Getting into WT shape
Whitetail Deer
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What are you boys doing to get into whitetail shape for 2025? I’ve done the following:
1) QUIETLY opening bags of chips and eating them slowly without making noise. Added benefit is gf says I’m more civilized now.
2) Starring at walls building up my ability to fight the boredom of sitting in a stand all day. PR so far is 25 mins. Hoping to be able to stay awake at least an hour by Nov.
3) Drinking 15 beers a night and getting up early. It’s getting more difficult as I get older. Might need to move my stand closer to the road in the near future.
4) Focus on estimating live weight of bucks. To practice I went to the local McDonald’s. Confirmation I needed more practice guessing weight was confirmed by asking their customers their weight. But by far this has been the most accurate way of practicing the art of figuring out weight!
5) Ive also practicing throwing a fist and saying “smoked em” or “stud buck”. “That point holds a ring, that’s a 19 pointer”
What are you boys doing to get in whitetail shape?
Sounds like you are well are your way to getting ready. I tried out your #4 training method today. But for some reason that lady wasn't very happy as soon as the words "245 pounds"came out of my mouth.
I have downloaded BlockBuster and working on new high scores daily!!! I also get up and look at deer pictures on my phone. This will prepare me for getting u[ and looking at cell cam pictures every morning before my feet hit the ground.
Trying to scout smarter. Gotta hunt them where they are.
I sit in my office for hours without moving. If someone comes in to talk to me I slowly move my eyeballs first, then very slowly turn my head ever so much to whisper to them to be quiet. I also practice saying the word "mature" often.
Brad, I suggest stepping up to my 1-step program:
1. Say F-it, I'm going mule deer hunting!
I spent the best part of 20 years working a desk job 10-14 hours a day to get myself in optimal condition for the rigors of whitetail season, and I don’t mind sayin’ it —- it damn near killed me!
I’m still training for it a couple days/week, just to keep my edge, but 2 or 3 days a week I’ll have a “cheat day” and log 8 or 10 or 14 miles of hiking around or maybe indulge in a little Gym Time….
Being 83 years old & having arrowed my 1st Deer in 1958 I know the secrets (68 years of bowhunting biggame). 1-Have the patients of Job (you know, the fella in the Bible2-Know how to fool a deer into close range on their home turf 3-do not be addicted to cell phone & games 4-Actually "look" at your surroundings while hunting. I am always prepared.
I've been walking a 1/4 mile as fast as i can with out sweating every other day.
I've been working on selfie skills, while also learning to text with one eye on the phone and other on the feeder.
Brad - you might practice having endless circle jerk debates on Bowsite from your phone on irrelevant topics. I might suggest with Ricky the Cable guy, being he seems to be on, available, willing at all times. You can occupy yourself for hours.
No one likes a "try hard" cnelk!
I’m preparing by Watching the endless “Prostaffers” whispering to a cameraman waiting on (insert pet name) to show up in feeding field Or SuperMaximumquadrilla deer mineral superfood. All while wearing my scent free new camo
You guys joke all y’all want. Everyone thinks they are such a badass because they hunt in the mountains and sleep on the ground! Drinking 15 beers and getting up early ain’t easy!!!
Funniest I have read in awhile
I’ve put 30 pounds on since the beginning of November. Winter is bulking season. Yeah buddy.
Occasional practice so I can stay locked in
ive taken up smoking. nothing beats a good 'ol marlboro red. i've always wanted to be one of those that kill deer while smoking a cigarette on stand.
Looking at various objects and judging distance, then trying to verify with paces or laser yardage marker.
And doing the Batman Slaps Robin whenever someone says "Smoked Em" during a bowhunt reminding them that is gunhunter terminology. Bowhunters use no powder or explosions...
Way to go, Brad. Keep hammerin'
I wish i could say you are all wrong, but as Minnesotan I can confirm you have largely mastered whitetail skills.
Talk a lot about your food plots, consider telling everyone you’re a “saddle hunter”, get some rage broadheads and become confident that they are the best, all deer ages when discussed must end in “and a half” regardless of the time of year, and practice telling your friends and neighbors that he’d have been a giant if you’d have given him one more year.
I see how long I can lay down in my freezer at 0 F. That’s how Canadians get in Whitetail Fit shape!
You guys know all my secrets.
I signed up for a course on more affective and creative swearing.
Laughter is good in the early AM
Good one Brad,
I’m still hunting. Hope to stack another 3 or 4 before January ends. Good luck to all those still in the field “training” on live targets. C
"5) I've also practiced throwing a fist and saying “smoked em” or “stud buck”. “That point holds a ring, that’s a 19 pointer”
Tried this. ^^^ The Mrs. has committed me I'm told.
:^) Fun thread. Your my hero Charlie, keeping those does in check!
Whisper real loud about what a buck til he looks up at ya, then aim for center mass and say great shot while you dancin and reeling off sponsors...
Hey cmon guys! We MN whitetail hunters have feelings too. Even if we hide em. And Brad used to be one too.
I greased the gears on my corn feeder....LOL
I've been cross training via ice fishing. Sitting still in the cold, staring at my fish finder gently twitching my rod. Yelling boo-yah when I get a fish on the ice. Moving to another spot when not catching fish. Walking very slow, I don't want to break a sweat out in the cold.
Oh yeah, and practicing my long arming photos with the tiny trout I catch.
Good info, I'm going to Arkansas this fall to hunt whitetail with my brother. I'll need to hold my weight, don't want to gain anymore. I'll have to start pounding beers again, been laying off the beer.
Drinking beer and smoking weed while I fletch arrows.
I drive my golf cart from the house to my treestand each day. When I return I practice drinking a few celebratory beers!
Mike U beat me to it … I put on every piece of clothing I own, then sit perfectly still on my front porch until I’m stuck in that position. The wife uses a dolly to wheel me in to the house for thawing - so I can do it all over again.
-30C here this morning.
I’ve been practicing shoving way more crap in my pack than what I do for elk hunting, and then trying to quietly dig something out from the bottom without my lab hearing me. I found some leftover bite size snickers in the bottom to work on my insulation.
I’ve been seeing how slowly I can move my right arm up to my chest to hit the power button for my heated vest. Then there’s the battery swap drill.
Touching up on my rubber boot pics with the treestand platform backer as well
Don't forget to keep chasing nearly impossible goals like dating super models...the constant rejection and disappointment will keep you ready for hunting big bucks.
“ then trying to quietly dig something out from the bottom without my lab hearing me”
If you need to raise the bar, try letting the dog watch/listen as you remove some dog treats from those candy wrappers. ;)
Good one Luke. I chuckled imagining that.
You hit the nail on the head. I like to stalk, my farthest day on whitetails walking draws was 9 miles and my new boots weren't very comfortable. When we hunt public, it's rare to find a stand more than a few hundred yards from where they park.
Well, I got to thinking, and nobody mentioned opening a Little Debbie oatmeal creme pie just as a legal two year old stuck his head in my corn pile. Where do I lay this down where it won’t get dirty while I poke my .300 Weatherby out the window of my heated blind ? Ima put this sucker on my wall !
Two things:
1. Making sure the bad boy buggy is charged the night before.
2. Practice whispering after the deer is down.
When I was younger I'd feed my kids full of chocolate and sit with my feet in a bucket of ice water then watch the wild life. Back before packing out I'd park my lawn mower on a grade covered with plastic and grease. Then I'd practice dragging it up hill with the brakes locked.
Seems to me that staying in shape is better, health wise, than getting in shape. I wanted to get in shape for an elk hunt, in 1984. I started running and lifting weights. And I haven’t stopped, except my running is now a fast walk at a 8-10% incline on a tread mill. I’m far from marathon condition, but at age 73+ I can hold my own and hunt anywhere.
Ask mly wife to start going to the jim to earn here summer sausage and draging out the buck
Just finished off a bag of corn chips. Full commitment 12 months of the year.
The final stretch of Interstate 69 connecting Indianapolis to Evansville was just completed. As soon as the Indiana Dept. of Transportation gets the new deer crossing signs put up, I'll be out scouting some new locations for next season!
I've subscribed to Fredzeppelin's YouTube channel and learning everything I can about the Wiley whitetails.
I moved my computer from first floor to second so I will now have to climb a level to get to the scouting camera pictures that come to me while I am sitting at home.
Yesterday, This is prime time for late season archery.
Foot surgery & 8 weeks of no weight on that foot. Should really put the leather on my backside for those long sits.
Where you hunting the late season Charlie?? Good luck!
I hope to be Charlie when I grow up. Nice work buddy!
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I go to the gym 4-5 days per week for weight training... 50lb bags of corn ain't easy to carry 150yds to my stand!
Bou has taught me how to use AI so that picture was fake news. I’m actually in Hawaii working on my tan and belly fat:)
Good tan is critical. It’s almost as effective as face camo, but you still get to humble brag about how you’re too skilled a hunter to have to stoop to gimmicky tactics like face paint.
Specificity of training is important. This far out, both ought to be doing similar things for training... It's the last 6-8 weeks when lots and lots of sitting should be happening. At that point you should start training the gut as well - to absorb as many little debbies and pop tarts on stand as possible, and coffee, without having gut upset.
Prep hard people!
An important step is taking your winter naps sitting upright in your blind chair set up in the house. Preferrably within sight of a shoulder mount.
Go to the coffee shop, there is always someone who will tell you , for sure.