathunkit?

From: Gunpowder
I was thinking that since there was no digestive material out of the exit wound, oh well I still enjoy the BTC, learned a lot about deer anatomy etc...

From: milnrick

I was in that same mindset, no gut on arrow or at the exit hole. Gut never entered my mind.

From: drycreek
Looks like I was wrong (as usual) on how long that doe lived after the shot. If Pat could see (or shoot) better she would have been dead in minutes. ;-))

Another damn thing, the lighted nock on that arrow is deceiving. I would almost rather guess where the arrow went. I want my money back !

From: btnbuck
Question #1 said choose the best shot (out of the four presented) Not the best aiming point. (none of them were optimal) The blood splatter question was tough to see because it looked like the deer actually stopped and it dripped down. On question #6. Like someone above said, If there was a "none of the above" answer, I would have selected it. The way a stomach sandwiches the liver against the diaphram, it is almost impossible to hit the liver without hitting the stomach. IMHO

From: Zbone
I got clue# 6 right, but I thought I seen a set of reflecting eyes...

From: Stoneman
Pat, you may have aimed at C but you sure didn’t hit C.

From: Zbone
Yeah, he hit back a little further than I thought in the video...

From: Bou'bound
These are fun to do. They are nothing fun wise compared to the Comedy of watching People defend their choices like it matters in some way. That is the real value of this entertainment.

From: Pat Lefemine
100% Bou. The entertainment value (for me) is priceless.

From: Shug
Pats blood trail challenges are easy…. Just think of each question as if you were a closeted liberal then make your answer choice

From: Pat Lefemine
Be careful Shug. I’m pretty sure I have embarrassing photos of you (that you probably posted yourself) LOL!

Q for those who picked apart the video…

Do you think this deer reacted to the shoot prior to impact in such a way that it affected the actual shot placement? I would not have guessed that the hit was as far back as it was.

And FWIW, while I am usually pretty confident in my ability to see the anatomy in 3D, I pretty much whiffed on which organs were hit this time, but when you’re that far back, the answer will change depending on where the deer is in its breathing cycle; deep breath, you’d get more lungs, or if the animal is into its reaction to the shot/arrow, you could get into a lot more gut…..

From: 12yards
Well, I did pretty good. I missed some points on the direction of travel and was perfect on the others. The last one is kind of a wild arse guess though.

From: Pete-pec
Well, it's a rarity to hit a perfect score on these as you all know. It's almost like the perfect score proves imperfection, because of the limited clues simply by not being there. I'll be honest, as competitive as I normally am, I punted on 3 questions without worrying if i was wrong, and nailed it on all 3. I did use the most educated guess possible, and in my favor, I hit a buck identical to this shot, so I had a bit of an advantage. I'm talking right down to how far he ran after the shot, to within 20 yards where I found him dead. The fact she is a doe with fawns, I just wasn't sure how she'd react considering her maternal instinct was in play? I do want to thank you Pat, because I do use these as learning tools outside of my normal hunting practices. You cannot help but take some of this information (guessing right or wrong in this challenge), and use it in your own or a fellow hunter's situation when you're not sure how to proceed?

From: Bou'bound
A 180 pound dressed doe is rarer than 70% or more Of the animals shown on the deer meat pole thread. That is a brute. Well Done. Won’t see many like that live weight let alone dressed. The thing had to go 220

From: Ambush
I only got a 3 on #3 because Pat doesn’t know much about whitetail hunting. I hope he learned something from this challenge.

From: Zbone
"Q for those who picked apart the video… Do you think this deer reacted to the shoot prior to impact in such a way that it affected the actual shot placement? I would not have guessed that the hit was as far back as it was"

When I freeze framed the video, that deer did not have time to react until the arrow made contact, but yeah she then started to spin, so it could made the exit hole further back...

Seeing his set up, I'm gonna go out on a limb not knowing the speed of Pat's bow and say Pat was around 18-20 yards by her reaction...

From the angle the arrow left the bow I thought it hit only a couple inches back from the sweet spot angling left deep into both lungs, but apparently those pix were deceiving...

Since Pat didn't push the deer, I got the 8th clue right, I've had a couple liver shot deer do the same un-pushed, lay down and die, both went only about a hundred yards or so...

Pat, can I ask the distance she was to you when you arrowed her? Thanks...

Is it planned not to be able to zoom in on question 6? If not how can I choose none of the above?

From: midwest
Started out a little rough but came on strong at the end! Thanks, Pat.

From: HunterR

From: GLP
Always enjoy these. Thanks!

From: fuzzy
Loved it. Evil. Lol

From: butcherboy
Well, I got #7 right but fell flat on #8. I guessed 175 but knew better. Lol

From: Stekewood
Based on how I did, I think Pat was spot on with his choices of correct answers. ;-)

From: drycreek
Ha ! The last one was a piece of cake. After learning exactly what organs were hit, and how long Pat waited to track, in my mind I figured she laid down within 75/100 yards. When the choices came up I didn’t hesitate to pick the one that was right. I lucked out on the blood splatter but the rest was pretty easy. Before I knew what organs were hit, I thought the shot was much better than it turned out to be. I figured then that deer was down in thirty. Just shows that even if you’re behind the bow, you can’t always be sure of your shot impact.

It was fun Pat, thanks for doing this for us !

From: WhattheFOC
The distance travelled is surprising. Must have been shot with a crossbow.

From: Zbone
"I think Pat was spot on with his choices of correct answers"

Yeah, me too now...

From: Pat Lefemine
I always laugh reading the comments. I have hindsight and know exactly what happened right down to the forensic autopsy performed by me! So I structure my questions based on the reality of what happened, and sometimes that doesn’t mesh with the textbook.

And sometimes I just like to F*ck with you guys. I’m evil that way.

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
And I’m considering doing a back to back bloodtrail challenge dedicated to T-Roy for texting me this photo..,

How many would like to do another one? Dedicated to Troy?

From: t-roy
As long as there’s no Hmong related questions, I’m good with it ;-)

From: Ambush

Should be good. Two guys that know nothing about killing whitetails, arguing about killing whitetails.

From: 12yards
Let's go!

From: ND_Bowhunter
Bring It !

From: TMac
Another blood trail challenge would be like 12 days of Christmas. I always enjoy them.

From: midwest
Yeah, I'm in for one dedicated to Troy but definitely needs to include Hmong related questions. I have some video I could share!

I’m in!

(LW humor ;) )

But yeah— “what organs were hit” questions always have a serious box-o’-chocklits factor, and it seems like Pat never dekes the same way twice…

From: TMac

From: ahunter76
I'm ready for the next one..

From: drycreek
Another one suits me right down to the ground ! Come on with it !

Is it gonna be about an itty bitty buck like Troy kills ?

From: Stekewood
There could never be enough of these. Please do another!

From: Stekewood
There could never be enough of these. Please do another!

From: PECO2
So this was the 49th challenge? I've only done maybe 4 of them. Are the old ones archived so we can go back and do them? I looked, couldn't find them if they are.

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's Link
Here you go

Sort by article category and choose bloodtrail game

From: HunterR

From: Bowbender
Pat, any way to reset our answers on some of the old BT challenges? Thought it might be fun to go back 10 or 15 years and try some.

From: Pat Lefemine
No, sorry!

From: JB
Yes please on another torture treatment. I love it!!

From: mooseslayer
When I click on an old blood challenge (tried several) only half of the screen shows up.

From: Pat Lefemine
Yup, just checked and our old blood trail games prior to 39 are not mobile optimized so won’t display correctly.

If you do another one, make every question blood splatter.

From: Bowbender
So what was the deal with the "What frame is the deer in", blow it up, was you getting hammered by a turkey. Just you dicking with us?

From: Pat Lefemine
Nope. I just copied an old question and didn’t notice the ability to expand it.

I would never di*k with my visitors.

From: Ambush
"I would never di*k with my visitors."

Now I'm ashamed for some of the thoughts I've had during the Challenges. :(

From: Bowbender

Bowbender's embedded Photo
Bowbender's embedded Photo
"I would never di*k with my visitors."

From: VAMtns
Whiffed the splatter one , another BT sounds good .

This was my first blood trail challenge. It was fun.

I did learn that when the question asks to guess what the OP did. I need to choose what he would do. Obviously not what I would do.

Once I figured that obvious detail out. I actually got some answers correct :>)))

The complete factual questions were much easier. Like blood splatter, it’s not a habit, or learned behavior but factual.

Looking forward to play again.

I am not whining . I seldom do well on the blood spatter . It got me to wondering if folks would post blood spatter pictures then tell us the direction of travel. Is anyone interested?

From: steve
180 lb is gigantic .They must eat good in Ohio,

From: Dr. Deer
I usually trip up on the splatter question. On review of my own splatter photos, there are often times some spots where the splatter is different. I suppose it has to do with the rate of travel and the way the leaves are lying. Maybe the best thing to do is find all the splatters and consider not every single one, just what most of them are doing. Knowing this stuff is super important, as once I was trailing ant the splatters were the first evidence of the deer doubling back and re-tracing his steps for a ways. Also, the blood was a bit more water-y after he crossed a stream so that clued me in to if the splatters were made two hours ago or two minutes. Liver hit, found him dead in 4 hours (2 waiting and 2 trailing).

From: APauls
I don't think I've ever nailed a splatter question, but aced it otherwise. This one didn't have any of Pat's usual tricks.

From: WhattheFOC
Can’t say I’ve ever relied on spatter to determine direction. I find that regardless of spatter, deer usually run AWAY from where they are shot. LOL

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