Deer season date changes
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As if sticking their nose in the baiting issue wasn't bad enough, State Rep. Gary Eisen (R) has introduced HB 5244 that stipulates that firearm deer season will open every year on November 5th and run through December 1st.
If this passes get ready to cough up 10 days of archery season. Who in their right mind would think that having the firearm season open during the peak of the rut is a wise thing to do? I am so fed up with the deer hunting in this state. I would type more but I am so pissed I would just be spewing random thoughts.
Way too early the 15th is bad enough. Why would anyone even think of that if they knew anything about the breading time in Michigan. If anything it should be a week later then it is now.
I have yet to find any information as to why this State Rep. wants to open the season on Nov. 5th
I agree BOWNUT that opening the season on the 15th is still too early. As much talk as there has been in recent years that the firearm season should open on a Saturday I always have thought that opening the season on Saturday of thanksgiving weekend would be a good idea. I would still end archery season on the 14th and the days leading up to the first Saturday after thanksgiving would be a quiet period.
Traditionally thanksgiving weekend is a long weekend for the working class except for those in the service and retail industry so the excuse makers that say they can not get away to deer camp with a mid week opener because of work demands would now have their chance to hunt
This crap is getting out of hand.
Before I get too spooled up, I'd be curious what the reasons are behind the bill and what groups are pushing it. The other thing I have long advocated and submitted to the DNR is to split the firearms season into two 7/8 day seasons. There would be a 1st season and a 2nd season. You would draw for whatever season you or your party wants. There would be X number of tags (quota) to manage the harvest for each season. The idea is to spread out the buck harvest and hope more deer make it thru the gun seasons. Dump the APR's, they're not needed and go to a draw/quota system like other well managed states do (think Iowa and Kansas). They don't need APR's there for a good reason.
My dad said this maybe 25 years ago. The gun hunters don't like the long archery season and they will try and pick away at it.
Missouribreaks's Link
MB...that link you post doesn't open least in my browser.
Large increase in crossbow use and increased kill that goes with it makes it easier for the gun group to ask for longer earlier season argument.
I agree with Steve D................ they shot themselves in the foot with letting anyone use a xbow,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of course they can not use it late season in the UP,,,,,, another oxy moron............................... I have no issues with the 15th opener in the UP (weather) but I could understand a later opening in the Lower.......
As for the opening on the 5th,,,,, I have seen nothing on line or in research about this to confirm one way or the other, if it is even a serious consideration
We never had it, but if we had at least call in registration, the average guy, might be able to get some hard numbers of what is really going on.... I never understood how they have any idea, of what is shot or not etc
The bill is dead. Thank God.
My bad sorry, now I've heard its still going. Hopefully it does fail.
On the radio outdoor show last night, they are looking at dates in the UP, as early as the 5th,,,, and making it separate from the Lower opening date
It's simple. The rifle guys want to kill big bucks during the rut.
It sounds like things in the UP, are going to stay the same,,,, I have no care of what they do in the Lower,,,, I think the UP should be a state on its own anyway, and the bridge should be a toll way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ha ha
Weather has been stable in Iron County, and looks to stay that way for the next 2 weeks which is good.................... Deer seem to be doing well..............
If you love wolves, well then just keep voting for the Democrats,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the Govenor loves them
WOLVES...smoke em if ya got em,,,,Smoke a pack a day!
groundhunter: The bridge is already a toll way. (side note my dad was on the very 1st iron worker crew to help build it).
The U.P. couldn't make it on it's own as a state. Where do you think all the tax dollars being spent up there come from? Not much of a question that the Up'ers dislike those of us coming up from down state.
Dad lived up there for over 25 years and I have done a bit of deer and bear hunting up there. Great for bear and sucks for deer.
I am very certain the opener is etched in stone.
Jon,,,, think what you like, I still think we should be the State of Superior, I will never trap wolves, if we are attached to the lower,,,, ha ha stay well
Jon speaks the real world realty of UP hunting. Experience over opinions is the way.
yeah since I step out the door in the am. and live in the UP, what do I know,