LA fires?
Contributors to this thread:
Jim Moore 09-Jan-25
Mule Power 09-Jan-25
Mike E 09-Jan-25
Chuckster 09-Jan-25
BowSniper 09-Jan-25
scent 10-Jan-25
hawkeye in PA 10-Jan-25
Zbone 10-Jan-25
Bob Rowlands 10-Jan-25
Huntcell 10-Jan-25
PECO2 10-Jan-25
dnovo 10-Jan-25
Jim Moore 10-Jan-25
4nolz@work 10-Jan-25
stealthycat 10-Jan-25
SD 10-Jan-25
Beendare 10-Jan-25
WV Mountaineer 10-Jan-25
scent 10-Jan-25
Bob Rowlands 10-Jan-25
WV Mountaineer 10-Jan-25
Dale06 10-Jan-25
HDE 10-Jan-25
JayG 10-Jan-25
CaptMike 10-Jan-25
JayG 10-Jan-25
Pete In Fairbanks 11-Jan-25
Al Dente Laptop 11-Jan-25
Mike B 11-Jan-25
Beendare 11-Jan-25
sundowner 11-Jan-25
sundowner 12-Jan-25
CaptMike 12-Jan-25
DL 12-Jan-25
Basil 12-Jan-25
CaptMike 12-Jan-25
Bob Rowlands 12-Jan-25
Bob Rowlands 12-Jan-25
JayG 12-Jan-25
Mike B 12-Jan-25
SD 12-Jan-25
Dale06 12-Jan-25
Beendare 12-Jan-25
Beendare 12-Jan-25
Beendare 12-Jan-25
Bob Rowlands 12-Jan-25
Bob Rowlands 12-Jan-25
Coyote 65 12-Jan-25
WV Mountaineer 12-Jan-25
Mint 13-Jan-25
Scrappy 13-Jan-25
Beendare 13-Jan-25
Mpdh 13-Jan-25
RonP 14-Jan-25
greenmountain 14-Jan-25
BowSniper 14-Jan-25
BowSniper 14-Jan-25
CaptMike 14-Jan-25
sundowner 14-Jan-25
DL 14-Jan-25
sundowner 14-Jan-25
BowSniper 14-Jan-25
Basil 14-Jan-25
Dale06 15-Jan-25
HDE 15-Jan-25
Beendare 15-Jan-25
From: Jim Moore
Curious if any of our brethren here are being evacuated? Sounds like a hell of a mess down there.

From: Mule Power
To me that’s like news from a foreign country. As far as I’m concerned, we can turn the border wall north up the east side of California. it’s already a foreign country for the most part.

From: Mike E
A fire with 100 mph winds, hard to imagine that horror. Prayers for those folks.

From: Chuckster
Was watching the news this morning. Looking at the aftermath I thought I was looking at video of a neighborhood in Gaza that had just been bombed. Very sad.

From: BowSniper
You'd think in California the DEI transgender cross dressing fire chief could rally a few million illegals to dig fire breaks and get this under control....

From: scent
Laura Ingraham interviewed James Woods the other night, he was spot on about accountability and said the politicians in that part should go before a tribunal for neglecting their responsibilities.

We usually look at these Hollywood types as not with reality but Mr. Woods came across as an average neighbor and even helped out some of them, he seemed real.

Prayers for those devastated folks.

From: Zbone
Yeah, James Woods is cool, although he plays a lot of bad guys in the movies, he seems a cool dude in real life, and sides conservative a lot (him and John Voight) which not many do in Hollyweird...

God bless, those who have lost is the fires...

From: Bob Rowlands
The caca HAS hit the fan. Liberal pinhead policy of defunding necessary agencies are getting their measure. Some of those areas look exactly like fire bombed Tokyo and Berlin. ALSO due to misguided idiots.

Our premiums nationwide are gonna go up due to these freekin idiots and their lib idiocy.

From: Huntcell
Before The Army fire bomb Germany and Japan they studied the Great Pestigo Wi fire that killed more than 2,000 and burned 1.5 million acres

From: PECO2
They will blame Trump and the republicans. They will keep electing superliberals to lead them on their downward spiral path to complete destruction. To add to that, they will keep moving to Colorado and expedite our destruction. Sad.

From: dnovo
California's politicians and environmental activists are responsible for this. Not clearing out the years of brush, dead trees and tinder built up makes any of these fires many times worse than they should be. Clean up the forest and manage the woods properly and you can avert these tragedies.

From: Jim Moore
80% of the affected area with regards to these fires votes democrat from what I've heard on a couple of different feeds. Methinks those wealthy progressives may be changing their way of thinking. CA's environmental policies since they've allowed the environmental groups to dictate policy is killing people and destroying property every damn year. God forbid you fire up a chain saw to clear out underbrush or thin the forest of all the beetle killed trees that multiply faster than new growth by an exponential amount. JMHO.

From: 4nolz@work
Unfortunately Mother Nature is not politically correct.

From: stealthycat
no lightning strikes

how did they all start at the same time ?

From: SD
Democrats already blaming Trump, and liberals are saying conservatives deserved to get their houses burned. Not to long ago there were people wishing attempted assassinators would have been better shots. Some sick people out there. People that can't put away their petty differences and pull together. I thought biden was going to unite the country?

From: Beendare
Reports of gangs setting fires so they can rip off homes.

Report of homeowners catching a couple arsonists, one with a torch.

LA where the mayor is a communist, fire chief is lgbtq, you cant clear anything or environmentalists sue, and Dem run sanctuary cities let hardened criminals go free.

You literally cannot make up a worst case.

Yahoo News said it was conservatives fault because their policies made climate change worse.

If America doesn’t wake up and take their damn country back from people that want to make everything about politics we are indeed doomed. Policy of resource management indeed needs to be more conservation based versus preservation. However., when you stuff that many homes and development in that kind of country, you eliminate the ability to protect. Both before the fires and during them

From: scent
Just seems to me some whacos took advantage of the wind and started a domino effect on the neighborhoods, the aerial pics show a narrow line of just houses burning... my wife who seldom has any conspiracy theory said to me " something just don't look right". Just like Trump assassination attempts... no sensible explanations as to why all the mistakes and ineptitude.

From: Bob Rowlands
Extremely high land to ocean winds reported. Like shooting a hair dryer at briquets to get the fire going faster.

I watched a time lapse video of fire racing up a canyon. The time display showed just how fast it climbed.

We had a two rampant firestorms here in the city of Colorado Springs in 2012 and 2013. ~900 homes destroyed. That's WAY short of L.A. The flames of hell here on earth.

We know two families that had their homes completely incinerated. They literally lost everything but their lives. "Bob, you can't begin to understand it unless you went through it."

In my mind's eye I remember looking over at the entire northwestern edge of town at the base of the front range mountains, totally engulfed in flames. I just couldn't believe my eyes.

Incinerated. Just like L.A.

You cant stop it in those conditions.

From: Dale06
Watch your insurance premiums and building materials cost. It’s a terribly sad thing for those directly impacted. However, we all will be paying for this.

From: HDE
"I thought biden was going to unite the country?"

That's been a typo now for going on 4 years now. It was UNTIE the country.

From: JayG

JayG's Link
So we have how many military aged illegals in this country? Anyone thinking that maybe, just maybe these fires are being set? When they first started, I knew that there is a distinct possibility that some of them are being set by sleepers being activated.... Hey, did anyone catch this? The guy being "detained" sure looks sorta, "not from around here" and he spoke broken english. Funny that. JayG

From: CaptMike
Dale, liberalism at its finest. Make choices based on emotionalism and selfishness and then have others bail their sorry asses out.

From: JayG

JayG's Link
So this is pretty interesting. Do the DEW. JayG


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
"...liberalism at its finest. Make choices based on emotionalism and selfishness..."

Heard a good fish joke on tv a couple of nights ago. To the effect of:

The only endangered fish there in L.A. should be the "Karen Bass!"


The only action taken has been the firing of the LA Fire Captain who criticized the defunding of the Fire Department. Total incompetence from a Communist state. Take the money, don't use it for what it was intended to be used for, open a dam, no water in the fire hydrants, did not clear cut for fire break buffer zone, send equipment to Ukraine, have DEI hires calling the shots, citizens should not put themselves in that situation, did I miss anything?

From: Mike B
JayG: I've often said to the wife how I'm surprised that ISIS or one of it's cronies hasn't rented a Cessna, and then flown from San Diego to Valencia while dropping molitov cocktails every few miles. It'd burn the whole place down.

From: Beendare
Yeah, scary, 10 terrorists could burn our country down. I thought of writing a novel with that premise but didn’t want to put the idea out there

From: sundowner
It has been reported that LA mayor Karen Bass rejected an offer from NYFD to send firefighters to assist in fighting the LA fires. And Jet Blue was going to fly them to California free of charge.

No specific reason was given as to why she refused the offer, but hopefully the LA voters will remember.

From: sundowner
Almost 60,000 registered signatures are now on the petition to recall mayor Bass for gross mismanagement.

LA under Karen Bass:

-Defunded fire dept -Empty reservoirs -Stolen hydrants -Canceled hydrant testing -Funded transgender cafes -Visits Ghana while city is burning

From: CaptMike
It is kind of difficult to feel sorry for people who need to be beaten down before they understand the follies of their actions (votes).

From: DL
Knew a cal fire captain from SoCal. He said when the Santa Ana’s start blowing at speeds like these did they let them burn until they reach the ocean. You can’t stop a fire with a 100 mph wind No matter how much water you have.

From: Basil

Basil's embedded Photo
Basil's embedded Photo

From: CaptMike
DL, a fire cannot burn what is not there. Better practices in keeping brush controlled.

From: Bob Rowlands
New homes built here since the 2012 and 2013 fires are required to be entirely covered with non combustible materials. No trees within 30' of house. The bottom 15' of mature trees cleared of branches. The property cleaned of combustible duff.

From: Bob Rowlands
My neighbor Dave is retired from a career in the insurance business. A few months ago Dave told me that some insurance companies dropped their home insurance policies in CA.

From: JayG
Bob Rowlands.... It's almost like they knew.... Hmmmm????

From: Mike B
Bob: "My neighbor Dave is retired from a career in the insurance business. A few months ago Dave told me that some insurance companies dropped their home insurance policies in CA. "

I think the insurance companies cancelling those policies was indeed a crappy thing to do, and people are now beginning to understand that insurance companies are not non-profit entities....they're in business to make a profit.

Insurance companies have all manner of specialists on their staff to assist in measuring the risks/liabilities the company is taking when they insure a home. Those multi-million dollar homes are located in an area of heavy, bone dry underbrush and where there has been a complete lack of proper land management.

In short, the entire area was just begging for a monster fire to come through, and the insurance companies did not feel that the risk was worth the reward for insuring those homes.

Shitty, yes, but that's business in this world today.

From: SD
If you believed that the climate was going to favor wildfires, believe that disaster was imminent, believed that change was increasing risk... then why the hell wouldn't you prepare to mitigate the risk? Reduce fuel loads, make fire breaks, maintain and test firefighting infrastructure, etc. They want to blame an uncontrollable force but do nothing that would prepare for the foreseeable. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

From: Dale06
If I was an insurer, and homes were sitting in a tinder box, I wouldn’t insure them. If anyone thinks that insuring those home was a good decision, you would soon be bankrupt. This is not complicated.

From: Beendare
Insurers dropped policies due to Gov Newsom implementing a policy insurers were restricted from raising rates. So Newsom got the state involved in supplying insurance called the FAIR plan where gov takes a cut. Problem is FAIR doesn’t come close to covering the value of most homes. In our area it covers 20% and we need addl coverage.

Newsom totally screwed it up- like everything he touches.

From: Beendare

From: Beendare
This is a catastrophic failure of Dem policies from Newsom on down.

No water at some hydrants- why?

The lgbtq LA water czar at $750,000/ yr Janisse Quinones, said her work is guided by an "equity" lens.

Quinones said in a July interview with KBLA radio that the importance of putting an "equity lens" to the DWP was "the number one thing that attracted me to this role."

"It's important to me that everything we do, it's with an equity lens and social justice and making sure that right the wrongs that we've done in the past from an infrastructure perspective, and we involve the community in that process," she said.

From: Bob Rowlands
"Insurance companies have all manner of specialists on their staff to assist in measuring the risks/liabilities the company is taking when they insure a home."

Correct. In addition to good staff, Dave told me he had their 'risk assessment' program dialed in. Lots of metrics in that program.

From: Bob Rowlands
Dave also said to me, "People pay me big money for a piece of paper." with a laugh. Nobody's laughing now.

It's gonna be one stinky f,ing business in LA just shortly. Sharks and con men are heading there right now.

We're all gonna have our rates go up regardless of where we live.

From: Coyote 65

Coyote 65's Link

If that’s true, they just can’t get out of the way of themselves.

Liberal dreams are literally going up in smoke. Unfortunately, many more are going up in smoke with them.

From: Mint
Insurance companies were paying out $1.09 for every $1 of premium. They didn't cancel any policies they chose to not renew since CA would not let them raise rates. Afterall they can't print money. Price controls for liberals are always the solution. Now you have a lot of people uninsured that would have gladly paid higher rates. Only 5% of the Fire Departments budget went to fire prevention. They pay all the money to salaries and pensions which is fine but you can't cut other funding to keep the unions happy. Total incompetence all around and people are paying for it with their lives and all their property. My heart goes out to them, it must be terrible to lose everything in your house.

From: Scrappy
Can someone please explain to me why we need California?? Me thinks we would be so much better off giving it to Mexico, not ment to be a joke either.

From: Beendare
Democrat rep Jayapal shows how stupid the dem ideology is;

Corporations got us into this mess, but even they can’t escape the devastating reality of climate change," she wrote on X after posting video of a McDonald’s engulfed in flames in Los Angeles County.

From: Mpdh
Insurance companies may not have been able to increase premiums in California, but they sure as heck will everywhere else! They’re certainly not going out of business.

From: RonP
"Can someone please explain to me why we need California??"

it's the 5th largest economy in the world, it's ports and military bases are important to national security, it's the center of A LOT of innovation - medicine and technology (like the computer and phone you are typing on) come to mind, a lot of produce is grown and comes from california... to name just a few.

in short, the good outweighs the bad. kinda like oklahoma, and elsewhere.

My heart goes out to the people in California. We should help them. We should fix the policies that led up to this problem . Insurance companies refusing coverage tells me we knew about the risk for a long time.

From: BowSniper
..... or the Democrat policies can play themselves out in their natural order. No bailouts for bad decisions. Let it burn. Just like Hawaii.

They'll figure it out. Eventually.

From: BowSniper
It would be WORSE to let the Dems waste a trillion of taxpayer dollars on green energy, and housing/feeding/processing millions of illegal aliens, and endless DEI Woke polices and positions.... and then force US taxpayers to bail them out. We have a nearly 7 trillion dollar federal budget. CA has some of the highest state taxes in the country. They HAD plenty of money and wasted it on stupid stuff !!

Heck, the Dems raised a billion dollars and gave it to the worst loser of a presidential candidate to flush down the toilet. Should have given that money to fight fires in California instead !!

From: CaptMike
I have a difficult time feeling bad for people who voted incompetent people into leadership positions. You reap what you sow.

From: sundowner
"I have a difficult time feeling bad for people who voted incompetent people into leadership positions. You reap what you sow."

Totally agree.

From: DL
The hills around have brush on them. If the brush removed they have giant mud slides during rain storm’s. Their was report they are into of fireworks or a fair shot off days earlier. It might have smoldering under ground on roots until the winds hit. They’ve caught 10 thieves so far. One was wearing afire captains uniform. It seems every year when the Santanas blow people light fires.

"My heart goes out to the people in California. We should help them. We should fix the policies that led up to this problem ."

Who is "we?"

I think "we" should help them the same as "we" would help any other natural disaster. At some point they have to help themselves and start electing competent leadership. If they aren't willing to do that...they have to suffer the consequences.

From: sundowner
"If they aren't willing to do that...they have to suffer the consequences."

That's the whole problem. They haven't been willing to do that......and probably won't.

From: BowSniper
The people of California gotta make hard choices before "we" pony up any more money.... because "we" don't have any money.

"We" are 36 trillion in debt!!

California wants to spend $100 billion+ on high speed rail. Maybe they want houses more now. Make THEM choose.....

From: Basil

Basil's embedded Photo
Basil's embedded Photo

Up until now, the wealthy liberal elite have rarely had to live with the consequences of the woke policies they vote for. We'll see what happens going forward.

I hope, for the sake of millions of hard working Californians, this tragic (yet totally predictable and largely preventable) event will change minds for the better.

From: Dale06
Ricky, I hope your hope happens, but I’m doubtful.

From: HDE
""We" are 36 trillion in debt!!"

But just imagine that credit rating!!!!

From: Beendare
CA has been under Dem control for decades. The poor management and horrible policy decisions have had a catastrophic effect as evidenced by these fires, the fires a few years ago that blanketed the entire western US in smoke for months at a time. Then add businesses and people leaving- heck Newsom defaulted on payroll tax and currently businesses have increased payroll tax to pay for Newsom's failure.

Newsom is the classic, “ If his lips are moving….” He said all of the reservoirs were full…until a reporter called him on it-one was completely dry.

LA didn’t implement their fire mitigation plan because an environmentalist found a rare shrub in the hills and they shut it down. Its much the same story pandering to environmentalists before the Paradise fire and fires in the Forests. Fool me once, twice, many times….liberal Dems just don’t learn from their mistakes.

Dems in CA just keep spending hundreds of billions of tax dollars on a high speed rail between 2 low population density farm communities that will never utilize it. All while legit needs like fire mitigation go unfunded.

I get it some have voted Democrat all their lives but dang, look at what that party is doing to destroy our country with their harebrained policies.

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