Sitka Gear
Rut just getting started
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
loprofile 08-Jan-25
Bou'bound 08-Jan-25
buckeye 08-Jan-25
Trying hard 08-Jan-25
Nick Muche 08-Jan-25
HUNT MAN 08-Jan-25
Corax_latrans 08-Jan-25
Thehospitabledoc 08-Jan-25
iceman 08-Jan-25
Shug 08-Jan-25
Zbone 08-Jan-25
arlone 08-Jan-25
Zbone 08-Jan-25
loprofile 10-Jan-25
loprofile 10-Jan-25
bigswivle 10-Jan-25
Double Creek 10-Jan-25
loprofile 10-Jan-25
Lewis 11-Jan-25
From: loprofile
We have been hunting since October 15 in Alabama but our rut is just getting started and we go through February 10. Based on the incoming calls for dog tracking things are heating up.

From: Bou'bound
That’s just plain mean

From: buckeye
I had no idea it would be this late in the season, I know Florida has a wide range of dates for the rut.

From: Trying hard
S.E. Wisconsin...our rut was/is something around November 7-15....possibly a little earlier than Nov.7 I did not realize the rut in the southern states is so much later than ours

From: Nick Muche
Parts of Florida they rut in July.

Just got back and the rut was just starting . Always fun to hit the rut a few times in a year.

One of the guys on the CT forum said he saw a buck taking a few liberties just in the last few days…

Everything seems kinda jacked up this year….

Always a late rut in my part of AL, too. By this point in the season the public land deer sure are skittish.

From: iceman
I hunt in Mississippi. Rut in full swing right now.

From: Shug
Still rutting here in NJ

From: Zbone
Heard peak Coues Whitetail rut is January...

From: arlone
Believe a buck will "rut" anytime there is a doe in estrus? They don't need the two "horns" on their head either. I imagine the southern bucks do not shed then till after your normal rut down there?

From: Zbone
"a buck will "rut" anytime there is a doe in estrus? They don't need the two "horns" on their head either"

So true... I seen a shed buck breed a doe in January once, and I think it was Pat last year that got a trail-cam picture of the same...

From: loprofile
In our county the state says the peak is from 2/1 through 2/10. I have had 26 tracking calls since 1/1. Many of them reported bucks chasing does.

From: loprofile

loprofile's embedded Photo
loprofile's embedded Photo
This was from a happy bowhunter this morning.

From: bigswivle
I’ll be back in Alabama next week, can’t wait.

From: Double Creek
Mature bucks don’t show up on my little place until late January. It’s like clockwork every year. I’m just about as far south as you can be in Alabama. Saw a couple small bucks pushing does around yesterday morning.

From: loprofile
Good luck guys!

From: Lewis
One day in February on our old lease not far Naples Florida me along with the other members saw a hard horned buck, a buck that had shed one side,spotted fawns, a buck mounting a doe, and pregnant does so go figure Good luck Lewis love watching those tracking dogs.

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