Contributors to this thread:
Stamp97 03-Nov-20
craigmcalvey 03-Nov-20
Stamp97 03-Nov-20
Stamp97 03-Nov-20
craigmcalvey 04-Nov-20
BOWNUT 05-Nov-20
Jon Stewart 06-Nov-20
Ned 16-Nov-20
From: Stamp97

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Stamp97's embedded Photo
Stamp97's embedded Photo
Stamp97's embedded Photo
So last night I shot a 4 pointer , dropped instantly like he was hit with a high powered rifle . ( never seen that happen well bow hunting ) I sit there expecting him to expire soon . A few minutes pass he’s still kicking around putting his head up . Then he sorta crawls away like he was hit in the spine or shoulder . I track him about 100 yards or so , decent blood trial till I hit the road , back out since it’s past dark and the property owners who’s land he ran to aren’t home at the moment to get permission to track . Go back first thing in the morning , found him bedded up in the woods behind a neighborhood with a wound to the upper lung area it looks like . Thinking he was dead by now I didn’t bring my bow ( I know big mistake ) when i bumped him he got up went to woods on the other side of neighborhood . Any thoughts on what type of hit this sounds like ,lethal or non lethal Also the dead end neighborhood backs up to state land , we’re he ran is private property ownerd by serval different residence , so can’t really track to much and hope for a follow up shot . Pic below is from we’re he was shot , didn’t get any pics or blood trail sadly .

From: craigmcalvey
Muscle/spine is my opinion. Not like to recover him.

From: Stamp97
You think he has a shot of survival ? Also , my property is his core area so I’m hoping he returns soon so I can get a shot to be safe .

From: Stamp97
You think he has a shot of survival ? Also , my property is his core area so I’m hoping he returns soon so I can get a shot to be safe .

From: craigmcalvey
I think he will be fine.

Sounds like you hit the scalpula bone. I did it once and the deer went down like it was hit in the spine like you described but I knew the shot was to low for a spine shot. I quickly put two more arrows in him while he was trying get up. I still wonder if that deer would have got up and ran off. If you penetrated through the bone you should have hit lungs. Keep looking I hope you find him.

From: Jon Stewart
sounds like guts to me.

From: Ned
you hit like the top of one lung, he'll expire but it will take awhile

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