Sitka Gear
Contributors to this thread:
Rick Barbee 18-Feb-21
Rick Barbee 18-Feb-21
drycreek 25-Feb-21
neuse 22-Oct-23
From: Rick Barbee

Rick Barbee's embedded Photo
Rick Barbee's embedded Photo

From: Rick Barbee
Even with taking several of the gas/coal plants offline, if they hadn't been bleeding off the allocated maintenance funding for the still online plants, and transfusing it into the huge maintenance demands for the wind generators we would have been much better off during this period of weather.

The truth is: Due to their extravagant maintenance requirements, the wind generators do not, and cannot produce enough revenue to stand alone. Yes, a little pun intended there. :-)

From: drycreek
Here, here !

From: neuse
Wind farms are 73% subsidized with our tax money. How many tons of waste will these windmills create in the next few years.

  • Sitka Gear