Sitka Gear
Contributors to this thread:
sitO 29-Jan-19
ksq232 29-Jan-19
sitO 29-Jan-19
ksq232 29-Jan-19
cherney12 29-Jan-19
sitO 29-Jan-19
cherney12 29-Jan-19
sitO 29-Jan-19
cherney12 29-Jan-19
writer 30-Jan-19
sitO 30-Jan-19
ksq232 30-Jan-19
LTG 11 30-Jan-19
ksq232 30-Jan-19
kscowboy 30-Jan-19
Catscratch 30-Jan-19
keepemsharp 30-Jan-19
writer 30-Jan-19
sitO 30-Jan-19
sitO 01-Feb-19
cherney12 01-Feb-19
sitO 01-Feb-19
ksq232 02-Feb-19
writer 02-Feb-19
sitO 02-Feb-19
Dale06 03-Feb-19
N2BUX 04-Feb-19
sitO 05-Feb-19
ksq232 05-Feb-19
Kansan 05-Feb-19
sitO 05-Feb-19
ksq232 05-Feb-19
ksq232 05-Feb-19
sitO 05-Feb-19
writer 06-Feb-19
Kansan 06-Feb-19
Kansasclipper 06-Feb-19
cherney12 06-Feb-19
sitO 06-Feb-19
cherney12 06-Feb-19
Kansasclipper 06-Feb-19
cherney12 06-Feb-19
Kansasclipper 06-Feb-19
cherney12 06-Feb-19
cherney12 06-Feb-19
writer 06-Feb-19
KB 06-Feb-19
cherney12 06-Feb-19
Kansasclipper 06-Feb-19
Scott in Camo 07-Feb-19
writer 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
KB 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
KB 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
KB 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
KB 07-Feb-19
writer 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
KB 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
sitO 07-Feb-19
KB 07-Feb-19
Scott in Camo 07-Feb-19
sitO 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
writer 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
ksq232 07-Feb-19
writer 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
writer 07-Feb-19
cherney12 07-Feb-19
writer 07-Feb-19
Matte 08-Feb-19
kscowboy 08-Feb-19
ksq232 09-Feb-19
Scott in Camo 09-Feb-19
ksq232 09-Feb-19
ksq232 09-Feb-19
Scott in Camo 09-Feb-19
Quailhunter 09-Feb-19
sitO 09-Feb-19
writer 09-Feb-19
sitO 12-Feb-19
sitO 12-Feb-19
ksq232 12-Feb-19
writer 12-Feb-19
sitO 12-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
kscowboy 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
kscowboy 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
writer 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
cherney12 13-Feb-19
writer 13-Feb-19
ksq232 13-Feb-19
writer 13-Feb-19
sitO 16-Feb-19
cherney12 16-Feb-19
writer 16-Feb-19
sitO 20-Feb-19
ksq232 21-Feb-19
skeeter 24-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 24-Feb-19
writer 24-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 24-Feb-19
Brick 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
leftee 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
ksq232 25-Feb-19
ksq232 25-Feb-19
leftee 25-Feb-19
writer 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
ksq232 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
ksq232 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
ksq232 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
Mission man 25-Feb-19
writer 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
Mission man 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
Mission man 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 25-Feb-19
writer 25-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 25-Feb-19
Mission man 25-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 25-Feb-19
sitO 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
writer 25-Feb-19
Westksbowhunter 25-Feb-19
cherney12 25-Feb-19
sitO 26-Feb-19
Catscratch 26-Feb-19
Catscratch 26-Feb-19
writer 26-Feb-19
cherney12 26-Feb-19
Catscratch 26-Feb-19
ksq232 26-Feb-19
cherney12 26-Feb-19
Mission man 26-Feb-19
writer 26-Feb-19
sitO 04-Mar-19
ksq232 04-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
writer 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
writer 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
writer 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
cherney12 05-Mar-19
sitO 05-Mar-19
ksq232 05-Mar-19
crestedbutte 05-Mar-19
Leebo1963 06-Mar-19
KB 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
cherney12 06-Mar-19
sitO 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
cherney12 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
cherney12 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
cherney12 06-Mar-19
sitO 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
cherney12 06-Mar-19
ksq232 06-Mar-19
cherney12 06-Mar-19
The Kid 06-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 06-Mar-19
crestedbutte 06-Mar-19
sitO 06-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 06-Mar-19
The Kid 07-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 07-Mar-19
ksq232 07-Mar-19
crestedbutte 07-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 07-Mar-19
KB 07-Mar-19
ksq232 08-Mar-19
cherney12 08-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 08-Mar-19
sitO 09-Mar-19
KB 09-Mar-19
sitO 09-Mar-19
sitO 09-Mar-19
crestedbutte 09-Mar-19
sitO 09-Mar-19
crestedbutte 10-Mar-19
sitO 10-Mar-19
ksq232 10-Mar-19
sitO 10-Mar-19
ksq232 10-Mar-19
KB 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
KB 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
KB 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
KB 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
Catscratch 11-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
Bodyman 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
cherney12 11-Mar-19
ksq232 11-Mar-19
EmbryOklahoma 12-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 12-Mar-19
sitO 12-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 12-Mar-19
leftee 13-Mar-19
sitO 13-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 13-Mar-19
KB 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
One Arrow 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
writer 14-Mar-19
cherney12 14-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 14-Mar-19
cherney12 14-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 14-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 14-Mar-19
writer 14-Mar-19
cherney12 14-Mar-19
cherney12 14-Mar-19
cherney12 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
sitO 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
sitO 14-Mar-19
ksq232 14-Mar-19
sitO 14-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 14-Mar-19
sitO 14-Mar-19
KB 14-Mar-19
EmbryOklahoma 14-Mar-19
Leebo1963 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
cherney12 15-Mar-19
EmbryOklahoma 15-Mar-19
sitO 15-Mar-19
writer 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
sitO 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
sitO 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
Leebo1963 15-Mar-19
Leebo1963 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
cherney12 15-Mar-19
sitO 15-Mar-19
t-roy 15-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 15-Mar-19
t-roy 15-Mar-19
sitO 15-Mar-19
kscowboy 15-Mar-19
writer 15-Mar-19
cherney12 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
cherney12 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 15-Mar-19
ksq232 15-Mar-19
KB 15-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 15-Mar-19
cherney12 16-Mar-19
cherney12 16-Mar-19
sitO 16-Mar-19
t-roy 16-Mar-19
sitO 16-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 16-Mar-19
ksq232 16-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 16-Mar-19
kscowboy 17-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 17-Mar-19
kscowboy 17-Mar-19
kscowboy 17-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 17-Mar-19
writer 17-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 17-Mar-19
cherney12 17-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 17-Mar-19
sitO 17-Mar-19
kscowboy 18-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 18-Mar-19
cherney12 19-Mar-19
ksq232 19-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 19-Mar-19
ksq232 19-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 19-Mar-19
sitO 19-Mar-19
ksq232 19-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 19-Mar-19
sitO 19-Mar-19
Kansasclipper 19-Mar-19
cherney12 20-Mar-19
writer 20-Mar-19
ksq232 20-Mar-19
EmbryOklahoma 20-Mar-19
sitO 25-Jul-19
Westksbowhunter 26-Jul-19
writer 26-Jul-19
cherney12 26-Jul-19
sitO 26-Jul-19
LTG 11 28-Jul-19
Westksbowhunter 28-Jul-19
Thornton 29-Jul-19
Catscratch 29-Jul-19
sitO 29-Jul-19
Catscratch 29-Jul-19
Kansan 29-Jul-19
Catscratch 30-Jul-19
From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
I waited as long as I could ;?)

The University of Adidas is gonna need some more money! They're 1-5 on the road and guess who leads the conference?

Yep, the men's team.

From: ksq232
Gonna be a tough year, I for one am still mourning the chiefs, I still have yet to watch one ku game. Doke going down was a HUGE loss.

From: sitO
Don't start now James

They suck


From: ksq232
Unless something changes TTU might be the best hope for a decent showing in the tourney this year. Baylor has come on a little bit. I have no faith in Squeekers and the kittens. At least I don’t have to listen to any of my WSU friends blabber on this year.

From: cherney12
All ACC Elite 8

From: sitO
Statemen already beat the Lubbock crew...AU and the bears are next

Patrick you're livin in the wrong "state"

From: cherney12
Zero faith in Bruce. Kinda like the team but his offense leads to way too many sub 40% shooting nights. And they shoot wayyy to many threes for a bad shooting team.

From: sitO
Yea, their offense sucks...but what does a "#11" team scoring 2 points in the first 5min do?

From: cherney12
What is “baits”?

From: writer
Missing two key big men makes a difference, like when Wade was out for K-State. Where were you then, Kyle? Or when KU beat Duke, Tennessee (both have been ranked #’1 this season) or when they beat Villanova?

Where were the KU fans when the Cats were really struggling? Many of us were pulling for Dean Wade to heal so the Kansas kid could have a good senior year, as he deserves. If KU can’t continue its absurd Big 12 title streak, I’d like for it to be the other Kansas college.

From: sitO
Why don't they just buy another Mike? We made it without DW last year so...

I don't like cheaters, I won't applaud cheating, the transcripts are out and I have read them and even discussed between ourselves. "Mad Billy" cheats, his staff cheats, lots of others do too...but that doesn't change the fact or make it "ok". None of those "titles" mean anything if they weren't earned legitimately, that's my position and no I won't be pulling for them sorry.

From: ksq232
The big roll of the eyes from the se corner of the state... the kittens crying again. Once KU football overtakes KSU, I'm quite sure Kyle will find another reason to cry foul.

From: LTG 11
I heard Bill Self hunts with a crossbow over a corn pile......

From: ksq232
Them’s fightin’ words Logan!! There’s always somebody who has to take it too far... ;)

From: kscowboy
“I heard Bill Self hunts with a crossbow over a corn pile......”

He is from Oklahoma originally...

From: Catscratch
^^^ Damn NR!

From: keepemsharp
Folks: it's just a game.

From: writer
I have heard, from a friend who played for him, that Self may be the worst fisherman to ever come from Oklahoma.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Shox looked pretty good tonight!

From: sitO

sitO's Link
He's OUT! Enjoy your new shoes De Sousa lol

From: cherney12
Nice to see Bill still lives in a glass house even in the eye of the storm.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
He and his staff did this to the kid, it's on them.

From: ksq232
Kyle, his guardian did it, hey your facts straight.

From: writer
Don’t even try, K. Every season he waits until KU hits a rough stretch then shows up with the same hate. Year after year after year. It’s not normal. It’s not healthy. It tries friendships and gets old. It’s like a disease. We’ll hopefully get some more answers, eventually. Kids have been allowed to play when they didn’t know of worse violations. Look at UNC. Mizzou’s football team got tagged really hard recently because a tutor went way overboard . I guess the athletes he helped knew, though. Coaches didn’t, though.

From: sitO
As Dave said above, "it's just a game"...sure don't mean to stress any friendships over comments about a basketball team? Anyway, if you read the transcripts from the case it's pretty easy to tell who knew about what, and I'm afraid this ain't the end of it fellas.

From: Dale06
As a KSU grad from many years ago, I can assure you it, all college sports, are just a game and not worth getting upset over.

From: N2BUX
I don't follow KU basketball so I don't know the details of what's going on and maybe it's still under investigation but how are KU and their coach not in big trouble with this Adidas thing?

From: sitO

From: ksq232
Kyle, you ever make good on our bet last year? You know the one where you said if KU makes it to the sweet 16 you would buy someone’s membership into the KBA? Remember that?? :) Oh yeah, enjoy your team’s super bowl win, hopefully they have enough security to keep the kiddos off the floor this time around.

From: Kansan

From: sitO
Thanks James, I cain't control those kids...they certainly couldn't control me when I was there ;?)

I'll gladly pay to get anyone a "foot in the door"...give me a name. Apathy breeds contempt.

From: ksq232
Exactly, Kansan never touches this thread until his team wins the biggest game of the year. Typical, I’m sure the kittens will print shirts and maybe, maybe just hang a banner. Squeakers will give bill self another funeral, marking the demise of the once proud ku program. Insert another big roll of the eyes from the Jayhawk faithful.

From: ksq232
Kyle, you’ve been a gracious enough member of the kba to buy many memberships, if you want me to track down someone I’d be glad to. Other than your annoying college sports preferences you’re a standup fella. ;)

From: sitO
Just a man JR, we offer a class in that at KSU as well ;?)

From: writer
Best team won. We didn’t see that kind of defense when we beat Tennessee, Duke, Michigan State or Villanova earlier this year. Congrats to Dean Wade and the other seniors. 1-8! See you at Allen Field House! How many days were you a KSU student, Kyle? :-)

From: Kansan
I guess I have to dive into the petty back and forth BS if I want to cheer for my team? Give me a break...

It is always a big game for KSU, and just another game for KU. Let the Cats cheer and bask in victory, they are few and far between. The played great defense last night against a sub par KU team. Both teams looked bad and the Big 12 is behind the other conferences. Duke is scary good, along with Virginia, Tennessee, Gonzaga, and Kentucky. Baylor may be the team to beat in the Big 12.

From: cherney12
Just another game for KU? Yeah, okay. They are now 6-4 in conference. If you say their “streak” doesn’t mean anything to them, then you don’t know what you are talking about.

From: sitO
Yea, Virginia will probably win it again this year huh Jeff ;?)

From: cherney12
Big 12 is only behind because KU is down. No different than normal years outside of that. K-State will be ranked top 10 if they beat Baylor on Saturday.

Who said the streak didn't mean anything? Just another game in that it is no different for them than beating Iowa State or Baylor. KU is not going to storm the court with a victory over the Cats. They are not going to storm the court with a victory over Kentucky or Michigan State either. As far as being a "Big Game" they are all big when you are going for 15 in row. KState has one shared titled since the conference started. Kstate fans would prefer 2 victories over KU in a season over a conference championship.

From: cherney12
Just another game or a big game? Don’t think it can be both.

I know that you know what I am saying. But in simpler terms, how about for a KU fan a victory over KState has a lot less value than a KState fan has in a victory over KU. I guess if you are not a "Blue Blood" it can be confusing. My favorite team is playing better, and may actually finish out of the basement. But will need a conference tourney win to make the madness.

From: cherney12
I know exactly what you are saying. I’ve listened to KU fans say it for 15 years. It gets old. When we beat y’all it’s no big deal. When you beat us, it’s just another day at the office on the way to greatness.... except ya only have one more title than us in my lifetime. Yawn.

From: cherney12
You’ve won 4 of the last 26 meetings in football. But y’all act like we shouldn’t get excited when we beat you in basketball. Which happens about as infrequently in recent history. Makes it pretty easy to hate KU fans.

From: writer
“Hate,” that’s the difference. I don’t know many KU fans that “hate” KSU. Sure are a lot the other way, though. It’s a rivalry, of sorts, for us, but when we were little kids, it was Mizzou that we were taught to always pull against. Heck, we had a real shooting war with them. They had death warrants on my family because we were Quaker and active in the Underground Railroad. (In the early 60s, I can remember my great-grandmother only using “cross” words she referring to anyhow Missouri. The conference title streak doesn’t mean nearly as much since the record is set. Bill Snyder is my favorite football coach of all time, at any level. Most schools would love to be 6-4, and already beat three top 10 teams, including the current #s 1 and #2. This weekend I’ll be pulling for KU, KSU and whoever is playing Mizzou. West...assume you means WSU?

From: KB

KB's embedded Photo
KB's embedded Photo
“Storming” the court is a damn good time and relatively harmless, unless someone throws a “chicken wing” of course. Many of my best memories at KState involve winding up on the field or court after a big game, quite a few before I was ever a student. I feel sorry for the kids that grow up Hawk fans and because the v-neck sweater wearing golf clappers in Lawrence think showing that sort of emotion is beneath their fandom they’ll never get to participate in a good court rush. Thinking you’re better than another bunch of fans because you’re a blue blood that doesn’t have to stoop to such shenanigans is really meaningless. This is my nephew. He’s 7. He’ll never forget me taking him down there last night. He’s glad I’m not a stuck up Hawk fan. ;)

From: cherney12
K-State fans are harder to hate because they follow sports even when their team is bad, and don’t minimize a major accomplishment of another school because they are holier than thou. KU fans don’t understand why they are easy to hate, which makes it even easier. They are oblivious to their holier than thou attitude (while being atrocious at the most important college sport) and that is frustrating. Not to mention the number of fans who only root for them in basketball.

Cherney you proved my point! Thanks!

"KU is not going to storm the court with a victory over the Cats. They are not going to storm the court with a victory over Kentucky or Michigan State either."

Jeff, you're always so full of crap. You do realize ku tears down the goal posts after every football win, right? Even did it against Rhode Island.

From: writer
Stumbled right into it, Cherney. I’ve lived in Manhattan and loved it. Guest-lectured at KSU over 20 times. Nothing bad about either. KB my kids don’t need your sympathy, they turned out just fine, thanks.

From: cherney12
Stumbled into what? KU fans are sanctimonious hypocrites? Cool.

From: cherney12
What point did I prove, Jeff? That KU fans think everyone is too stupid to understand that beating a ranked team you rarely beat is more exciting than beating an unranked team you always beat. What a point! You ever heard the saying “it goes without saying”? If it goes without saying you don’t need to say it. Unless you like saying obvious things. Or you think everyone else is dumb.

From: ksq232
Cherney, don’t look now, but KU will be back soon in football. You happen to catch any signing day coverage yesterday? KU had 1, yes 1 recruit signed when Les took over, he ended up with a class one spot behind K-state. And one more thing, since you bring up championships, how many BCS bowl victories did K-state the mighty football powerhouse rack up?

From: ksq232
Scott, so are you saying k-state basketball is on par with ku football? I’d be good with that!! I’d love KU to be that good in football!!

From: ksq232
This is fun, I feel like I’m at a family reunion, I have all kinds of family members that graduated from k-state. :)

From: cherney12
You guys don’t know much about football, so I forgive you, but the Big 12/Big 8 has always been football conference. While dominating the Big 12 in basketball is an amazing accomplishment, it’s not that big of a deal when you consider the big 12 almost always underperforms when it matters in the NCAA tourney. How many national titles does the conference have in Basketball in the last 30 years? I’m sure you’ll bring up RPI. But that’s flawed as evidenced by the fact that everyone is finally waking up to the fact that it gets more wrong than right when evaluating conferences and teams. Selection committee isn’t even using RPI anymore...

From: KB
Ah, the old BCS bowl claim to fame. That ‘97 Fiesta Bowl is certainly worthless without a three letter acronym, created the following season, in front of it. Name the schools who have competed in 6 or more of the current New Year’s Six bowls in the last 21 years James. Strong company I would assume... Does KU’s ‘52 banner hang any lower because there were only 1/4 of the teams involved in the tourney than the current system?

From: cherney12
Pretty sure Beaty supposedly did better in recruiting than Snyder. We saw how that worked out. It is cute how KU football fans get excited about these hires. Reminds me of how much excitement there was for Charlie Weis. How did that go? At least they’ll average 20,000 fans next season until Miles proves it’s very difficult to win in 2019 with a track around your field.

From: cherney12
Looks like they got rid of it for Beaty. Damn. Thought that would help them with recruiting and atmosphere. Maybe someday.

From: ksq232
Lol cherney, Beaty did better than Snyder in recruiting?? Are you really that clueless? Beaty realized his neck was on the line and brought in juco recruits almost exclusively. Beaty was a nice idiot who was in way over his head. You cannot build a program without high school recruits.

Remember what happened to k-state the last time you guys ran Snyder out of the stadium? I loved watching my k-state family talk about the coaches who were lining up to take the reigns when you guys forced Snyder to retire this time.

From: ksq232
So KB you can honestly tell me you would not be proud if Snyder had actually won his big game? You remember that game surely. The one he let El Roberson play in, yeah great ethics there. Oh yeah Roberson didn’t help, they still got beat.

Scott I don't watch college football so I wouldn't know anything about. We didn't invent that sport.

From: cherney12

cherney12's Link
Musta been fake news. Forgive me for being clueless about the recruiting of the worst power 5 team in the history of the sport. Just going by what I saw on the internets.

From: KB
He actual played in two bowl games that mattered to KU fans, for the record. But sure, I’d have been ecstatic to beat Ohio St in that game as they were coming off a national title and it would have been a nice addition to the legacy of a great team. That win a month earlier against the Sooners was much sweeter though... Ell missed curfew. Lost his spring scholarship over the ordeal, albeit he was done with eligibility, had to perform community service, and didn’t receive a bowl ring. Seems like a logical punishment while not also punishing the entirety of the program any more than the debacle already had... If we’re going to throw rocks, Bill’s been involved in far less drama than the Hawks basketball program has in the same amount of time. Including sanctions after the ‘88 title, questions about a key player’s eligibility in ‘08, and the crap show Kyle laid out happening currently.

From: ksq232
Cherney, jucos don’t build programs, but they do artificially inflate recruiting rankings. Since you’re looking up ku recruiting information, take a look at how many high school recruits Les brought in with less than 3 months on the job. And then compare that to Beaty, since you’ve become an authority on KU football recruiting.

Oh good grief, I just clicked on your link, neither of those guys signed.

From: ksq232
What will my poor k-state family do when KU once again overtakes them on the gridiron?? Might take a few years, but I can’t wait! K-state has ALWAYS been awful on the field without Snyder.

From: KB
Neither did KU Jeff. A Canadian in Massachusetts did, who happened to wind up teaching at KU years later.

From: cherney12
You're right James. We're the ones that are full of it. Your claim that they will overtake us again on the gridiron in a few years is so logical. There are few things I care less about than KU football recruiting. Which means I probably care about as much about it as 90% of "KU fans". It's hilarious to hear people talking about how they'll once again overtake KSU in few years. You currently have one of the worst power 5 football programs there has ever been. You can't even beat most mid-majors. 6 conference wins in the last 10 years. That's unprecedented. If Les Miles is able to win the conference or win 10 games in a year before he's fired he'll be comparable to Snyder considering how far that program has fallen. I don't see that happening, he couldn't even do that at OSU...will have the worst talent level of his career at KU.

From: ksq232
Hmmm, Roberson just missed curfew?? Talk about fake news....

From: cherney12
KU fans lying about inventing basketball all these years??? Not much integrity. My goodness.

From: cherney12
KU fans lying about inventing basketball all these years??? Not much integrity. My goodness.

From: KB
Guilty until proven innocent in James’ world. #metoo

From: writer
Wow, this is getting pretty rotten and Kyle and I aren’t even part of it. Carry on!

From: ksq232
So, you’re saying he did do more than break curfew now? Also, I’ve never heard of anyone getting community service for breaking curfew, how did Bill manage that?

From: ksq232
Time to summarize, I’ve spent way too much time on my day off with this. :) KU will rebound and advance further than K-State in the post season once again. K-State fans will call them cheaters. K-State will continue to not really be satisfied with Squeakers, after losing their own cheater, Huggins, and running off the best coach they’ve recently had in Martin. K-State football will once begin their downward trend the next few years, just like the last time they forced Snyder to retire. Meanwhile, KU will begin trending upward, though the second year could be tough because Beaty left the cupboard compelety bare of high school talent. Life is good!! EMAW! Rock Chalk!

From: KB
Bill enforced the community service. A lot more came of the Sheron Collins elevator incident than Ell’s, legally speaking. Certainly not his punishment from the coach or school though. And now his jersey hangs in the rafters. You must be proud, right?

From: cherney12
You sound like a liberal arguing politics, James. Once it’s clear your argument doesn’t hold water you claim you are too busy to waste your time arguing any longer. :)

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
It's just a game!

From: KB
The ability of KU fans to bury their heads in the mud is amazing. Ticket/porn star scandals, brawls between football and basketball programs, pellet gun assaults from the dorm window, multiple allegations/incidents involving women (some underage), a crooked AD, players driving cars owned by former player NBA stars, a litany of pay to play/eligibility issues since Self arrived, and now the FBI involved with an actual pay to play investigation... But Bill Snyder never won a BCS bowl and he’s a fraud for not benching a guy whose allegations lasted all of a few hours! The horror.


Scott in Camo's embedded Photo
Scott in Camo's embedded Photo
Yes Jamie, I've known your in-laws for almost 25 years. Great family. Glad some of them made good college choices.

If you want to hang around and be associated with liberals then go right ahead. But not me.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
and make Adidas pay for it ;?)

From: ksq232

From: ksq232
Another big roll of the eyes, I know many diehard fans of KU who aren’t liberals, you kidding?? And I said I was done, got sucked back in, k-state fan started thread, if ku had won the game nothing would have been said. That says it all. Good luck the rest of the basketball season kitten fans better enjoy it, your path back to irrelevance on the gridiron has begun.

From: writer
Sure glad you have a clean fan base.

From: cherney12
I said you argue like a liberal. Didn't say anything about KU fans all being liberals. The serial killer side of Rader was surely a KU fan. He was schizophrenic. That might be the most "rotten" post yet.

From: ksq232
Cherney, I was actually responding to Scott in camo.

From: writer
Took the pic down, Chern. Can't even hang BTK being a huge KSU fan on the school. Also a chance he may watch bowsite since he has a TV and access to a computer, at least to read. I wouldn't want to stoke his ego, or disrespect any family members of the victims who might be on the site. And they did find a lot of KSU stuff amid his other "treasures" when they finally raided his house and shed in his backyard. It was well know that he had no use for KU, nothing but pure hatred. See, you're in great company!

Not sure what you mean by schizophrenic. If you mean multiple personalities, that's another mental disease. Schizophrenic is more like totally delusional, out of touch, you know, like, can't do it.

I kind of get a chuckle out of the liberal-bashing. So many liberalaphobics. Always wonder if they're like some homophobics, with some deep-seated leanings towards what they fear and protest. I'm married to a liberal, a KU grad of three degrees, KU basketball fan...and she's done more to help people than at least Kyle and I X 100. Amazing the number of families and lives she's saved. She got her professional start in Manhattan, where business was so good. Come and try to take her .38 away, I dare you.

From: cherney12
Haha nice

From: writer

writer's Link
Well, this helps the KU team. There’s a reason he about didn’t get back on the team.

From: cherney12
I actually feel bad for him. That’s the one situation that makes me wish the NCAA could help the families of these kids who make them money. Their kids are off making money for the NCAA and broadcasters and everyone else while they struggle to make ends meet a lot of times. And the kids have to try to stay focused when they have crazy stuff going on back home.

From: writer
Holy crap, Chern... we 100-percent agree on something. And time and time I’ve seen these young guys who are seen as meal tickets by their parents, other family members and “friends.”

From: Matte
Good luck to the young man. His summer did not go so hot with the NBA. I hope all ends well in the end.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo
Sure, cherney

At least neither of the schools are Baylor. Covered-up murders, covered-up rapes. It could always be worse. Send your daughter to school for $40,000/year to have her get sexually assaulted and covered-up by the police and athletic department. Thank God neither school is that dirty. Baylor can to the same place Rader is going for all I care.

(Edit: Didn’t know writer already posted and deleted. Don’t know how to do so or would remove)

From: ksq232
Hey KB, I’m sorry to say I remember that pellet gun incident, but it wasn’t a pellet gun, and the shots weren’t fired out of a dorm window, they fired out of a car on interstate 435 in Kansas City!!

Oops, sorry that wasn’t a KU basketball player from years ago, that was a Amaad Wainright who played for Squeakers last year. I’m sure glad he was immediately kicked off the team and never played another game for being involved in a drive by shooting...oops, he did continue to play. Squeaky-clean squeakers ain’t so squeaky clean??

For being a minister you've got a lot of hate in your heart. Like was mentioned above, it's just a game.

From: ksq232
Easy now Scott, hate? You’re the one refusing to associate with liberals. There are some things I hate in life, but none of them are people, not even annoying K-State fans. :)

From: ksq232
Btw Scott, all of this back and forth is pretty tame, if you wanna really see two fanbases go at each other, check out an OU/OSU message board the week before bedlam. Is that what they call it??

Lol. I'm surrounded by okies all week. So I don't doubt you on that.

From: Quailhunter
Yea this is pretty tame compared to our Bedlam football game. Yes that’s what they call it. Almost spit my coffee out at the BTK pic.

From: sitO
"Baylor may be the team to beat in the Big 12"

Did that who's the team to beat now...c'mon Jeff, be honest ;?)

From: writer
I know some fans I’d like to beat! :-) Teams winning on the road despite your coach.

From: sitO
Awful quite round here ;?)


From: sitO
One of the best nights of NCAAM you'll ever have been a part of...forget the men's team from KS if you was a spectacle on many channels!

From: ksq232
Tell me about it, go and beat TCU last night while starting 4 freshman. The future looks bright! Oh yeah, the kittens beat up ol smart’s pitiful team, bet they’re thrilled they ran off rick Barnes now. Lol

From: writer
Duke’s comeback, KY lost at the buzzer to a bad call. Cats did look like a team of upper-classmen.

From: sitO
James, I honestly thought the jr. hack's looked pretty good last night, considering they had it lost. "Mad Billy's" half-time meltdown could be a candidate for the Razzies, that'll keep you busy post season.

University of Adidas may still have a shot, but noneya would put your money on that lol

From: ksq232
A chance for what, Kyle? I hear from k-state fans all the time that a conference championship in the big twelve isn’t a real accomplishment. Of course I’m sure that their view will change if k-state wins it outright this year. So, are you talking about ku having a chance for that, or making the tourney? Perhaps making it to the sweet sixteen? You already lost that bet last year. I kind of like the idea of KU going into the tourney with a 4 or lower seed and absolutely no expectations for a young team for a change.

On another note, why in the world did Louisville let Duke back in that game? That’s all we’re gonna hear about the rest of the week now. :/

From: cherney12
“Pitiful team” that has wins over KU, K-State, OU, Baylor, and WVU. I agree they aren’t good enough to make the tournament. Sooo is the big 12 good or full of pitiful teams?

From: cherney12
The classic “I like the low seed no expectations stance”. No way for Self and the boys to choke away another one or two seed if they are a 4 or lower seed! Good thinking!

From: cherney12
Not bad logic when you consider the numbers... obviously doesn’t work out too well for them when they are a #1 seed....

“Despite Self's consistency, many reporters have questioned his abilities in the NCAA Tournament because of various upsets in early rounds, as well as a 3–7 record in the regional finals, despite being a #1 seed 7 times.”

From: kscowboy
They were a 1 seed last year and went to the Final where they lost to the National Champions. Try using this argument another time—too fresh off of a decent year to start throwing barbs at Self and the tournament.

From: cherney12

From: kscowboy
2013-lost in 1st Round

2014-lost in 1st Round

2015-no appearance

2016-no appearance

2017-lost in 1st Round

2018-Elite 8 while Kansas goes to the Final 4

Your arguments are the equivalent of KU fans talking trash on KSU losing a bowl game when they weren’t even eligible.

From: cherney12
hahaha are we talking about Weber? Oh sorry, no we aren't. Straw man fallacy bro.

From: ksq232
So you tell me cherney, is the big twelve full of good teams? Seems every kitten fan I talk to says ku only has such an impressive streak because the big twelve is not a good basketball conference. They can say this with their chests inflated because they believe the big 12 is a football conference. Which is ridiculous, how many national titles has the big 12 won the last 20 years? So in a bad football conference, k-state, a football school, has cleaned up on conference titles of course.... Another big roll of the eyes at another k-state fan.

Cherney I do applaud you if you're a Weber fan, most of the k-state fans I know can't stand him. K-State would be hard-pressed to get a better coach at their "football school".

From: ksq232
Cherney while you're spouting numbers, what is Self's overall record in the NCAA tourney? This includes his time at Oral Roberts, Tulsa, Illinois, and Kansas -- 47-19; I'm sure you would never be happy with that kind of post season record for a coach at k-state.

From: cherney12
I think the big 12 is a trash conference in basketball. They talk about how it's the toughest conference. Guess my definition of tough is considerably different. I'd take the top 3 teams in the Big 10, ACC, SEC, and Big East pretty much every year. Which makes the Big 12, what, the 5th best conference in my eyes? Big 8/12 schools have won 5 national titles since 94 in football. One in basketball over that span. I think that speaks for itself. If you want to talk about more recent history, you still have two since the turn of the century in football and one in basketball. Nobody is claiming that KSU is superior to KU. Nobody is claiming that KSU football is superior to KU basketball. Nobody is claiming Weber is a better coach than Self. Nobody is claiming Self is a bad coach. He's as good as you can get at KU. No doubt about that. But his 3-7 record in regional finals have to be tough to swallow for a perennial powerhouse who probably see themselves as a top 3 program.

From: ksq232
You're right about this, the big 12 stinks at football and basketball. OU dominates the football field but has lost some big games, same for KU on the court. As far as KU being a top 3 program we don't see it, EVERYONE sees it; we're talking decades, not coaches. KU will soon be number one in wins, the Jayhawks have been gaining on Kentucky almost every year in the last decade.

Yeah, Self isn't a bad coach, he's simply a hall of famer who will win multiple national titles before he retires. I just hope he doesn't go to the league before that happens.

So Cherney, you like Weber? You might be the first k-state fan I know who is satisfied with Weber.

From: cherney12
I don't like him. I agree that he's about as good as we can expect to get. His teams play defense, but the offense can be brutal to watch, which makes us a top 75 team on a bad night and a top 15 team on a good night. I don't see them as a top 3 program. But I weigh my grading system heavily towards National titles, of which they lag behind quite a few programs. As far as Self being a hall of famer, I suppose it will depend how many wins are vacated as a result of this "probe". As it stands, he's definitely one of the top 10 coaches of his era.

From: writer
I like Weber as a coach, especially late in a close game against KU. ?? K-State has players on the court this year that know the game better. Their maturity is fun to watch.

From: ksq232
Bill Self has already been inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame.

From: cherney12
Can they remove him if they strip their 2008 title and a couple hundred wins?

From: ksq232
Wow, going to extremes there aren’t you. Lol

No they won’t strip it from him.

From: ksq232
Trust me, as someone who has waited years for the NCAA to come down on ratface, umm, I mean coach k. Don’t get your hopes up.

From: cherney12
I’m not wishing it on anyone. Just wish everyone would play by the same rules.

From: writer
Yes, HOF can be rescinded. NCAA is scary in that they answer to nobody above them. Some infractions get off ridiculously easy. Some are hammered over very little.

From: ksq232
For the reason you just stated along with a few others, writer, the NCAA will be a relic one day.

From: writer
But how many young athletes will it have taken with it?0 I even stuck up for Mizzou with their penalties recently...and if you know my feelings for Mizzou.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo

From: writer
He’s what you get for getting to have Coach Snyder so long...

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Zion shouldn't have crossed Adidas...I mean he saw what happened to De Sousa, Azubuike & Vick right?

From: ksq232
Don’t get me started on him and Puke. Did he get hurt? Been in the sticks for a bit and away from all things media.

From: skeeter
KU fans very quiet of late?

Not much to talk about, they aren't very good. Kstate could possibly make it to the round of 16 but none of the others will. Some fans will always get their high off of KU's failures versus their own teams success. Same thing happens to Duke, UConn, North Carolina, and Kentucky.

From: writer
Kind of like we are when we’re winning against teams like TN, MiState, Nova earlier in the season. Go back and see how these threads usually get started year after year. West still has a better handle on the sport than the rest of us.

I prefer to watch the NBA. It is not the same game as it was in the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's. They play great defense, spread the floor, and shoot the deep ball. Amazing how good these players are.

From: Brick
As a huge K-State fan, Saturday's outcome has me concerned. After getting thrashed by Tech, I suspect KU's going to show up big tonight.

From: cherney12
We match up pretty well with them. Not sure they can show up big unless they make every three they throw up. They needed a career night from Mitch Lightfoot in Manhattan to even stay in the game. If Lawson struggles it should be a double digit Cats victory.

From: leftee
My fav thread of the year normally despite knowing little about basketball. Wayyy to civil this year. Hope you can guys can step it up a bit. More pics as well please.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
We're comin for ya tonight... and we're not only going to storm YOUR court we're gonna tear down your goalpost AGAIN!

From: ksq232
Should be a decent game with KU coming out on top. It took KU losing 4 players this year for this to happen. K-State has a veteran team that made a good run last year. I wouldn’t count out KU for a sweet sixteen run West. They will come into the tourney with absolutely no expectations, that’s good for a baby team. KU hasn’t started 4 freshman in decades. Looking to the future, this group of freshman could turn into something special. Dotson is the real deal, not to say anything about Ochai!

From: ksq232
The real question is whether or not we get to witness another Brucey blow by. He’s such a composed loser. :)

From: leftee
Now that's better!!!

From: writer
I’d you're going to take the conference, take it tonight outright.

From: sitO
I watched the first game this year at a sports bar here in the ICT and it was 80% KU folk. Back tonight and there's one fella wearing a KU jersey...but his wife's in purple ;?)

From: ksq232
Going to watch the game tonight with several K-State fans, should be a jolly old time. :)

From: sitO
Fake an injury at half-time James, that's my MO

From: ksq232
Lol Kyle, I’m a veteran. You have to understand, most of my KU gear is football stuff. I’m not the typical KU fan. The 07-08 football team brought me MUCH more excitement than the basketball team of the same year. I enjoy watching college hoops, I love watching college football. The last decade has been brutal!! Even worse than the Terry Allen years!!!!!

From: sitO
Couple more KU fellas just showed up...but their hair is in rollers so...

From: ksq232
I’m still not too worried about tonight, KU is a different team at home. How awesome did that stellar Tech team look in the fieldhouse?

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: cherney12
Well the refs decided that KU needs this one. Might as well go to bed. Call a block on Dotson’s layup after he misses the layup and hits the ground. Call an and one on Wade after he gets hooked clearly on the floor if anything at all. No call on Brown getting smacked at the rim the next trip. Amazing that their record is so good at home and they can’t win against good teams in the tournament on neutral floors. Wonder why.

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
The anatomy of a shooting foul at Allen Fieldhouse
cherney12's embedded Photo
The anatomy of a shooting foul at Allen Fieldhouse
cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo

What a whiner !

From: writer
Geez, the old “refs like KU’l whine. Look, if the home team’s not getting the calls, their crowd isn’t doing their job. (This is where Kyle says he knows we aren’t paying the refs because all the money goes to the players.)

From: sitO
Chuck is in the game!

I’m back baby !!

From: sitO
Bring it CA dot dot dot

We need noise!

Refs suck Should be a 30 point game !!

From: cherney12

cherney12's Link
I’ll just leave this here...

From: sitO
We played very badly but that's how we do it time to time

The "U" wins...let's see how it unfolds from here

1 dunk in the game. Big 12 is weak. Cherney, Weber and his players seemed okay with the way the game was officiated. I suppose you can credit all the turn overs to the officials as well. Dean Wade is hurt. If they continue to play him they can kiss any success in the tourney bye bye. But hey, when you only have one chance in the last 15 years to win a league title you might as well roll the dice.

From: writer
My team gets beat by KSU... I send congratulations and compliments. Chern’s gets beat by KU ...and the same excuses I heard in grade school flow. My grandkids man-up better.

He should have attended one of my pre-season parent meetings where we talk about coaching and officiating from the stands.

All joking aside Texas Tech has looked better recently then both of these teams( in my humble opinion. )

Put them in the ACC and see how things pan out.

From: sitO
It's nice to see the KU guys back

We missed did your rollers

From: cherney12
Better team won tonight. Can’t shoot 30% and win. Shouldn’t get my hopes up in that place.

From: cherney12
Congrats, writer! Still in the hunt... even with half their players missing. It’s just subtle stuff. Article talks about it a little. I mean you can act like it’s normal if it makes you feel better and you disregard facts, but Huggins sees it, Rick Barnes sees it, Bruce Weber sees it. All biased haters. Sleep well. The season is just getting good.

From: writer
Repeat again, home team always gets the calls. West - like the “from the stands.” Possibly the weakest Big 12 since the conference began.

Just no exciting players.

From: cherney12
Yes it’s weak. I might not have been far off with my all ACC Elite 8 prediction in January. Hope I’m wrong and it’s the top 7 and Bruce and the fighting cats.

From: sitO
That loss hurt my heart. Jeff's right...nothing exciting happened in that "roundhouse" tonight, and we(KSU) are too "flighty".

Still a 1/2 game ahead, and that may not seem like much...but it saved the guy down the bar from a purple eye tonight.

From: Catscratch

Catscratch's embedded Photo
Catscratch's embedded Photo

From: Catscratch
I really didn't think KU would win with their inside game last night. But when Lawson gets 14 rebounds, Lightfoot gets 5, and Dotson drives the lane for a layup whenever he wants it's hard not to score a bunch from inside.

I felt bad for K-State. I thought this was a game they needed (to at least be close) for a strong finish to the season. Instead, they looked deflated by the end.

From: writer
Honestly, of all the games between the teams at Allen, losing this one would have bothered me the least. Cats win,league is theirs and taken outright. Unlike many, if we’re going to hand over the crown, I’d prefer Wade and a band of blue collar upper classmen take it...even if the fans are the most obnoxious in the league. :-)

From: cherney12
Definitely didn't "take" anything. Shot 27.8% inside the arc on 36 shots. Unbelievable what little brother syndrome will do to the more athletic brother...

From: Catscratch
I'm with you on that writer. I would hate to see Texas Tech (or even Baylor/Iowa St.) sneak in and take the Big 12 from one of the KS schools.

From: ksq232
I like Coach Beard, I wouldn't mind seeing Tech get the crown.

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo

I’m a Jayhawk fan at heart have been since I was a kid - But I always root for the Wildcats in the tournament as well as most of the other big 12 teams except when Missouri was in the league I couldn’t root for Missouri !!

From: writer
Got that right, Mission. KState is kind of a rival. Mizzou will always be the enemy.

From: sitO
Virginia looked unbeatable tonight...72% from 3pt(18 of 25)

Oh, and the Cat's won again ;?)

From: ksq232
That’s a little better than the percentage tech shot against KU in Lubbock, but not much better. Kyle, better not look in the rearview, tech is tailgating something fierce. I think KU’s hopes went up in smoke tonight.

From: sitO

sitO's Link
The Adidas boys were sentenced today...who's next?

“I’m happy with Adidas. Just got to get a couple real guys” Bill Self - Aug 2017

From: ksq232
Kyle, you do realize KU was listed as a victim in the FBI trial, right?

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo

From: sitO
Let's just see how it plays out James, you read the same correspondences I did right?

From: cherney12
Bill Self has one timeout left with 27 remaining in the game. Speaking of victims. He’s a victim of low effort level, poor shotmaking, bad defense, etc...

From: ksq232
As I said quite a few days ago, don’t get your hopes up too high for anything significant to happen to KU. They aren’t sheltered like Duke; but I’m betting the NCAA has already made their move in DeSousa. Cherney, as far as the current team goes, these freshman will be drubbing big 12 teams the next couple of years, so enjoy watching the growing pains now.

From: cherney12
None of them are too promising besides Dotson. He’s legit, but could bolt after next year. Poor Grimes kid may be past repair. Poor guy seems like a poor man’s Xavier Henry. McCormack shows some promise. Agbaji may have already peaked...

From: sitO
James...they suck, face the music

From: writer
Go back and read through the years, Kyle, that’s what you’ve said every friggin’ year, like last year when they made it to the Final Four. Also every year you stay underground until they have a bad game. Every. Friggin’ Year.

From: sitO
I have never hidden my disdain Mike, check your sources

From: sitO
I have never hidden my disdain Mike, check your sources

From: cherney12
It is pathetic to me that they are playing the victim card tho

From: writer
Who’s playing the victim card? Kyle, explain “the disdain,” My sources also show you’ve been wrong so many times. But you’re at least partially right this season.

From: sitO
I sincerely hope I am wrong sometimes Mike, this is pathetic and an embarrassment for the state

Mad Billy didn't even get out of his chair for this time out

From: writer
Ksq — a very good friend agrees with you about the freshmen. Then again, he can’t possiby know as much about basketball as Chern and Kyle, despite having hung 30/20 on Sr. night against the Cats, 1st team All-American and the NBA championship ring. Typical KU “thug,” though, him and his youth ministry. :-)

From: cherney12

cherney12's Link
The University of Kansas is claiming to be a victim in a case of a company paying kids to play basketball at their university...

From: cherney12
"The damage done by Mr. Gatto's and his co-conspirators' greed cannot be overstated," Sullivan wrote. "Their actions have impaired the University of Kansas' ability to continue to fully use those resources for both the benefit and welfare of its student-athletes, as well as for its ongoing mission of educational and community development and enrichment."

The main Co-conspirator is Bill Self. That’s a fact.

From: ksq232
The prosecution listed them as a victim. KU was not on trial, what is so difficult to understand about that? We’re talking about an fbi trial, not a ncaa investigation. Good grief cherney...

From: sitO
It's all falling apart...y'all knew they weren't above the board but weren't man enough to stand up

We'll take care of OU on Sat for ye...and we'll do it with real, honest recruits

From: ksq232
Nice name drop writer! Mr. Simien, one of my all time favorites!

From: cherney12
If you are gonna play this damn dumb about this there is no sense trying to have a conversation about it. It’s obvious that they knew exactly what was going on and they are claiming the victim BS to try to keep that squeaky clean image. Good grief, man. Quit acting like a naive teenager. You know that a hall of fame coach isn’t talking to Adidas reps about potential recruits just for the hell of it. Get a grip bro.

From: cherney12
They are seeking a million dollars in restitution. Did you miss that? From a guy that sat at the table with self at his hall of fame induction ceremony dinner. Let’s at least be honest with each other. You can’t act like they are the victim here.

From: ksq232
Me get a grip? You’re the one cursing. Lol I’m just telling you nothing is going to happen to them, and you will be majorly disappointed. Just like I was disappointed when UNC didn’t get nailed for making up classes. Just like when Duke never gets nailed for paying players and their families. Btw, Nike is next...

From: cherney12
I said Dotson and McCormack are legit. What else do you want from me? I would like to have what it took to get Dotson out of North Carolina...

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: cherney12

cherney12's Link
Everything you need to know is in this article. Read it. All of it. If you still complain about Duke and North Carolina and Kentucky you are a hypocrite.

From: ksq232
Oh cherney.... I’m a hypocrite now. Goodness, you’re taking this way too seriously. I have many K-State fan friends, but you sir I think take the cake for the most jealous little brother syndrome. Btw, KU still leads in the football win margin in this “rivalry” too. Enjoy the KU loss! Get back to me when KU gets the death penalty. Lol

From: cherney12
Gatto got 9 months in prison. He was at late night in the fog a year and a half ago.

From: cherney12
Arguing like a Democrat. Throw out some facts and you get personal. That’s cool. Pretty clearly have no leg to stand on. Good night, pal.

From: ksq232
Personal? You just called me a hypocrite over college sports. Lol Nighty night!

From: cherney12
I said if you do, then you are. Did you read it? Still complaining?

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
I guess I’m not a hypocrite then, sorry I missed the “if”. I gave up several years ago on the NCAA, I no longer get disappointed when they fail to punish. I expect it.

I must admit, it will majorly tick me off if the NCAA comes down hard on KU after repeatedly letting other programs off the hook. If that then makes me a hypocrite, so be it.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
Let it be known on this day March 5th in the year 2019 that it was OU that broke the streak!!!!!

Not K-State, T-Tech, Baylor, Iowa St. or anyone else. It was OU baby! Did it in convincing fashion and just drubbed KU tonight. Not going to be a fun plane ride back to Lawrence, YIKES!

From: Leebo1963
All you KU haters crack me up! You hate because your team very seldom has success! Adults should be fans of their teams not haters of other teams!! If State had Self and KU had Webber you would be singing a different tube!!!

From: KB

KB's embedded Photo
KB's embedded Photo
Going to be a tough year to win a bracket pool ‘round these parts. Won’t have the usual 90% Hawk title picks to automatically write off. Long live the streak!

From: ksq232
You're exactly right leebo, if KU had won the conference again this year, and cruised through the Big 12, a thread like this would never have popped up. Has a similar thread even been started by a KU fan? I doubt it.

It's funny crested, I've only seen one fanbase so obsessed with the success, or lack thereof, of their rival -- that fanbase is also represented by my in-laws -- OSU. They HATE all things boomer!!!!!! At least OSU can hang their hat on being a wrestling national power. KSU has absolutely nothing to gloat about, except occasionally beating KU on the court, and beating horrible KU teams on the gridiron for 18 years or so (KU still holds a huge lead historically on the field too). I think their fans are more excited about this year than making a great run to the elite 8 last year.

Are you kidding KB? KU fans will still put KU in the championship -- we're delusional!!!

From: cherney12
At least you admit it

From: sitO
Honestly I can't wait to start the thread next year, after the NCAA infractions are leveled. They are who we have always thought they were...cheaters, and it's all coming back now.

Fly your flag proudly fellas

From: ksq232
If you’re a prophet Sito, then I guess I’ll have to focus more on football. As I’ve said before, I enjoyed the 07-08 football team MUCH more than the national champion basketball team.

Here’s my own prophecy, KSU will fall below KU on the gridiron within 4 years. You’re own Bill ain’t walking back through that door!

From: ksq232
One more thing Sito, when KU drubs K-State on the field I won’t start a thread about it, will you? ;)

From: cherney12
I bet KU doesn't beat KSU in football in the next 4 years. $100.

From: ksq232
Sorry cherney, I don't bet money, got any other type of wager?

From: cherney12
Hunting/Fishing Combo license for whatever year it happens or at the end of 4 years, you get mine in 2023. Do you bet hunting/fishing licenses?

From: ksq232
I already have lifetime of both. How about this? Kyle and I had a bet last year and the loser had to purchase a one year KBA membership for a friend of the winner.

From: cherney12
06-Mar-19 that it's a yearly deal to maintain interest, if KSU beats them by 21+ in any year between now and the end of 4 years you have to get one that year as well. If the game is less than 7 points but KSU still wins, I have to get one for you that year.

From: sitO
And some snake chaps!

From: ksq232
Sounds good to me! Minus the snake chaps...:) I might have to write that down though, those spreads are going to be hard to remember. I'm not good with the betting lingo. KU +21 and KSU -7. Is that right?

From: cherney12
+20.5 and -6.5

From: ksq232
Easy memberships! Kyle you better warn cherney, or at least give him the lowdown on how to pay for the memberships. :-)

From: cherney12
Yeah, okay. Any other yappy KU fans out there want in on this? :P

From: The Kid
Side Note.... Are we doing another bracket challenge this year? Kyle?!!

I will post the bracket challenge when it's time. You could all pay pal me $10 if you trust me to pay the winnings back to the winner.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
We decorated a co-workers chair today. He is KU alum and rabid fan. Poor guy is having a hard time coping today. He would have been better off taking a sick day.

From: sitO
That's awesome Jason! Jeff, I'd rather send you a check if that would work? If so just PM me your address and I'll send ASAP.

I am a fan of paypal.

From: The Kid
Sounds good! I'm in!

Here is a coaches perspective on what is wrong with KU. Since the departure of assistant coach Danny Manning, KU looks different. The bigs keep getting worse. Over the course of 3 or 4 seasons, players like Withey, the Morris boys, Trob, Traylor, etc improved drastically each year with Manning. Coach Hudy also changed their bodies. Since Manning left the bigs look horrible. A bunch of skinny bodies who don't play angry and can't dunk. No post moves, never an up and under, a spin move, a jump hook, etc. Doke didn't look any better this year. They have gotten by because the Big 12 is a good conference with parity, but not a physical conference with size like the ACC, SEC, Big 10, or even the American. Time caught up with them this season and the luck and invincibility and intimidation of other teams vanished. Something has to change in the recruiting, philosophy, and assistant coaching staff. Get some players to coach up over 4 years. The Big 12 is boring and KU isn't helping.

From: ksq232
Doke cannot stay healthy long enough to improve. If Embiid has remained healthy, KU would have been the clear favorite for the title. He was simply incredible, and his improvement was off the charts. Hudy is still there. I do see what you’re saying, but I think you’re exaggerating some too. A healthy Doke all year and KU brings home another conference title. Oh well, Embiid going down was a much bigger blow I think than Doke, this team was never competing for a national title. Although, now that I think about it, they beat some good teams with Doke early...

Manning is probably going to get fired soon, hopefully they can get him back as an assistant!!

From: crestedbutte
07-Mar-19 go on searching for answers. The rest of us are going to get on with our lives. Boomer Sooner Baby!!!!

I disagree with his improvement, he was only there for 3/4 of a season. He got by on physical size and athletic ability not skill. Besides that is in the past. Each year that KU has inched away from Manning the worse it gets. I don't think they would have won the titled with Doke, maybe Desousa. Self couldn't put Doke on the court in a close game in the second half. Someone has changed Hudy's philosophy. When in the last 5 seasons have you seen a player physically turn into a Trob? Heck they cut Dokes size down. They have adopted a lighter, thinner player philosophy for quickness on the perimeter. Not bulk and physicality.

From: KB
KU inked their Adidas deal in ‘04. Adidas schools hit some road bumps 14 years later. See a pattern? It’s not Danny. It’s a lack of “real guys”.

From: ksq232
Clipper, rewatch some games of Embiid at KU. Better yet, watch his highlights. His footwork was amazing, he didn’t learn that all on his own. I agree Manning was an asset, he may be one at KU again, but to say big men have completely been overlooked and minimized is an exaggeration. Doke was a dough boy when he got to KU, he is ripped now and physically stronger than 90% of the post men in college basketball. At least he was before this latest injury. McCormick will only get stronger too and he already is a man-child. KB, lack of real guys? Come on now, if anything, Self needs to focus more on the not so highly ranked guys that will stick around longer.

From: cherney12
For whatever reason Self does struggle with no-brainer top recruits. Most of his highest rated recruits have underperformed at the college and/or NBA level.

He pulls them to quick after a mistake. I worry Grimes will transfer. McCormick has showed nothing and has only played out of desperation. You see a different team than I do. If KU had been in the ACC, Big 10, SEC no way 14 in a row. Even this year teams like TCU, Baylor, Texas would be cellar dwellers in the ACC, Big 10, SEC, or even the American. Houston, UCF, Cincinnati are better than most all the teams in Big 12 if not all of em. Texas Tech looks like the only team poised for a good run in the tourney. KU will win in the first round, maybe, then after that it will be trouble. Kstate should make the sweet 16. It is all about match ups,

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Got r dun

From: KB

KB's embedded Photo
KB's embedded Photo
Some confetti stormed the court.

From: sitO
Three KBA guys within 30yds of each other...unplanned...who'da thought?

From: sitO

From: crestedbutte
Congrats, co-champs T-Tech got r dun too! Does each school get to hang half a banner from the rafters?

From: sitO
Not sure how that works really, but a big thank you to OU for making it so easy tonight!

From: crestedbutte
10-Mar-19 was like watching a Globetrotters game last night!

From: sitO
UNI and Bradley are battling it out on CBS right now, to see who gets to beat KU again in the first round...oh, and Bucknell is on CBSN...who will carry the torch?


From: ksq232
Nice trophy. Now, how far will K-State have to go for the state fans to not be disappointed? For years I’ve heard the big 12 conference winner doesn’t mean much from K-State fans. So what now for the wildcats? Elite 8? Final 4? Sweet 16? KU usually gets a #1 or #2 seed for winning the big 12, wonder how K-State will handle being a 2 seed? The hunters become the hunted... Meanwhile, KU will head to the tourney without the pressure of expectations for the first time in a long time. It will be interesting seeing which Kansas team exceeds expectations this year.

From: sitO
K-State has already exceeded expectations, last year too, and didn't have to pay anyone to get there.

From: ksq232
Oh come on now Kyle, I thought I was done with the eye rolling in this thread. You just bring the out of me! :)

From: KB
About every bracket projection I’ve seen has the Cats as a 4, and most in Kentucky’s region. I’d take that in a heartbeat.

From: ksq232
Interesting, is Kansas going to be seeded higher than State? I would love it if KU was seeded below 4.

Lunardi has both KU and Kstate as 4 seeds. Texas Tech a 3. Sito those are not very lofty expectations.

From: cherney12
Why would you love that, James? I don’t think you understand how this works...

From: ksq232
Maybe I don’t, you know I’m used to my team being a top seed, maybe you can school me on low seeds.... lol

Seriously, with this young of a team it would be good for them to be the underdog. The committee rarely gets it right anyway, either that or they set up drama every year on purpose by seeding teams too low.

From: ksq232
You’re right clipper, kind of a poor seed for the big twelve champs... Maybe k-state will get lucky again this year and watch most of the top teams in their bracket get upset.

From: cherney12
Kansas won't be an underdog in their opponent's eyes. Lucky like when y'all made the final 4 while beating an 8 or higher in each game? Or lucky like when y'all coulda done it again if you wouldn't have lost to 11 seed VCU? 9 seed was the highest you beat that year but couldn't quite knock off the 11 seed to reach the final 4. Glass house.... never learn tho when you're riding a high horse.

From: ksq232
Since we’re looking back in history cherney, remember that championship when all #1 seeds made the final four? Who won that year again?? Glass houses, yeah you’re funny!

From: cherney12
So we were lucky to reach the elite 8 but you weren't? Or you just like pointing out when other teams are lucky like y'all? I'm confused.

From: cherney12
And that year you're talking about they made the final 4 by beating a 16, 8, 12, and 10 seed. Is that lucky?

From: ksq232
Who did they beat the last two games??

From: ksq232
Too bad last year k-state couldn’t beat their low seeded mid-major to make it to the final four... lol

From: cherney12
They were lucky to get to the final 4 or no? If you beat a 1 seed does that cancel the “luck” of the path up to that point? If we would have beaten Loyola, then Michigan would that have validated our run? Or is a 3 seed not good enough to cancel out prior “Luck”? Trying to get it straight so I’ll know the right time to use the word lucky.

From: KB
Remember when Duke, UNC, UK and Nova all won multiple titles since KU’s last? And a decent chance one picks up another this year. When does the “blue blood” officially wear off? As long as the zebras keep ‘em undefeated at home in 8-loss seasons, you’ll still be in the all time wins convo. But is that enough for blue blood?

From: cherney12
Oh like VCU in 2011? LOL

From: ksq232
It’s so fun ribbing Kstate fans about tourney success, just making the tourney is an accomplishment for them. They simply cannot help bringing up VCU, Bucknell, and Bradley. All the time they would give anything to trade places with KU when it comes to tourney success. They are so stuck on their big brother that they chant f___ KU to celebrate their freshly won big 12 championship. Enjoy it cherney, next year’s gonna be tough!

From: cherney12
Smoke and mirrors

From: ksq232
Smoke and mirrors — Is that your game plan now with no Wade?

I hate seeing him go down, he’s a good kid seems like.

From: ksq232
Were you at the game Saturday cherney?

From: cherney12
Our plan is to win with defense and without excuses or cheating. He'll be fine.

From: cherney12
No I was at a birthday party for my 4 year old nephew.

From: ksq232
Good, I’d sure hate to think of you chanting to Sandstorm, it’s so awful being that wrapped up with your rival...

From: ksq232
Ol’ Bruce can win without excuses, but he sure can’t lose without them.

“It’s tough playing on Monday right after a hard game on Saturday “

“Just ask Fran!”

I’m sure I could think of a few more if I tried hard enough. Lol

From: cherney12
How would you know?

From: ksq232

From: KB
KU’s so concerned with themselves they don’t think they have a rival. Meanwhile all the schools they compare themselves to have left them in the dust. And others are catching up fast. Nebraska fell out of CFB blue bood status rather quick. KU is in danger of the same thing.

From: cherney12
"it’s so awful being that wrapped up with your rival..." Speakin from experience or still making stuff up?

From: ksq232
You guys are awesome!! Lol Again, who started this thread, about what program? KB, who is leaving KU in the dust? They are gaining every year on Kentucky in totals wins. But since you’re not obsessed with KU, I wouldn’t expect you to know that.

From: ksq232
I’ve been to quite a few games at Allen field house. I’ve never heard a chant by 90% of the crowd screaming f____ KSU, after playing a team that wasn’t even K-state. That’s the definition of obsessed fellas, get used to it, or try to change the mindset of your fellow fans. They screamed with passion after beating the SOONERS and clinching the championship!!

From: cherney12
A lot of guys on here are obsessed with big bucks. Wonder if they scream F$#% You BIG BUCK at them when they see one?

From: ksq232
You lost me with that one cherney...

From: KB
Unless UK falls on their face in the next week and a half KU has no chance to gain anything on them. They could very well add a third title since KU’s last. A stat that truly matters.

From: cherney12
Your definition of obsessed is yelling profanities at the item of your obsession... Was curious if obsessed hunters do it with bucks..

From: ksq232
Well.... I’ve never cursed at a buck, or a wildcat.

Yeah KB, it’s great cheering for a team that wins national titles! I love it! Witnessed it a couple times in my life, and other close calls in 2002 and 2012, when no one expected KU to be there (2012). What about you?

No way Kentucky’s winning a title this year...

From: Catscratch
Congrats to all you K-State fans out there. Hope the rest of the season goes well for you!

The Big 12 is always over seeded in the NCAA Tourney. Just not on par with the other conferences with a win percentage of 57% and only one National Championship. Big 12 is a good conference with lots of parity, but not deserving of 8 bids in the tournament. Wichita State since 2012 has a better record in the NCAA tourney than any team in the Big 12 and they always get the shaft on seeding.

ACC 66% Big East 61% Big 10 60% SEC 60% American 57% Pac 10 56

From: cherney12
"Maybe I don’t, you know I’m used to my team being a top seed, maybe you can school me on low seeds.... lol" Under Self, KU has 6 losses to teams seeded 7 or lower (7, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14). Under Self, KU has 8 losses to teams seeded 4 or higher (2 to 1 seeds, 3 to 2 seeds, 2 to 3 seeds, and 1 to a 4 seed).

Therefore, it's more likely (even for a guy with 6 losses to low seeds in 15 years) to lose to a high seeded team than a low seeded team. Seems crazy to have to explain this. Usually the teams with the higher seeds have proven to be the better teams. If you are a 4 seed you would likely have to beat a 1 seed to make it to the Elite 8. Past experience shows Self doesn't do well against low seeded teams. So just to help you out, generally the path to the final 4 is much easier for a 1 seed than a 8 seed.

From: Bodyman
this is way to much these are kids not NBA

From: ksq232
Cherney, keep on talking buddy. A number one seed is always going to lose to a lower seed. Parity is not just a big 12 thing, it’s a NCAA thing. You get to the sweet sixteen and from there on it’s a crap shoot. Even more so in the elite 8. I would not agree with the statement in today’s NCAA that a one seed path is always easier than that of a four seed. Look what happened to Virginia last year. I would much rather my team have the highest 2 seed than the lowest 1 seed. This year KU will be a 4 seed at the highest, I can’t wait. This young team has felt the pressure ever since Doke went down to not be the team to lose the streak. That’s over now and the expectations by everyone are very low.

From: cherney12
That was literally the first time that's ever happened. It's hard to debate with someone who just keeps changing the argument. I'm done trying. I hope they win a national title so your low expectations theory can come true. Then every fan base and team can just lower their expectations and watch the championships pile up...

From: ksq232
I’m glad to hear you’ll be cheering for them cherney!

Can someone write a brief summary about what this thread is about? Thanks.

I can sum it up in one word "Sito".

From: sitO
and it's always Jeff's "favorite thread of the year" so...

You bet!

From: leftee
Morning coffee ritual.And I dislike basketball.

From: sitO

sitO's Link
So now the old KU football coach(Beaty) is suing the University, and there's another NCAA investigation into their football program as well?

Is there a sport at which KU doesn't cheat? LGBTQ Olympics?

Win if you can, loose if you must, but always cheat.

From: KB
Tough times in Lawrence. Squabbling over $3mil... Meanwhile Manhattan is a couple years removed from completing $185mil in football stadium upgrades and another $200+ million planned in athletic complex upgrades or additions. Even gave Bill a complementary $3.0mil “for all he’s done” as a parting gift.

From: ksq232
KB, better enjoy it! lol!!!!! How have things worked out for Craig Bohl out in Wyoming? Sito, Beaty is a joke, the only guy who's more of an idiot than him is KSU grad Sheahon Zenger.... KU football cheating?? Lol, is that how they pulled in all those top football recruits?

From: ksq232
Sito, I knew that was a Kansas City Star article before I even clicked the link. The Kansas City Star, the MSNBC of the college sports world. lol

From: ksq232
KB, you guys kicked Snyder out the door, don't act like you didn't. Now that he's gone for good, you're team will sink back into irrelevancy once again. Do you remember just how bad KSU was before Bill Snyder?

From: One Arrow
Snyder wasn’t “kicked” out the door... and don’t think for a second he will not have continued influence over the program.

Honestly, I’m not sure that’s a good thing. I hope he mentors and doesn’t micromanage. Time will tell.

I don’t see KSU falling back into the preSnyder era. At least not for long. Because of Snyder the fans, alumni, and donors expect a great program, they don’t hope for it.

From: ksq232
It's common knowledge Bill was lobbying for his son to get the job, that didn't happen. If he wasn't kicked out the door, than my family K-State grads are wrong, that's their opinion and they were happy about it. When Prince failed miserably to produce a "great program", Snyder came back to save the day. What happens if/when Mr North Dakota fails? No good div. 1 coaches want to come to Manhattan. You couldn't even get the North Texas coach, and he's not div. 1 either! The next five years will be interesting for the state fans... As KU fans, we can only go up or stay at the same level, the football program can't get any worse!

From: writer
Did that look like a football team that was cheating? Seriously. No way the Cats can drop back to “pre-Snyder” It may have been the worst team in D1 history!

From: cherney12
KU was 3-33 from 2015-2017. Let's pump the brakes. In the modern era, nobody will compare to their ineptitude when it comes to power 5 football.

If you are going to talk about college football, the only teams worth mention are Alabama, Clemson, and Ohio State. The rest have no chance. Georgia, Oklahoma, and Notre Dame may have a good season here and there but they aren't winning anymore national titles. College football, I just have no interest since the outcomes are predetermined. Other than the Big 3, the rest of teams are playing for no purpose.

From: cherney12
5 champions in the last 10 years in College Football...... 6 in basketball

Paper Champions! Determined by the dishonest media. At least in basketball 68 teams were given the opportunity to play their way to a championship. You could be 0-30 and play your way into the tournament. In football the rankings go to the biggest schools who draw the biggest attendance. UCF will never be given a chance in football but they have a great chance of getting to the Sweet 16 in basketball.

Besides Alabama has won 5 of those and played in about everyone. Either they win or loose. They have dominated the Football BCS as much as KU dominates the Big 12.

From: ksq232
Cherney, you must be really young, KSU prior to Snyder was beyond horrible... Even after a decade of pitiful football, KU still leads the series comfortably. THAT’S how bad KSU was. Soon KU will be padding their series lead again, but we’ve already had that disagreement. :)

Snyder has been a great Big 12 coach. Not very good in bowl games. On the national level, Kstate flies under the radar in football. Best in the state is their claim to fame.

From: writer
Chern...Bill Snyder has said what he inherited was worse than any recent KU team. How old were you when Snyder came? I had graduated KU and a father of two, living in Manhattan. What he did has often been called the biggest turnaround in college sports. I watched it all unfold. I’d have to agree.

From: cherney12
How many other power 5 teams have a 3-33 stretch over 3 years in the last 20 years? I don’t care to discuss when they still wore leather helmets.

From: cherney12
I was in diapers when Snyder came to town. And the 3 years stretch that preceded him was similar to what happened under Beaty at KU, except those KSU teams didn't get to play FCS schools.

From: cherney12
1 FBS win in 3 seasons! A team in the Big 12 had 1 FBS win in 3 seasons. You guys don't realize how terrible that is.

From: ksq232
Cherney, you’re preaching to the choir telling KU fans how bad KU has been lately. It’s just laughable that you don’t realize, as a state fan, how bad KSU was before Snyder. Realizing this is a huge compliment to Coach Snyder. I have a good friend who played there before Snyder, he went to the NFL because “Futility U” made him so punting!

From: sitO
Men's team advances!

Funny how ESPN and Lunardi haven't even mentioned KU in the last week...nobody wants to touch them with a 10' pole right now.

From: ksq232
Nice win after sleep walking for a while!

Yep Sito, couldn’t be happier Lunardi isn’t talking about KU. I’m curious, what did he say about KSU?

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Lunardi on the men's team from KS..."hardest working, most likely to succeed, the epitome of excellence"

Pretty sure that's what he said

From: ksq232
Most likely to succeed?

Breaking news: Lunardi is making his call, KSU over Duke as his favorite for bringing home a national title! Goodness, he’s always been awful in his bracketology, but he’s finally nailed it this year!!!! Are you going to hang a banner in Bramledge? The Joe Lunardi favorite — 2019

From: sitO
Coming over to the men's side now aren't you James...I knew you were a solid guy! No more cheating, lying, low-down dirty trippin hair-pullin weaklings for you!

Carolina wins it all.

From: sitO

The WWE?

From: KB
Bruce has his best recruiting class yet heading to MHK. Bill, Devon, and Dedric running to the league as fast as they can get there with the FBI sniffing around. KU might go 14 straight without a title! At least you have Les and should win more than one conference game in four years. Tough times in Lawrence indeed!

Wouldn't it be awesome if KSU started winning conference basketball titles regularly and KU became mediocre in football?

From: Leebo1963
You Redneck Kstate fans kill me! All you really care about is beating KU. Instead of competing nationally and being in the national title conversation! It definitely showed when you stormed the court and chanted F__k KU! ( NO CLASS ). Even with Snyder being the football coach, how often were the cats in the preseason conversation of being possible national champs! For all of you that want to throw up cheating in sports, if you think for one minute that the team you cheer for doesn't break NCAA rules you are smoking dope!!! Every one of them are guilty, The only ones that get brought up by the media are schools that are bigtime contenders. So non-fans of these bigtime programs will continue to hate and life goes on!!!

From: KB
Ah yes, only the KState fans on a bowhunting forum are rednecks.

From: cherney12
Nice rant, Lee. We appreciate the passion. None of us like dope smoking rednecks. Strange breed of folks, those rednecks that smoke dope.

I sure hope both Kansas teams win today. ;)

From: sitO
Lee's a cheater, he likes cheaters by gawd!

From: writer
Wow...that was special.

From: ksq232
I'm sorry guys, put the pipes down (thanks Lee); KU is not going to go 14 years without winning a league title in basketball. Times are "tough" in Lawrence, it's a bad year yes, but put it in perspective fellas -- a bad year for KU is another 20+ win season and another trip to the NCAA tourney, they lead the nation in consecutive trips to the tourney by the way, but as State fans obsessed with KU, I'm sure all of you knew that. I'm glad State has a decent recruiting class coming in, it's nice that they occasionally beat KU, keeps things in perspective a little bit. They're gonna need all the help they can get graduating all of those seniors.

KB, dream on, Dotson isn't going anywhere next year. Dedric is gone yes, but that was a foregone conclusion before the season even began.

One more thing, cheating in NCAA basketball is like driving 69 in a 65 -- they all do it, Lee is right. If you KSU fans think you're exempt I bring to the evidence table Bill Walker and the Beas! lol

From: ksq232
Case in point about cheating, did you hear the latest on Zion? Duke and Nike reps are designing a specific shoe for China. ESPN is doing Zion/Duke promos...and NCAA is investigating KU and whether or not Gassanola is a booster. THAT'S the NCAA at its finest!

From: KB
Good thing we have all these knowledgeable KU grads to enlighten us on the frequency of bending the rules in college athletics. How NC St, LSU, Miami, USC and Auburn are “bigtime” programs. And lastly, that North Texas is not a Division 1 football program.

Good luck today against Huggy and his misfits. We’ll be rooting for the Mountaineers, not because we’re obsessed with hating KU, but because Bob made KState basketball great again! Billy and Mike were the best!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
Kyle you're precious. Now quit obsessing about KU and go cheer for your team. :)

From: sitO
Trust me, I can multi-task

From: ksq232
KB, who said North Texas was div 1? Huggy made K-State cheat again! lol

And btw, I'm not a KU grad....

From: Leebo1963

Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Here you go Kstate fans!

From: Leebo1963

Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Here you go Kstate fans!

From: KB
You said they weren’t. When in fact they have been D-1 since 1995. Which was about time KU dropped out of any sort of college football relevancy they previously had, so I’ll forgive you. And you’ll respond with an Orange Bowl comment, so I’ll just save us time and claim that team was the result of Mangino’s excellence in breaking the rules. Because no one can be good without cheating afterall. We’ve learned that. Carry on.

From: ksq232
KB are you counting div 1 AA as real div 1?? While you're at it, can you tell me why their coach figured he was better off staying at North Texas than coming to K-State?? Do you really want to open that can of worms? lol

From: ksq232
Mangino learned everything he knew from Bill Snyder, which btw, is why he was a pretty good coach... I'm still ticked at KU for firing him and relegating KU to a decade of poop on the field.

From: KB
You need to read up on college football classifications. As far Litrell coming to Manhattan it’s hard to say what really happened. Some said he withdrew his name before he was ever offered. That our AD wanted his former coach all along, but had to go through the motions to see if he could find a better candidate. Or there was an offer, and a squabble over the coaching staff caused a divide. Doesn’t really matter at this point. The predominant thought is he’ll wind up in Norman as soon as Lincoln Riley moves on. I know one thing. Klieman has impressed me more than a bad hair dyed grass-eating Les who can barely talk anymore.

From: ksq232
KB, your honestly telling me you're happy with the coach you got? Come on now, you weren't dreaming of a bigger name coming to Manhattan? I would have been disappointed if Klieman had come to KU...we've already had our turn with a highly successful lower div coach -- Terry Allen. I am 100% happy with KU getting Les Miles. Am I delusional? I guess time will tell. The early returns are in my favor KU's recruiting class took a mighty jump, with Miles only having a few weeks on the job. You do know KU's class is ranked one spot behind that of KSU now, right?

From: KB
He kept two pretty talented Lawrence kids from attending KU. One of which has a dad and brother that were Jayhawks. That’s all I can go on for now, so I’m pretty content thus far.

From: ksq232
How highly ranked are those Lawrence kids? Think they'll be as successful in college as Kerry Meier was?

From: ksq232
KB I'm calling your bluff; if you were calling for Klieman as your next head coach, you were on an island none of my KSU family swam to. I'd be majorly ticked at the AD if I was a State fan; UNLESS he was the best my university could get and Patterson, Venables, and host of other old Wildcats wanted nothing to do with their former school...

From: KB
High enough KU wanted them. They probably won’t be Jordy Nelson’s. But I’ll take Kerry Meier production. ;)

No bluff here. I wanted Venables. But we knew that was a pipe dream. Was on board the Litrell bandwagon as well. But he’s no more of a known commodity than Klieman. Like I said, no use in whining now. Is what it is. So far I’ve liked what I’ve seen.

From: ksq232
KB, I just looked up North Texas -- west division of conference USA, I'm sorry you're right. In my defense though, I looked at the participating colleges and after seeing the members, I could see why I thought they were div. 1aa. They look like a list of the Bill Snyder non-con teams! :)

From: ksq232
Ok KB, at least you're honest enough to admit you were disappointed. Here's the elephant in the room for every KSU fan. Why wouldn't more highly respected Div. 1 coaches be interested in coming to coach in Manhattan, IF they are such a powerful program?

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo

From: sitO
I'd say they're hesitant because of Snyder's KU, on the other hand, there are no expectations. If KU can draw 100 fans that will be 50 more than normal(not including the band and men's dance team).

I'm not disappointed at all...thinkin Klieman will be just fine, he's done a heck of a job in ND.

From: t-roy
Hilton “South” is gonna be rockin tonight!

2 poor shots by Diarra in the final minutes just killed Kstate. One right in front of the bench. Get the ball to your best player and attack the basket. Brown got the ball once in the last 2 minutes. Shockers tip off in a bit.

From: t-roy
Hilton Magic!!!

From: sitO
Was a good game, congrats we rest

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo
I’ll just leave this here...

From: writer
Blake...about time.

From: cherney12
Lol what was the story of ole girl in the top right? She lost it when the result was still very much in question.

From: ksq232
Grimes playing well...

From: cherney12
Grimes decided to play tonight

From: ksq232
It sure would be nice if he pulled a Malik Newman the rest of the way out, not counting on it tho.

Xavier almost limited the Big 12 to 5 teams in the tourney. It still could happen. Texas and TCU have no business in the tourney and I would probably throw Oklahoma in there as well for not belonging.

From: ksq232
I hear you on Texas, Smart needs to be shown the door. TCU could make some noise and they have enough wins, they will be in. Oklahoma has played a little better later in the season, but you’re prolly right on them too.

From: KB
That Sandstorm chant really gets to you guys! Just some 19 year olds doing 19 year old things.

Dean’s got a nice looking lady friend. Not sure she’s trashy. And top right chick obviously started a little early at the PnL this morn.

Ugly game. Iowa St is bad if they don’t make 15 3’s. We were worse. Better tonight than next weekend. Good luck tomorrow Hawks. Should win by 15, but KC is their Super Bowl so weird stuff can happen. I’ll be looking for antlers!

TCU will have a hard time getting in. Too many mid majors still alive in conference tournaments. Shockers still alive. Marshall has done one of his best coaching jobs ever. The Shockers are better right now than TCU, Texas, or Oklahoma. They weren't 3 or 4 weeks ago.

From: cherney12
I wish they would cut it back to 64....maybe even smaller... 56? Too watered down now with 68.

From: cherney12
Shockers may have been better when you wrote that, but they apparently got a lot worse today. Not looking good.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: t-roy
Hilton South is rockin again!!

Way to go, Clones!!!

From: sitO
I can just see Blake curled up in the fetal position, in the back seat, for the long ride home lol

The road was "paved" for the University of Adidas and they couldn't even make it a real game.

Not one dunk in the Big 12 Championship. Big 12 is weak. Cincinnati and Houston are better than any of the Big 12 teams. Shockers made a great game of it and a great coaching job by Marshall for a no talent team. They had a losing record in late January.

From: ksq232
Clipper, he’s responsible for the “no talent team”. Recruiting is his job too.

They are young. WSU is not going to get the one and done players so it takes time. It was a rebuilding year where they only had 3 players return. They will be back in a year or 2. Kind of like Kstate. Those players were not good 4 years ago. Kind of like KU this year, bad year recruiting for Bill I guess. Too bad WSU wasn't in the Big 12.

From: kscowboy
Clipper, you can’t be serious. WSU finished in the middle of a conference that may get 3 teams in the tournament. Currently, WSU is on bended knee begging to get into the NIT. The same tournament the 8th place team in the Big XII (TCU) won 2 years ago. The same tournament you all won and Marshall trash-talked KU after losing in the Elite 8. We fondly call it the Not Important Tournament/Not Invited Tournament.

80-48 loss to OU this year for you all in December. A team at the BOTTOM of the Big XII. Not a single win against a ranked opponent for WSU. Your 2 biggest wins are UCF and Baylor. You got pounded by OU the week after the Baylor win. Baylor is a middle of the road team for the Big XII.

Being from Wichita originally, I support the hometown team. I’m friends with one of your assistant coaches and have drinks with him frequently. In fact, I was texting him congratulations throughout your tournament. It’s the irrational fan base that makes the KSU and KU folks anti-WSU. You all looked good down the stretch but a far cry from the ISUs, KSUs, and KUs of the world. I hope you all get some post-season play, I’ll support you. Be a little more rational here.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see ISU in the Elite 8. They are a good team. I’d love to see KSU there again this year. Sweet 16 would be a good benchmark for KU without Vick, Doke, and DeSousa.

The Big 12 is over rated. WSU has done very well vs the Big 12 since beating KU in the NCAA tourney. Their record is top 5 since 2012 in the NCAA, even with KU, and better than every team in the Big 12. Look at their losses in the NCAA. Their conference will get 4 teams in. The Big 12 deserves 5. Top to bottom the Big 12 is better than the American but Kstate, Texas Tech, Iowa State, and KU are not in the same ball park as the team in the ACC, which why the highest ranked team in the Big 12 struggles to make the top 15. Year in and year out KU is one the best but injuries killed them. That is the only thing that kept them from getting number 15. Kstate and Tech was given a gift with an injury to Doke and the suspension of Desousa. That is the only way they can beat KU.

WSU's loss to OU was early and they are not the same team now. And neither is OU, they have gotten worse.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo
Nice 1st Round exit last year against 13 Seed Marshall when KU went to the Final 4 and KSU to the Elite 8. Keep digging in your bag of stats to justify your position.

See the NCAA College Basketball RPI Rankings & Ratings 2019 as of today above.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo
Here are your NET ratings. Great company you have here, behind the 9th place team in the Big XII, OSU.

Hey, you are ahead of WVU. The same team that dismissed 2 veterans in the middle of the season. So you can maybe hang a banner for that victory.

Since 2012 WSU 10-7 with a Final 4 and 2 Sweet 16 appearances. Has made the tournament every year since 2012. KState 5-5 with one Elite 8 appearance and did not make the tournament in 15 and 16.

You can put out all the rankings you want. Head to head, WSU has more wins than losses against the Big 12 since beating KU in the tournament. They would compete at the top of the conference year in and year out. Bottom line is the mid majors are big time players in the tournament. Just look what happened last year. The Power 5 schools draw big crowds and generate money, that is why they get the bids. An early exit last year, big deal. How many early exits has KU had with a number 1 or 2 seed? Other than KU, every school in the Big 12 would love to have Greg Marshall coaching their team.

From: writer
How come the coaches poll keeps saying how good the Big 12 is? Those guys wrong? Notice so many KSU fans say Big 12 is over-rated until their team gets first place? Marshall is a great coach. KU is missing three starters, and had to totally rewire their style of play. Not an excuse, it’s happened to other teams.

It is good, meaning parity from top to bottom. KU is the only program that can compete with the ACC, SEC, and Big 10 on a consistent basis. But the top 4 or 5 teams from the American can compete with any of the teams from the Big 12. The bottom teams from those conferences can't but the top ones sure can and do.

From: cherney12
I said the big 12 is overrated before KSU won a share of the championship and I still say the big 12 is overrated. Everyone sees it. TTU is the best team in the conference and is a 3 seed.

KU is in trouble. 1 win then bounced out by Auburn. However there first round game is not going to be easy. Kstate looks to have an easy path but Oregon is playing well. At least the committee got it right leaving out TCU and Texas. I thought there were 2 other teams that should have gotten in over Oklahoma. Big 12 got 6 and the American got 4.

From: sitO
UC Irvine is playing WAY better than Northeastern... 17 wins in a row(BPI 82 vs 80), and any team in this has a shot as they're all fighting for a "last chance". To say KSU has an "easy path" is just "homer-talk". Regardless, all the Big 12 teams should make it past the first round but I bet nobody has KU making it past Auburn unless they're sniffin glue.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo
“At least the committee got it right leaving out TCU and Texas”

Clipper obviously knows more than Stewart Mandel.

KSU got a tough, tough draw right out of the gate, especially if Wade is out. KU will be lucky to make it to KC. Frogs got hosed this year.

Good luck against Furman tomorrow. I hope my friend is still coaching this week instead of drinking beers and watching games with the rest of us on Thursday and Friday.

What does Howie Mandels brother have to do with basketball? Never heard of Stewart Little. Sounds like he works for the Big 12 and I do know more than most.

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo
Right, Clip?

From: ksq232
It's not going to be fun watching and hearing about Duke winning it all these next few weeks. I honestly don't think any big 12 teams will make it out of the sweet 16. I'll be very surprised if KU can get past Auburn, they don't defend the 3 worth anything -- they may not get past Northeastern; although my heart put them in the sweet 16 in my bracket.

Yep! At least on this site! Not much competition.

From: ksq232
Careful clip, you’re gonna make yourself more annoying than some of the resident state

No way!!!!!!!!!! Only to the one's lacking a sense of humor!!!!!!!!

From: sitO
Don't give up on love you two

From: ksq232
Oh Kyle, we’ll all be buddies again, as soon as they crown Coach K, the great leader of men, aka ratface, king of the universe again. Then we can all loath him in unity. :) And if that doesn’t work, we’ll all be buddies again when deer season rolls around, it can’t come soon enough!!!

I like basketball a lot more than deer hunting, at least now-a-days. Just look at all the replies on this thread. You never get any long threads like this about hunting, unless Sito starts one up on BAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sito which do you hate most, baiting or KU?????????????? I bet Bill Self would be a "Baiter" if he started hunting, and with a crossbow!

From: sitO
I'd have to say baiting...but KU guys that bait hold a special place in my black heart


From: cherney12
Are there KU guys that don't bait? Seems like if you support cheating in college athletics it would be a natural carryover to other parts of your life...

From: writer

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writer's embedded Photo

From: ksq232

Sito and Writer just made my evening! Thanks for the laughs!

From: sitO
The "Self Made" meth addicts got whoop'd by a bunch of nerds case you don't have ESPN

Shut it off at half time.

From: writer
Perry Ellis meth addict? Landon Lucas meth addict? Probably my buddy Wayne, too, then since they’re of the same mold and all friends. They’ve accomplished so much more to help others, especially kids, than you or I ever will, Kyle. Meth addicts? All three graduated on time, too. If you're just talking about Elijah Johnson, go for it. He shoulda been shown the door after the nut-squeeze against Michigan. I'll never be convinced he didn't throw the game at the end. Ten-second violation when he wasn't even being guarded? Hey, how’d those predictions that Self, Dok, Dotson and De Sousa heading to the NBA turn out? Wrong. Again. Somethings never change.

From: cherney12
you know it's a slow time of the year when guys are arguing about an amateur basketball tournament... come on Fall, we're ready for you.

From: sitO
You're right Mike, I went too far...that was methed up.

From: LTG 11

LTG 11's embedded Photo
LTG 11's embedded Photo

I am ready for basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Thornton
I could care less about any kind of ball game. Watching a bunch of guys chasing a ball around is a waste of time

From: Catscratch
So Thornton, you're saying you're a K-State fan? :)

From: sitO
You "could care less" or...oh nevermind ;?)

From: Catscratch
Lol, I really "couldn't care less" if Thorton was a basketball fan, but if he wants to care "more" that's up to him.

From: Kansan
I’m waiting for football, and deer season.

From: Catscratch
One of the greatest announcers of all time has died. It's funny how you can feel like you know someone you've never met, but I guess decades of listening to that person's perspectives can give you that impression.

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