Mathews Inc.
Who got a Deer this season?
Contributors to this thread:
bigbuckbob 04-Jan-17
chainsaw 04-Jan-17
notme 04-Jan-17
steve 04-Jan-17
nehunter 04-Jan-17
Chuck>>>--------> 04-Jan-17
Bloodtrail 04-Jan-17
Paul 04-Jan-17
Meat Hunter 04-Jan-17
Brian M. 04-Jan-17
grizzlyadam 04-Jan-17
SixLomaz 04-Jan-17
Smoothdraw 04-Jan-17
Smoothdraw 04-Jan-17
Woodsnut 04-Jan-17
DeerDan 04-Jan-17
BoneHead 04-Jan-17
Westline72 04-Jan-17
Tall 1 04-Jan-17
extreme 05-Jan-17
BOBHUNT71 05-Jan-17
yukon roz 05-Jan-17
jax2009r 05-Jan-17
Gene 05-Jan-17
soapdish 05-Jan-17
soapdish 05-Jan-17
Westline72 05-Jan-17
soapdish 06-Jan-17
treeman16 06-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 06-Jan-17
Passthrough 06-Jan-17
longbeard 06-Jan-17
jax2009r 06-Jan-17
cuntrytocity 06-Jan-17
soapdish 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
Garbanzo 06-Jan-17
Garbanzo 06-Jan-17
spike78 06-Jan-17
Paul 06-Jan-17
soapdish 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
spike78 06-Jan-17
grizzlyadam 06-Jan-17
ROBZ7 06-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
longbeard 06-Jan-17
Bloodtrail 06-Jan-17
grizzlyadam 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
dman51 06-Jan-17
shawnm 06-Jan-17
grizzlyadam 06-Jan-17
BoneHead 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
soapdish 06-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 06-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 06-Jan-17
Paul 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 06-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 06-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 06-Jan-17
steve 07-Jan-17
BoneHead 07-Jan-17
Mike in CT 07-Jan-17
tobywon 07-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 07-Jan-17
steve 07-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 07-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 07-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 07-Jan-17
shawnm 08-Jan-17
steve 08-Jan-17
spike78 08-Jan-17
shawnm 08-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 08-Jan-17
shawnm 08-Jan-17
shawnm 08-Jan-17
Smoothdraw 09-Jan-17
Bloodtrail 09-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 09-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 09-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 09-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 09-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 09-Jan-17
Smoothdraw 09-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 09-Jan-17
grizzlyadam 09-Jan-17
Bloodtrail 09-Jan-17
grizzlyadam 09-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 09-Jan-17
tobywon 09-Jan-17
Buckdown 09-Jan-17
Dr. Williams 09-Jan-17
bigbuckbob 10-Jan-17
GF 13-Jan-17
From: bigbuckbob
-0- for me. Saw just 2 bucks, one really nice one, just too far away. Only hunted about 32 hours total.

From: chainsaw
two for me 4 point and 5 point

From: notme
Regular season -0, O T ain't over yet.

3 total- 1 in Ohio, 2 for me in CT a doe in sept and a 10 pt in November.

From: steve
3 for me 2 bucks and a doe . half rack 8 and a half rack 6 both had spikes on the other side , three different towns . Steve

From: nehunter
3 for me, 2 Bucks one Doe

1 doe on Sept 15th

From: Bloodtrail
One 7 point with the bow in CT state land. Passed a few other bucks and passed all does.

From: Paul
One doe

From: Meat Hunter
Two does. One late September, one on Halloween. The least mature deer sightings in person or on camera in my six years bow hunting.

From: Brian M.
0 with bow. Missed a 10pt and an 8pt. Same morning, 20 minutes apart. Shot over both at super close range.

From: grizzlyadam
I got two mature bucks this season in two different towns in northwest CT. Passed on a bunch of really good opportunities at does skips and little bucks early season. Was kicking myself for that by December, but managed my second buck with the muzzleloader and the freezer and wall are now happy. Hopefully all those passed deer will reward me next season. One of the worst seasons I've ever had for harvests and sightings, but one of my best seasons because I got a couple of really nice bucks.

According to my journal I hunted 57 days, did 82 sits, spent 222 hours on stand, saw 43 deer from stand and killed two. My average sit time was 2.7 hours, I saw .52 deer per sit, and spent 5.2 hours on stand for every deer seen. And most importantly I thoroughly enjoyed every minute spent hunting this season and cant wait for next season. Scouting for next fall starts yesterday.

From: SixLomaz
3 it is for me.

1 buck in September

1 doe in October

1 buck in November

From: Smoothdraw

Smoothdraw's embedded Photo
Smoothdraw's embedded Photo
Mature doe and a young buck in November on private land. Passed on a bunch. 2 deer are plenty. Holding out for a biggen next season. Only got out 10 times.

From: Smoothdraw

Smoothdraw's embedded Photo
Smoothdraw's embedded Photo

From: Woodsnut
Myself and my brother both got a doe and saw few others and i saw nice buck with no shot opportunity.

From: DeerDan

DeerDan 's embedded Photo
DeerDan 's embedded Photo
2 bucks 1 doe for me Found this today!

From: BoneHead
2 mature bucks, one small buck with bad genetics. One doe. Freezer is full. Gave a good friend who didn't have much luck a deer. Great season for sure. Spent a ton of time on stand. Saw countless deer, stellar year for sure!

From: Westline72

Westline72's embedded Photo
My PA 8point. Just the way I found it. Slid down a steep hill and under a log.
Westline72's embedded Photo
My PA 8point. Just the way I found it. Slid down a steep hill and under a log.
Got an 8point and a doe in PA . Saw a lot of deer in CT this yr. None offered any good shots. Both deer were my first for a selfbows. Thanks

From: Tall 1
3 for me. 1 with the boom bow on Thanksgiving morning when I made a 100 yd shot to drop it where it stood, and then with the Hoyt a nice doe on 12/6 and an 11 pt on 12/26.

From: extreme
three doe with the bow , two that were as big as any doe I've ever seen. also a four point with the smoke pole that was very big bodied. great season with many encounters with big bucks but never got the right shot.


BOBHUNT71's embedded Photo
BOBHUNT71's embedded Photo
Took 1 lone doe with the bow in November . Sightings where low this year for me but life was hectic this season so I hunted less than a third of what I normally would . 13 days 4-6 hr sits in AM and 2 afternoon sits 4 hrs saw 4 doe's and 1 buck .

From: yukon roz
2 bow and 2 rifle gave 2 to son who didn't get his own.

From: jax2009r
young 6 point state land buck

From: Gene
No deer for me. I had a few opportunitys and let them pass. Did not see as many deer as last year and I did not put as much time as last year either.

From: soapdish
Weird thing is, is that I saw very few doe and mostly bucks this year. Usually I see does 75 percent of the time. Acorns? Warm weather? Tagging system?

From: soapdish
My last post didn't load. It basically said I got one big doe on opening morning and missed three others.

From: Westline72
Soap dish , same thing here. Mostly all bucks even on my cams and when on stand. The biggest thing I found this yr was the water. When all the small streams dried up so did the deer. Once the acorns fell , i would go from 5 deer a night , two maybe 2 deer a week.

From: soapdish
Excessive acorns got me the last two years. Not to mention the landowner took down an apple tree that the deer loved.

From: treeman16
2 does for me but both with gun. 2 different towns. Approximately 15 hunts this year and saw deer almost each time out. I passed a few times early waiting for a buck but never even saw more then a six pointer from my stands. hope it pays off and they are still around next year but no guarantee they are still walking around. Overall good season even though I didn't get out as much as normal.

From: bigbuckbob
I'll be interested in seeing the final results from the DEEP for the season. Based upon approx. 30 replies to this thread, and some stating that were blanked, the results should be lower than last year, and we all know last year was terrible.

From: Passthrough
I took a 154lb forker with my bow in CT and a nice 163lb 7pt in MA last day of shotgun. I didn't hunt my normal spots this year in CT. I saw less deer than usual. But overall very rewarding season.

From: longbeard
I shot the big 10 in December with my bow, but up until that point I had only seen 1 other buck with an antlered rack. He was a 2.5 yr old 8 point. I lost all my meat from a power outage in March last year so I was hoping to shoot another deer but from what I see on camera my chances are slim.

From: jax2009r
THE ACORNS and the drought changed the deer behaviors this year....the deer I did see were always near water.....I did not see many does either

From: cuntrytocity
Got a doe during the early part of the season, saw more deer this year than I've ever seen since I took up hunting. Almost had a chance at a buck a few times this year, which tells me I'm getting better, I saw more bucks this year in one season than I've seen in the six plus years of hunting, and this is on public land. I attribute my success to good scouting and reading the advice a lot of you guys share on this forum. Even though I don't comment as much as I used to, I value and appreciate all of the great knowledge I've received from you guys over the years, it has aided me immensely in my pursuit of deer.

I didn't take a pic of my doe because it was a messy kill, the weather was warm and I felt discretion was better in this instance.

From: soapdish
And a 6pt with the shot gun

From: Dr. Williams
I was thinking just the opposite Bob. So far in this thread, 30 guys chimed in. 25 guys reported harvesting a total of 51 deer in Connecticut, 24 bucks, 22 does, and 5 for which sex was not given. Of the 5 guys who reported harvesting no deer, one guy missed both an 8 and a 10 pointer the same day, one guy reported seeing a deer too far off, one guy said the Overtime season wasn’t over yet, one guy said he had a few opportunities he passed on, and another guy took 2 PA deer but none in CT. This does not sound like results from a state where deer densities are “dangerously low”. For guys who took a deer, they averaged over 2 deer/guy! And of the small poll here, 30 guys reported taking 51 deer, or 1.7 deer/guy. Lots of talk of passing on shots, letting does and immature bucks walk. So how do we interpret these results? Are guys still taking too many deer while complaining about how few there are out there? Or is the acceptable average guys are looking for more like 4 deer taken/hunter? Regardless, this year’s take will exceed last year’s I’m sure.

From: Garbanzo

Garbanzo's embedded Photo
4 pt
Garbanzo's embedded Photo
4 pt
Garbanzo's embedded Photo
Garbanzo's embedded Photo
Got a 4 and a 6 pt the same week.

From: Garbanzo

Garbanzo's embedded Photo
6 point
Garbanzo's embedded Photo
6 point

From: spike78
I have to agree with the Doc. It sounds like CT has pretty good deer hunting to me. You guys should put what zone these were in to see what parts of the state are better or worse. Their should also be a thread on who didn't bag a deer but numbers seen on stand to get the whole picture.

From: Paul
Spike zone 5 doe

From: soapdish
If I told you id have to ....... 4b

From: Dr. Williams
Spike, that's because we are both MassHoles. I live in CT now but was born and raised in Worcester area. So to hear about how few deer there are now in CT makes me laugh. Particularly when guys are reporting killing 3+ deer/season. I took a buck and a doe Opening Day rifle season in Zone 12.

From: spike78
If their is any snow in zones 4a or 5 I may do some walking this weekend. If I go through another season here like I did I may be posting my bow for sale! Unfortunately I think I live close to the worst part of CT for deer. Still may be better though.

From: grizzlyadam
This is not a poll of overall hunter success, this is a thread titled "who got a deer". Don't come here and try to create a false impression that everyones killing lots of deer in CT. Try a "who didn't get a deer thread" and see what kind on numbers you get. Of course we already know what the hunter success rates in CT are. Somewhere around 25% or less if I'm not mistaken. I would say that most of the hunters that regularly post here are exceptional hunters and do not at all represent success rates among all the CT hunters. Trying to use this thread to point a finger and make it look like were killing too many deer and complaining there are not enough deer is truly a CNN type of tactic that is low even for you doc.

From: ROBZ7

ROBZ7's embedded Photo
ROBZ7's embedded Photo
Long season but got it done day after Christmas.

From: bigbuckbob
griz - you hit the nail on the head when it comes to Doc. He has the answers before the questions are even asked, it's called his agenda. Too many deer in CT! (How's that working for you in the NW corner Doc, or should I ask Jody?) We need to kill more deer and only WB, you know, his good friend Tony, can get deer density down to acceptable levels after the taxpayers may him big money to do it. CT hunters are bunch of cry babies, we're spoiled and we think we should be seeing 10 deer a day and killing our limit every season. Boy do I get tired of hearing him repeat his agenda over and over.

I had a another great season. Saw 14 deer and didn't take a shot. A terrible year in CT is subjective and based upon one's previous years experience. Does it mean we don't have any deer? Not at all. All it means is today is not as good as yesterday.

You're still that little kid on the school playground that no wants on their team, so find another site to preach about deer densities, ticks and WB.

From: Dr. Williams
Grizz reports above: "I got two mature bucks this season in two different towns in northwest CT. Passed on a bunch of really good opportunities at does skips and little bucks early season." That doesn't sound like it needs CNN to show you had plenty of opportunities to take deer and had a good season. Sounds like you report directly you had plenty of opportunity and took two. Not sure how I could spin that.

From: Dr. Williams
Bob. Buh. Griz, ask guys from MA, VT, NH, ME, and NY how many legal deer they pass on per season. How can you honestly say in one sentence you killed 2 mature bucks and "passed on really good opportunities at does and skips" and then suggest I am spinning this somehow and deer hunting in CT really just sucks? This site is full of spoiled deer hunters who complain about how few deer CT has, what a lousy job DEEP is doing, all while harvesting multiple animals every single season. Give me a break. Listen to yourselves.

From: longbeard
Thank you Griz. Doc I see you are still really good at extrapolating numbers from a data source. RobZ7 nice buck!!

From: Bloodtrail
Doc. You're confused me thinks. There are bow hunters here on this site. Hunters. Conservationists.

Your tongue spews language of can't squeeze blood out of a rock. Two different animals. Apple and oranges.

You ruined another great post.....again. :(

From: grizzlyadam
You conveniently overlooked the fact that I spent 111 hours on stand for every deer I killed, over five hours sitting for every deer seen and all the other data that does not fit the argument you foolishly stumbled into. Also I spent more time hunting this year than most hunters do in a decade or more. And for the record I have never complained about deer numbers.

From: Dr. Williams
Rob that IS a nice deer. Longbeard, I'm not extrapolating anything. All I did was summarize what you guys self-reported and pointed out how ridiculous you all sound.

Bloodtrail, you guys are killing the deer and bragging about it here. I'm just pointing out the obvious and summarizing the data you all provided.

Bob just reported he saw 14 deer while on stand over 32 hours and has been complaining relentlessly how DEEP is ignoring the declining deer population where he hunts. Seriously? Seeing a deer every 2 hours and complaining about it? No wonder DEEP didn't listen to him.

From: Dr. Williams
Griz. I'm sure you put your time in. Just like the guys up north do without the same result. For the record, you called me out and suggested I was spinning things like CNN when all I did was summarize what all you guys posted in this thread. It's all still here. You can check my work. I'm sure you will be satisfied.

From: dman51
Shot a big 10 pt second day of rifle and a nice doe a week later that I gave to my club for the game dinner. Doing a euro mount with the buck. Both shot in Coventry. D.B.

From: shawnm

shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
shawnm's embedded Photo
Wow BBB.. I hope you would pick me to be on your team!!! Lol.. I had a fantastic year.. You couldn't pry me off my bucket if you tried. I fell in love with the sport all over again. My season as far as deer wise was absolutely amazing. I have over 50 sightings of deer in person and countless on the cam.. I shot a spike on opening day that I never recovered but do have him on cam well after the shot so he did make it. I missed 2 doe and 2 spikes. I also killed a beautiful doe for my first deer and got an awesome buck in the rut. Although I can't seem to get close enough to get a shot on them now im still seeing plenty. I could not of asked for a better season and especially for my first..

From: grizzlyadam
You summarized what was posted in THIS thread about WHO got a deer, and tried to spin it as an overall interpretation of success rates in CT. You are trying to create the illusion that all the hunters are crying about no deer while they are all out there seeing lots of deer and shooting lots of deer. That is far from reality. Ask those who are not posting. I guess its January, and this is where we can expect many of the threads to go. We have come full circle now with this one and I'm done. Have fun.

Awesome buck Rob, congrats!!

From: BoneHead
I forgot to mention I got one with my pickup....

From: Dr. Williams
Dude Griz. Yup. And I never suggested otherwise nor did I suggest it applied throughout the state of CT. You guys provided the data, and I summarized it. Now we have Shawn, a novice hunter reporting here that he wounded a buck early, missed shots at 2 does AND 2 bucks, successfully harvested his first doe and harvested a slammer buck (congrats Shawn!!) and saw 50 deer on stand. You still wanna tell me I'm spinning things? Seriously?

From: soapdish
Shawn is an inspiration... Not just hunting, but life itself.

From: bigbuckbob
One guy, private land = the whole state? Doc must spending lots of time in MA smoking the whackie weed.

From: bigbuckbob
I went out 8 times, 4 hours each hunt, saw 2 different bucks, and the same doe with 2 fawns over and over. That's 5 deer Doc, not 14 different deer, but you probably count the deer I didn't see, right. Spin away.

From: Paul
Bonehead were you using any buck lure . Lol

From: Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
To quote BBB: "I had a another great season. Saw 14 deer and didn't take a shot."

From: Dr. Williams
No spin needed Chief

From: bigbuckbob
Doc - my point is simple. I don't need to see lots of deer, hunt lots of hours or kill any deer. One deer killed in 16 years proves that. My love for the outdoors has nothing to do with killing deer. You bore me with your comments. We still don't want you on our team.

From: bigbuckbob
Shawn - I want you to know loved reading your live hunts and the enthusiasm you have is contagious. Thanks for the enjoyment you provided this year.

From: Dr. Williams
Bob, if you "don't need to see lots of deer, hunt lots of hours or kill any deer", why do you berate DEEP so for deer population abundance in NW CT? You have repeatedly posted how you warned them about declining abundances, they did nothing, yet you are seeing a deer every 2 hours on stand? Seriously? What's the deal then? What is your beef with DEEP and deer in CT?

From: steve
Seeing 50 deer on stand dosnt mean there are 50 deer means there are a group of deer in his area that he always sees. CNN doc and what I try to say is if we keep up kill all we will be like the northern states

From: BoneHead
Ha! I let the first two pass and decided to take the third one! Ended up with the straps and one hind quarter rest was mush.

From: Mike in CT
Sometimes this forum makes me feel like Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part III; "Everytime I think I'm out they pull me back in!"

I could allude to the 80/20 rule; 80% of the deer get harvested by 20% of the hunters; as in almost any field you have a wide range of participants, from novice to average to exceptional. I happen to know several posters here who I would apply the exceptional label to with regard to their hunting acumen.

From this thread the only take-away should be this group weighed in our their experiences while continuing to take note of what the trends are; conservationists, as Bloodtrail pointed out will not express concern only for what impacts them directly but the hunting community as a whole. The false corollary is that the two realities must be mutually exclusive; i.e. BigBuckBob cannot consider his season as "great" and observe a decline in the deer herd. For starters, all hunters do not classify their seasons based on the same metrics.

I've noticed some seem to feel their season is a loss if they don't take ANY deer, regardless of age, sex, whatever. Others over the years seem to feel an unused tag equals an off year. Then there are those (many who have chimed in here) who equate opportunity, particularly opportunity at mature bucks with a good season. It comes down to what the personal motivations are for the hunter involved.

Onto the issue of what constitutes extrapolation or spinning; if a statement is made to the effect that "does that sound like results from a state where deer densities are dangerously low" it certainly infers that because of the success of a small percentage of hunters the low deer numbers argument must therefore be invalid.

Aside from being an excellent example of faulty logic it fails to recognize the reality that the cream of the crop will find ways to succeed and as you progress down the ladder of relative expertise the results will diminish relative to the respective level of the other groups.

Attempting to diminish legitimate concerns of sportsmen by trying to re-frame the issue isn't honest debate and only fuels the degenerative trend in these types of discussions. It's perfectly fine to disagree, it's the disingenuous nature of the expression of that disagreement that fuels the fire.

I've often debated about posting on these types of threads (and hadn't prior to this post) because I observed some instances of a "keeping up with the Jones's mindset" creeping into some posts; some hunters posts seemed to convey a sense of falling short by comparison.

As I've often stated we all have differing reasons for hunting and we all have different yardsticks for how we measure the quality of our experiences. My personal feeling has come to be that I don't ever want my season to be about anything other than my experiences afield. As long as I enjoy every aspect from scouting to hanging stands to hunting and the processing of my own meat I'll be out there in the woods.

I hope everyone finds their definition of success in 2017.

From: tobywon

From: Dr. Williams
I guess this is the new Trump America mentality. You guys start a thread here with who got what, I merely summarized the reports and ran some very simple stats based on those data provided by you guys, then when I present them back to you all, I'm accused of spinning things. Seriously? My point is there has been a lot of complaining about low deer numbers and false reports of single digit deer densities, yet guys are killing 2, 3, or 4 deer as reported in this thread. How is that spinning things? Steve, you reported you killed 3 deer. Is that not enough for you?

Bob reported he hunted 32 hours and saw 14 deer. I say the he saw a deer nearly every 2 hours. Tell me how that's spin? That's just fact.

I get it. "Spin" is just the presentation of facts you don't want to hear or facts that don't fit you conclusion. Like Putin had Russian intelligence hack the DNC. That's spin, right?

From: steve
That is enough for me maybe 1 more for the game dinner I hunt at least 3 times a week Average ,for 4 and a half months Steve

From: Dr. Williams
Agreed Steve. My point is that deer hunting is probably pretty good if a hunter can harvest 3 deer in a season, and I know you put your time in and did your homework.

From: bigbuckbob
So Doc - tell me where I hunted this year and where I saw the 14 deer (2 different bucks and the same doe with 2 fawns, not 14 different deer)? Did I say I saw them in the NW corner this year? No, I didn't. The 8 times I went out only 3 of those were in the NW corner and I saw exactly -1- deer there on those hunts. The deer I did see were close to home on private land.

And by the way, that's not me saying the deer herd in the NW corner has a problem, that's the DEEP saying it. You know,..... the fawn mortality study they're conducting because the problem is that severe!! Boy the herd must be in big trouble for the DEEP to admit it and spend money to do the study! Or is that just me whining about the decrease in the herd?

And I know you remember how your good friend Jody at Great Mountain Forest laughed when you said there's a deer problem on the their property, right! When I checked your comments with Jody, he told me there are no deer on the property, don't waste your time asking for a permit. But don't mention those facts, just point out how an experienced, knowledgeable hunter like Griz, who spends lots of time in the woods, was able to harvest his deer.

I said it before on this site, I know how to find deer and I no longer find it a challenge to shoot whatever walks by. I chose to shoot only mature bucks, much harder to find on state land, especially in the NW corner, but I have spots that do hold some. I spend more time scouting than I do hunting. Why? Because I love being in the woods. So a great season for me includes seeing 2 mature bald eagles trying to take fish from the river. And the bobcat that walked right below my treestand and kept stopping to look my way. Or watching the fawns play, then freeze when their mom winded me. I love hearing the owls call to one another just before sunrise. That's a great season to me!

Are there less deer in the NW corner of CT where I do most of my hunting today compared to 20 years ago? The answer is YES! Does that mean I had a bad season? NO! Was the deer harvest down last year? YES! Do I THINK it will be lower again this year? YES! There are my comments simplified so you can understand them.

I can't make it any clearer than that Doc.

From: Dr. Williams
Thanks for clarifying Bob. I'm not a mind reader and can only use information you provide like you hunted 32 hours and saw 14 deer. I know you hunt up there so I presumed you were up there.

From: shawnm
Well I'm new to ct hunting and its nothing like mass. I've seen more deer in one hunting day here than I've seen in mass my whole life. And that's no exaggeration at all.. I have to say once i started hunting here I was very surprised by the amount of deer. But it makes sense the more north you go, the closer to mass you are the lower the population. I know it wasn't good when I lived there and I'm sure it hasn't changed much.

From: steve
There are many more hunters you are hunting and think your the only one around then you find out there are many others in the area , with the snow on the ground now I can drive around my spots and see tree stands in the woods from the road I ran in to some hunters on here a couple of times lol

From: spike78
Shawn, coming from MA myself I know you ain't exaggerating! I saw a whopping 0 deer from the stand this year. Worse season ever.

From: shawnm
I lived in ware and I lived directly across from the quabbin reservoir which is thousands of acres of prime deer habitat that no one is allowed to hunt. Figure I'd see a lot of deer.. Ha.. My father has gotten many deer from mass but nothing to brag about. His biggest being a skinny ten pointer weighing a whole 120lbs.. Also the area where we hunted was over run with hunters. So that could contribute to it to.. Still would choose one week of hunting in ct than a year of mass

From: Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams's Link
Correct me if I'm wrong Shawn, but deer hunting has been permitted in Quabbin since 1991.

I see it's certain areas. So maybe not Ware?

From: shawnm
No def not ware. I remember they used to do a draw to hunt the islands but that's about it.. I lived right by the winsor dam..

Hunt Dates

Pelham & Prescott: December 1 & 2

Petersham & New Salem: December 8 & 9

From: shawnm
And not to mention all the bs involved. You can only scout for two days.. You have to hunt in a group of a minimum of 2.. No thanks

From: Smoothdraw
Deerterminator, I thought the number of hunters was decreasing each year. Does anyone have statistics on this? Maybe it's the addition of crossbows that's increasing the number of "bow hunters" in certain areas.

From: Bloodtrail
Smooth, bow hunting licenses have been increasing for the last number of years. Quite dramatically in fact. I believe you can go right on the DEEP website and see the statistics. Gun hunting for deer however, has declined.

From: Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Total permit issuance

From: Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Proportional permit issuance

From: Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Deer take

From: Dr. Williams

Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Dr. Williams's embedded Photo
Proportional deer take

From: bigbuckbob
Doc - thanks for all of the information, much appreciated. It appears that the only significant increase in permits is in archery. probably due to crossbows and limited Sunday hunting.

At the same time the deer harvest decreased dramatically, dropping from somewhere north of 13,000 in 2012 to around 9,000 last year. There was a good increase in the archery harvest in 2013 but has since dropped back to 2010 levels when we had 10% fewer hunters with the bow.

Not a good picture if you're interested in seeing the herd stabilize, never mind increase. And if you're a state land hunter like myself, think about the fact that 77% of the total harvest was private land all implements! And who manages the deer herd on private land? The landowner, not the state. No permission granted? No deer taken!

Let's see what the 2016 harvest looks like, I'm betting lower than 2015.

From: Smoothdraw
Thanks for the info doc. It looks like bowhunters are indeed having more competition for less deer.

From: Dr. Williams
Yes Bob. I would have to agree with you that archery tag issuance increased from 2005 to 2015 from 20% of total to 33%. But what you cannot do is then look at the highest harvest year and compare it to the lowest harvest year as you did. Let us compare apples to apples without “spin.” In 2005, archery tags accounted for 20% of total permits and resulted in 23% of take. In 2015, archery tags accounted 33% of tags issued resulting in 50% of take. So despite an increase in permit issuance of 13% of total, it resulted in an increase of 27% of take. As a result of crossbows, probably. And despite the lowest overall take in 2015, archery harvest was the highest proportion of take since 2005. To infer population dynamics from take statistics is risky. I bet you wish that 2016 take will be less than 2015, but that's spin. I bet it will be higher.

From: grizzlyadam
I checked a deer the end of december and the confirmation number was in the mid 12000's. I'd say there was a pretty solid harvest this past season. All these numbers can lead to some interesting speculation, but thats about it. It would be nice if whoever is in charge of the tally on the DEEP website would get off their arse and do an update soon. Funny that it says its "updated regularly so check back often" and its been updated once since it was posted. Well actually, not so funny.

From: Bloodtrail
Grizz, thanks for the info. Very helpful. I do believe the numbers on the check-in represent both deer and turkey (spring and fall) combined. Can anyone confirm that?

From: grizzlyadam
Yea, I wonder about how that works exactly.

From: bigbuckbob
Doc - but for someone who hunts state land, the take was lower in 2015 than the previous 6 years. So more archery permits and lower harvest rate for state land, where I hunt, is not a good picture.

Archery permits went up because of the long season and Xbows would be my guess. And since bows seem to be a more acceptable private land option for most landowners, I'll bet that where the new guys ended up, therefore the 10% increase in the take in the past few years.

I think the best we can do is interrupt the data, but there's no way to say definitively if the herd is up or down overall. I still love going out and see more than enough deer to keep me happy, that's what I want from hunting.

From: tobywon
The confirmation number is just that and is not an accurate count of deer kill. Blootrail is correct it accounts for more than just deer. I got a confirmation number for a coyote as well.

From: Buckdown
I shot a 5 point and my Dad shot a doe

From: Dr. Williams
Bob. 2015 overall take was lower than any other year presented.

From: bigbuckbob
Sorry, I wasn't talking about the overall take, just archery.

From: GF
One thought on Doc's stats...

You can look at it as "this is ridiculous because you're polling a small number of die-hards", or you can look at it as "this is instructive because you're polling a small number of die-hards".

What it says to me is that the guys who are seriously committed to gaining access to private land and/or who go big on public land are not having any great deal of trouble filling a few tags per year.

I wouldn't use Shawn's data just yet, though, because I think he said (and he is invited to confirm) that he's had something like 120-odd sits this year (as of pre-Christmas) and if that's the case, and he's hunted a lot of private land... Well, you would tend to expect a lot of sightings, wouldn't you?

I haven't been out since Jan '16, when I took a small doe in Ridgefield; saw her and a young buck in approx 6 hours of hunting time (3 trips) while in a productive funnel area on a very large property which (last winter, at least) I'm pretty sure had been baited all season (I'm the only one who had permission to hunt the place, but apparently somebody else had gotten the OK for a few cams and a bait pile. Can't 100% confirm the baiting, but when you see a pickup parked with its tailgate down and a lot of bags of deer chow in the back and deer cart tracks headed into the woods...

But I stayed away from the pile and just hunted the place as I always have. I've hunted there in January and tail-end of December a few other years with no sightings at all, so arguably this was an improvement. Though nothing at all like it was 15 years ago when I was constantly tripping over deer on my way in every time I went.

Just for perspective...

When I hunted northern MN, you either got it done on opening day of rifle or pretty much forget about it. Nobody in our camp was ever picky about what we took, because we took the first legal animal we saw and were happy for the shot. And you were allowed 1/hunter/year, regardless of weapons used or tags purchased.

Personally, I don't expect to have deer within bow range every time I go out, but I do like to be able to get into animals about every day; if I can see them, I'm learning and getting closer. My experience in NW corner was pretty dismal, though; saw two does in 8-10 full days' effort; one was way out there and the other came through at the end of legal hours on a very dark day... Definitely not the part of the state to put your money on after the shotgun opener.

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