Laser and new weapons systems
Contributors to this thread:
Beendare 03-Feb-25
Beendare 03-Feb-25
Zbone 04-Feb-25
ScarFinga 04-Feb-25
drycreek 04-Feb-25
From: Beendare
I'm fascinated by these new weapons systems. Link is to the shipboard laser HELIOS system.

Something needs to change right? We can't send a $4.5m cruise missile to counter every $300 drone....we will go broke pretty quick.

The Ukrainians learned real quick a cheap drone dropping a single bomb is very effective.

Speaking of do you counter a drone swarm like in the Jeremy Renner White House down series of movies?

What's the future of the military when it comes to fighting?

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
Here's the link to on the new laser weapon

From: Zbone
What about lasers from satellites "Star Wars" like Reagan wanted to create to shoot down ballistic nuclear missiles... Those lasers must have been in the works since Reagan's time... Back in the day thought it was BS but seems in today's technologies it's doable...

From: ScarFinga
From what I've heard, they can easily disable drones if necessary! I know the technology is out there.

Also check out the LRAD / Acoustic weapons... Pretty cool stuff! I believe they also have the Acoustic/ sonic waves that can cook just about anything.

From: drycreek
I’m pretty sure we have stuff that nobody knows about. It’s like playing poker, you hold your cards until the money is on the table.

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