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Public Land Piggies
Contributors to this thread:
Bandicooter 07-Mar-20
JL 08-Mar-20
Two Feathers 16-Mar-20
Swampbuck 16-Mar-20
Bandicooter 08-Nov-20
EMB 09-Nov-20
old buck 29-Jan-21
griffincollins1117 11-Oct-24
sofia 11-Nov-24
sawtooth 30-Nov-24
From: Bandicooter
Can y'all clear something up for me? Friends of friends were hunting pigs on public land after regular hunting seasons were done this year. I couldn't get any details. In reading the regs for WMA's, I couldn't find any that allowed pig hunting outside regular hunting seasons. Is there public land that allows pig hunting in late January thru March? Thanks.

From: JL
Yes. The one I hunt at allows hog hunting while small game season is in place. It ended March 1st I think it was. Each WMA has it's own regs so you want to know what they are.

From: Two Feathers
What about private land in Florida? Any time, any day?

From: Swampbuck
No regulations on private land. Don’t even need a hunting license

From: Bandicooter
It's almost been a year. We're non-residents and a friend and I want to try WMA's for the piggies after deer season is over. Any suggestions as to where to go? Thanks.

From: EMB
Bandicooter, there are so many WMAs that it's hard to narrow it down for you. I would first choose an area you want to hunt, i.e. Southwest Florida. Then look up the regs for the WMAs in that area. The regs for each WMA are readily available on FWC's website. Good luck.

From: old buck
I couldn't get any details. In reading the regs for WMA's, I couldn't find any that allowed pig hunting outside regular hunting seasons ??? Loads of them. Go back and READ the regs under small game seasons and what's legal.

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From: sawtooth
Unregulated on private land.

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