2 Bird Turkey Season 2021?
Contributors to this thread:Minnesota
From: Tonybear61
With all the birds I see in my area I am thinking it's only a matter of time before the population could withstand a 2 bird season. Especially since it looks like this will be a mild winter.
Anyone see any comments to that effect coming out of the DNR?
From: RD
I haven't seen anything from the DNR about 2 bird seasons. The turkey population around here doesn't seem to any higher than normal.
From: Tonybear61
Maybe just a local issue. I had a hard time hunting numerous times last spring due to too many birds looking at me.
From: 32Timbers
I agree. Seems like there are lots of turkeys around, at least lots of hens. Same for both spots i hunt that are 100 miles apart.
From: Dale06
Saw a group of 11 long beards in the western burbs of the TC several times this week.
From: RD
The DNR set turkey regs, Nothing about 2 birds.
From: x-man
The DNR was never considering it that I'm aware of. I think just wishful thinking by the OP.
From: jjs
The ground vultures are appearing more south of Hwy 1 and that is not good for the grouse, more one can take the better it is for the other game birds.
From: Tonybear61
Simplified regs again this year, no lottery except for Carlos Avery, Mille Lacs or Whitewater. Archery hunt statewide all seasons.
It interesting they still have a lotto for Carlos Avery, I know of some areas there with big concentrations of birds.