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New public land legislation
Contributors to this thread:
Lost Arra 15-Mar-21
swampokie 12-Jun-21
MichaelArnette 18-Aug-21
From: Lost Arra
Does anyone have some background why Senator Murdock wants to prevent the Wildlife Dept from acquiring more land for public hunting? I'm not understanding the "protect farming and ranching" he is describing.

From: swampokie
He simply wants the affluent ranchers and rich outa state buddies to get the first shot at the property. He thinks it’s a bad idea if the big bad government aquires more land for peasants to enjoy. Instead it should be secured for the rich to make more money by selling hunts and trespass fees to the ones that can afford it. Seems like a wonderful bill for the sportsmen and women of Oklahoma doesn’t it. Thank god it didn’t pass. It was to give the “citizens” the first shot at the property by not allowing ODWC to be eligible to purchase any available property for the first 6 months it is on the market. This is actually one of his lesser outrageous bills as he has really came up with some doosies over The past few years. I can’t believe he hasn’t tried to force ODWC to open season on bighorns as I’m sure he and his Texan buddies have all the state land in western cimmaron co leased for a penny an acre and contain 80% of Oklahoma’s bighorn population.

Swampokie nailed it. He introduces bills like this every year. In the past 3 years he has introduced bills to get nonresident landowners and their family resident prices of tags. Also tried to extend the rifle season to 3 weeks. Also allow landowner tags to be sold to the highest bidder. I might add that for all the negativity that BHA has attracted and in some ways deserved they were the only organization fighting this bill and the only reason I knew about it because I am a member and follow them on social media.

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