Do you enter your trophy to P&Y/B&C?
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I'm hearing that less and less trophies are being submitted to these clubs, also interested in what hunters think?
When I pass away I desire my name in print for future generations so all my qualifying archery kills are entered in P&Y and B&C. If not in the book I will soon be forgotten. Ha Ha!!
If you ask the entry approvers at P&Y and B&C they will tell you they are very busy.
Absolutely...for nearly 34 years now. Also, a lifetime Senior member of P&Y and an annual member of B&C.
Yes, its a good thing to support organizations that support my favorite hobby.
No, never have in my 47 years of bowhunting. I have 5-6 species that would be well above minimums. I hunt for other reasons than “inches”. For those that enter your kills, good for you. But it’s not my thing.
I’m in the process of entering my animals in PnY. Believe it’s part of supporting the club that started off proving to game departments that our equipment was effective.
Yes. I hunt for reasons other than inches as well(like just about everyone). But when I kill something that would make the book, I enter it.
Yes, I support Pope and Young as I do other hunting/conservation organizations.
Yes. I enter my animals that make P&Y. I proudly support P&Y and B&C.
I have entered 6 whitetails and one pronghorn. Got two more to get measured. I support P&Y efforts by entering and participating in their fundraising activities
Yes not for recognition for myself but for the animal and supporting a organization that that supports what is important in my life which is bowhunting .
The last 8-10 years the amount of entires per year have been relatively the same. There have been fluctuations in some species (caribou for example) but there we are usually around the 2000 entry mark each year; 4000 for the recording period.
I have been at this since there was a season on dinosaurs. If I were afield and were to merely see a "book animal", I would immediately "stroke out" I guess in the unlikely event I were able to rush off a killing shot, that still makes me a "no"!
No, i have not entered any of my P&Y or my 1 B&C animals. I have been told by a few on here that they are , in fact, NOT , P&Y or B&C if they are not entered. A few have been officially scored, but not entered. I have also not entered my Archery Wild Turkey Slam either. I just like to look at the mounts and remember the days.
Funny how the guys who "aren't worried about inches, or P&Y minimums" always know the "inches" of their quarries, and whether they'd "qualify" for P&Y.
I have entered some. I have some that would qualify that I have not entered. Anything that I take that is bigger than the biggest I have entered will be entered.
SitO, I’m one of those that always knows about inches but I don’t care about inches. But when I was lucky enough to kill a very large 6x6 bull elk, you just know it would qualify as a “book” animal. I have several WT that are symmetrical 10 points, I’m pretty sure they’re above minimums. None of these have been measured. I did shoot a nice antelope on a guided hunt. The guide was very excited about the size of the horns and whipped out his tape measure. I believe it green scored 80”+. I have nothing against P&Y and those that like to measure and enter their kills, it’s just not my thing.
As a B&C and P&Y official measurer, I clearly support the mission and encourage people to complete the entry process.
I have entered every B&C animal I have taken. I have only entered some of my P&Y animals. This is partly because the minimums are fairly low for species like elk, for instance. It would be quite a bit of work to go back and enter elk I shot years ago that were above P&Y minimums. The same could be said for mule deer. This is really just an excuse, and I do encourage people to complete the entry process.
Yes, I will enter every P&Y deer I shoot. Just need to shoot one first! Until then, I'm a P&Y member with 0 entries
Haven't entered one yet. I don't even like to post or share pics of mine so drawing attention to them through a record book hasn't appealed to me so far. I imagine if I ever shoot a state record class buck that I'll enter it though.
Absolutely! I believe in their mission and am a Lifetime member!
No and probably never will. I never shoot anything big enough to qualify anyhow. I usually try to shoot the first legal animal that gives me the opportunity. Biggest elk I ever killed was 1991 and it was a decent 6x6. Won a free shoulder mount for it being the largest elk killed that year in the local archery club I was in. Not too bad for a teenage kid at the time.
No & I have personal reasons why. I do know many regular P&Y members too. It is good that they recognize those & the quality animals. I do belong to other State & National Archery/bowhunting organizations.
no, have several P&Y , no interest in entering them
Yes. The fee supports a good cause plus entries are of interest to others.
Not in my 42 years of hunting, have a few that am sure would make it but it really doesn't mean anything .
No, not interested in it.
No. As a young kid my uncle shot the state record archery whitetail in Kansas. As word spread there were nothing but headaches for him. After the second time the mount was stolen and recovered he had a replica made. To me its a personal trophy. Having my name in the books isn't appealing. I can make a donation without my name appearing. And yes I have several deer and an elk that would make the books.
Yes. Almost all of my entries have been from public land, and a lot are oTC. Everyone has goals and one of mine was to successfully take P&Y animals from public ground. I enjoy the challenge, and when I accomplish that goal I enter it and have a record for my personal enjoyment. If I were doing it for the publicity, I would be failing miserably since not even my son or friends could tell you how many I have besides a few. I have WAY more harvested animals that would not make book than would. It’s not just about killing a P&Y but when I accomplish that goal I enter it. I also enjoy reading through the entries in the mag to see where they are coming from and if I recognize anyone I know.
As a lifetime senior member of P&Y and a regular member of B&C, I enter every animal that qualifies. Just as there is whole spectrum of reasons why people bowhunt, there is a whole spectrum of reasons why bowhunters enter their animals.
I've never had any officially measured or entered because I don't care about score but I want everyone to know that I have several that would easily make the book. ;-)
No, I haven't entered an animal since a pronghorn 35 years ago. I’ve scored a few good animals since then, one sheep officially the others on my own.
I sometimes care about inches, depending on the species hunted and quality of tag. For example, If I’m hunting elk in MT it’s about meat but when I finally draw AZ, NM, UT or NV I’ll definitely be looking at and judging antlers.
I also support P&Y through membership along with a few other hunting and conservation organizations. Some I’m more active in than others, I’ll admit I’m not active in P&Y.
Best way I know of to keep track of stuff. Although there are issues I don't agree with, the Pope and Young Club does a great job of record keeping and supporting our rights as bow hunters.
I have never entered any, probably out of laziness and not any philosophical reason. My kids have been pushing me lately to enter them so they can have a copy with my name in it so I might get around to it. They also want me to enter my 5 bearded turkey in the NWTF record book, last I checked it would be number one in MT.
I didn’t in the past but do now. I feel it’s a way to support bowhunting in general and to maintain data relevant to the different animals
I still feel P&Y is a bit dated and remnants of the “old guard” elitism are hard to shake.
I support the organization I have entered only my sheep. Never really thought about doing my deer
Only shot one animal that qualified and I did enter it.
If I ever shoot another one, not sure I will. Not holding my breath I will shoot one anyways lol
Nothing against any of the clubs or anyone who does register, but I never have and never plan to. Hunting is a very personal thing to me and I love and admire my antlers every time I’m in my game room. But, I don’t want or need my name in a book to prove anything to anyone.
Yes. And it's not to get my name in the book and I don't think I'm alone in that.
It's just like the English who now chase the fox down and photograph it. It's no longer a hunt if you don't kill it.
Most of the animals I kill are females or young males that I kill for meat and the joy of hunting. But there's a finality to the accomplishment of entering a large animal in the book for me and it has nothing to do with the accolades of men and everything to do with the sense of accomplishment I get from fulfilling a goal.
Supporting the Club is a secondary reason I do it.
Yes... the Pope and Young Club is a way of life for me... Fair Chase ethical bowhunting, history, conservation, preservation and records. I will die as a Lifetime Senior member... Ed F
Yes I do.
It’s a decent bench mark for what constitutes a nice representation of the species. It doesn’t dictate what I will shoot, nor does it mean I’m upset with animals that don’t make it… but I do enjoy that sense of accomplishment when I find out one makes it. It’s a great way to keep track of prior accomplishments bowhunting and help create new ones as well imo.
I enjoy doing so and will continue to. A goal I set for myself personally was 40 by 40 to hit 40 entries by the time I turn 40. Not sure I will get there but gives me something to aim for :)
Yes, and I have several others that I need to get around to having scored. I do it to support the record keeping efforts of the Club, and I'm honored to be a Regular member.
It is entertaining to read/hear people talking about P&Y this, and "inches" that, referring to a scoring system that they allegedly have no interest in but at the same time want recognition for having taken animals they "think" might qualify. The worst offenders are those who waste an official scorer's time, yet are too cheap to pay the entry fee while still talking up their "P&Y" animals scores.
Is there a place to look up number of entries someone has?
Haven't had to make that "tough decision" yet, as no animals large enough! My life remains simple.
Little HUMOR
Little HUMOR
I would love to but there are no scorers where I live!
Thought Mel Johnson's buck was #1 P&Y typical with a score of 204-4/8", so I'm assuming these are misprints ranking #1 and #2, never heard of a 282" typical whitetail...
I'll bet they added the deer as Typical instead of Non-Typical. I didn't find Brenda's or Nou's in B&C, I thought I might find them categorized there.
"Thought Mel Johnson's buck was #1 P&Y typical with a score of 204-4/8", so I'm assuming these are misprints ranking #1 and #2, never heard of a 282" typical whitetail... "
Never and not sure this one would count as typical or non? Wouldn’t have a clew on how it would be scored ?
lol I don’t even know how to spell “Clue” …
Nope, back 15 or 20 years ago I did enter my qualifying animals in the Manitoba bowhunting book. For some reason I stopped, not sure why
Keffers that buck is magnificent!!
I think you would have a decent mass score keefer =)
I enter in P&Y, B&C, and Compton when I can. I did go through a phase for a lot of years where I wasn’t entering anything and have a lot of critters that would probably make book if I could remember enough details. Might go through the exercise some day.
I think its a matter of....your into that.....or your not. Never heard of a hunter that only wants to shoot little buck, and passes on all the nice ones, unless its some kind of management decision.
Having my name in the books isn't really a motivation for me, doubt i'd ever enter something, but there certainly isn't anything wrong with the guys that do.
I never score a animal.....but i sure know a good one when i see one.
I have only entered one animal a whitetail deer and only because my dad and I got P&Y bucks the same year. It never really mattered to me.
Keefers, those bucks are incredible. Thanks for sharing.
I entered one elk in Pope and Young. It was my first archery bull. I’ve had other bulls officially scored that were much bigger than that one but never entered them.
That's a no for me... a couple personal reasons... mainly publicly divulging my hunting locations. You'd be surprised at the lengths people will go to to find your fishing and hunting spots....I've been followed from my house several times in my life.
I have many friends that do (of which I support), and I will measure mine out of curiousity as it's a great standardized measure of describing the size of an animal, just no interest in actually entering...
Every one that Im fortunate enough to kill. And they all get eaten records or not.
I've long thought about entering my deer and elk, but none have been officially scored. Is it possible to have someone come score 15 animals at once? Eventually I would like to have them entered but haven't been in a rush to do so.
Duck, I’ve measured quite a few at a time for hunters. Usually I have them brought to me but for that many, maybe you could get a measurer to come to you
Same as Ron. I measure 2-3 at a time for guys, but go to them with more than that. I once measured 13 for a hinter by myself. The next time i had more than a few i took help ;)
sneakum, you only have to divulge the county, not your "spots".
Except in Alaska and Canada. That reason has been sited to me multiple times by guys on why they won’t enter animals in the book. I hope at some point in the future a discussion can be had to remove that requirement for our 49th state. We have boroughs similar to counties down south, but as with everything in Alaska they are admittedly much larger.
sitO's Link
P&Y just changed minimums on NT Whitetail. Lowered minimum by 10" total, and on inches of abnormal points.
Jaquomo, County is still too close, there are maybe a couple units at max. Just a matter of time before someone sees your truck, looks at a picture, follows you to your spots, tells their buddy, who tells their buddy and so on. You'd be naïve to think it doesn't happen. Most of my animals have come from easy to draw areas and I've had a few ruined. I spend a ton of time scouting, let animals have time to mature. I have a vested interest in keeping those gene pools intact as much as possible as I don't hunt private land...
"...sees your truck, looks at a picture..."
Therein lies your issue sneakem.
Both of those things narrow you down to a spot, unlike a county, island, or river drainage do.
This is why, when I lived in the lower 48, unless I needed my 4WD truck to get to where I was going, at which point it was concealed as much as possible and out where you'd need to know the spot in the first place, I drove a car to hunt.
Cars without hunting stickers on them are presumed granola muncher until proven otherwise.
In most cases, even in AK, having someone 10 miles away from you doesn't make much of a difference. It's within 2 miles of you that you don't want someone. In mose cases, you don't have to get that specific.
Also, and I'm not accusing you or anyone else of this, but if you're posting pictures of your animals on the internet or any social media, especially video, or even sending pictures out to friends and then are worried about posting the county to P&Y because of exposure, I think your worry would be misplaced.
I’ve measured deer for guys here in Massachusetts that hide their spots by driving their wives car (Subaru) to a spot, park a mile away then ride a bike to their spot and hide the bike in the woods. When guys enter the County and town no one has a clue. It’s fun knowing the “real” measurements but many guys prefer their own number.
Pictures get passed... I am super careful about having no background, no exif data, I don't take people hunting, I'm not a social media influencer, I'm pretty careful about where I park my vehicle, but I am not to the point of paranoia and a tinfoil hat. Adding the kill county to public information is just another thing I don't need to worry about.
I have had a bunch of animals at the taxidermists and I've switched because a few of them have loose lips and talk too much... Tons of people come in and out... If your taxidermist is legit they ask for your tag so they know the unit it came from... can't tell you how many times a picture from the taxidermist has made the rounds and someone is showing me my own animal or making up some story about how it's a friend of theirs...
It doesn't matter if you feel as though it's a lame excuse for not entering... It's also a personal thing for me as I really don't care to be recognized, when realistically the main purpose is to put meat in my freezer. Don't get me wrong, I love hunting for horns and big ones at that...
Driving you wife's car to discretely hunt is literally no different than me not entering my kills.... to each their own... The question was asked, I gave my answer... If you want to enter your animal, cool... I've got no problem with it....
Maybe Ryan will chine in, had read in one of Mr. Rothhaar's books, his wife would drop him off...
If in an area where there really aren't any granola munchers, the Lezbaru trick doesn't work. Everyone knows it is just another hunter in disguise.
Have three whitetails in the book and will add a couple more eventually. I almost feel like the animal deserves the recognition more than the hunter.