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Winter Conditioning/Workouts
Contributors to this thread:
BULELK1 08-Jan-25
fdp 08-Jan-25
Bowboy 08-Jan-25
pav 08-Jan-25
longsprings 08-Jan-25
elkmtngear 08-Jan-25
Supernaut 08-Jan-25
midwest 08-Jan-25
Bowboy 08-Jan-25
Groundhunter 08-Jan-25
Dale06 08-Jan-25
Scoot 08-Jan-25
midwest 08-Jan-25
Brotsky 08-Jan-25
Scoot 08-Jan-25
midwest 08-Jan-25
TEmbry 08-Jan-25
KY EyeBow 08-Jan-25
Brotsky 08-Jan-25
SD 08-Jan-25
Bowfreak 08-Jan-25
Blood 08-Jan-25
Dikndirt 08-Jan-25
Thornton 08-Jan-25
Tilzbow 08-Jan-25
Corax_latrans 08-Jan-25
Corax_latrans 08-Jan-25
Chuckster 08-Jan-25
midwest 08-Jan-25
Native Okie 08-Jan-25
WV Mountaineer 08-Jan-25
grape 09-Jan-25
BULELK1 09-Jan-25
gil_wy 09-Jan-25

BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo
Well, I started this week @ 177.4 lbs, pretty dang low for my 6'1 height but it gives me a cushion going into winter as I don't want to get over 185 lbs.

I'm trying something new this year on the lifting weights, 2 on 1 off 2 on 1 off, 1 on and then day 7 is total rest day and 24 hour Fast day.

So, lift Mondays/Tuesdays and get in 2-3 miles hiking with my training backpack on 33 lbs/indoor track or outdoor weather depending, repeat Thursday/Friday

Wednesday Steam Room Sweat out exercises like jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, bicycle leg lifts, burpees etc. for about 15 minutes steady, then straight into the pool for some lap swimming. Today is the first day of Steam room/swimming and it's like 16 degrees out so I better dress warm for afterwards.

Saturday, lift/ab's/lower ab's @ home, then Social Walk inside the Mall with our Walking club for all ages and service dogs.

Sunday off day, 24 hour Fast day.

I'll listen to my body if I'm overdoing it, even if I'm starting out slow and steady, I don't want any set-backs from too much and an injury.

Year-round commitment anymore, I'll be 71 in February, so Go For It.

Good luck, Robb

From: fdp
It's a whole bunch easier to keep yourself in shape than it is to get yourself back in shape that is for sure.

From: Bowboy

From: pav
"It's a whole bunch easier to keep yourself in shape than it is to get yourself back in shape that is for sure."

Amen! Fell off a ladder onto concrete back in late August and had to stop workouts for three+ months. Going at it slow but steady at this point...hasn't been easy. Retiring in mid-March (officially May 1st, but last working day will be March 12th) workouts are going to get more intensive and frequent for sure!

From: longsprings
Congrats Pav , your last working day is my birthday I will think of you. Keep on harvesting those trophys I still think that bison is so very cool

From: elkmtngear
"Congrats Pav , your last working day is my birthday I will think of you".

My Birthday as well, lol ! Congrats on your upcoming retirement, pav.

Only time I have paused my workout routine, is when I broke my foot a few years back. Still hitting the treadmill with the pack on 4 days per week, along with core and upper body workouts.

From: Supernaut
Good luck Robb! It sounds like you have a great game plan and you're wise to listen to your body concerning rest and overdoing it. I'm 52 and the listening to my body and resting part was the hardest thing for me to adapt to the last couple years.

“Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.” -Alexis Carrel

From: midwest

midwest's Link
I started a program called Fitbod 3+ weeks ago. It's an app that creates your workouts using AI based on your fitness goals, current level of fitness, equipment availability, and progresses as you progress. Totally customizable and so far, I'm really liking it!

Good work, guys!

From: Bowboy
Doing my same old stuff I have for years. It’s pretty chilly here in WY.

From: Groundhunter
I stay at it year round. Plus most of my routine is completed in water. 71, your still a pup, ha ha...good luck, you got a good plan

From: Dale06
I’ll be 74 next month. Started working out for an elk hunt in 1984, and have not stopped. Tread mill at steep incline for 2.5 miles, next day weight machine, next day tread mill again. Fourth day rest, then repeat the cycle.

From: Scoot
5x/week. Cardio and stretching every time and some weight and core work 2-3x/week. It's an all year thing for me. I ramp up in the summer by adding biking and running in the evenings. I also bust out a weighted pack at the end of July and through August to get my hips and legs used to carrying some weight. Guys like Midwest would kick eight kinds of dogshit outta me in a race (of pretty much any kind), but I do ok with this plan.

From: midwest
Haha, Scoot! I'm old and slow!

From: Brotsky
I came here just to make sure Midwest was keeping his shirt on.

From: Scoot
LOL @ Brotsky!

From: midwest
For your eyes only, JB!

From: TEmbry
Haha @ Brotsky.

This past fall I was in the best shape I’ve been in the last 5 seasons. This year I intend to be in my best shape ever. Starting next week after vacation of course :)

From: KY EyeBow
Don't underestimate the value of resistance training.

From: Brotsky
I hit the treadmill for a run 3x per week and do weight training and core exercises 5x per week in the winter. I also drink too much bourbon and eat too much food so I don't ever see any gains....but I don't get too fat and out of shape either. Gets tougher every year as I get older though. Having a sedentary office job is the real killer. I just try to be in good enough shape to carry everyone's turkey gear each spring and pack out everyone's elk in the fall! Keep moving!

From: SD
I run every day (at least a mile, haven't missed a day since 1995). Used to do quite a bit of lifting and punching bag work but seems like I've been in survival mode for a while and those other things have slipped. Need to get back to it and devote a little more time to fitness. Just like Brotsky, I eat too much and my body never really changes much. I'm going to play with that app that midwest suggested to see if I like what it has to offer.

From: Bowfreak
midwest kept his shirt on, but Charlie had to remove a picture he posted of himself pulling arrows out of a target. He was bent over stiff-legged with a g-string on.

All joking aside....I have the dedication to work out 5 or 6 days a week but my diet sucks most of the time. If not I would have about 8% body fat instead of 80%. :)

From: Blood
Just be consistent. Eat ALOT of protein at every meal. Eat a lot of meals. Lift as heavy as you can. Retain and build muscle. Try not to get injured. Do cardio as needed or just lift heavier and faster. lol

From: Dikndirt
Turned 70 in Nov. I used to run mostly and a little weight lifting. Just finished a full year of CrossFit and feel like it has improved my fitness immensely. Much stronger and still have the endurance that running provides. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive!

From: Thornton
I sit around and eat and bird hunt. Burn it off working all summer on my landscaping business. I've been the same weight for ten years.

From: Tilzbow
I got in real good shape for a Dall sheep hunt in 2010 and for the most part, except for a year or two, have maintained a high level of fitness year round. That said I started the Mountain Tough program 2 years ago and following the programs it’s taken my fitness level to another level. It’s also been 6 months since I had any alcohol and that’s probably made an even bigger difference.


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Monday I hit legs hard. Yesterday, I did back/arms and cranked out a quick 1,000 of climb on one of the trudgemills at 15%-20% grade, just to make sure I thought I should go today. 10-11 miles tomorrow.

From: Chuckster
I do HIIT training Mon-Thurs, lift on Friday, HIIT on Saturday morning, rest on Sunday and back at it on Monday. Oh, and I do a 2 mile walk 6 mornings a week. Down 75lbs from late 2020. Feeling great at almost 62yo. Just ran 9MPH on the treadmill for about 30 seconds yesterday.

From: midwest
Congrats on your weight loss Chuckster!

From: Native Okie
I love these threads and hearing what others are doing….I turn 43 this year and the one thing that has become the most important to me is flexibility. I use an app called GoWOD and have for the last year and it has a ton of variations of flexibility routines. Highly recommend and it has helped tremendously with recovery as after 35 my recovery on harder workouts slowed down.

I’ve also been doing programmed progressive overload lifting for the last year and I feel great when I stick with that plan. 4 days - legs / back, shoulders/ triceps, hinge, and chest and core. The one thing I did neglect last year was conditioning as much. So I’m focused on that this year along with monitoring my diet like I know how to do so. I’m too heavy for my frame now and I need to lose weight.

Like JB, driving a desk and traveling for work can easily set you back if you let it.

Consistency in diet and excercise wins the race.

I work hard for a living. I roof, I frame, I pour concrete, etc…

On my time, I hike with a 30 pound pack a lot. Usually 20 or so miles a week from now till March. Throw in some squirrel hunting on weekends through January. Then deer scouting/shed trips through the spring. So, I cover a lot of miles through the steep mountains and ridge faces.

But, the best primer I get year round is spring gobbler hunting. I walk until I find one. 6-8 miles is a guarantee on some trips. All before noon.

I’m blessed too. I’ve got some young nephews that keep me hopping. Keeps me motivated too. At 50, you gotta work at keeping up with teenagers. The kind that want to hunt gobblers all morning till quitting time. Then fish till dark. Get 5 hours of sleep and do it again. For the whole month of April and May.

I love it man.

From: grape
Lewis and I use the same line, “ getting old isn’t for sissies”.

It’s a battle worth fighting.

I was worried that Nick or Gil would be posting 'Hey Boner' pix like JB referenced! haha

Congrats Paul "Every Day is Saturday' is always good like C-man says.

That is Great Chuckster----->

Congrats Tiltzbow on going Sober.

Keep the Pace All.

Good luck, Robb

From: gil_wy
Hey if I get these last couple abs cooperate, I’m not even going to wear a shirt to work!!

I’m in the middle of a winter “bulk”… I’ve actually lost 3 pounds lifting heavy and “bulking”. Guess I’m going to have to reevaluate my plan lol!

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