Mathews Inc.
Reveal Tactacam Cell disappoint
Contributors to this thread:
c5ken 16-Jan-25
darralld 16-Jan-25
milnrick 16-Jan-25
milnrick 16-Jan-25
Slate 16-Jan-25
sundowner 16-Jan-25
SD 16-Jan-25
Slate 16-Jan-25
Tracker 16-Jan-25
deerhunter72 16-Jan-25
Grunt-N-Gobble 16-Jan-25
cnelk 16-Jan-25
JakeBrake 16-Jan-25
BC 17-Jan-25
Scoot 17-Jan-25
SD 17-Jan-25
4nolz@work 17-Jan-25
DeerBadge 17-Jan-25
Starfire 17-Jan-25
Mule Power 17-Jan-25
wildan2 17-Jan-25
APauls 22-Jan-25
Beachtree 25-Jan-25
Ridge Runner 28-Jan-25
From: c5ken
I currently have three Reveal Tactacam pro cell cams. All three are set to photo mode. The initial cost to connect the cameras to the network was about $100 a year. Im ok with that I added an additional cam to my account, charge was $35... Im ok with that also. Today I attempted to change one of my cameras from Photo mode to video mode. Was unable to make the change. I called Reveal customer service for help. I was told if I wanted to change one of my cameras to Video mode there will be a $9.00 a month charge. Im not ok with that. I will not be buying any additional Reveal cameres.

From: darralld
Video isn't included in the plan. It clearly states that on the webpage. Maybe read everything first?

From: milnrick
You mean you couldn't just change the camera's profile or set up? I was unaware of that.

From: milnrick
But it will take video and store to the SD card. I'm curious now if you can see the vids by entering the camera's gallery.

From: Slate
Cameras are great.

From: sundowner
I have 9 Tactacam cell cameras. The cost to keep them activated is $13 per camera per month. I can choose video or still pics for no additional charge. I have no complaints. BTW.....The cameras work better on lithium batteries.

From: SD

SD's embedded Photo
SD's embedded Photo
I just checked their site and it says $120/yr, or $85/yr (does not include HD or Video at bottom left corner). For additional cameras it says $96 yearly, not $35. Am I missing something? I'd add a camera for $35/yr, but not $96/yr.

From: Slate
Cameras are great.

From: Tracker
You pay by the CAM. I have 3 cams. Cost me $12 per cam a month. At the end of the season I cancel service on 2 of the cams and keep one active to use around the house. I have been using Reveal for the last 3 years and been happy with them. The cost is worth it to me but can be pricey.

From: deerhunter72
The monthly cost is what keeps me from switching to cell cams. I’m too cheap to want to pay for it.

So for an additional $9 a month for 3 maybe 4 months, thats a deal breaker....... Interesting.

From: cnelk
I have 2 Tactacams - $10/mo for both

Anyone want to sell theirs let me know

From: JakeBrake
Go buy a muddy camera and you will love the reveal….muddy’s suck!!!!

From: BC
I have four tactacams. 13 for the first, 12 each for the other three. 49 per month total. Good cameras, been very dependable.

From: Scoot
I'm confused about the issue here. As I understand it, the additional cost is exactly how Tactacam had it set up when you purchased the camera, but you were just unaware of how it worked and the costs associated with changing to video. Is that correct? My understanding is that Tactacam didn't do a bait and switch on you, rather, you just didn't understand the costs associated with swapping to video. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this though...

From: SD
For you guys that pay per month and leave them out yr round... why don't you do the yearly plan?

From: 4nolz@work
Because they never last a year without some problem from my experience

From: DeerBadge
I have used Tacacams the last 4 or so years and I have had every model that has come out. I currently have 1 original Reveal, 1 SK, 1 XB, 2 x-pro 2.0 and 2 of the second generation reveal. I had the 2 of the X- pro 3.0, but sent them back because the flash went from working perfect to black on both cameras after a firmware update. They couldn't fix it for me, so they went back. I am going away from them and switching to Black Gate cameras. The customer service I hear is out of this word and their data plans are so much cheaper. I can run 10 cameras for $87 and get 42,250 pictures. I am not planning on needing that many, but I can manage the amount of data I need by a set amount and adding an additional camera for $3 that comes with 250 extra pictures. I just had to many problems with the tactacams, it is time for a change.

From: Starfire
Best cameras I have ever used. ever. and best customer service. You say you didn't mind paying the $100 then why mention it? Huh? $9 for video... Do you know how much band width a video file takes up vs low res pic.

From: Mule Power
Say what? I have 2 Tactacam X Pros. For unlimited pictures it costs $13/month and $7.95 to add a camera. that’s paying monthly. It would be cheaper if I paid annual, but I prefer to go monthly and shut them down over the winter. I read upfront about the fee for videos. I’m not sure, but can you not go get videos from your SD card? Not as good as retrieving and remote, but you can still get them.

From: wildan2
Videos available on the SD card if you want them;just viewed 2K on a camera out since Sept.No problems that weren't resolved by Reval.

From: APauls
Of all the cameras I've ever owned cellular or non cellular I think the Tactacam's have been my most reliable. Reliable enough that I bought like 7 used ones last summer for half price of new. No problems with those either.

From: Beachtree
I run 10 some for security I have been very satisfied.

From: Ridge Runner
I have 2 Tactacams that I’ve used 2 years and have been very happy with them , I did have 2 different issues ( one was a crack in the lense ) but the customer service I received was very good The 2nd issue was just recently and called customer service , got thru right away and customer rep ( Megan) couldn’t have been any more nice and helpful.She spent a good 15 minutes on the phone with me and solved my issue , Just my experience

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