Mathews Inc.
UNIT 60 Need 2 non-res elk archery tags
Contributors to this thread:
bambi burger 12-Sep-19
Abndoc 12-Sep-19
Mt. man 16-Sep-19
Buskill 01-Oct-19
From: bambi burger
I just found out the entire state is sold out of non resident archery elk tags!! I've never run into this before. My cousin and I are headed out to hunt on the 20th. Yikes. Does anyone have an un-used tags I could buy from you? Unit 60 or 61.

From: Abndoc
Tags sold out in mid August...I think your out of luck

From: Mt. man
All gone and unless you are willing to foot several thousand for a trespass fee on a landowner tag you best cancel your plans.

From: Buskill
You better plan on buying them the moment they go on sale next time. Just get deer tags and go on with your trip or change it to a predator calling trip ...try to call in a Lion

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