Mathews Inc.
How’s everyone doing this year?
Contributors to this thread:
swampcop 20-Oct-20
Angalynn23 21-Oct-20
ground hunter 22-Oct-20
OutdoorNut 23-Oct-20
copperman 29-Oct-20
buckhammer 02-Nov-20
LonghairedDaddy 03-Nov-20
Michael A. 03-Nov-20
LonghairedDaddy 04-Nov-20
Michael A. 04-Nov-20
LonghairedDaddy 06-Nov-20
JL 09-Nov-20
southbeagle 09-Nov-20
From: swampcop
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Good to see a few familiar profiles listed in some of the threads. I don’t get in here very often anymore but still check in from time to time. Some pretty tumultuous times we’re experiencing. Hope everyone is healthy. Be safe out there.

Tons of deer on the trail cams until October 2nd and now they’re completely gone!

We are snow plowing the wet stuff

From: OutdoorNut
Daytime movement has been slow but cameras have shown some change over the past week or so. I’ll be sitting this weekend and will report back. Lots of ribs and a few scrapes over the past week as well! Good luck!

From: copperman
got just some biggens on camera, just far I ve shot a 6pt and a doe seen deer almost every sit. Things should really start heating up

From: buckhammer
On the evening of 10/28 I killed a 7 pt. with a 18 inch inside spread. He weighed 186 field dressed. Based on his body weight I would say he was a 3.5 year old deer.

I shot him just before dark so the only pictures I have of him were taken in my garage. Not the way I like to take them but I always skin my deer immediately after I get them home so they can began to cool. Therefore I wasn't able to take any pictures the following day outside. If I can figure out my new camera and how to download the pictures to my computer I will post them. More than likely I will have to recruit my son for that.


LonghairedDaddy's embedded Photo
LonghairedDaddy's embedded Photo
I've got to share what happened last night with the doe I shot.... It was almost 4 o'clock when I got into my stand. I set up in the southern most stand based on the wind direction. Turns out it had shifted from SE to SW, not good for that stand, so I switched to a different stand at 4:30. I really hate doing that, especially that late in the day. The wind was howling pretty bad and I felt I was wasting my time being there. I didn't think I was going to see anything. At about 5:30 I had 4 does walk from the west to the north, way to far for a shot. 15 minutes later I see a doe walking from the north to the south, headed right for me, on my left side, perfect. She stopped with her head behind a bush and most of her body behind a tree. I had a 1 foot gap to thread my arrow through. I took the shot and was immediately disappointed. As she ran away I saw my arrow was stuck in her side, it didn't pass through. I thought maybe it had hit a twig that I didn't see and went high. It looked like it went in maybe 4 inches, also not good. I was thoroughly disgusted with my self and the shot I took. I thought for sure the doe would live, but be wounded. I knew the doe would run so far, then stop and pull my arrow out. So I sat there and waited. My plan was to let that happen, get down and retrieve my arrow and follow up on her. As I sat there 2 more does came in from the left. They took what seemed like forever to pass, way past dark-30. When it was all clear I got down and went over to where she was standing, not a drop of blood anywhere. I could see her tracks in the leaves so I started to follow them. After about 15 yards I found a small drop of blood. Maybe 5 yards later I found 1/2 my arrow. She had broken it off inside her. Now I'm feel really bad, this sucks. As I walked I found a little more blood, just a couple drops. About 20 yards later I glanced up and there she was, on the ground dead. I couldn't believe it, it was a miracle. Turns out when she was standing behind the tree she was not standing broadside like I thought. She was standing 3/4 towards me. I couldn't tell due to the tree being in the way. The arrow went though her left shoulder bone, punctured the left lung, passed through the right one and stopped between the right rib cage and the hide. Her chest cavity was full of blood. I looked up at the stars and thanked God for the miracle he provided. The doe will be forever be known as Miracle. Thank you father for a Miracle!!

Good job Long hair !

How ya been ?

So far, so good. How about you Michael?

Good. Still hunting the same farm ?

No, I wish. the farmer and I had a fall out. I couldn't be there when he wanted me to, I had to work. After spending 8 years working for him, I couldn't believe he booted me. I'm On private land just south of Perry now. Its not as good, but were working on improvements. We pit in a 1 acre food plot this year.

From: JL
This is from Oct 10th.

Been seeing a few deer in the bait plots but the numbers have slowed down in the last couple of weeks. This year.....Oct 28th thru Nov 1st were the best days for getting bucks on cam. Last year it was Oct 31st. Noticed a few stores selling beets, apples and corn by the pallet full. Seen one place with a semi load of beets in the parking lot. That might explain the slow down in the bait plots where we're at.

This one is walking up the trail after checking out the cam.

This one is watching a doe being chased and grunting.

This 6pt was shagging a doe for a bit and then left the bait plot. I was holding out for something bigger.

I was hoping for some snow for the gun opener but it doesn't look good.

From: southbeagle
My son got a huge 9 point with a 22 1/2" spread that weighed 215# dressed. He got 105# of boneless meat and a good share of the neck was left with the cape at the taxidermist. The funny part is his wife said there was way bigger one in the yard the day before, and it was beating the stuffing out of the one he got!

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