Post Your 2020 Success Pics
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Might as well kick this off!
I returned from a Colorado Lion hunt earlier this week. This was a second attempt, after an unsuccessful hunt on the Front Range several years back. For this go 'round the hunt was out on the Western Slope. Had decided on a hunt out there since that part of the state usually has more reliable snow cover in the winter. And with 6-8 inches of snow on the ground, we got lucky and found a fresh track on the first morning. After turning out the dogs, and an hour or two of chasing, the lion treed. Fortunately he ended up being a good mature Tom. He weighed around 165 lbs, and that was with a mostly empty stomach, so he was a pretty good-sized one. It was a sweet way to cap off completing the Colorado Big-9 species with a bow. This lion chase sure was a fun least while it lasted. Of course we had to do the classic chest-grab picture!
Good luck to everyone as we head into a new year.
Way to go Greg! Great way to kick off 2020!
Congrats on the Colorado Big Nine!
Nice cat! Big 9, right on!
Congrats! That's a nice cat!
Great picture, Greg! What an incredible animal and adventure.
Thanks. I can't wait to try some of the meat. I'd always heard they're great eating so we saved every scrap of it. I made a few roasts, and then had a local butcher shop make brats and sausage from the rest. This was the recommendation I got from guys who say the meat is pork-like. It's definitely very lean, so I had a little pork fat added to the mix, so we'll see!
Awesome Cat!! Congratulations on the Colorado Big 9. That is an awesome accomplishment!
That’s awesome, congrats! Something I’ve always wanted to do is try for a big car and a lynx with my stickbow!
Congratulations Greg on the Big 9 and the great cat.
152 pounder. 12 yard shot. Double lung shot, ran about 75 yards and tipped over just out of sight.
152 pounder. 12 yard shot. Double lung shot, ran about 75 yards and tipped over just out of sight.
I did some social distancing with my bow.
Second hog, 118 pounder. Not the biggest but a fun stalk and great shot.
Second hog, 118 pounder. Not the biggest but a fun stalk and great shot.
And while I was at it, I did some spot-and-stalk hunting. When the opportunity presented itself, I let the arrow fly. Call me a weak man, but the hog went broadside.
Read where one of the nation's largest pork producers was shut down recently. Had a feeling that news would not impact your freezer! Congrats Mike!
Very nice...look like perfect size for some good eating!
Thanks guys, brought home 84 pounds of deboned meat plus 4 pounds of ribs and one set of big teeth.
4 pounds of wild boar ribs.
4 pounds of wild boar ribs.
Since you said good eating.
Not a harvest, but a find. Brother found this Monday while planting north of Prairie Creek. Luckily not with a tire!
Wall of tines.....that one has potential!
Gun kill, so don't look if it offends you.
Nice pic! Congrats on that beauty!
Nice bird! Never offended by a clean harvest.
Congrats Mike! Love those paintbrush beards!
Finally found a dumb one this morning. Attacked my jake decoy. Was standing on the decoy when I shot him. Broadhead caught the spine and dropped him in his tracks. Never had to wash blood off my decoy before...
Only the second double beard bird I've ever shot. Pretty cool bonus!
Congrats Paul!
Cool beard on that one.
Great job Paul! Awesome bird.
After losing access to a property we have hunted for almost a decade (family had to sell), the search was on for a new place to chase turkeys. A former student graciously agreed to me bringing Dad up to his place to give it a try. This past Tuesday morning I called this tom in to 15 steps for Dad. Was a great hunt. Thankful for the generosity of good people!
I really like Dad's smile in this picture! He looks like an ornery 73yr old kid. LOL
Congrats on the nice birds Mike & Paul! That bird looks like he is close to getting his last revenge with his spur so close to your throat, Mike - LOL!
Pete, Congrats to you and your dad. Good son. Yep, one good kick and I'd of been a goner.
Nice one....congrats to your dad!
Generosity from a former student says alot about the teacher Pete! Congrats to your dad on a nice bird and to you for making great memories happen!
Thanks a lot guys! I talked Dad into trying turkey hunting about 9yrs ago and have loved each season. I have 3 more days to try to get a bird... we'll see.
That's a nice one. Always good to know a nice buck is still around for the next hunting season.
Just returned from a brown bear hunt in southern Alaska. This was a hunt very much in doubt for the last couple months, with the travel restrictions that were in place for a while, and worse yet, with bear season closed to non-residents by Alaska F&G through May 31st, and with the threat of the closure being extended into June. Luckily, my hunt was scheduled to start June 1st, and that turned out to be the first day NR's were allowed to hunt. Got lucky and arrowed this one on June 3rd.
Geez Greg...that's huge! Congrats!
Wasn't expecting I thought Alaska still had restrictions going on. Please tell me there was a rifle in close proximity when that brute showed up!
Yep a guide with a rifle backup per Alaska law.
After taking the brown bear, had a chance to try for black bears also, and was able to get an arrow in this one.
The white spots in front of the bear and my a face are all mosquitos. The Alaskan skeeters were jumbos and were out in force at all times!
Nice bonus on the black bear Greg!
An Alaska pilot once told me those big mosquitos are the state bird of Alaska!
Wow Greg! Who was the outfitter? Life-size mount? Congrats!!!
Mike it was Jonah Stewart out of Wasilla. The bear has great hair....thinking just a tanned hide or rug mount due to the enormous size and not having much space here to put a life size mount. But I might still change my mind ;-)
Awesome job Greg! Huge bears!! Had to be a rush. See you're breaking in that RX4 nicely!
Matt, yes the RX-4 shoots pretty well for such a short AtoA bow!
Congratulations Greg! A Brown bear with a bow is my dream hunt that likely will never materialize. If you have details and a story I can live vicariously through you. :) Awesome!
Congratulations Greg: Awesome! Curious if you are chasing the NA29 or just have your own wishlist? Is there a particular animal that has been a nemesis or one that is tops on the list? Just curious. Would love to see a pic of that rug when it is done! Pete
Terry- Had meant to post more of the story and pics, but my pesky work has been getting in the way.
Pete- Never really intended to go for all 29, but it seems like, as I've lucked into getting more species, that could become a fun goal. As far as any "nemesis" species, maybe taking all the NA sheep? It's tough to get tags/hunts, and of course there's the increased difficulty when sticking with archery. But if I could bow-hunt only one type of animal from here on out, it would be have to be rams. They're such beautiful & elusive animals, living in breathtaking landscapes.
great bear Greg. Just awesome. How many others did you see on the baits.
That brown bear came in with a sow, and those were the only two brown bears we saw. Probably had 30+ different black bears coming in though.
* Not a bow-kill, if this offends don't look! Ran down to Texas right after summer school. Hunted with the bow but the winds, terrain, does and whitetails screwed up our stalks. Finally grabbed the rifle to take my first axis deer. Free range, low fence. 175 yard shot off of shooting sticks. The meat tastes like a Hoosier whitetail. All these folks that say it is the best tasting venison around, must have whitetails that tastes like crap. It is very good venison though. Had the backstraps the night I got home. K114 also went with me.
Beautiful buck Mike. Congrats! You having him mounted?
Thanks Paul, Yes, a pedestal mount. If I could do it again, I'd do a euro on the head and tan the hide.
That's a great looking the contrasting coloring on the face.
Stunning cape and hide! congratulations, Mike!
After some prodding by the wife I ended up drawing a FL gator tag
That looks big, congrats!
Dinosaur on a stick! Congrats!!!
Drew a Red Desert tag in Wyoming and tagged this really nice buck. 28 yard shot, ran 100 and piled up. 80+ incher.
That's a beautiful buck, way to get 'er done!
Nice buck, Mike! Glad you got to sneak off for the antelope hunt! Pete
Thanks Pete, Best of luck this season.
Last day gator
Last day gator
Had a great trip to Florida.
Good job on the gator. What type of fish are those?
Armored catfish. Pretty invasive species
Congrats on the lope Mike! What a stud buck! 80"+....appears those preference points were well worth the wait!
Congrats again on the gator Kevin! Sounds like you guys had a great time!
My trip to the Kaibab in AZ was abbreviated to say the least. Delayed start to the trip and a 28 hour drive found me setting up camp on Tuesday evening 8/25. Plan was to be hunting 3-4 days after getting to know the area a bit. Spent all day Wednesday and Thursday morning scouting. Stumbled across a spot Thursday morning that just screamed treestand. Climbed a tree at 3:30pm and shot this muley buck at 6:30pm. He was the 5th buck I had in bow range that evening. Shot was 25 yards and watched him fall. Actually passed the bigger 4X4 with this buck. Just too much character on this guy to pass.....5X5 with eye guards. Totaled 56 hours on the road....and three hours in a tree. Even a blind pig finds an acorn from time to time!
Congratulations to all on the early season success! Great antelope Mike! Paul, you always seem to get it done. Herb, you did get yourself a P&Y gator. :) Kevin, thank you for all you did and congrats on a great gator.
Congrats Paul! Heck of a buck!!!
Thanks Paul, and congrats on a great buck! You da man!
Pav......nice shot & what a beautiful buck, huge congrats!
Beautiful buck, Pav!!! I bet all of those hours on the road were worth it... and the hours headed home had a smile!
Good job Pav. Makes up for all those 3 hours in a car and 56 in a tree deals over the years.
Good job Pav. Makes up for all those 3 hours in a car and 56 in a tree deals over the years.
I've hunted OTC elk a number of times, but this year I finally drew a limited elk tag in Colorado, in my 15th year of applying. Was there for pre-season scouting a couple of days, and then for the opener, and eventually got lucky and scored on this bull this past Saturday on the 11th day of hunting. After a week of hot, dry, and dusty conditions, we then had 10 inches of snow fall on us starting Sept 8th. You might think that'd be great for hunting....but the reality was that all daytime elk activity pretty much seemed to stop for 2-3 days. I guess the animals were just as stunned about the snowstorm as we were. A full moon may not have helped either. Once all the snow melted and things dried out again, rut action did seem to take off again. I spent a lot of time chasing bugles, but this bull actually came in to drink at a waterhole I'd chosen for an afternoon sit. Rough green score of 330 gross.
Stud bull Greg! Great shot placement too! I'm so jealous!!!! Congrats my friend!
Awesome elk and great shot Greg! I hear you on the snow. We had 15" in our unit in Wyoming and it ruined our antelope hunt.
Congrats on making good on the LE elk tag, Greg!
Brent - sorry to hear about the weather's effect on your antelope hunt. Hopefully your deer season is the best ever to make up for that!
Atta boy Greg, great shot and great bull.
Thanks guys. Wish I could get a bull license for that area every year.
My son does have enough points to draw it himself, so maybe he'll get a chance to hunt it in the near future.
I'll post a few more pics from this hunt. We had a gal in camp who not only shot her first deer, but it was also her first ever big game animal with a bow. Pretty cool to be there when that happened, and to also get in on the recovery.
I did manage to make a 30-yard shot on this coyote when he came in to the waterhole I was sitting.
Two other guys in camp had drawn deer licenses, and both took decent archery bucks.
Pork 14 was very good to me. Killed these 2 hogs within 5 minutes of each other, spot and stalk. 18 yard shots, 80 yard recoveries.
Weak man! When the opportunity came to stalk another pig, I just couldn't help myself. Don't tell my wife!
Not surprised in the least...LOL! Mike, you sure know how to bring home the bacon. Congrats X 3!
Thanks guys. Now if I could get a deer, I'd be able to compete with you killers. Best of luck, the weathers getting better.
Shot this guy Sept 16 in SW Montana. My 5th archery bull. Not bad for a flat lander!
Sounds like Porkapalooza 14 was a blast! Congrats Mike!
Adam, great picture and bull! 5 with the bow is impressive! Hope you get to kill a bunch more in the years to come. Keep showing them boys out west that we hoosiers can kill critters too!
Got a 140lb field dressed freezer filler. Congrats on the pigs and elk!
Congrats on the Montana bull Adam!
Congrats on getting deer season kicked off on this thread Brent!
Monster doe Brent. Congrats. Great bull Adam.
The boy took his first Archery deer over his Fall break from school.
Wow that's awesome. Congrats to your boy and the proud dad! Pretty buck too.
Great buck! Especially for a first archery kill. Congrats!
Atta boy! Congrats to son and dad!
Congrats young man! Good job passing it on Mike! Looks like you taught him well.
The boy decided a buck wasn't enough! Think I might need a bigger freezer!
Yes! The boy knows how to get 'er done!
Congratulations to your son Imbuckbuster! He's off to a great start and made a great shot on his buck!
I got on the board Saturday morning with this nice doe. Also saw my first mature buck of the season. Was a great morning in the woods! Hope you all have a great season! Pete
Now we're rolling!
Dang Mike....maybe you taught him too well? He seems to be putting it on the old man! LOL! Congrats on October whitetail #2!
Nice shot Pete! Congrats!
Entrance wound. HIgh and front lungs. Think I also cut the windpipe and possibly the jugular.
Entrance wound. HIgh and front lungs. Think I also cut the windpipe and possibly the jugular.
Wednesday night before the rain hit, this buck made the mistake of going broadside. Probably headed for shoulder surgery next month so I wanted to get at least one deer with my bow. Yep, I'm a weak man! Front and top of the lungs.
Great shot & congrats on gettin' er done!
Got lucky and filled my Indiana buck tag this week.
I posted more pics & story
Good deal Greg! Congrats!
If history teaches us anything here... it is that luck probably only played a small role in you killing another great buck , Greg :) Congrats!
Nice shot Mike! Hope the shoulder surgery goes well.
My brother connected on this one this morning.
Pretty buck for your brother. I'll bet he was tickled with that one!
It's getting to be that time of the year, with some big ones starting to fall.
No surgery yet. Doc thinks it might be a nerve thing. Still, I was able to draw the bow back and hit the target, so I'll just keep bowhunting.
Congrats MIke, Greg and Chris!
Best wishes on the shoulder Mike!
My son filled his tag the afternoon of November 3rd. Youngster showing up the old man...again. Couldn't be happier for him!!! Fifteen yard, quartering away shot and watched him fall. Field dressed 205lbs sporting roughly 180" of antler. Based on trail cam least 6-1/2, possibly 7-1/2 years old.
Great looking buck! Congrats.
That is awesome Paul! Tell him congrats.
Dream deer there! Congratulations!
Oh wow, that's a beauty, congrats to your son!
Beautiful buck for your son, Paul!
Took this buck yesterday morning right at first light. He made it about 25yds and was done twitching in under 5seconds. Not sure I have ever killed one faster in 36yrs of bowhunting! Somedays I just like shooting deer :) Hope you all have a rewarding season. Pete
Yes! Congrats to you Pete!
Way to go Pete! Congrats!!!
Well, it all happened quick, right at first light, same as Pete. Only difference, mine made it 80 yds... quartering away shot. Went in by back rib, exited in through the knuckle of the opposite leg. Awesome hunt and was able to share the moment with my dad.
Great job, Brent! That's a nice, heavy 8! It was a great weekend to be in the deer woods.
Sweet buck bas, congrats!
Made an extremely bad shot on this guy Saturday late afternoon and decided to back out instead of possibly pushing him. Went back to look for him Sunday morning and found him still alive. Was able to finish him off. Just happy he didn’t go to waste!
Great demonstration of patience Michael and a great buck to show for it. Congrats!
Way to go, Pete, Brent, and Michael. You guys are killing it (no pun intended).
Beautiful 8pt Brent! Hope you know a good taxidermist...LOL!
Great buck Mike. Congrats on the recovery! Experienced bowhunter tracking decisions paid off!
Posting this one for my hunting partner, Gerald Eads. We had this 6pt on trail camera several times last year, but never saw him on the hoof. Got our first 2020 photo of him last week...working a scrape in the daylight. Old bruiser finally made a mistake Wednesday morning, fooled by a Primos can call, and Gerald capitalized!
Thanks Paul! I might know one...Gerald might know him too, lol. Heck of a 6pt!
Great looking buck. Congrats.
That 6 is incredible!!! Congrats to Gerald!
I was able to hunt Iowa this year with my dad who lives there. I got this guy on the ground at 9 yards and closing. After the shot, he ran past me at 2 yards. Not the biggest buck around, but a super fun hunt
Just back from Iowa, I was hunting with my son (100 yards apart). I was on the ground again and this guy came by. Hit him back too far. He took a couple steps and I was able to get a second shot in which was good.
A all day sit paid off when this guy came trailing a doe at 2:20 on the afternoon of Friday the 13th.
More nice bucks falling....congrats guys!
Way to go Kevin! Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? Guess it was unlucky for the buck though... Congrats!
Nice buck Kevin! Congrats.
Been 12 days with no new pics or updates. So, here's the only duck of the day. Nice mature drake green-wing teal. Long shot and dropped in a picked cornfield. Took my eyes off the bird to try for another and didn't mark it well. 45 minutes later, I finally found it. Amazing how it blended in with the corn husks. Should have brought the dog.
Chris was able to fill his second doe tag Thanksgiving morning.
Filled my "earn-a-buck" doe tag this evening. Had a great hunt on a new permission property. Thankful for the generosity of good people! Now I can hunt for another buck... have a pic of a really mature 8. Lots of time to try to get in front of him in the reduction zone as well! Hope you guys are still enjoying some time afield! Pete
Congrats to you and your brother on a great season Kevin!
Congrats guys, and good luck to everyone who's still hunting.
Atta boy! Nice doe. Congrats.
pav, "My trip to the Kaibab in AZ was abbreviated to say the least. Delayed start to the trip and a 28 hour drive found me setting up camp on Tuesday evening 8/25. Plan was to be hunting 3-4 days after getting to know the area a bit. Spent all day Wednesday and Thursday morning scouting. Stumbled across a spot Thursday morning that just screamed treestand. Climbed a tree at 3:30pm and shot this muley buck at 6:30pm. He was the 5th buck I had in bow range that evening. Shot was 25 yards and watched him fall. Actually passed the bigger 4X4 with this buck. Just too much character on this guy to pass.....5X5 with eye guards. Totaled 56 hours on the road....and three hours in a tree. Even a blind pig finds an acorn from time to time!"
Hey you left out the part about a little phone call that didn't hurt!
Hey Ken. Of course I appreciate your intel on the Kaibab. While I never got a chance to actually hunt the area you recommended, I was returning to camp from scouting that area the morning I stumbled across my now favorite spot on the Kaibab. :^) Might have never been on that particular two track if not for our phone call. Of all the guys I talked to prior to the hunt, you were the one that urged me to bring treestands and use them. Worked out pretty well! Thanks buddy!
Oh OK I never got that whole story. I hope to return there soon. I found several nice looking spots that I didn't have time to hunt. But I'm now worried if they were affected by this new fire. I'll definitely need to work in an extra week in advance to scout all that out.
You have any good prospects for 2021? We'll try for a New Mexico elk drop camp hunt first, and if unsuccessful try a Wyoming 6 point elk unit where we'd have a decent chance. Everything else are still longshots. Got Covid last month, so will hopefully have some immunity built up for trip. Hunting buddy got it too.
PM sent....the whole story! Short story as it was... :^)
Zim, Congrats! Where are the pics?
INbowdude, I didn't harvest anything in 2020. Cut badly short by Covid. My posts above were about pav's hunt.
Hey Paul, Thanks for the detailed PM story. I loved it. But really surprised you found any water anywhere that attracted mature bucks in daylight! I never found any like that.
My bad. Guess I need to read closer. Congrats Pav. LOL
Shot some good fish this year
Shot some good fish this year
Good lord, that's a big ol' carp!
I've hunted the reduction zone property a few times now without seeing any deer. I suppose the homeless people squatting in the middle of the property might be a problem: D'OH! I hunt the edge along a power line easement because of their "camp", but the deer movement is very sporadic.
Had been killing the geese pretty regularly before all of the small water froze up. Have a couple more months to run the goose call and make the Benelli bark! Hope you have all had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Years! Pete
Well done Pete! That's a lot of birds on the ground. Congrats and Happy New Year.