WTB lone wolf Wide sit n climb
Contributors to this thread:Equipment
From: sasquatch
Anyone happen to have one laying around they would maybe let go? There’s a few on E-Bay but I don’t want one $700 bad enough. I have the non wide version, but just want a tad more room.
From: Bowhunting 5C
I have a lone wolf hand climber, awesome!
From: PSUhoss
Sorry sasquatch, but I know what you are talking about. I have a wide and non-wide and much prefer the one with more room. Seems like they are difficult to find unfortunately. Not sure that I would sell mine for $700. I will keep my eyes open for you though. When I bought mine off marketplace, the guy didnt know that it was a wide, so look closely at any photos and maybe you can score one even if it isnt listed as a wide. Good luck
From: Dpat
I have one that I would sell. PM me what you would give and cover shipping. It's at my property in Southern Illinois.
From: sasquatch
PM sent Dpat
From: sasquatch
Bump. Havent heard anything back from the prior lead
Are you looking for the Goliath?
From: PSUhoss
I think the Goliath is a Summit stand - he is looking for a Lone Wolf sit and climb wide.
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
I have a LW sit and climb but not sure if it is a regular or wide. I will try and find the dimensions on the internet and see if this will work for you. Alan
From: sasquatch
The wide is around 21” wide in seat area
The arm bars also attach on the top and not the side of the sitting rail (best I can describe)
From: sasquatch
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
Sasquatch, I looked all over for the stand but realized it was at my son-n-laws house. He tried it out a couple times this season but he climbs a lot of pine trees when not saddle hunting and he liked the summit better on pines. Any way he sent me a few pictures but it’s not hung from the tree. I will have the stand back this coming Saturday afternoon and can send additional pictures.
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
From: Just_Hangin_N_GA
My son-in-law say it looks like the seat has been changed out from the original to another LW seat like shown in this picture… not sure if that matters to you are not.
From: sasquatch
Seat don’t matter, PM sent