Moultrie Mobile
Antler Traps
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
milnrick 08-Jan-25
Zbone 08-Jan-25
midwest 08-Jan-25
milnrick 08-Jan-25
Huntcell 08-Jan-25
Buckdeer 08-Jan-25
t-roy 08-Jan-25
Lost Arra 08-Jan-25
Ace 08-Jan-25
Saphead 08-Jan-25
milnrick 08-Jan-25
Ironbow 09-Jan-25
From: milnrick
Does anyone use Antler Traps to help collect sheds, or do y'all simply scout and search?

If you're using a trap, can you post a few pics?

Thank you

From: Zbone
Don't know how true this is or the correct scientific terminology but read where the antler shedding process takes less than 48 hours from the pedicle softening (again don't know scientific terminology) until the time the antlers drop... So, it's not like the bases slowly melt and can be easily broke off, just hours before the process begins, the antler bone and the pedicle bone are still bonded together and if caught in a trap like those chain traps and become entangled the buck itself is caught or he rips the pedicle from the skull...

If this is not true, I'm all ears and thanks for the information...

From: midwest
Can't believe they're even legal.

From: milnrick
I've read about them being used in some areas, usually nothing more than something the loosened antler would or could bump against to facilitate their dropping off.

I'm just curious about what they'd look like.

From: Huntcell

Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Huntcell 's embedded Photo
Google search reveals many versions and links to you tube videos of same subject

From: Buckdeer
From what I have read is what holds the antler on is the level of testosterone and when that level lessons the antler falls off and what bonds the antler to the base is actually only 1 cell thick.Traps could tangle a buck as I have had them get caught in tree cages.

From: t-roy
I’ve heard of guys dumping corn in the middle of multiflora bushes. No idea wether it works or not.

From: Lost Arra
Just check fence crossings. That's where we find the most. Jumping the fence or crawling thru it usually does the job (for the deer, not the shed hunter).

From: Ace
You’ll find many arguments against the idea of traps but I think most of them apply to those that can cause damage. Bungee cords seem to be a safer option than fencing or wire. I knew one guy who used them pretty extensively, he didn’t know I knew about them, and always had stories about what a great shed Hunter he was.

From: Saphead
Hog wire around the feeding are makes the deer jump in and out. helps them pop off right there. Fence crossing on steroids

From: milnrick
Thank you.

From: Ironbow
If you are concerned with using fencing, just use plywood in a V shape. The idea is to get them to bump the antlers off while they are digging out the corn. I saw a picture where a guy dumped corn under a bucket loader raised 4’ off the ground. He was after elk sheds and it worked!

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