Sitka Gear
Turkey Opener
Contributors to this thread:
PushCoArcher 05-Apr-18
Jack 06-Apr-18
darralld 06-Apr-18
EmbryOklahoma 07-Apr-18
swampokie 09-Apr-18
Jack 13-Apr-18
PushCoArcher 13-Apr-18
From: PushCoArcher
Who else is ready for the opener tomorrow? I'm off work Friday now I'm just waiting for my buddy to get off work so we can hook up the trailer and head about 2 hours NW to a property in Lincoln County we have permission to hunt and it's covered in birds.

On another note I'm seriously considering not turkey hunting any of my Push county properties this year. The population has been on a nose dive for I'd say the past 15 years and I don't see it getting any better anytime soon. One property my parents own was absolutely covered in turkey 15 years ago now I'd say there's only a quarter of the population that use to be there. I wish the ODWC would take a more proactive role in helping the population rebound instead of just shortening the season.

From: Jack
Well good luck on your hunt! Looks like it may be a little windy, rainy, or cool! I think I'll wait for better weather conditions for me.

From: darralld
Was planning on going. With the way the weather is looking, think I'll sleep in...LOL

I hear you, push, its bad in the SE region. I hunt west central Pittsburg county. Been in a nose dive since 2007. I've actually shut down the season on our lease back in 2011. The birds just aren't there anymore and makes no sense to kill the few remaining.

From: swampokie
Just got back from Lawton hunted all weekend. 8 degree windchill and a blizzard made for tuff hunting. Didn’t hear a bird till Sunday am. Gobbled a couple times and shut up. First time I ever went out there and ate tag soup!

From: Jack
Anyone had any success yet? I'm hoping to make it out this weekend but it all depends on this Oklahoma weather.

From: PushCoArcher
Like a lot of others my hunt was slow last weekend due to the weather. We got into some hens and jakes and my buddy harvested one of the Jake's but overall pretty slow.

Embry I've reached the same conclusion just dosent make sense to keep killing birds when there's less every year.

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