onX Maps
New York
Contributors to this thread:
steve 18-Oct-18
bas4109 18-Oct-18
steve 18-Oct-18
steve 18-Oct-18
greyghost92 19-Oct-18
archer756 20-Oct-18
Petcontain 20-Oct-18
From: steve
I was wondering if anybody knows how fare from a house can someone shoot in NY its o for bow and 500 FT for gun in ct I have a guy at my ny house shooting a muzzle loader on the side of his garage .Couldn't find it on the ny dep site .THANKS AND GOOD LUCK THIS YEAR !!! STEVE

From: bas4109


Loaded Guns, Discharge Distances, Lights, and Guns

Question: How far from a building do I have to be to discharge my firearm?

Answer: You cannot discharge a firearm within 500 feet, crossbow within 250 feet or longbow within 150 feet of any school, playground, occupied factory or church, dwelling, farm building, or structure unless you own it, lease it, are an immediate member of the family, an employee, or have the owner's consent. This does not apply to the discharge of a shotgun over water when hunting migratory game birds and no dwelling, public structure, livestock, or person is in the line of fire.

From: steve
thanks !!

From: steve
thanks !!

From: greyghost92
I believe it also states the feet away only applies if you don't own the property or don't have permission from the land owner. Unless the guy is shooting in a development or not shooting against a good backdrop I wouldn't start issues with my neighbors. I shoot all the time and I'm glad my neighbors don't call and complain. I'm not doing anything illegal, however have a tiff with the neighbors is not something I enjoy.

From: archer756
This also is applied when one is shooting, bow, in your yard or drive way, neighbor can have you shut down for being to close to his house ! This has happen more than once. So don't piss off neighbor !!

From: Petcontain
Either own a lot of property or join gun archery club if you are too close. Most clubs are 50 to 100 bucks a year.

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