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Welp, I’ve got a sore throat and head cold. Stayed home away from everybody. Nobody wants to get sick.
Anyways, I’m under the weather but, I ain’t feeling so bad I couldn’t get my arrows ready for my bows next year.
2 dozen of each. Only hunting arrows. I just fletch practice shafts. 4” shield, low cuts on the bitz. Compound arrows not done yet.
Let’s see them. Let’s see a pic of something you find invaluable while hunting. Post a pic of anything hunting related. I’ve got a hike about planned for the weekend. I’ll post some scouting pics and hopefully some elk sheds.
Let’s get the off season ramped up.
TonyBear's Link
Fisherman's Friend-Hands down the best cough lozenges on the planet.
That is so cool. Nice arrows
Mathews Title 40
Mathews Title 40
I like 3d way more LOL
I like 3d way more LOL
Don't know anything about indoor archery, but that is the first time I've seen 4 fletch on target arrows... Coondog, is that common in the compound classes? Thanks...
It really just is personal preference. I four fletched my 27’s just to have the most stability and forgiveness. The 23’s I have are three fletched. It’s pretty split half and half for target archery.
Everyone loves their Broadhead.
Everyone loves their Broadhead.
Just finished last Sunday 2/2/25. Got 4 does in Texas. Prep now begins for the 2025 season. Can’t get enough.
“Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.”
You did good Charlie. Congratulations
"Let’s see a pic of something you find invaluable while hunting."
I value a sharp broadhead.
Good looking arrows Justin.
Charlie, congrats on another great season sir.
Ground blind setup
Ground blind setup
Last week…
Last week…
Does it ever end?
Am definitely needing to get some more arrows made up, though! Have a hodgepodge of different arrows these days and doubt I have more than 6 of any one set…
What broadhead do you use Charlie?
Get well WV! I've got a fun arrow project coming as well. I enjoy fletching shafts. I've got some 400 spine VF TKO shafts coming and will put a wrap and Blazers on them for my hunting arrows this year. Will use them out of my Elite Enkore this fall. Not as pretty as yours, but I'm excited! Take care!