Mathews Inc.
Graphic Bear kill
Contributors to this thread:
shawnm 09-Nov-17
shawnm 09-Nov-17
soapdish 09-Nov-17
spike78 09-Nov-17
Smoothdraw 09-Nov-17
notme 09-Nov-17
Paul 09-Nov-17
yukon roz 09-Nov-17
Bigbuckbob 09-Nov-17
Will 10-Nov-17
Passthrough 10-Nov-17
Garbanzo 10-Nov-17
Unclejeffy 10-Nov-17
From: shawnm

shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
It's kind of off topic but I wanted to share this with you. This bear was tracked down and killed after mauling these hikers. Graphic! Killed in Russia

From: shawnm

shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo

From: soapdish
May they at least rest in peace

From: spike78
Good lord wow poor guy

From: Smoothdraw
Gross!!! Looks a zombie apocalypse.

From: notme
Russian grizzlies a huuuuge.....poor bastards

From: Paul
Did more then maul them ate all the good parts

From: yukon roz
Wow Connecticut doesn't seem so bad now.RIP

From: Bigbuckbob
Holy cow! Never saw anything like that before.

From: Will
Well, Ill never be the same.

I will accept this as punishment for the pee thread Shawn ;) Ooph!

From: Passthrough
Thats crazy and an eye opener. I had a momma bear huff at me twice last week from 30ft behind me. I was focused on a deer 75yds in front of me. Ill never forget that noise or how fast my heart was racing. I Slowly backed away. Left my pack and climber there. Had an arrow in and release on loop. I wasnt going down without a fight. Luckily it was just a warning.

From: Garbanzo
Maybe we should send those pics to Blumenthal and Murphy the next time they say Hunters don't need rifles like and AR-15

That's one powerful monster

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